Chapter 72 Rehearsal

Qin Ji was busy preparing for the wedding when he received the report that Wuheya had occupied the city.

To be precise, it is not "preparation", but "dress rehearsal".

That's right, ordinary people's weddings are basically completed on the same day, but royal weddings are different. The emperor's wedding is equivalent to a national ceremony, and it is to be publicized and displayed royal dignity.

If there is a slight mistake on the way due to lack of proficiency in the business, and it is brought up by someone with a heart to speak out, it will be a big problem.

Qin Ji can understand this. After all, if you think about it carefully, in your own world, there will be N times of rehearsals for a party every year. Xia Yuxiao is the emperor, and her marriage is a national ceremony. Naturally, it is sloppy. no.

However, understanding is one thing and actually doing it is another.

The first time they rehearsed the wedding ceremony, the two of them went through the whole process. Not to mention, even though the process was simplified even though it was still cumbersome, when he held the somewhat warm palm of the emperor beside him, he really felt a little excited.

It wasn't until this moment that he remembered that Xia Yuxiao seemed to be able to govern the country, win over people's hearts, and act decisively, but she was actually an untrained girl.Just after the two parties respected the world and made an oath, Xia Yuxiao actually blushed.

At least in Qin Ji's opinion, the first rehearsal effect of the two was actually very good.To be honest, the first rehearsal felt like it could be directly regarded as a formal wedding.

But unfortunately, no, many rehearsals were needed in the whole wedding process, which caused Xia Yuxiao and Qin Ji to get married four or five times these days, but they didn't even enter the bridal chamber at all.

By the sixth time, both Xia Yuxiao and Qin Ji couldn't bear it anymore.

The two of them are not people who are too idle, and they all have a lot of things waiting to be dealt with. The rehearsal of the ceremony these days has resulted in an increasing backlog of work. Qin Ji thought about it more than once. Will he die suddenly at work first (although this is probably unlikely).

For example, today, when Shang Shuling handed the report to Qin Ji, Qin Ji was fighting wits with his own dress.

"Report to Taiwei, this is a military report from the northern border, hurry up."

Hearing the word "urgent", Qin Ji knew what was going on. He let the maids around him tidy up his clothes, and then took a look at them.

Sure enough, Wuheya had captured the second city.It is only a matter of time before the third city is conquered.According to the battle reports sent from the front line, during the attack on the two cities, the soldiers and civilians of Daxia basically did not suffer any serious losses. Food, [-]% of the ordnance and city defense equipment, and all the people in the city have already completed the transfer.

"Okay, you go back first."

Qin Ji screened the other party back, and at the same time asked the maids to avoid it for a while, and then wrote out his next instructions.

He asked the surrounding troops to start moving to the first two cities, instead of attacking directly, they chose to besiege the city.As for the third city, the surrounding troops have also prepared for the so-called "siege" in advance.

In fact, all the troops will not fight the opponent directly. After all, as long as Wuheya does not renege on the agreement, she will definitely retreat in the near future. It is true that the three major families on the border support her, but these three The big family's own resources are also limited, and the premise of their adventure is to keep the capital within the family as much as possible, so they will not give Wuheya too much material support.

And even if Wang Ting really wanted to transport supplies and soldiers, it would take at least half a month-this is still calculated according to the speed of Daxia's mobilization. As far as the military discipline and logistics dispatching capabilities of the Saar Dynasty are concerned, at least Procrastinate twice as long.

Even if she really wanted to occupy these three cities, she would have to retreat sooner or later after being surrounded by the Great Xia army without taking them down.There are no weapons, food, and grass in the city, and even the people have moved, guarding an empty city, and before leaving, they can set fire to the house to vent their anger.

After writing the dispatch order to the front line, Qin Ji asked people to quickly send the dispatch order to the front line, and then continued to focus on the rehearsal of the wedding.

"The auspicious time has come, respectfully invite Dianyi—"

Accompanied by the rites and music played by the Yuefu, Qin Ji walked out of the changing room surrounded by his entourage, and then walked to the front of the main hall to the sound of music.

And at the top of the steps in the main hall was Xia Yuxiao sitting upright.

In fact, according to the previous wedding ceremony rules of the Great Xia Emperor, it should be that the woman ascends the steps, and the man waits on top.Considering that Xia Yuxiao is not a man, and Qin Ji, the imperial captain and king An, has a much higher status and authority than the empress, so he simply kept the emperor's rule of waiting on the steps, and then climbed up the steps in Qin Ji. When the boarding was almost done, Xia Yuxiao descended to the third level to greet her.

Qin Ji stared intently at the steps under his feet, and climbed up with his head bowed in a respectful manner. When he reached the third step, a white hand stretched out. Qin Ji held this hand and climbed up the last three steps together. class.


This doesn't feel right.

Qin Ji raised his head to take a look, and then saw the familiar dark red pupils.


Where is my Majesty?

Looking at Lingyan in front of him, Qin Ji showed a puzzled expression. He didn't know what Lingyan was doing. Even though it was a rehearsal, wouldn't it be too courageous to come up and pretend to be Xia Yuxiao? ! ?

"Master, you seem surprised." Lingyan smiled happily.

"Where have you taken His Majesty?"

Qin Ji's first reaction was that this girl wouldn't knock Xia Yuxiao unconscious and stuff her somewhere...

"Your Majesty has a lot of things to do today. She said that she has memorized all the procedures and there is no need to waste time. Let me replace her to help with the rehearsal—'Anyway, what needs to be rehearsed is the various departments of the ceremony. No they can all go on as usual,' she said."

"This...Your Majesty is quite informal."

Qin Ji could only complain like this.

Although it was a rehearsal, how could the emperor's ceremony rehearsal be replaced by ordinary people, and Xia Yuxiao actually let Lingyan replace it...

Either she doesn't have an emperor in mind at all-this can basically be ruled out.

Well, I'm afraid...

"Your Majesty said so himself, but I think it's more likely because she is helping me."

Looking at the busy officials of various ministries below, Lingyan said with emotion.

In fact, how could Xia Yuxiao not know the importance of herself in the rehearsal, if there were really matters to be dealt with, even if the emperor was absent from the ceremony, it would be absolutely impossible for someone else to rehearse instead of her once the seat became vacant.In Daxia, the emperor had to leave the wedding scene because of an urgent military situation before. Later, the empress completed the ceremony without the emperor.

Now Lingyan knows more and more things, she can vaguely feel that Xia Yuxiao seems to be trying to make up for something.

According to the etiquette system, Lingyan cannot hold a wedding with Qin Ji. One is a matter of identity and birth, and the other is a matter of royal orthodoxy.

On this point, Xia Yuxiao can't just break the rules. Daxia is open, but the royal family is not open enough to openly allow the imperial husband to hold a wedding with another woman.What's more, Lingyan is the substitute emperor, that is to say, what she accepts during the rehearsal is the identity of the emperor - if this is placed on someone else, it will be a crime that will definitely implicate the entire family.

Thinking about it this way, the fact that Lingyan "replaced" her to complete the rehearsal was somewhat personal.

"Forget it, since she said so herself, I'll have to trouble you for the rest of the time. Speaking of which, will you be Lingyan or Xia Yuxiao when I give the congratulatory speech later?"

The congratulatory speech must be accompanied by a name, so Qin Ji had to say hello.

"Your Majesty said that you can use your own name, and it will not affect the official wedding anyway."

"Aha, okay, then, lady?"

"This is His Majesty's wedding, so you have to call me Your Majesty."


It's a lot of fun.

Qin Ji pondered in his heart, then nodded:

"Well, Your Majesty, please."

Chapter 73 The Art of Shaking the Pot

Lingyan is rehearsing the wedding with Qin Ji.

Xia Yuxiao has already arranged several weddings, and the wedding will be officially held soon.

So here comes the question, what is Wuheya doing now?

Answer, Wuheya was gnawing on the jerky on the battlements.

If it is said who is the worst among the women who are relatively close to Qin Ji, then Wuheya is definitely the first.In the past few days, she led the troops to attack quickly, captured two cities like lightning, and quickly captured the third city.


"tnnd Qin Ji, you're too picky, why don't you give me some food and drink..."

While chewing hard on the jerky that was as strong as wood, Wuheya muttered in her heart.

This was a play with Qin Ji, she naturally knew that Da Xia was going to withdraw most of the materials and equipment.It's just that she never expected that she could clean it up so cleanly...

Granary, treasury, pigsty, cattle pen and sheep pen... nothing is left, these Xia people don't even leave chickens, ducks, geese, dogs and pigs behind, it's outrageous to take them all away!

Anyway, she fought for such a long time, so leave her something to improve her food!These days, the whole process of jerky and milk wine makes my cheeks sore from chewing.It was not easy to cook the fire, and the skills of the soldiers under him were wild. It was just pouring water and adding some salt into the mutton and cooking it.

Don't ask, it means that the conditions outside are lacking, and there is no good craftsmanship.

However, it is not bad to eat jerky, at least for Wuheya, the current self has initially established prestige.Although in these few sieges, I didn't get any rich enough loot, but taking down the three cities of Daxia on the border is already a boost to morale-don't say whether you can stand You can live, you can say whether the city has been taken or not.

Naturally, it is impossible not to publicize this kind of thing. Many soldiers on the border have gradually changed their views on her, and feel that she is still a bit level.And next, she will give Wang Ting a little shock.

In the military report handed over to Ban Ge, Wuheya slightly expanded the results of the battle, claiming that his side raided day and night and led a small number of troops to directly capture the three cities of Daxia. Enemy hundreds of balabala.

Anyway, Wang Ting didn't have any people to supervise the battle. As long as it wasn't too outrageous, she could make it up as she wanted. Moreover, the number of killing hundreds of enemies was not too exaggerated. Killing the enemy by a hundred people is really not a big credit.

Immediately afterwards, Wuheya sent a second letter to Bango.

In the second letter, Wuheya mainly wanted to "throw the pot away".

In fact, she had been prepared long before the official dispatch of troops. She wrote to her father Tuva in advance, and asked for advice on various unexpected situations on the battlefield as an open-minded daughter.

Among them is the question of "what if we occupy an empty city, have no supplies of food, grass and soldiers, and the enemy does not challenge our army head-on?"

As for Tuva, who is in a state of semi-retirement, facing Wuheya's modest question at this moment, he naturally couldn't hold back after a lifetime of military service, and responded one by one.Although the tone of the letter was quite harsh, what should be said was still said.

And for this situation, the answer given by Tuva is also very simple:

"Then withdraw, dismantle the city defenses, destroy the fortresses in the city, destroy the houses, and then quickly retreat and wait for the food and grass to be in place."

Aren't you playing empty city with me? I'll destroy your city, and then immediately return to my side to transport food and grass. When you return to the city, the city defenses and buildings will have to be rebuilt. This is the time for the two sides to compete for speed .Whoever gets ready first wins.

This tactic is actually not a mistake, on the contrary, it is in line with the actual situation of the Saar people.

However, the problem is that Wuheya's question is actually just to throw the pot away.

Ask your father how to use soldiers in advance, and if the other party wants to blame yourself in the future, if necessary, you can use what your father said to tell Brother Ban that you don't want to take the blame.

Could it be that your brother is planning to let dad take the blame?

Therefore, the main content of this letter is to request reinforcements for food, ordnance, equipment, and soldiers to ensure that the city is completely occupied.Of course, Wuheya knew that Wang Ting didn't have time to deliver food and grass.They didn't intend to provide any support from the beginning, and they asked for it in this way just to get rid of the blame when the time comes.

It's not that I didn't ask you for it, it's because you didn't give supplies when you were fighting. You can't let the soldiers starve to death in the empty city.

After sending out these letters, Wuheya adjusted the layout of the defenders in each city, and then quietly waited for the time to come before leading the troops back.

It was really hard on the city wall at night, the cold wind was blowing, and the windows of the tower were blowing loudly. Some of the soldiers retreated into the tower together, some found houses in the city to live in, and some directly chose to stay in the city. Live in the barracks of Daxia left before.

Such days lasted for a week.

As Daxia's troops approached, Wuheya also knew that the time was coming.

The dry rations they brought were almost gone, and the rations temporarily transferred from the surrounding areas were only enough for a few days, and there was no news from Wang Ting at all. Although a week was not too long, the soldiers could not hold on.

At this moment, Wuheya began to deliberately let some of the rumors leak out, so that the soldiers knew that the royal court did not distribute food and supplies at all.

Although she did not admit it, and tried her best to suppress this "rumor" on the surface, rumors are very difficult to suppress, and soon, most of the soldiers in the army knew about it.

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