I don't know if it will crash, hehehe......

Chapter 26 Pianjiu Mengzi

In Daxia, if you say you don't know how to drink, some people may think it's normal.

But if you say you don't know how to drink in front of the Saar people, you will probably encounter unprecedented discrimination.

The drinking capacity of the Saar people is considered outrageous in the eyes of people in most countries. If you want to get along with a group of Saar people, the easiest and hardest thing to do is to drink them down.

What Wuheya is doing now is such a thing.

In front of her, several officers had already fallen down.

And Wuheya wasn't drunk at all, on the contrary, she just felt that the sip of strong wine was really bad, so she took the milk wine next to her to clear her mouth.

Today's Wuheya is very capable in combat. Those officials who said they wanted to help them probably didn't expect that the delicate-looking girl in front of them could directly drink a big bowl of them.

Her cheeks were slightly red, but her eyes were still clear. Facing the officers who had already crouched under the table, she smiled: "Everyone, why are you lying there still? Drink all of them...... Hey, Woheqi, you haven't drunk all the wine in your glass, what's the matter, you ask me to toast you, and you don't drink all I drink? What about raising fish? "

Although Wuheya is good at drinking, she is really not an alcoholic.

Usually, she rarely touches alcohol, and even at banquets, she seldom actively shows her drinking capacity.

She won't use the method of persuading others at the wine table, but if you take the initiative to persuade her, you are asking for trouble.

"Your Highness, I...I really can't drink anymore..."

The general called Wo Heqi couldn't stand it anymore. He thought that he and his colleagues should be enough to deal with a little girl raised by the royal family.Who thought this guy was so fierce!

"Can't drink? Am I so shameless in your eyes?"

Wuheya asked with an unhappy look.

"Where is it, it is our honor that Your Highness is willing to drink with us. Kechen really doesn't have your highness's drinking capacity..."

"Okay, since you don't want to drink more, then I won't force you," Wuheya smiled, and then put down the wine bowl, "We drank these wines together today, so we can be regarded as a big confidant. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s hard to find a confidant, don’t you think so?”

"Your Highness... oh... Your Highness is right."

The officers who were already drunk echoed.

"In this case, we are all friends, and I will not hide anything. Today, I invite everyone to come, one is to explain to you my recent plans, and two, it is also to explain how I feel about the current situation in the future. The expectations of a battalion's ranks."

"However, everyone thought I was here to check the facts in the military, right? Actually, to tell you the truth, I have another mission on my shoulders."

After Wuheya finished saying this sentence, the officers present all showed great curiosity. The news they got was that Wuheya came here to boost morale and coordinate the situation on the battlefield. She has a lot of power, in fact, it's the same with her or without her.

But now, listening to what she said, it seems that she still has some ulterior secrets?

All the people present are under the influence of alcohol now, and their minds are still in a daze. The first reaction after Wuheya said this was to show full curiosity. He Ya went on talking—in fact, as long as they were a little more sober, they would be able to quickly find out that something was wrong.

No matter how outrageous it was, as the princess of the royal family, Wuheya should not easily show the so-called handwritten orders of the king to them and the officers.It is true that the current Wuheya is showing a drunk and outspoken appearance.But a princess who dares to spread the king's order when she is drunk is enough to be executed.

It's a pity that none of the people present could react, or even if they did, their drunken brains could not realize the seriousness of the matter in time.

"My king has made it clear that during the time I'm on the border, let me form a Saar frontier army that can deal with the Great Xia army. This is my king's order."

Having said that, Wuheya put the roll of paper in her hand on the table and unfolded it.

One seal is clearly printed on this piece of paper, and on it is the personal order of King Saar Bango. On it, it is stated that it is hoped that Wuheya can coordinate the border troops. On the one hand, it can be used to To prevent Great Xia in the south from being a hindrance, on the other hand, it is also to cultivate a troop that can deal with internal turmoil in Saar at any time.

"There is such a thing?!"

The few generals who hadn't completely drunk looked at the royal order in front of them in shock, so much so that they didn't even notice the discrepancy between the writing on it and the real royal order.

"That's right. In fact, the failure of the previous war with Great Xia is enough to show that we Saar people now lack a strong enough army. What I have to do now is to gradually make our army a powerful force for the entire Saar army." A breakthrough in the dynasty, reforming the military system and developing new weapons, this is what I am going to do now. Therefore, there are many things that I would like to ask you.

Wuheya said solemnly.

Although she acted very calm on the surface, she was still a little flustered.

Because it wasn't until she unfolded her carefully forged royal order that she realized a very serious problem: her father's name was still engraved on her forged seal.

There is no way, Brother Ban has just come to power, although Wuheya and him have often seen each other before, but she is not used to imitating Brother Ban's seal.

So, this is a "royal order" written by his father who has retired from the throne. If someone who is smart finds out, it will cause a big mess.

The ridiculous thing is that most of these officers are illiterate, and they are only officers on the frontier, and their status is not high, so it is even more impossible for them to have the leisure to consider whether the seal above is correct.

Now is her solo show time.

"It's for the sake of the face between us, so I whispered to you. Don't spread the word. It's the crime of beheading."

After speaking, the audience was silent.

At this moment, everyone understood what their princess was doing.

Some drinking buddies who don’t drink a lot suddenly become sober-minded. For a while, they feel a little in awe of such people. After all, they have seen people who are crazy about drinking. That was really eye-opening.

"Therefore, now, I also hope that you can live up to the mission my king entrusted to me. Whatever I ask, you can answer, very quickly."

Drunk people are easy to manipulate, so they agreed without thinking too much.

Chapter 27 The Plot of the North

Facing the Saar people, Wuheya felt very relaxed at least in terms of strategy.

In Daxia, according to Wuheya's speculation, it is still difficult to realize such a trick.Daxia's military power needs to be obtained through a strict process, and it will not be possible to control the army with a simple warrant.

The reason why this matter can work in my own country is actually largely because the army of the current Saar dynasty is actually the "semi-private army" of the major families. These troops nominally obey the orders of the royal court. But in fact, from a procedural point of view, it should be that the royal court finds the corresponding family to order—the family fulfills—the family dispatches troops and arranges manpower—the royal court supports part of the food and military pay.

To put it bluntly, the army does not belong to the royal court, but to the major families. However, among these families, the royal family is always the strongest, so there will be no ineffective situation.

Therefore, her own strategy will succeed, otherwise, if it is true that according to the system of centralized military power in Daxia, she just took out the warrant, maybe the next person will need the transfer order talisman of the Taiwei and the resident general.

Then there is no way to fake it.

In a state of drunken eyes, these officers' tongues were too drunk, so it was impossible to maintain any rationality. Facing Wuheya's question, they said everything that should be said and shouldn't be said.

Including the main resources inside the army that they know, some of the current main defense points of the Saar court, and several passages for the Saar dynasty to survive to go outside in exchange for resources, etc.

These are things that Wuheya knows, but she is not very sure. These middle-level officers are often transferred to cooperate with the royal family to complete the transportation and exchange, so she still has some understanding of them. In addition to these, she also urgently needs to understand the current situation. The main source of food and salaries for this army.

It does not refer to the source of food payment, but the source of food production.

Finally, when all the necessary information was almost obtained, Wuheya continued to communicate with them. These officers will be useful in the future, and she still needs to establish a good relationship with them and gain their trust.


At the same time, on the Saar border, the Mohe family.

At this time, the Mohe family was staring at a man in white standing in the middle of the hall.

The surroundings of the man in white seemed to have just experienced a storm. The surrounding ground was in a mess, and the walls were covered with deep knife marks. Only the man himself was not messy or dirty.

Facing more than a dozen carefully trained fighters of the Mohe family, the white-clothed man not only did not show any weakness, but smiled at a soldier who had already broken an arm with a calm smile.

It seems that he didn't take the sword just to heart at all.

For most of the people present, everything that happened just now was beyond common sense, but obviously, the person in front of him was an existence who specialized in breaking through common sense.

"I think you have passed the temptation just now and proved that what I said is not false, patriarch of the Mohe family."

The man saluted politely.

"In Xia Kingdom, are there monsters like you now?"

Moheto asked with a gloomy face.

"Where is it, we don't have the ability to boast about that Haikou. If there are people like me in our big summer, I'm afraid, there is no need to specially arrange for me to come and meet you."

The man's smile was particularly sincere, and he did exactly that. Facing the strict defense of the people around him, he even threw away the sword that he had injured those soldiers just now, and faced them with bare hands.

Just showing sincerity like this can't make these people let down their vigilance.

The reason is very simple. Judging from the fighting power of this guy just now, even if he loses the sword in his hand, it may not affect his strength.

"So, are you... sure you want to cooperate with our family?"

"To be precise, your family can only cooperate with us," the white-clothed man looked at Patriarch Moheto cheerfully, "Honorable Patriarch, you are well aware of the situation here. After Brother Ban inherited the throne, the current Sal After the dynasty is stable, will he let you go easily? At that time, I think you will not be able to find a partner even if you want to."

Moheto looked into the eyes of the other party, and the other party looked at him in the same way. From those eyes, Moheto felt only a certain depth.

This is not the kind of profundity that pretends to be profound, but purely the kind of clear and profound that seems to see through everything.It's like a calm lake.

"You have been shouting about the bravery of the Saar man over the years, but I think you are also very clear that the Saar people have never really established the concept of the country and the Saar nation. You are still based on the family and the major tribes Divide the sphere of influence, and you are still leading and developing with the most capable royal court."

"In the final analysis, Patriarch Moheto, the Saar people are just a collective name for the nomadic tribes in the northern part of Daxia, and you have accepted this collective name. There may be less than half of the real Saar people. Do you think the royal court will fight for the country? Is it safe for you to give you resources so that you can guard the frontier? Wrong, these years you have received less and less food and salary, this is precisely because the royal court is waiting for you to be weak, once you take advantage of the chaos, can your family continue? Going on, that is still an unknown.”

When he said this, the man in white stood up, and he pointed to the things on the table—it was a congratulatory gift from someone earlier, and the content of the congratulatory gift was a picture, one with Mo He on it. Clan soldiers garrisoned illustration.

And their transfer charts.

This is also the reason why Moheto asked the man in white to wait a moment. When he saw this picture, he felt a chill go straight to his forehead—this means that his deployment has already been seen by others It's clear.I am playing operations under the nose of others.

The same as this congratulatory gift is the pasture contained in another box, which is pasture from the royal family's territory.

Daxia's meaning here is very clear.

If he chooses to continue going all the way to the dark, then Da Xia can only give up, but Da Xia will not continue to care about what will happen to the Mohe family in the civil strife that Ban Ge may cause in the future.

But if they help Daxia, they will get enough benefits. The meaning of pasture is actually very simple: if they help, they will have a share of the fertile pasture land of the royal family in the future.

"If you feel that this matter is very important and you cannot make a decision immediately, according to His Majesty's wishes, I can give you three days to think about it. If you have any ideas, you can tell me directly, and I will report to Your Majesty in time."

After the man in white finished speaking, he stood up and walked out the door.

The soldiers at the gate were stunned for a moment, and finally, under the order of the patriarch Mohatuo, he was allowed to leave.

Chapter 28 Two Celestial Masters

After walking out of this small palace imitating the style of Daxia, the man in white turned his head and looked at the palace.

Above the palace, there are obvious imitation of Daxia style eaves and golden roof.

They have been entangled with Daxia for so many years. In fact, the Saar people themselves are in a very contradictory state. On the one hand, they have a strong hostile thinking towards Daxia in the south; on the other hand, they are also envious of Daxia rich in products and rich in culture.Therefore, there are countless people who learned and imitated Daxia through the exchanges between the two countries in the past.

This palace is the same, it is obviously just the internal mansion of a big family, but it completely gives people the feeling of a big Xia's palace in appearance.


Behind the man in white, a petite girl was sitting on a stone, swinging her little feet and saying.

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