It seems that the current situation is that this enemy is getting closer.

But since Xia Yuxiao didn't talk about it himself, he didn't bother to ask the bottom line, otherwise it wouldn't be that the emperor is not in a hurry... ah bah, the emperor is not in a hurry and the ministers are in a hurry.

"Your Majesty came to see me just after finishing the ceremony today, so there must be something going on?"

"Three things, don't worry, do it immediately without rushing." Xia Yuxiao didn't intend to waste time, anyway, the unnecessary politeness between her and Qin Ji was basically omitted, "The first thing, Now the church in the West is on the eve of a sectarian split, you know this, and next, I will find a way to get Grayscale to support some sects that oppose the Church of the Holy Father.”

When Qin Ji heard it, good guy, he is familiar with this job, isn't it just a copy of what the church did to Daxia before.

"the second one?"

"The second thing is the tracking of the Devil's Cult. I'm going to arrange to follow the Dragon Guard and Gray Scale Office to investigate this matter. According to the evidence obtained before, the Demon's Cult's main stronghold is abroad, which is exactly They've been in touch with the morons inside of us, so now is the time to cut them off."

There is a saying in Daxia that it depends on the owner to beat a dog.

Therefore, the best way to solve this dilemma is to call the dog owner directly.This is definitely a brilliant choice.

"Then, Your Majesty, what about the third one?"

"The third one..." Xia Yuxiao glanced at Lingyan, who was lying next to her and gnawed on an apple, "I want to see her, the former scholar. If she really has real talents, I plan to let her organize it." Matters related to the school. In addition, Advisor Cheng, I plan to recall him to Tai'an City. Although you and Prime Minister Long are doing the official position of Yushi Doctor, to be honest, you can barely maintain it. I can't just do the most basic job all the time, it's still about cultivating a person. I plan to let the consultant Cheng first try the work of the Yushifu. If he does a good job, he can be appointed to this official position. What do you think? "

It could not be better.

In fact, Qin Ji himself thought that Consultant Cheng was a candidate for the imperial censor. No matter in terms of ability, character, or reliability, Consultant Cheng was very suitable for this position.

As for finding a bookman...

He felt even better.

Mother, you are finally planning to run a school!


Jiang Shurou came to the palace for the first time.

In fact, when she was asked to come to the palace at the beginning, she refused, because you can't let her come and she will come, she is also an aloof literati, not everyone can come...

Then, the emperor issued an edict announcing her to enter the palace, and she couldn't do it if she didn't want to.

As a hermit, she actually doesn't like to participate in the messy things in the officialdom. She just hopes to have a small place where she can study and study in peace.

So this time, she just came to have a chat - although it is said that she was recommended by the Taiwei, Jiang Shurou also knew that she and the Taiwei were not related, if His Majesty didn't want it, the Taiwei probably didn't want it either. It is too likely that he will bite the bullet and make himself an official.

Entering the palace, it was Qin Ji who came to welcome her. After witnessing Qin Ji's ferocious fighting power that day, Jiang Shurou had a more "violent" impression of this seemingly gentle and calm person in front of him.Today, Qin Ji is also wearing a black brocade robe, which looks quite oppressive.

"Captain, we meet again."

Chapter 65 Letters

Following Qin Ji, Jiang Shurou came all the way to Xia Yuxiao's bedroom.

"Your Majesty has been waiting here for a long time. Don't be nervous, Miss Jiang. Your Majesty is very easy-going."

Qin Ji saw that Jiang Shurou was a little timid and didn't dare to go in, so he comforted him a little.

Well, in fact, Xia Yuxiao is really easy-going, as long as she doesn't step on her tail.Jiang Shurou, as an intellectual who gets along fairly well with local officials and people, at least has the ability not to step on thunder.

"Aren't you going in with me? Your Excellency?"

"I won't go in. Your Majesty wants to chat with you alone today. I still have official business. Besides, I've chatted with you before. Although the chat wasn't very enjoyable." Qin Ji said.

The reason for not having fun was naturally because I was attacked at the time.As for not going with her to chat with Xia Yuxiao, it's not that Qin Ji, a military officer, doesn't like to study, and he really can't get out.

Leaving aside official duties, there is still a beautiful woman waiting for him to attend the medicine bath in his own home.Since repairing the meridians requires soaking the body with medicinal liquid, and someone needs to input spiritual energy to stimulate the medicinal properties, Qin Ji thought about it, thinking that Qin Siyue is not good at using spiritual energy, and it is not convenient for others to use it. Only myself went into battle.

So in the past few days, Qin Ji's physical condition has declined again - this time it's not that he has output too much, but that he has held back too hard.But there is no way, the celestial master Ling said, during the period of recuperating the meridians, one must control desires and unite body and mind.

"But Mr. Taiwei, I still had a good time. At least, it was the first time in my life that I realized what freedom is like a bird."

Jiang Shurou said with a smile.

Her smile was very kind, and there was no sign of displeasure.

Qin Ji scratched his head in embarrassment: "It was forced by the situation at that time, by the way, you were not injured afterwards, right?"

"That's not true. The angle you threw was very precise. I didn't suffer any injuries, except that my back hurt for two days."


Qin Ji laughed, and came to the door of the bedroom: "Tell Your Majesty, just say that I brought you here."

The dragon guard at the door nodded, turned around and went to report.

Not long after, Sui Longwei made way for the two of them to enter the bedroom.

Then, when he came to Xia Yuxiao's study, Qin Ji was stunned.

Xia Yuxiao in front of her was wearing a long black and silver dress at the moment, her long hair was rolled up, and she was slightly powdered. Although she looked not as formal as the clothes in the court, she was still neat and decent.

The light eyeshadow at the corners of the eyes and the moist lips make the girl's immature face look more mature, but there is no frivolity or glamour.As for what's going on under that dress...

Qin Ji has a little understanding of court attire. The suit Xia Yuxiao wears is actually worn when resting in the bedroom on weekdays. It is basically the same as a nightdress, except that this nightdress has the most solemn decoration and color. one.

Since it is the nature of a nightdress, so inside...

It can only be said that although Daxia in this world is quite similar to Qin Ji's ancient world in various characteristics, due to the factors of foreign exchanges, in fact, it still needs to be opened up a lot.

Good civilization (sure)!

Qin Ji thought about it carefully. Although his heart was full of good yearning for the unknown, he couldn't leave a frivolous image of Jiang Shurou in public, and he had other things to do.

"Your Majesty...this dress..."

Qin Ji reminded him a little.

"Is there a problem?"

Xia Yuxiao seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, and asked the question knowingly.

"no problem."

It's really no problem, this is the bedroom, not the court, and the person I met was a woman.Male monarchs can run out barefoot and in single clothes to greet talented people, so why can't the female emperor wear a "nightdress" to summon talented people in her room!Shaking and cold!

"If the Taiwei thinks it's inappropriate or not in accordance with the etiquette, I can change into what you think is good in the future. Anyway, it's what I wear in my bedroom."

she said solemnly.

Well, this is actually quite serious in the literal sense.But, the more Qin Ji thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

"No, as long as His Majesty is happy."

Can we stop driving there, there are outsiders here!

Xia Yuxiao also has her own considerations for dressing like this.Judging from the information about the "book man" Jiang Shurou, the book man himself is a person who doesn't care much about cumbersome etiquette, and he treats people kindly, without the hypocrisy of many rich kids.For such a person, the importance you attach to her in your conversations and attitude is what matters most.

As for the relatively simple and comfortable clothing and the removal of those cumbersome etiquette, it will become a bonus item in the eyes of the other party.After all, if ordinary people go out to meet customers in a nightgown and pull their hair down, it may be considered frivolous.However, if the emperor of a country dresses simpler to meet guests, it is a way of expressing intimacy.

Oh, the premise is not to be too simple, such as disheveled clothes and loose hair when meeting guests.That's why Xia Yuxiao chose this nightdress with the most solemn tone and style.

Xia Yuxiao knows very well that there is a way to treat literati, and there is a way to treat princes and ministers. It is true that the emperor has a high status, but high status does not mean that he must put on a sacrosanct posture when meeting anyone— —emmmm, although it is true that it cannot be violated casually.

"Miss Jiang, can I call you that?"

"Your Majesty can call you whatever you like."

Jiang Shurou saluted nervously.

"Hey, don't be nervous. This is not an imperial court, nor is it a literary examination site. Relax." After Xia Yuxiao finished speaking, she put the tea she had made in front of her, "I have heard about Miss Jiang's reputation for a long time. The Taiwei also went to see you, and he praised you a lot."

"Your Majesty has won the award, but it's just that I have read a little more. It's a great honor to be summoned by Your Majesty this time."

The two of them had a brief conversation at first, and basically learned about Jiang Shurou's situation. By the way, they also mentioned Jiang Shurou's family background and academic knowledge, including Jiang Shurou's interpretation of classics.

Seeing that the two chatted pretty well, Jiang Shurou also relaxed in Xia Yuxiao's friendly chat atmosphere, and Qin Ji also left.

The reason for his resignation was, on the one hand, that he had to go home to take care of his family, and on the other hand, because Long Wei informed him that there was a military report waiting for him outside.

After walking out of the bedroom, Qin Ji saw the messenger.

"Reporting to Taiwei, the urgent note from the north was delivered from the country of Saar."

Hearing the word "Saar Kingdom", Qin Ji immediately took the letter, opened it and read it carefully.

As expected, this letter came from Wuheya.They took the secret route that was placed in the Saar Dynasty inside the Great Xia.

The letter didn't say much, just said a few words, which can be condensed into:

"I have to fight Daxia."

Chapter 66 The Mystery of Magic

Ukhya's actions in the Saar Dynasty have been going smoothly.

During this period of time, she was actively moving around the border area. On the one hand, by training the "borrowed" soldiers, she had cultivated some troops that she could use; The three major border families have established good relations with other fragmented small tribes and border officials.

Among the three major families, only one is still vacillating for the time being, and the remaining two families have not explicitly stated that they will support her, but they have already given them a lot of resources.

But at this time, Bango's order was passed directly from the dynasty to the border area.

This verbal order was to ask Wuheya and the border troops to raid Daxia's border troops from different directions, so as to test Daxia's determination to confront on the border.

Brother Ban's move was disgusting, and Wuheya could guess what he was thinking right away.

Now Wuheya is the name in charge of dispatching the border garrison (although the border military power is basically not in his own hands), it is indeed a temptation to let Wuheya and the border garrison attack the Great Xia army together—— As a result, Daxia was dizzy by the Saar cavalry who raided in multiple directions, causing certain losses, and was then forced to evacuate to rest.Once this action is successful, Daxia's layout in the north will be greatly weakened.

The bad result, and the most likely result, is that Xia Guo's army withstood the attack, and even counterattacked directly.

If the former is successful, then the prestige of the royal court will be greatly enhanced—after all, Wuheya is indeed a member of the royal family.

As for the latter, if it fails, it is Wuheya and those families on the border who are responsible. The royal court can put the blame on their unauthorized claims. He Ya handed it over, and exchanged for a truce with sincerity that "members of the royal family will be disposed of by Da Xia".

Wouldn't it be nice to bring along the big families who can use this as an excuse to weaken the border again.

This was the disgusting part of Ban Ge. He sent a verbal order from a member of the royal family he trusted, not a written order.

At that time, something really happened, and there was no place to call for injustice.

Therefore, after receiving this order, Wuheya immediately reacted.

The king's order cannot be violated. She has just tossed a little bit about her family, so she can't disobey Brother Ban's order at this time, otherwise it will be extremely detrimental to herself.So, she wrote directly in the letter:

"The king's order has been issued today, please make a decision as soon as possible. The time for our attack has been set, and Wanwang prepares as soon as possible. If you have a decision, please reply quickly."

Qin Ji smiled.

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