Do you really want to compromise like this?

Lingyan has paid so much for herself, even though she knew the consequences but still defended herself to the death, now, is he going to back down?Said it was for Lingyan's happiness - indeed, he felt that if he could see himself well, Lingyan would indeed be satisfied, this guy has such a character.

But is this not a kind of escape?

Even if she calms down and Xia Yuxiao shows weakness, what will happen to Lingyan in the future?Will her hands be all right?Will her body recover?And can he and Xia Yuxiao trust each other?

Master Ling Tian is right, but humans have never been a species that will always move in the right direction.

Qin Ji felt pain somewhere in his heart.

He stood up slowly, drew out his saber, and then put on the soft armor.

Qin Ji's actions are smooth and flowing, Qin Ji is such a person, even if he is extremely angry, he will calmly complete the judgment formed in anger.

There are no dragon guards in the courtyard, and the current Chunning Palace, except for the celestial master, is all his own people, if possible, he is sure to succeed.

What will happen?uncertain.To be honest, even if he succeeded in killing Xia Yuxiao, he didn't think he could get out of the palace.The three celestial masters are nearby, a large number of dragon guards are in the palace, and there are real black armored cavalry outside according to reports from their own people.He is also a human being, even if he has reached the limit that a human being can achieve, he is not invincible.

He turned around and started to move.

However, there was a chill on the wrist.

"Don't...don't go."

weak voice.

"you're awake?"

"Woke up...for a long time." The girl on the bed took a deep breath, and then continued, "Don't do anything stupid."

"..." Qin Ji stayed where he was for five or six seconds, and comforted her in a very calm tone: "Well, I don't do stupid things, I just... go talk."

"come back earlier."



In the study room, the figure is still shaking.

Qin Ji stood outside the study, looking back at the bedroom, thinking about Lingyan's words.

That hand was indeed like ice, which calmed down his feverishly irrational mind a little.

He put the knife back into its sheath, although his hand was still pressed on it, at least it seemed less aggressive, and he knocked on the door of the study.

"Qin Ji?"

"it's me."

"En." Xia Yuxiao responded, and then the door was opened by the attendants.

Qin Ji stepped into the room, Xia Yuxiao was sitting in front of the desk in the study, looking at something at the desk.

"His Majesty."

"How effective is the healing effect of the Heavenly Master?"

"He's awake, but he still looks very weak." Qin Ji said, "You're..."

"Reading, the book sent by the blood race before."

"Read the books of the blood clan?"

"About some self-regeneration spells of the blood race...Qin Ji, I will be responsible for this matter to the end, so if possible, I want to use all available resources."

"Aren't you going to investigate Lingyan's identity?"

"That matter is still being investigated, but..."

She stood up and looked at Qin Ji complicatedly:

"At least you are safe now. If you can feel better without affecting your safety, then I will try it. Anyway, we have contacted the blood race before, and this time we can let them come and have a look."

In the palace, even in the worst case—even if Lingyan is really a member of the Demon Cult, it is difficult to trigger the curse, after all, the Celestial Master is by Qin Ji's side.

The person who needs to be protected is still safest by his side.

Chapter 50 Communicating Bloodlines

When Xia Yuxiao was assassinated before, Qin Ji didn't kill the assassin directly, but chose to let him go, and asked Xia Yuxiao to send a letter to ask the teacher for the crime.

At that time, the blood clan was obviously very concerned about this matter. As an apology, they gave some related spell books to Da Xia. Some non-religious countries have come closer to gain benefits in the future.

However, although many of those spells are considered useful, they are really not suitable for humans to use. After all, they are magics specially designed for blood races. Even if they are improved, they are not suitable for humans to use.

"Can you understand?" Qin Ji asked with a frown.

"I can understand part of the magic of the blood clan, because Daxia has been in contact with alien species many times," Xia Yuxiao said, "I am now considering whether the magic of the blood clan is feasible, after all, it is a race that is said to be immortal, and humans are also related to them. Having fought in battle, even a lowly vampire can recover quite quickly after being injured..."

After saying this, Xia Yuxiao continued to look down at those weird blood clan characters.

"Song Jingqing."

"The minister is here."

Song Jingqing who was beside him responded.

"You send someone to contact the blood clan, just follow the previous procedure..." Xia Yuxiao paused as she spoke, "Forget it, you go in person, don't send someone, at this time, If the edict I send is intercepted again, it will be really messed up."

Tai'an City is not safe yet, I am afraid that this matter can only be done by Song Jingqing, who she trusts the most.

Thinking of this, Xia Yuxiao gritted her teeth.

"Your Majesty, if you are sure that the blood race has a way, we can directly contact the previous blood race's Safiner. Although he is a free blood race, he must have his own way to contact the blood race."

Thinking that it might be useful to find those vampires, Qin Ji naturally chose to deal with the treatment first.

"If he hadn't been in direct contact with the upper echelons of the blood race, I'm worried that he might not be reliable. Just now I investigated some of the missions that Saffener had participated in, and he only recognizes interests. If the interests are large enough, he might betray us."

"Your Majesty, most people in this world only recognize benefits, otherwise, the ideal of a saint would have been realized long ago. Contact him now, even if he is unreliable, at least as a vampire, he should be very clear about whether these spells are available or not." use."

Qin Ji gave his own thoughts.

"I hope so."

After Xia Yuxiao finished speaking, she took out the contract that Saffener had gifted at the beginning.Then, according to the method written in the contract, the contract was triggered with aura.

A bloody storm swept across the study, and along with the blood mist, a figure appeared in front of Xia Yuxiao.

From the faint blood mist, it could be seen that Safnier was posing at the moment of appearance, as if intending to appear in front of the summoner in a rather deterrent posture.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, I didn't expect that you would actually be useful to me."

When Saffine finished speaking, he showed the sharp fangs unique to blood races.

"You and last time... have changed a lot."

Qin Ji frowned and said.

The appearance of Saffinger last time was thin and short, and the whole feeling was not as unpredictable as the legendary blood race, but seemed a little funny.

But this time, Saffener appeared in front of Xia Yuxiao with a slender, gentle and elegant image of aristocrat.

If it wasn't for the fact that it was clearly stated in the contract that he would only call Safnier himself, Xia Yuxiao almost thought it was another blood race.

"Working with other people's money to do things is always easy to be remembered by people, causing unnecessary trouble," Saffine pulled his face with a smile, "changing images is also a common type of blood clan spells, these They are all the appearances I use when performing tasks, and can only last for a while. If you want to see, I can even become a woman."

"I don't have that kind of thought." Xia Yuxiao waved her hand, "I asked you to come here to ask you something."

"Please tell me, I said it before, and I will give you a preferential price."

"You blood clan broke your arm, is there any way to cure it?" The other party was not a serious person, so Xia Yuxiao didn't bother to be polite, and asked directly.

"A broken arm, it depends on the extent of the break. For example, my arm has been broken, but most of the time, I pick it up before it breaks and sew it up. It will recover quickly. If it is broken, then I can’t find it anymore, and a blood race of my level can grow new ones. Didn’t the Qin Taiwei put me in the wall last time, and I grew out of it in this way.”

Saffner said lightly.

"..." Qin Ji looked at Xia Yuxiao, and then at Saffener, "Then, is there any danger in this method?"

"It's not dangerous. If there is danger if you have an arm, then the ability of the blood race is no different from not having it... Of course it is not without cost. All our power comes from blood. Especially the ability of self-regeneration, if the blood is insufficient, that is, in a state of starvation, then the growth will be slow or even not long. Why do you ask this? Are there any wounded?"

Saffinger looked left and right around Qin Ji, no matter how he looked at it, he felt that the buddy in front of him didn't look like he was injured, and he felt that he was more alive than his blood clan.

"The guard next to me when you came last time broke his hand. I want to ask if your blood clan has any spells that can be used by foreigners to restore the body."

Qin Ji said.

"Yes, there are, but I don't know it. This kind of blood clan spells need enough blood as the casting medium. The amount required is huge. There are very few blood pool spells in the big clan. It's no problem for us to restore the wounds ourselves, but If you cast spells on others, it would be quite complicated. The process involves a temporary race conversion... It is not a spell that a vampire of my level can touch."

Saffinger told the truth.

"Then, who among you can do this kind of magic?" Xia Yuxiao asked.

"If you are looking for someone of the level of the true ancestor, then there is no problem at all. A blood race with a slightly lower level is also acceptable, but the effect is difficult to guarantee. Have you met the fourth true ancestor before? She can do this sort of thing."

"Can you reach her now?"

Xia Yuxiao immediately asked.The fourth true ancestor did come to Daxia to deal with matters related to the blood race, but he was only in charge of sending something, and did not leave any contact method.Now there is a blood race in front of him, and he must be able to get on line with that true ancestor.

"Yes, I can, but... To be honest, I don't make much money from my work recently. It is really difficult to get some high-quality blood sources. The high-quality blood that can be sold to me now is not cheap. What's more, because of assassinating you, I received a little punishment from the big clan, and now it's still useless... In case the true ancestor finds me unhappy and beats me again..."

Xia Yuxiao understood what he meant and gave Song Jingqing a wink.

A bag full of gold coins was handed to the blood clan.

"This is a deposit. If you call someone over, I will give you another reward."

The eyes of the blood race glistened with joy: "It's easy to say, don't worry, I will definitely find you, but there is no need for rewards. As I said before, this time it is only half price, and you have given enough."

After doing this vote, I guess I don't have to worry about drinking some blood for a year.

Chapter 51 The Progenitor's Request

Facts have proved that Saffinger's statement that he is "a marginal person" is purely a fool.

Because the next morning, the True Ancestor had already appeared in Daxia's palace.When she learned that the True Ancestor was waiting outside the palace, Xia Yuxiao even suspected that this guy just called a blood clan over to make up the numbers.

But the moment they saw this True Ancestor, everyone knew that it was definitely the real thing.

The internal hierarchy of the blood clan is strict, and the so-called true ancestor of "pure blood" cannot be easily called by the low-level blood clan. Xia Yuxiao understands that this so-called guy who is outside the race is probably not that simple , the reason why it was so stretched before, I am afraid that there are other plans.

"Hi, Your Majesty the Emperor, upon receiving your invitation, I rushed to your place without stopping," said the True Ancestor with a smile, "I already know what you want me to do, but, although the relationship between us I have some contacts, but it is far from being an ally, so I am really surprised that you invited me here at this time."

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