After saying this, Xia Yuxiao stretched her waist:

"Okay, you go do your own thing, don't forget, don't conflict with the people in Grayscale."

Xia Yuxiao exhorted.

"Remember, sir."

Watching the other party leave, Xia Yuxiao looked down at the list in her hand again.

This Sui Longwei didn't clearly write down who might be behind the scenes, but judging from the existing conditions, he could basically guess a rough idea.

However, I'm afraid it's not suitable to talk to Qin Ji about this matter.

Let's not talk about it now, whether Qin Ji will act aggressively when his emotions are still unstable, even if he can calm down, if he knows who these people's not good for him a good thing.

She pondered for a moment, folded the list carefully, and put it away.

Xia Yuxiao looked at the bedroom, then knocked on the door.

"How's the situation?"

"The effect is indeed good." Qin Ji sounded more cheerful, "I poked her hand just now, and there was a reaction, and the wounds on other parts of the body seemed to have healed, but the meridian is still a little fragile."

"The true ancestor can't help you with meridians. Daxia's practice system is different from the magic system. They don't have the concept of meridians." Xia Yuxiao said, "But don't worry, I will let the Tianshi Mansion Take good care of it, and besides, the medicinal materials that Ling Tianshi wants to get are also being processed now, and it is estimated that they will be delivered in a while."

"Your Majesty, is the True Ancestor of the Blood Race really credible?" Qin Siyue asked worriedly beside him.

"Well, believable."

"Why do you think so?" Ling Tianshi was very curious about this. After all, even the True Ancestor, who represented the image of the blood race, was not without backlash or secret tricks.

"At the end of our conversation just now, in order to show her sincerity, she signed a blood oath with me."

The blood oath of the blood clan can be said to be one of the most effective compulsory contracts in the world. As long as the signer makes the blood oath, once he violates it, he will suffer fatal damage.

The practicality of the blood oath is such that even human magicians have imitated their spells to create something like "magic restraint".

"Are you crazy?! How can you sign a blood oath with the blood clan casually! It is the spell of the blood clan after all, just in case..."

"It was signed by her unilaterally. I didn't participate in it. I just ensured that my healing spells would not have a negative effect on Lingyan."

To be honest, it is really comfortable to communicate with someone like Elinor. This guy knows how to measure, and at the same time he will not give up his bottom line. He is the best true ancestor of the blood race.

"Qin Ji, I have something to tell you, if you don't mind..."

"Then, let's talk here, please avoid Master Ling." Qin Ji calmed down a little now, and said to Master Ling.

"Okay, but before I leave, I have to say something. From my opinion on Lingyan, it is impossible for her to mix with the Demon Cult again. This is my personal opinion. Your Majesty, if there is any disagreement, please let me know." Communicate well with the Taiwei, this is Chunning Palace, maybe you should also take off the airs of the emperor a little bit."

After Ling Tianshi finished speaking, he left happily.

Chapter 57 Arrangements

"Master Ling, you really broke your heart for us."

Qin Ji watched Ling Tianshi close the door and said.

"The celestial masters in the celestial master's residence seem to have nothing to do with it, but they are indeed one of the people who worry about Daxia the most. To be honest, I didn't expect the celestial master Ling to come out." Xia Yuxiao said .

"She seems to have a disabled leg?"

"That's the price she paid when she became a celestial master," she said lightly, "She is a relatively young celestial master in the celestial master's mansion, but the future can be expected, and the current position of chief celestial master If she becomes vacant, she may have the ability to become the new chief celestial master in the future."

"...What happened this time?"

Qin Ji stared into Xia Yuxiao's eyes and asked.

After he came back, he was very anxious, and while angry, he was still in a hurry to heal Lingyan, so he hadn't really asked the ins and outs of the situation in detail, and Xia Yuxiao obviously didn't have time to explain the situation. No communication at all.

"I've already sent someone to investigate. I mishandled the matter of Lingyan."

Xia Yuxiao said so.

It was naturally inappropriate to strike so quickly. Although she was so anxious that she had to use extreme means to ensure his safety, it was still too much.

"If Your Majesty thinks that Lingyan is untrustworthy, then you can just ask the minister to take proper precautions. Why did you deliberately transfer the two of us and attack Lingyan? Your Majesty, you are worried about the safety of the minister, but why do you want to attack Lingyan immediately? Even if there is doubt, it should be arrested and investigated."

Qin Ji couldn't understand Xia Yuxiao's behavior.

"Actually, when you went to see the scholar, I once received some information about Lingyan. The information showed that Lingyan had contacts with the Demon Cult, and mentioned the issue of military power. At that time When you went out, you still carried the curse of Lingyan on your body, and this time, Lingyan is responsible for all the safety..."

"So you suspect that Lingyan might be waiting for this opportunity to attack me?"

Qin Ji understood what she meant.

He trusts Lingyan very much, but for Xia Yuxiao, Lingyan has no friendship with her, so his trust in Lingyan is far less than his. In fact, the appointment of Lingyan as the leader of the Gray Scale was to a large extent It is also because of him.

"At that time, a celestial master once told me that there was a curse on your body, and everyone knew what the curse of the Devil's Cult was like."

Sometimes the curse of the Devil's Cult is really outrageous. It can not only use the curse to achieve the effect of magic hit when fighting the enemy, but also can make the effect that can be controlled at will and can be activated freely according to one's own ideas.

"So, you decided to start as soon as possible?"

"This was my mistake. On this point, I'm sorry for you and Lingyan. As for the matter of the black armored cavalry, it was really an outsider's obstruction. I didn't expect that my edict would be intercepted in Tai'an City. Come to think of it, this time The people behind it have a lot of energy, and they really hope to kill you."

Xia Yuxiao said.

Qin Ji still has doubts about Xia Yuxiao's words. After all, it cannot be ruled out that she directed and acted herself.

"Since this is the case, I should quickly find out about Lingyan. I also hope that His Majesty can show his sincerity at that time. I also hope that at least I can know who is behind the scenes. After all, my guards should not suffer this injury in vain. .”

If it wasn't for Xia Yuxiao's misjudgment and choice to besiege and kill Lingyan, then Lingyan would not have been injured when she went out to perform official duties. If she hadn't been injured, relying on her ability, she would definitely not have become what she was later.

As for the person who intends to besiege and kill him, he definitely has a high status in the court, otherwise, he would not be able to know his exact travel time, nor would he be able to intercept Xia Yuxiao's edict.You must know that the imperial edicts are issued by special officials, and Xia Yuxiao usually issues the edict directly to the black armored cavalry. In other words, this edict is very Maybe it was intercepted before leaving the palace.

"After this incident, I will give you both the master and the servant an explanation. Now I will do my best to protect the safety of the two of you - after all, this time the problem may appear inside the palace, and it is indeed necessary to implement extraordinary measures. Oh, If you are not at ease with the dragon guards and black armored cavalry to protect you, I can issue a secret decree to allow you to station your cronies in the palace. In this way, if others want to trouble you here in the future, you will have the secret decree as proof."

Xia Yuxiao also had her own considerations in making such a decision. From a rational point of view, it would be very dangerous for Qin Ji's people to enter the palace at this time.If it is other ministers, they will never allow it.But she also understands at least one problem:

Some people don't want Qin Ji and her to form a joint force, or at least, the other party doesn't want Qin Ji to live.

After clarifying the main contradiction, the palace really needs to take good precautions now.With the other party's status and power, I am afraid that he is fully capable of placing his own people in the palace.Then, it would be beneficial to install Qin Ji's people at this time-on the one hand, according to past experience, the other party usually places people in the palace, and will not give priority to placing people on Qin Ji's side, so Qin Ji The people under him are more reliable at this time; on the other hand, allowing Qin Ji to arrange staff to come in at this time can also show some trust.

"...Then, it's better to obey than to be respectful."

Qin Ji said so.

Now he is indeed worried. He is not sure whether Xia Yuxiao really wants his and Lingyan's lives at this time, and he is not sure whether the so-called black hand behind the scenes also wants his own life. It is indeed more reliable to place one's own people.

"Well, how many people came in?"

"One hundred, mainly, I have to let someone protect my sister."

Now his weakness is his sister, he himself is rough and thick, but Qin Siyue and Lingyan are terrible places, whether it is Suilongwei or Huilin, he needs to go through the screening now people to take on this task.The palace is so big, almost one hundred people are enough.

"Then I'll write the imperial edict. You should transfer people here as soon as possible. At night, the palace will be completely sealed off and no one is allowed to enter."

"it is good."

Qin Ji quickly wrote the letter by himself, then pondered for a moment, stamped his big seal on the letter, and then glanced left and right.

Lingyan can't move now. It may be a good thing for his soldiers to send this letter, but their personal fighting power, if someone really intends to stop his letter, then there will be a big problem.

"Qiu Siqi, Chen Sheng!"

He yelled outside.

"Subordinates are here!"

"The two of you bring ten good men, and you can go outside the city to call someone over with a letter. Remember, walk into the city, pack as lightly as possible, and don't cause any trouble. Anyone who tries to snatch the letter will be regarded as a foreign enemy. .”

"As ordered!"

The ranks of these two people are not high, but they are veterans brought out by Qin Ji, and now they have won the rank of Hundred Generals by virtue of their hard work. Try to make them a military marquis.

Commanding ability is insufficient, but his personal ability is reliable, and he knows it well, so he dares to use it. At this time, his reliability is greater than his ability.

Chapter 58 Transfer

At this moment, Huilin and the Dragon Guards are splitting up into several groups.

Suilongwei belongs to Xia Yuxiao, while Gray Scale belongs strictly to Qin Ji (actually Lingyan, but Lingyan is not there, Qin Ji is basically the main commander), the former has enough privileges to conduct investigations, while the latter …

He is quick to do things, and there are no conditions and restrictions. Basically, whatever method is easy to use can be used.

Therefore, the two parties secretly divided each other's responsibilities in a tacit understanding. Following Xia Yuxiao's instructions, the Dragon Guards began to arrest those suspected members of the Demon Cult, and at the same time sealed and investigated the files in the name of the emperor, while the Huilin Department The manpower left behind was in charge of the interrogation, and at the same time, they also hid in various parts of the palace. Some scale guards even changed into the clothes of merchants, and mixed into the streets and alleys of Tai'an City, forming a dense information transmission network.

One is in the light, the other is in the dark, and Huilin is under Qin Siyue's order, giving priority to ensuring that there are no problems with the "eyes" of the entire Tai'an City.The light and the dark go hand in hand, and the investigation is carried out quietly.

After a night of silence, when the sun rose the next day, Lingyan finally woke up completely.

When she woke up, Qin Ji was still napping on the table next to her.

Lingyan lifted the quilt, moved her limbs, and found that the injuries all over her body seemed to have almost healed, and the damaged meridians seemed to have recovered.

"woke up?"

Beside her, came a pleasant voice.

Lingyan raised her head and looked, at the head of her bed, sitting a white-haired girl in a skirt, looking down at her at the moment.

"you are......"

Lingyan remembered the other party. It seemed that this girl came here with Qin Ji before she lost consciousness. Now that she thinks about it carefully, since she was able to come here with her young master, it means that at least she should be regarded as one of her own.

"Ah, I am the True Ancestor, Eleanor, you may not remember me, we met once before."

When the blood race brought out the spell books as an apology, the two had met before, but they hadn't communicated much, so the spiritual impression was not very deep.

"Why do people from the blood race come?" She asked in a low voice.

"It's a long story. In short, your injury may not be completely cured by human treatment methods, so I was called to help you heal your injury, and I used some unconventional methods."

When Eleanor said this, Lingyan had already recovered her sanity from the chaotic state, she immediately glanced around, especially her eyes stayed on Qin Ji for a while.

"Don't worry, I'm telling the truth, and I didn't do anything to your young master." Looking at her, Eleanor smiled, "Hey, you and your young master are guarding outside now. There are a lot of people here, and your emperor seems to value you two, master and servant, if I attack you now, I think maybe a group of ruthless people will rush in from the outside right away and chop me up finely."

"Then he is, asleep?"

"I've been sleeping for a while. He was afraid of accidents last night, so he stared here for a long time. Then I changed shifts."

That's what I said, but from the face of this True Ancestor, Lingyan couldn't see any tiredness from staying up all night.

"Oh, we blood races, we sleep less. Occasionally we sleep a little deeper, and we sleep for decades."

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