The general understood what Qin Ji meant, and he immediately stood up and bowed to salute:

"Your Majesty, I have something to say."

"But it's okay to say." Xia Yuxiao said.

"Several adults just said that if His Majesty kills King Rong Sheng, the world will not know how to arrange for His Majesty. Dare I ask this lord, how do you think the world will arrange for Your Majesty?"

The military commander stared slightly at each other.

" naturally His Majesty's disregard for family affection and sympathy for meritorious officials...the world will probably arrange it like this." The doctor hesitated for a moment, then said.

"Well, if you want to talk about arrangement, it's nothing more than that. But, my lord, my Great Xia has my Great Xia's laws, and according to the laws, it should be executed. The rebellion launched by King Rongsheng this time caused the people in the city to have More than ten people have died, if we don't execute them at this time, how can we appease the hearts of the people?"

"I once heard the sage say: 'The way of the king is to appease the hearts of the people and establish the trust of the king; if the king has faith, the people's hearts will be at ease, and if the king has no faith, the people's hearts will be scattered." Now your Majesty acts according to the law, not according to Daxia's The law of the royal family is the law of the Great Xia, the law of the world, for the country and the people, what is wrong with it?"

"The law is set by the Great Xia. The execution of King Rongsheng at this time is just a manifestation of His Majesty's impartiality and impartiality. How did the people come to arrange it? The so-called arrangement is nothing more than the means of those pedantic literati."

The general said these words very simply, and the words were well-founded. For a while, the doctor had to think about it before saying what he thought.

"General, I don't think so," he said, "Your Majesty's execution of King Rongsheng will not have much effect on the internal stability of Daxia. Your Majesty will do it, they are inherently sensitive, so I am afraid..."

"If it's according to you, Doctor, how can you scare others' hearts? Although I, Great Xia, advocate benevolent government, benevolent government is by no means laissez-faire, nor is it blindly tolerant. Forgive me, Your Majesty is willing to act according to the law. I am lucky in Great Summer, what's wrong?"

The general said this in an unhurried tone. In today's Great Xia, it is very common for generals to be familiar with all kinds of books. Although there are still a considerable proportion of illiterate officers in the military camp, this proportion is constantly shrinking .With poems and books in his belly, the rebuttal on such an occasion will be more convincing.

Qin Ji gave the other party a look of approval.The general said everything he wanted to say directly, which is very good. In this way, Qin Ji doesn't have to do it himself.

The minister originally wanted to refute something, but after thinking about it carefully, he found that something was wrong.

If I continue to argue like this in the court, I'm afraid the topic will lead to civil servants and scholars.

This job is not a good job, if the topic is really brought up on them, then I might not be able to keep the hat on my head.The late emperor had always hated that kind of pedantic literati, who knows if the current majesty has inherited the "excellent style" of the late emperor.

So, the doctor retreated wisely.

Seeing this scene, Qin Yilang was about to stand up and refute the general, but the old Ting Wei who was next to him grabbed his arm.

The old Ting Wei gave him a wink, then shook his head slightly.

"Qin Yilang, that's the Taiwei's man."

The old man whispered in his ear in a very small voice.

Qin Yilang froze for a moment, then he could only continue to stand obediently.

He is indeed still young.

He didn't notice the general's identity at all, nor did he notice the secret communication between Qin Ji and the general, and he couldn't figure out the fact that at this time when the Taiwei and the emperor were in power, What the people under him said in the courtroom, it is likely that the Taiwei himself is standing in line.

And now, the people under the Taiwei have spoken, which means that the Taiwei's suggestion is...

In fact, this point has long been clear. After all, the Taiwei was the one who organized the suppression of the rebellion and the arrest of King Rongsheng at that time, and he was also handling related affairs in the Zongzheng Mansion. of.

Therefore, if you are above the court, don't fight against others, it will not do you any good.If you have to say that there is a winner, that would be easy. If the prime minister also opposes the Taiwei, it's okay to add it to help him.

The problem is that the Prime Minister himself looks calm, and has no intention of continuing the conversation at all.Obviously, in this matter, the prime minister did not intend to support the life of King Liurong Sheng.

In the end, within the court, the matter was finally let go.

The so-called joint letter signed by the ministers naturally disappeared.

Accompanied by the sound of retreating, the officials withdrew from the hall, but only Qin Ji was still standing there.

"If you don't back down, do you have something to say to me?"

Xia Yuxiao turned back to the main hall and asked.

According to the usual practice, when she retreats from the court, she, the emperor, retreats first, and then the ministers retreat, so she was actually about to leave just now, but when she saw that Qin Ji hadn't moved at all, she came back and asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty. I have a message from King Rongsheng here, which is something that King Rongsheng wants to ask His Majesty."

"Have you visited King Rong Sheng?" Xia Yuxiao looked at him and asked.

"Prince Rongsheng rebelled, so I naturally have to ask for clarification and investigate his henchmen and followers." Qin Ji said calmly.

"Well, thank you for your hard work, what does he want to tell me?"

"He hopes that you will be by his side when he is about to die."

After Qin Ji finished speaking, he looked at His Majesty's face.

The corners of Xia Yuxiao's eyes trembled imperceptibly, and then she nodded: "Understood, I will consider it."

After saying this, she turned and left.

Suddenly, she turned her head again and looked at Qin Ji:

"You'd better keep a distance from King Rongsheng, I don't want to really become the emperor who kills heroes."

"...Don't worry, Your Majesty, I have my own measure."

Qin Ji bowed to salute, and then slowly backed down.

Chapter 85 King Rongsheng's entrustment

When King Rongsheng learned of the result of disposing of himself, he didn't react much.

He knows what kind of fate he is ushering in. For him, at least he still retains the dignity of a king in the end, and that's fine.

When he came out of Tingwei's Mansion, King Rongsheng was escorted back to the palace. There were still two months before the actual execution time. During this time, he would spend this time in the house where he used to live in the palace.Except that he couldn't leave his yard, everything else was the same as when he was the prince.

This can be regarded as the last respect given to him.

When Qin Ji went to visit the prince again, he found piles of written books piled up in front of him.

These booklets are extremely neatly bound, and the handwriting on them is correct and clear, which makes people feel pleasing to the eye.

As for His Majesty's hope that he will not get too close to King Rong Sheng...

Tsk, at least he has to convey her answer for His Majesty, right?

This time, King Rongsheng did not leave him to sit for too long, but handed him a few keys, and told Qin Ji that he must find a way to copy his palace by himself, and then put a few large boxes in the palace. take away.

Those big boxes were a little gift he left for Qin Ji.

Qin Ji did not refuse the other party's gift, he knew very well what the other party left for him, and the key in his hand was a typical bookcase key.The key is engraved with exquisite patterns and the word "book".

It seems that King Rongsheng has always been thinking about his books. Now, he is willing to hand over these keys to Qin Ji, which shows that he still hopes that someone will keep his books.

Qin Ji agreed to his request. Those books may be of great help to understand the Rongsheng King. Moreover, Qin Ji is willing to believe that this king can make such a big noise and gather so many people who are willing to follow him. His personality shows that he is more or less improved.

It is true that the fifth prince's thinking is a little unrealistic, but the unrealistic thinking is not necessarily wrong, it just doesn't fit this era.

Therefore, Qin Ji was still very willing to give this gift. In order to ensure that no one from His Majesty was watching, he specially asked Lingyan to alert the surroundings.

After putting away the fifth prince's gift, Qin Ji explained Xia Yuxiao's request to the fifth prince. Knowing that Xia Yuxiao said he would consider it, King Rongsheng smiled with relief. Although he said he was considering it, in fact, it was basically It's like making a promise to yourself.

Seeing King Rongsheng's appearance, Qin Ji couldn't help but sigh. In the end, this prince, once a strong contender for the throne, has come to this end.

"Oh, by the way, I heard that the exchange students from Daxia and Weixi Empire will return to China recently. Is there such a thing?"

"Yes, it was an exchange plan three years ago, and now it has expired, and all the students should be on the way," Qin Ji said, "I hope that what they have learned in the Weixi Empire can be useful in our country land."

Hearing this, King Rongsheng smiled: "Taiwei, you are right in thinking this way. After all, although Daxia has a large number of talents, in the eyes of most people, there are still vacancies in many aspects. This also requires a lot of knowledge. After our talents come back, the Taiwei must find a way to keep them in the country."

"Don't worry, I've already done this."

In fact, Daxia's treatment has always been very good. There is no need to say much about this. Qin Ji also decided to give preferential treatment to those who returned to China this time. After all, Daxia still has a lot of gaps to fill.

"That's good." Speaking of this, King Rongsheng was silent for a moment, as if he had nothing else to talk about, and finally decided to see off the guests.

Before Qin Ji walked out of the gate where King Rongsheng was under house arrest, he was suddenly stopped by the king again.

"Wait a minute."

"Is there anything else you want to explain, Your Highness?"

Qin Ji asked about it as a matter of routine.

"No, I just want to ask, I won't be pushed outside to kill in public, will I?"

he asked.

To be honest, everyone has to face death sooner or later, but for a letter from a high-ranking person like King Rong Sheng, this way of beheading in public is quite embarrassing.

Even if it's death, don't really die in front of a group of people like the big villain on the stage. If you really follow the complete law, it's like being laughed at by a group of people in broad daylight... ..

"I don't know about this either. Your Majesty has the final say on how to deal with the final details. I am just conveying her answer on your majesty's behalf. If you have nothing else to do, I will take my leave first."


When leaving the palace, Lingyan followed behind, and she was on guard all the way.

Although this is in the palace, theoretically speaking it is very safe, but the last time a group of assassins got into the palace, and even came here to assassinate Xia Yuxiao, so Lingyan was not completely relaxed in the palace.

Qin Ji got a few keys this time, and some boxes that were said to be jewels. These jewels were also given to Qin Ji, but Qin Ji didn't have that much desire for these jewels.

He is not a person who particularly likes money and jewelry. Although sometimes because of his position, there are a lot of money, but Qin Ji has never really fallen into madness because of money. The material "inheritance" of the prince (although Germany has not yet disintegrated at this time) feels dismissive.

Those books, however, were quite a different story.

On the way back, Qin Ji happily hummed a little tune.The current work is going very smoothly. If it continues like this, maybe this matter can end sooner.

The news that His Majesty was about to execute Xia Yun, the traitorous enemy of the empire, immediately spread throughout the streets and alleys of Tai'an City, and this news became the topic of conversation for many people after dinner.

For many ordinary people, although there have been cases of officials and nobles being punished before, most of them were not carried out without controversy within the framework of the existing laws.

But now, the new emperor actually intends to completely kill Xia Yun, who was the fifth prince of the empire at the time. This incident suddenly improved the business of the taverns and teahouses around Tai'an City a lot.

People are discussing the character of the emperor and whether it is considered cold-blooded and ruthless to make such a decision, but after thinking about it carefully, many people are relieved. No, but at least His Majesty attaches great importance to the law.

Even his own younger brother dared to fight, such a majesty, maybe it is really quite powerful.

Quite a few people think so.

Chapter 86 Late Summer

Although the verdict given was to execute him after Autumn, Xia Yuxiao didn't really intend to kill King Rongsheng after Autumn.

If it was really her who made the decree to be executed after the autumn, and if it was really implemented, some literati would definitely derogate themselves.

Although she is not a big fan who likes others to praise her own emperor, at least it is not a good thing for those literati to arrange themselves all over the country.This will have an impact on your own governance in the future.

That being the case, the death of King Rong Sheng must be separated from her decision as much as possible.

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