Wuheya spoke and sat down beside Tuva.

Tuva looked at his daughter.

Wuheya is his own daughter, but no matter how she looks at it, this daughter doesn't look like him. She doesn't have abundant force, she doesn't have the bravery of the Saar people, and she doesn't have the heroism that a royal child should have.She likes to recite poems, study books, and govern the country.

It's really not like myself.

"I heard that you have your own team at the border, and this time you pulled people over to suppress the rebellion, right?"

Tuva sipped his wine, brushed his hand over the beautiful woman beside him, raised his eyelids and asked her.


"Aside from countering the rebellion? Is there anything else?"



"A palace change, or as you said before, a rebellion."

Tuva's hands trembled, but he didn't seem to be surprised by it.

"I already knew that."

His tone was so calm, as if he had been waiting for this moment.

Wuheya, who was familiar with him, knew that this was a sign of her father's extreme anger - when she was young, when she was still the jewel in his father's eyes, she had seen his father's anger towards others.

In the past, she might have been submissive in front of such a father, but now, she feels extremely calm in her heart.

"You don't know, father, otherwise, you wouldn't have repeatedly sent people to inquire about the news after my troops started to suppress the rebellion," Wuheya sat beside this father, as if showing off in front of his father Like a child with a toy, "I have nothing to hide from you. You are more sensitive to military movements than my brother. However, this time, your reaction is of no avail. The army is moving here, it will not too long."

"Aren't you afraid that I'll tell Brother Ban?"

"I'm afraid, that's why I'm here today."

Wuheya can fool Ban Ge, but she knows very well that her methods cannot fool her father. Ban Ge has abundant martial arts, but he does not have the military acumen like his father.In Wuheya's impression, although her father may not be very strong in other aspects, he is definitely better than Ban Ge in military affairs.

From the time her troops entered Tuva's detection range, Tuva might have sensed that something was wrong, but Wuheya moved faster, and she didn't give Tuva a chance to report to Ban Ge.

"I thought that this retribution would come later."

Tuva stared into Wuhya's eyes, his expression was terrifying, anyone would subconsciously shrink back in front of such a silent Tuva, not to mention that he was educated so early. child.

But this time, the princess, who had been obedient to him since she was a child, seemed not to be afraid of his gaze, and she looked back at him with a provocative attitude.

Tuva knew that her daughter was not afraid of him now—or, in fact, her daughter had never been afraid of him since she was a child. Her so-called fear was just to cater to the self-righteousness in the hearts of adults.

"Retribution? This is not retribution, and I will not kill you." Wuheya said with a smile.

"Tell me, who is behind you? Those officials in Daxia? The church? Or..."

"Besides Xia Guo people, who else can be?" Wu Heya spread his hands, "Do you think the church is more reliable than Xia Guo people?"

"Uheya, I thought you would take revenge on me, but I never thought that you would rather sell the whole country and the dignity of the Saar people in order to take revenge on me."

Now that it happened, there was no need for Tuva to go around with her anymore, he laughed back angrily, and told what he believed to be the truth.

"For revenge on you?"

Wu Heya chuckled lightly, and she shook her head.

"Father, it seems that you still don't understand your daughter. The resentment between you and me will not make me rise to the point where I need to use the Saar people as a bargaining chip. As for what you said about betraying the dignity of the Saar people. …”

"Since the ancestors conquered one side and dominated the world, how many years have the Saar people stood still? The great achievements of the ancestors only belong to the ancestors. The Saar people should try their best to restore the glory of their ancestors, but the reality is that our whole country is drowning in their ancestors. In the dream of conquering the world, when will you wake up? No one knows."

"Tuva, Thrall can't afford to wait. The church already has fully armed paladins. Even a horse may not be able to catch up with a full-speed paladin in a short time. Daxia already has paladins who can pierce heavy armor and even injure enemies." The heavy crossbow of a big ship. What about us? The elders are still struggling with whether to introduce the grain seeds of Daxia. The Saar people are too slow, it is time to wake up from the dream of their ancestors, otherwise, they will really be awakened by others At that time, whether the Saar people could continue is a question, the dignity of the Saar man? How much is it worth?"

When talking about this, Wuheya approached her father with a smile:

"For me, the survival of the Saar people is the big thing. As for you? You and Ban Ge are just an obstacle on this road. This uprising is nothing more than to kick the obstacle. Compared with my hometown , my whole country, how old are you?"

Chapter 41 Heart-to-heart

What Tuva didn't expect was that the answer he was waiting for would be like this.

He has never underestimated his daughter. Ever since she first showed her talent when she was young, Tuva has realized a problem—this daughter will definitely not be the kind of person who can be restricted or controlled .

She will definitely get out of control and go to a direction that she can't imagine in the future. She is very good at hiding and calculating. If she is really allowed to control power, then I am afraid that everything will quickly get out of control and go according to her own ideas. .

Tuva is not afraid of powerful enemies, he is afraid of uncertain enemies, he has tried many methods, invited the best teachers to try to guide his daughter to a "right path", and arranged for her to be in charge of ceremonial interviews and communication, to allow her to use her abilities to places where she would not have much impact, to divide the power she should have enjoyed, and to prevent her from having the opportunity to expand her power...

Checking and suppressing, as far as Tuva is concerned, he has indeed successfully controlled his daughter. After witnessing her going to Xia Kingdom with his own eyes, he once thought that he had found a relatively safer place for Wuheya .

In hindsight, it is clear that these efforts have failed completely.

"Ya, your character is terrible, do you know it?"

Tuva said with a wry smile.

"Please tell me, you are my father, you have the right to evaluate everything about me."

Wuheya who said this seemed to be joking, she was very patient, and now she didn't mind exchanging feelings with her father.

"Since you were young, you have been different from all your brothers and sisters. You never take the initiative to say what you want, but you will always get what you want in the end."

"Adults like children to be obedient, and I'm just being an obedient child, so what's the point?" she said softly.

"Children know that obedient children can get more rewards from adults," Tuva looked at his familiar but unfamiliar daughter thoughtfully, "but children are children after all, no matter how obedient they are, if they want to Whatever you want, you can’t hold back your inner thoughts.”


Wuheya obviously does not belong to this category.

When she was a child, Wuheya was humble and polite. She never asked for anything, nor did she seek compliments from others. For a long time, everyone thought she was a "good boy".

She never competed for power, but opened many hearts with her sweet smile and clumsy handicrafts that were not worth mentioning in the eyes of adults.She is very innocent, the simplicity and kindness of a young girl, no one can refuse.

So much so that she doesn't need to say much, many things will naturally come to her hands.

It wasn't until later, when King Tuva was about to fight against the hostile tribes, that she sat on her father's lap in a naive tone and whispered about the hidden betrayal in the royal court. At this moment, King Tuva was surprised by a problem——

This daughter of mine has been able to use the disguise of a child to obtain almost everything she wants without knowing it—even including some of the most secretive plans of the powerful.She even had a naive smile on her face when she talked about the upcoming plans.

At that time, Tuva realized for the first time that he was actually not familiar with this daughter.

According to Saar's tradition, it is difficult to accept a woman as a ruler. What if she seeks the highest power in the future, but the royal court cannot give it to her?

Hearing her father express the real concerns in her heart, Wuheya froze for a moment, then nodded thoughtfully.

"I see, father, in your eyes, I am such a person."

In her eyes is the joy of success, Wuheya does not deny her character, she has never been a humble and courteous person, her humility is essentially just a tool to help herself get what she wants, if arrogance can be more If she gets the same return at a small price, then she can naturally be a crazy person.

When she got here, she answered the question in her heart. Since there have been problems in this father-daughter relationship from the very beginning, it is no longer a matter of overnight if she wants to repair it now.

She didn't want to waste time on this matter either.

"Okay, father, this is the end of our communication, it's time for you to rest."

She stood up.

"I need to remind you, Wuheya, the big families of the frontier guards are willing to support you because of the benefits you can bring, and your army is probably only brought here by you with ambiguous language. Soldiers who obey orders from their superiors."

"The prestige of the royal court is still there. Even though Ban Ge may lack the ability to be a king, the loyalty of the soldiers to the royal court may not be ignored as easily as you think."

Rather than saying it is loyalty, it is better to say that the royal court is always the ruler in the hearts of the Saar people. Even though people often complain about it, when they really want to raise the flag of rebellion, most Saar people will hesitate .

They may not be desperate for the royal court and not afraid of sacrifice, but it is also difficult for them to completely resist the royal court.

However, hearing Wuheya here made her even happier.

"Well, it doesn't matter what you think. In short, in my eyes, it is a huge mistake for you to hand over power to Brother Ban. If you are the king for a few more years, I'm afraid I really dare not start a rebellion. I was also worried that the officers and soldiers under my command would defect on the spot. But this is not the case now."

The appearance of a new king will inevitably bring new policies and new order. Besides, it will naturally weaken the sense of identity of the role of the king in the hearts of the Saar people.

The king of Tuva doesn't care how he governs the country, at least, he has been in stable control of Saar for decades. If he is there, as long as someone hits there, the rebels will have to turn against half of them.

But Bango is not. For a country like Saar, Bango's accession to the throne will not be adapted to by the vast majority of Saar people in a short time.It is natural for the soldiers to resist the king of Tuva, which is psychologically sad, but to resist a class...

It can only be said that prestige is something that has been accumulated over a long period of time. Not everyone who sits in this position can shock the whole country.

"Father, I will arrange someone to take care of your daily necessities, oh, including your concubines. You don't have to worry about things outside. I will talk to you in detail when everything is over."

After saying this, he walked out of the palace.

Outside the palace, several soldiers around came over and whispered something in her ear.

Wuheya nodded: "I see, you arrange people to guard here, and report to me immediately if there is any abnormality."


Next, she will also participate in the "drill".And this rehearsal is the key to deciding the outcome.

Chapter 42 Business as usual

On the border front, Li Shijing looked at the convoy carrying grain and grass in front of him.

There have been frequent rebellions on the Saar side recently, and according to reliable sources, there may be turmoil within the Saar people for a period of time. In order to ensure the stability of the border, Qin Ji specially ordered him to be transferred to the border area this time, and asked him to bring troops here Guard the border.

In terms of appointment, this is not a good job. After all, Qin Ji’s order this time is to let him guard the border. Saar and Daxia are not at war now. In other words, Li Shijing is just sent by Qin Ji just in case. That's all, in fact, it is very likely that there will be no fight on the border from beginning to end.

This kind of work is not easy to do meritorious service, there are many things to do, the environment is not good, and long distances are required. It is not a good thing, but Li Shijing still obeyed the order.The reason is also very simple, because it was Qin Ji who gave the order.

"General, the Beicang River is ahead."

The team marched for a long time, and the soldiers in front reported back.

The Beicang River is a junction between the Great Xia and the Saar Dynasty. Although this roaring river is not deep, the water flows quickly in many sections. It is this river that allows the two countries to arrange a Many sentries.

"I heard that the Saar people destroyed the bridge on the river before. Is this true?"

"It should be a rumor. We saw it from a distance. At least the main bridge is not damaged."

"That's good. Tianrui Battalion, you are in charge of protecting the bridges along the river. Once there is an enemy situation, you can immediately counterattack. Others, prepare to build a camp."



When Li Shijing arrived at the border, the Daxia court was busy with another matter.

Among the many agreements made between Emperor Feite of the Weixi Empire and Daxia, the construction of the tower began to enter the stage of implementation.

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