Wuheya could guess what was written on that piece of paper, but she didn't disturb the other party, she just quietly tasted the milk tea in front of her.

When Brother Ban put down the piece of paper, his attitude suddenly softened.

"Sister, we are all a family, what can't we talk about properly?"

Chapter 49 Showdown

The news that Brother Ban received was completely unexpected to him.

Nearly [-] soldiers led by Wuheya are gathering towards the royal court from all directions at this moment.

Originally, according to the normal thinking, Brother Ban could more or less know about such a large-scale operation, but the problem was that the surrounding family forces did not report to the royal court.

If only Wuheya's soldiers rushed over, Brother Ban would not be so cowardly, but at this time, several families in the surrounding area did not report the situation, this is the scariest thing——

Apparently, among these old guys in Wang Ting, there was an inner ghost.

The fact is indeed true, for Wang Ting, they are more willing to support a Wuheya than Ban Ge.In their cognition, Wuheya is a woman, and she is destined to be better controlled than Ban Ge. Moreover, Ban Ge has been running away from Daxia with all his heart since he took office. At the same time, due to the deterioration of the relationship with Da Xia, some families' financial resources were cut off.

Under the oppression of Tuva, the families actually dared not do anything, but later, Ban Ge gradually disintegrated Tuva's power, and he himself did not fully digest and inherit these forces left by Tuva, which also meant that As a result, he actually doesn't have that much ability to suppress the families.

"From the point of view of blood, we are indeed family members, but from the point of view of the country, Brother Bang, you are my enemy." Wuheya glanced at the rocks near the pavilion and continued, "My lord, your lord You can let those guards hiding beside you kill me right here, whether you succeed or not, this is your chance."

Faced with Wuheya's "invitation", Ban Ge was silent for a long time.

He stared at Wuheya, the anger in his eyes was self-evident, and at this moment, he really looked a bit like his father.

"Very well, how many of your own people do you have in the royal court? I'm also curious."

"Not much. The interior of the royal court is a restricted area for me. The entire royal court is very repulsive to me—thanks to you and my father. And most of the elders in the royal court would not want me to control the Saar Dynasty. Bar."

The families of the royal court naturally hope that a "weak" person will come to the throne. However, those real veterans of Thrall probably don't think so. These old guys do have their own insistence, and they probably won't allow it. Take the throne yourself.

"Nearly ten thousand people, you can count so many people together, it's hard work for you."

"What are you talking about, brother? I didn't bring these people together in the first place. They were able to stand with me only because they opposed you. I didn't put in any hard work in this." Wuheya pointed outside , "Look, brother, how many peasants are opposing you outside? How many dignitaries are opposing you? Can the royal court solve them now? If not, then your abdication is only a matter of time. You don't need me to come, just enough."

These words were simply a blatant mockery, but Brother Ban unexpectedly didn't get angry, but stood up.

Wu Heya knew what he wanted to do, she suddenly pulled out a short sword from her hand, and then, she turned her body, and an arrow flew past her cheek.

The Saar people have never seen this princess of their own show any martial virtues—the image of Wuheya to everyone is the kind of delicate vase image that does not care about worldly affairs, but at this moment , her dodge without warning is enough to prove this guy's level.

"You can kill me here, brother, but I would like to remind you that these so-called masters you hide around may not be able to kill me successfully. I believe that the brotherhood between the two of us should not be against you." I will kill you—similarly, I will not kill you. If we only rely on individual strength to decide the outcome of this accident, it is still too rash for our Thrall. Therefore, it is still Let's decide the winner in the most suitable way."

After saying this, Wuheya turned and left.

Rather than saying that this is a coup, it is better to say that this is a confrontation between two people, and this confrontation may not end with the personal survival of one party.

"Wuheya, as a brother, I still want to remind you that if you think you can rely on the backer behind you to ascend to the throne, then even if Thrall becomes your thing, in the end it will not be yours." As far as I really know, those guys behind you, what they want is not a good Thrall King, but a puppet who listens to them."

Brother Ban's tone sounded a little helpless and gentle. At this moment, he seemed to be admonishing his sister.

"Brother, do you know how many Saar people died in order to expand abroad?"

Wuheya asked in a low voice.

Brother Ban didn't speak. It's not that Brother Ban didn't know this question, but he didn't want to answer it.

"If you don't want to talk, I can tell you that from the establishment of the Saar Dynasty to the present, millions of Saar people have died on the battlefield. The war has made our territory bigger and bigger, and we have made countless enemies. Countless enemies have been killed. However, Xia Kingdom’s long war has at least brought them a real living space and rapid technological development, so what has our war brought?”

"You may have thought about this problem, or you may think that the solution is to allow Thrall to completely let go of burning, killing, looting, and conquering cities. Then, the military needs of conquering cities need more people to fill... ...this is a maze from which there is no escape, and I don't want to go on like this."

After she finished speaking, she stepped out of the pavilion.

"My people still have about a day for you to think about it. It's up to you whether it's a peaceful handover, or whether you and I will fight each other to the death."


"The rebels have successfully occupied a high ground in the capital of Saar. From here, the rebels can carefully observe most of the situation in the capital. After taking this position, it is very convenient for both external exploration and defense. Judging from the current situation, the rebels are still relatively obedient to orders."

Said to be rebels, it sounds like a group of mobs, but in fact they are indeed half a mob.

Among the rebels, there were naturally border guards led by Wuheya, but in the process, many real "rebels" along the way also mixed in, as well as a small number of private soldiers from various family forces, and Qin Ji's coming Soldiers from outside clans, etc.The level of training of these guys varies from good to bad. It looks scary, but the actual combat effectiveness is almost halfway.

Qin Ji is well aware of the combat effectiveness of such troops.Therefore, being able to get such a key point really made him appreciate it a little.

Chapter 50 The General

"what should we do?"

This time, Qin Ji chose to follow Xia Yuxiao's instructions.

In terms of combat, Xia Yuxiao is of course an amateur, but this time Qin Ji came here not to fight, but to ensure that he could help Wuheya seize power.For this aspect, it is more a game of politics and grand strategy than gains and losses on the battlefield.

In this respect, Qin Ji is not bad, but obviously, as the emperor, Xia Yuxiao is more suitable for this kind of thing.

"We will still follow your original deployment. However, it is best for the forward troops to retreat."

"Your Majesty, the purpose of the forward troops is to suppress Thrall and force the opponent to scatter energy..."

"Coup d'etat is basically a matter of a few days. I mean a coup d'etat like Uheya. Our troops put pressure on the front line, but it will make the situation more intense It's already this time, there is no need to provoke the Thrall defenders on the border."

Wuheya is going to seize power this time. All Xia Yuxiao has to do is wait for the good news. She has already done what she should do. At this time, Daxia must at least show absolute restraint instead of taking advantage of the fire.

Although letting other tribes take this opportunity to get back their lost land, Xia Yuxiao did it out of the desire to let those tribes take advantage of the fire, but Daxia couldn't just end it.She is very clear about the character of the Saar people. They may not have the concept of a country and a nation, but if you really tear your face as a big country when they are in civil strife, it might be easy for the Saar people to gather together. .

Xia Yuxiao knew very well that Da Xia's army was not afraid that the other party would form a rope, but Wu Heya had no chance to seize power.Compared with solving problems with war by overwhelming the army, she still hopes to achieve her goals in a low-cost way.

In order to prevent Qin Ji from not understanding her actions, she explained to Qin Ji a little bit, and after hearing her explanation, Qin Ji also decided to carry out Xia Yuxiao's order.

"The only thing we need to be vigilant about now is actually the fact that the families of Saar are suddenly unanimous in dealing with Wuheya. This is the worst situation, but this situation will never happen again." Regarding Xia Yuxiao Very confident.

Those families who keep saying that they obey the royal court seem to be defending the royal court on the surface, but in fact, there are not a few families who want to really take power. Wang took turns sitting down.

As long as they don't stimulate themselves, they won't be twisted together.

"Yes, I will arrange people to be vigilant secretly. I will avoid this kind of thing."

"You don't need to be so nervous. Uheya will be fine now. The Saar people have no defense against her. In the past, it might have been a great shortcoming to not pay attention to it, but now, this is a big disadvantage. A big plus."

"So, let's go to work as usual. We are just here to watch. If nothing happens, everything will go on as usual. Qin Ji, please go to the counties in the northern border to inform me that I am currently in the northern border. The county lieutenants and county officials in the northern border came to meet and report the situation."

Xia Yuxiao will never forget her work wherever she goes, she skillfully found the plan she hadn't finished writing from the big book box that Liu Songyao took, and continued.

"Your Majesty, where is the Sheriff?"

This task is not difficult, it's just a matter of sending someone to pass on a message. Qin Ji is very familiar with it, but he noticed a strange situation - did Xia Yuxiao forget the county guard?

You know the situation in each county, and you go to see the second and third leaders in the county, but why can't you see the first leader?

"I didn't intend to let the sheriff come." Xia Yuxiao seemed to have expected Qin Ji to ask such a question, and said calmly, "Just give the order as I said, while I'm still in the northern border , Let them arrange a time to meet me as soon as possible."


Qin Ji nodded in agreement, probably understanding what Xia Yuxiao wanted to do.

However, this is a political tactic. Since Xia Yuxiao is willing to contribute, there is no need for him, Qin Ji, to take all the hard work on himself—he wants to focus on Wuheya's seizure of power.


Wuheya herself did not expect that her process of seizing power would be so smooth.

From the beginning, she tacitly agreed that this would be a tough battle. After all, she was not an orthodox heir, and she had no reason to launch a rebellion. Don't help the royal family in batches.Unexpectedly, none of these families stood up in the end.

She expected that she would win in the end, and also thought that there was a high probability that other families would not really help, but she did not expect that these guys would not even superficially help.

Her army quickly reached the bottom of the royal city—strictly speaking, it wasn't even a big deal, it could only be said to be "marching" to the bottom of the royal city.

At this moment, Brother Ban is playing chess with her in the house.

"To be honest, I went to the church two days ago."

Brother Ban suddenly said a word, but Wuheya was not frightened by the words. She raised her head calmly: "Oh, is that so? What's the result?"

"You should also know the result."

Brother Ban gave a wry smile.

Of course Wuheya is clear, the church guys are very clear about the situation in Daxia, who is standing behind her Wuheya, everyone in the church knows, besides, Brother Ban just rejected the church not long ago, and now he is If you want to ask the church for help, they will naturally not help you.What's more, there is a high probability that Daxia will be provoked by the gang now, and it is impossible for them to strongly support such a thankless thing.

In other words, the church just wants a bridgehead that can limit Xia Guo.

"There are less than 1 people, but you have rushed in so directly. I really never thought that my Thrall clan would be so greedy for profit."

Wang Ting's army is gathering at the moment, but even if it is gathering, it is unknown how many there are. What's more, the major families behind them are all in chaos in the face of Wuheya's rebellion. At present, the major families of Thrall Here, most of them are already holding the mentality of watching a show. Anyway, as long as they have all the soldiers and rations in their hands, they are qualified to bargain with any successful person in power in the end.

"That's right, they are indeed greedy for profit, or in other words, who among us here is not greedy for profit? You don't really think that as long as the glory of the ancestors is mentioned, the Thrall people are willing to continue Go fight? That kind of ethereal thing is the least valuable. At least for now, it is unsuccessful."

"You're teaching me again."

"No, I'm just talking casually," Wuheya said, putting the car in front of him:

"General, brother."

Chapter 51 Eagle Riding

Good wishes are of course needed, but people still need material as their foundation.

Wuheya knew very well that the glory of the so-called ancestors was naturally important to the Saar people, but not necessarily to those families.

The family needs to think about the future and consider things that will happen a long time later. The Saar people now only have the most basic understanding on the national level, so in comparison, they will naturally take advantage of it.It is impossible for them to change their attitudes immediately in a short period of time. Therefore, what Wuheya made was to compromise and transfer benefits.

This is also the only way, and now she can only give them such a promise, as for how to accept these powers in the end...

Hey, when that time comes, Daxia will make a move.

That's right, Wuheya's goal is very clear, that is, since Daxia has already interfered, then after he ascends the throne, he will directly ask Daxia to do this small favor.Sal's families do have certain strengths, but they are still a loose family alliance after all. No family has the courage to say that they can be tough with Daxia.

She is willing to let the Saar Dynasty continue to submit to the jurisdiction of the Xia Kingdom (in fact, it used to be like this), so of course Da Xia has to help her deal with the things she can't handle, right?If she had just been united, she would have done more harm than good.

"Father, you have already seen it, right?" Brother Ban looked at the veteran who had been forced to death, and then the two reorganized the chess game.

"Well, the father seems to be in good health."

"If I send someone to take care of my father this time, you may not have the chance to control him. Although the old man has abdicated, he dare not let go of the power in his hand."

Ban Ge said with some sarcasm, not knowing whether he was laughing at his father or himself.

"There are not so many ifs." When Wuheya said this, a soldier suddenly broke in from outside.

"King, outside..."

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