"Keep going? What else do you want to do?"

Xia Yuxiao's pupils quaked again, she was just making a joke so as to expose the matter... I didn't expect him to dare to say it! ?

Looking at Xia Yuxiao's shocked look, Lingyan at the side felt very happy and almost burst out laughing.

"...I don't mean that."

Qin Ji scratched his head in embarrassment.

He has tried his best to express his sincerity, why does His Majesty always bring himself into the pit, is it his fault?

Chapter No.16 The Bookman's Words

In short, once things are clarified, everything will be easy to handle.

Xia Yuxiao finally made a decision. Faced with the joint letter from these officials, she chose to prevaricate.On the grounds of "waiting for their debriefing before disposing of it".

After all, this is the law of the Great Xia, and the power of imperial envoys is exercised normally, and these officials have no right to forcefully recall imperial envoys, unless they no longer want the official hats on their heads.When Consultant Cheng came back to report on his work, it was still unknown whether these people would have the courage to publicly challenge Consultant Cheng.

At the same time, Xia Yuxiao remembered the names of these officials.

They reacted the most violently to Consultant Cheng's behavior style, and there was only one possibility—that they, or those who wanted them to speak for themselves, suffered a great loss from Consultant Cheng.

Xia Yuxiao naturally knows who are the people who can be taken care of by consultant Cheng. These people, together with the officials who jumped out, have become Xia Yuxiao's key care objects.

Get them back later, that's right.

Moreover, as an emperor, what Xia Yuxiao dislikes the most is the formation of cliques among ministers.

Qin Ji has too much power, and it's useless to manage it, and if he manages it too much, he will turn his face directly.But it is a bit embarrassing for other ministers to let go of the faction.

Although it is claimed to be a joint letter, in fact, how do these officials communicate with each other?How did they unanimously decide on such a memorial?How did you sign your name together?What kind of relationship network interweaves in the middle?

There is no doubt that these ministers have a lot of contacts on weekdays, and Xia Yuxiao took a quick look and found that most of them are from neighboring areas, which shows that the officials there have begun to form a small regional group.

There must be a lot of things behind the joint letter.

"Qin Ji."

Xia Yuxiao called Qin Ji's name, and Qin Ji immediately acted as if he was waiting for orders.

"Your Majesty, what are your orders?"

"Well... Strictly speaking, it's not an order to you. Lingyan should be in charge of this matter." Only then did Xia Yuxiao remember that Lingyan is here too, and there is no need to pass Qin Ji's order, "These The ministers who wrote the letter, especially the central officials, let the Gray Scale Office pay attention to them, the connections of these guys are very organized, and they don’t seem to be gathered together temporarily.”

When Xia Yuxiao said these words, Qin Ji immediately understood what she meant.

"Yes, Lingyan, did you hear what His Majesty said?"

"heard it."

Lingyan's expression didn't change, this matter is not difficult for Huilin, just temporarily transfer some people to watch it.

"Oh, yes, and," she waved her hand, and picked up a memorial from her desk, "This is a suggestion from a minister who consulted some gentlemen from the people. See if you can implement it."

Qin Ji finished the memorial curiously.

It is quite rare for the emperor to pay attention to the suggestions passed down from the people.Generally speaking, most rulers will choose to take a symbolic look at suggestions from the people or not at all.Because to be honest, most of the suggestions from the people are indeed unreliable.

This is not to say that Qin Ji looks down on the common people. The main reason is that the common people in this world have not received much education and can’t even recognize the characters. There are also clichés in the literature, such as "implementing benevolent government", "encouraging farming", "lightening corvees and paying less taxes" and so on.

If possible, he would like to do so, but what is benevolent government?How to implement it?How to encourage farming?If the tax is light and the tax is light, where will the tax that the treasury lacks come from, and can it guarantee the normal operation of the country?

Or it's those so-called folk masters predicting what will happen to Daxia.To be honest with this thing, it's okay to use Dangdang's propaganda to fool the people below. If the emperor himself really believes it, then Qin Ji will have to wonder how Xia Yuxiao's miserable mind managed to seize power.

However, this suggestion has been retained, indicating that it still has great use value.

Qin Ji unfolded the memorial, and what he saw were clean and neat words:

"Last month, I observed the sentiments of the people among the people. I met a scholar who had a lot of books in his home. When he talked about His Majesty's desire to educate and enlighten him, the scholar happily sat down with the minister. This is what the minister said. I hope your Majesty will understand. distinguish."

"Shu Weng said: In today's world, all living beings are running between food and clothing, and have nothing to yearn for. They have no yearning for anything, so they don't understand His Majesty's enlightenment. Even if His Majesty implements Enlightenment, the people don't understand His Majesty's painstaking efforts. His Majesty's enlightenment, As far as His Majesty is concerned, it is an act that benefits the country and the people, but as far as the people are concerned, it will only increase their labor and see no benefit. Waste their labor without seeing its benefit, and the people will not be taught."

"Therefore, if your majesty wants to teach, you must first have official studies to show the meaning of education. Official scholars can solve the confusion of the people, and can also regulate private schools. My majesty needs to use one official school to promote the education of the world, and treat it with respect. people, let the people know the benefits of enlightenment."

There's a lot more to say below, but in fact Qin Ji already understood what the scholar meant.

His meaning is very simple, if Daxia wants to practice enlightenment, it must make the people willing to accept enlightenment.But the common people are very practical and see no benefit, so why should they bother to accept enlightenment?

Shuweng’s idea is that Daxia needs to take the lead of the official school established by the imperial court, and pay attention to the official school and its talents, so that the common people know: Oh, it turns out that education will be valued, and if my children learn well, can they also learn? so?

The imperial court takes the lead in emphasizing enlightenment and making publicity, so some people will naturally be willing to accept enlightenment.Shu Weng also said that the next thing is to reuse those educated people among the people, so that the wise and capable people can improve the grassroots management foundation of Daxia.First, it avoids the vacuum of management ability, and second, it also makes more people realize that accepting enlightenment is indeed beneficial.

The bookman said it very simply and plainly. Qin Ji didn't know whether the bookman was someone the minister really met, or he didn't dare to say it directly so he said it out of the bookman's mouth.But there is no doubt that such an idea is very good.

"Your Majesty, I believe that what the scholar said is very clear. Without the leadership of the central government school, even if there is a wide range of schools among the common people, it will be difficult to achieve results."

Qin Ji looked down while talking.

Then he went on shocked again.

Shuweng also explained in detail the functions that official schools need to have.One is to define the education of the world, that is, to set a standard for all education in Daxia; Only the rich and powerful.

In addition, the fourth is more important:

"Four, you must be the first in the world. You can't think about ordinary people, and you can't think about ordinary people. You should step on the loess and look at the sky."

Chapter No.17 Who Is the Funder

"Your Majesty, this person's words are valid."

Qin Ji didn't say much, but just gave his own opinion.

"Scholar... I have heard that there is indeed a person who lives in seclusion in the mountains and forests in the area where the official works, but I didn't expect to have such thinking. Qin Ji, you completely agree with the matter of official education. Scholar's opinion?"

Xia Yuxiao asked.


The most amazing thing about what Shu Weng said is that he did not ignore the current situation of Great Xia.

He is very clear that the basis of all education is to cultivate the talents needed by the society and the country, so the main focus is still on ideological culture and applied technology.

These two have laid the foundation before we can further study the field called "science" in Qin Ji's world.

In the final analysis, the education of the Great Xia serves the operation of the Great Xia, and the basis for studying the "science" of this world is that talents can be used by the Great Xia.

Therefore, later, Shuweng also divided it into multiple steps, that is, first cultivate "good people", then cultivate "capable people", then cultivate "sages" and "scholars", and finally "Taoists".The so-called "Taoists" can basically be compared with those who are the most advanced in thinking, the most transparent and knowledgeable in their fields.

In fact, the former King Rongsheng also discovered these ideas. Unfortunately, compared with the scholar, King Rongsheng still has more radical young people and less precipitation. Therefore, even if King Rongsheng is about to die Compared with the bookman, the educational concept improved during the previous period is still somewhat unfeasible.

People like Shuweng who can see clearly what is needed in today's society and how to do it now are really rare.

Qin Ji raised his head and found that Xia Yuxiao was also looking at him.

"The two of us should think the same thing."

Xia Yuxiao said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to meet that 'Scholar' in person."

Qin Ji said directly.

He had a premonition that the scholar might not only know about enlightenment, but also about other things, he might be able to answer his doubts.

Therefore, he must meet the scholar. If the scholar is just a fictional person created by the official, then it is no problem to meet the official.

"Don't be in a hurry to go about this matter," Xia Yuxiao rubbed her temples, pondered for a moment and said, "Let Huilin go to check first to see if this person is reliable, and then go, when you go Let them lie in wait."

Xia Yuxiao thought more.

The current Qin Ji is different from the previous Qin Ji. The previous Qin Ji was at most a high-ranking "treacherous official". Everyone knows that there is a gap between him and the emperor. Those who try to subvert the regime are naturally He will not give priority to killing Qin Ji, after all he can add trouble to Xia Yuxiao.

Today's Qin Ji is engaged to her, and has lived in the palace for a long time, and works with her, and has increasingly shown a stance of advancing and retreating together in many things.In this way, Qin Ji will naturally gradually become the target of many people.

Under such circumstances, it would be too risky for him to directly meet a "book man" who didn't know his background or even his name, and Xia Yuxiao didn't want to take this risk.

The preventive work that should be done should still be done well.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will arrange it properly."

Lingyan said solemnly.

It was her duty to protect the safety of her young master, and now that she was in charge of the Grayscale, she would naturally be able to take adequate precautions—as she often played the role of an assassin, she knew exactly what kind of attack was the deadliest.

"Qin Ji, this is what I want to tell you. No matter what you do in the future, your personal safety must come first."

When Xia Yuxiao raised her head to look at him, her expression was very serious.

"Now you are very important, whether it is to Daxia or to me personally. Therefore, you must be extremely careful about everything."

"I would like to obey His Majesty's words."

Regardless of whether Xia Yuxiao gave such a suggestion out of pure interest, Qin Ji still has a good impression of her.Although he is still worried that the other party will go against him, at least he is still on the same ground as himself, and it has indeed helped a lot.

"Okay, you can go back. Anyway, there is not much work for you to do now. Recently, you need to preside over the deployment of troops on the front line. Wuheya also needs you, right?"

Xia Yuxiao knew that Qin Ji had a lot of things to do, and Shuweng was not in a hurry to do it, it was better to deal with the things in front of him first.

"We don't know what's going on with Wuheya's side. After all, we can't get news from her side anytime and anywhere." As for Wuheya's side, Qin Ji is at ease, mainly Wuhe Ya is not stupid. Now that she has reached the border, she will immediately solve the problem if she has any problems. There is no news yet, but it shows that everything is normal.

"Your Majesty, I was approached by people from the Tianshi Mansion before, saying that their airships had already developed the first version, and it is said that they also made some improvements to the armor and furnace cores they got from the Weixi Empire, and made some Something good is coming out. Have you seen it?"

Qin Ji asked.

Hearing this, the pen in Xia Yuxiao's hand paused.

"Why didn't they report to me?"

Xia Yuxiao seemed to be asking casually.

"Your Majesty, I thought they had already said that."

"A bunch of old guys, I don't even have any news from here!"

After Xia Yuxiao said this, she gritted her teeth and thought about it.

Horrible thoughts gradually came to her mind.

Tianshi Mansion will not...

No, no, even if the Tianshi Mansion intends to rebel to Qin Ji, except for the research and development of weapons and equipment, other affairs are reported as usual. If they really start to rebel, they will not do so.and......

The Tianshi Mansion will not rebel, or in other words, those who can enter the Tianshi Mansion should not be the ones who will rebel.

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