He and Xia Yuxiao have very high status. Before Xia Yuxiao left, the Prime Minister and General Bai temporarily acted as Daxia's daily government affairs in Tai'an City, and the two old ministers were indeed reliable people, but they left Tai'an City. After all, there will be a power vacuum.

The various factions below will not calm down in a very martial manner just because you leave, but they will probably do some disgusting things while the emperor and the captain are away.No matter how reliable the two old ministers are, it will be difficult to hold back once the group of ministers have discussed and negotiated in advance.

So Qin Ji specially left Lingyan in Tai'an City, and temporarily ordered the soldiers of a large battalion near Tai'an City to obey Lingyan and Qin Siyue's orders. One of the troops that Ji personally brought out back then, after King Rongsheng's rebellion, Qin Ji specially transferred here to garrison near Tai'an City just in case.

They listen to their own words very much, and they will choose to implement what they say, so they are very safe to entrust.

As for Lingyan, Qin Ji gave her a lot of power: he gave Lingyan a list with the names of the ministers, and the people on these lists were all candidates who he thought might be detrimental to the court.

While handing Lingyan a list, Qin Ji instructed her: If Qin Siyue (because Qin Ji also handed over part of his men to Qin Siyue) judges who wants to shake the court, as long as they are on this list On top of that, Lingyan can assassinate the opponent at any time if necessary.

To put it simply, Qin Siyue, Prime Minister Long, and General Bai are guarding the family, while Lingyan and the soldiers of the camp are in charge. When the problem develops to an unsolvable level, Lingyan is responsible for solving the problem that caused the problem. problem people.

"To be honest, you are really reliable in this regard, whether it is for the court or the family. I can probably understand why my father insisted on using you later."

"You're flattering, miss, but you're just relying on my father's cover." Qin Ji said in a low voice.

At this time, in the ancient cathedral, the bell rang.

Accompanied by the melodious bells, the choirs standing on both sides of the church began to sing the legendary chant. Accompanied by the resonant sound of the pipe organ, for a while, it really created a kind of sacred and Grand vibe.

Inspired by the music, many pious believers present shed tears of excitement.

"What are they singing?"

Xia Yuxiao asked curiously.The tune was nice, but she couldn't understand what they were singing.As Qin Ji, who has traveled before, he knows a thing or two about the languages ​​of the most influential countries/races in the world.

"The language they use is called San Mano, which belongs to the language of the Holy Bishop in the legendary era of God's descent. The general meaning is to praise the glory of the Holy Lord."

"Translate it specifically."

"Um, don't you need to translate the lyrics? It's actually quite embarrassing to translate their lyrics."

Hearing what Qin Ji said, and seeing the embarrassed expression on Qin Ji's face, Xia Yuxiao suddenly felt a sense of refreshment for no reason.

"Translation translation, I want to understand their culture."


Qin Ji looked at Xia Yuxiao speechlessly, and could only nod his head:

"The lyrics they sang are probably: great holy lord, may you show me the way with your eyes, may you bury me with your hands, may your glory spread over all living beings, ah ~ praise our holy lord, the only one host......"

"Hiss... that's fine, you don't need to translate."

He was right, it was indeed a little awkward, Xia Yuxiao couldn't help but think of the officials who used all kinds of compliments to praise her after she ascended the throne, even those people didn't achieve the effect.

Thanks to this group of choirs who were able to finish singing with excitement.

After the sermon, the Pope seemed to say something else. According to Qin Ji’s translation, the Pope basically said: This sermon is presided over by me personally, and you have all received the grace of the Holy Lord, Barabara.

This Xia Yuxiao understood, similar to "This is the light that the master personally gave you."

Next, it was time for everyone to move to the Holy Dining Room to share the Holy Communion, and the Pope had to go later because he still needed to change the costumes used for the ceremony.

Seeing that the people in the church had almost left, Qin Ji also led Xia Yuxiao out with the crowd. At this moment, a paladin walked towards the two of them.

The paladin's steps made no attempt to conceal the slightest, he just walked over in such an upright manner, the armor on his body made the sound of metal clashing, and he walked extremely calmly step by step.

Qin Ji tensed up subconsciously. On the surface, he was just walking out with the "noble lady" beside him, but in fact, Xia Yuxiao who was nearby could already feel his luck.

"You two, please stay."

The voice of the paladin came, but it was not as majestic as Qin Ji imagined, but very gentle.

He turned around.

The paladin seemed to feel a little sorry, and he smiled shyly under the helmet: "I'm really sorry for disturbing you, His Holiness the Pope, please, I hope to have a chat with you."


PS: Today's second update, promised four updates, and two more updates~

Chapter 10 On Teaching

Qin Ji looked at the Pope.The old man was looking at the two of them with a kind smile.

As if sensing his hostility, the Pope nodded lightly, his face as gentle as that of an ordinary old man.

Qin Ji grabbed Xia Yuxiao's hand subconsciously, so that if the other party showed any hostility, he could immediately take her away.

However, Xia Yuxiao shook her head.

"Since the Pope is willing to chat with us, it is our honor." After she finished speaking, she motioned for Qin Ji to translate for the other party.

"I don't recommend you go there."

Qin Ji gave his own warning.

Among so many people, the Pope stopped the two of them...they are not the only ones with oriental faces in the church, and the background of their false identities is not particularly outstanding, why did the other party stop suddenly?

Qin Ji could only think that the identities of the two had been exposed.

This is not impossible. Although the Holy Bishop Church is talking about it, many of their holy arts are really useful. If it is the Pope himself, then it is very likely that there are some powerful methods.

So he didn't suggest Xia Yuxiao to go there, after all, this is the Pope, this is the territory of the church, if the other party has evil intentions...

Qin Ji probably has no problem dealing with a few paladins. He can also escape unscathed from dealing with the so-called "combat priests"—that is, executioners, but this must be based on a relatively small number. Knight, no matter how fierce he is, he can't open Wushuang.

"Sometimes, you are too nervous." Xia Yuxiao glanced at him, and then continued, "Translate, he probably doesn't intend to harm us here."

Qin Ji was silent for a moment.

In the end, he still chose to trust Xia Yuxiao's judgment, and translated Xia Yuxiao's words to the other party.

"Okay, please come with me."

The paladin said politely, and then led the two towards the Pope.

The Pope didn't say a word, he walked in the front, and the paladin led the two of them behind, walked through the corridor behind the church, all the way to the rest room for the clergy.

"Please sit down."

Watching the two people enter the room, the Pope signaled the paladin beside him to close the door, then smiled and pointed to the soft sofa in the room.

Xia Yuxiao tidied up her skirt, then sat on the sofa naturally, one of her arms rested on the armrest of the sofa very relaxedly, leaning back slightly.

Good guy, a sofa forced her to sit out like a dragon chair in her own hall.

Qin Ji naturally wouldn't sit with Xia Yuxiao, he sat on a single sofa next to him, and by the way, he also acted as a human translator.

"The two guests today can be said to have surprised me the most."

The Pope sat across from Xia Yuxiao, smiling unabated.

"It's a great honor to meet the legendary 'Lord Pope', Your Excellency Leonorsi." Xia Yuxiao nodded slightly.

"I'm also very honored that the famous emperor of the Great Xia Central Empire condescends to come here today to support me, an old man," Leonorsi laughed, his gray beard trembled slightly with the smile, looking a little Cute, "I'm sorry, I didn't know that His Majesty the Emperor would come in person today, so I didn't prepare enough courtesy."

"It's okay, I came today uninvited, and I hope His Excellency the Pope will not take offense." Xia Yuxiao also looked relaxed.

The two stared at each other, as if trying to read something from the other's expression.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, you are willing to come here to celebrate my birthday. This is already the greatest courtesy. How can an old man like me have any dissatisfaction with you?" When he said this, the paladin brought in snacks and The milk came in and was placed on the table in the middle, "I'm just curious, in my impression, your country doesn't seem to believe in the Holy Bishop."

"I don't believe in it, but as far as I am concerned, the Holy Bishop has existed for such a long time and has spread so widely, so it has a meaning of existence. I also want to know what kind of religion the Holy Bishop is."

"How do you feel after experiencing it yourself?"

"Still very good."

Xia Yuxiao could only give such an evaluation.

In fact, this is basically equivalent to saying that you, the Holy Bishop, are like that.When Qin Ji translated, he deliberately translated it a little more tactfully.

"You have been praised. As Pope, I have always hoped to spread the Gospel of the Lord to all parts of the world. As a servant of the Lord, this is my lifelong duty. If you can give me such an evaluation, at least it proves that we can still see it. past."

After saying this, Xia Yuxiao didn't quite understand the old man's brain circuit.

No, old man, you really don't understand good words, do you?Do you really think my wife is praising you? !

"Yes, I actually don't object to the idea of ​​your religion," Xia Yuxiao unconsciously changed her name, "I think that anyone who is good is good. Sometimes, for a sect, Thoughts are the purest, but when people understand their thoughts, they often bring some other factors.”

"Your Majesty is right," the Pope agreed. "Many believers today are not devout enough. This is also a problem that we need to solve urgently. As for those who do not believe in the glory of the Holy Lord, I think , They just don’t understand the greatness of the Lord, so they fall into the path of opposition.”

"In the final analysis, what hinders the glory of the Holy Lord is essentially the understanding between people. Your Majesty, do you think this is the case?"

"Exactly," Xia Yuxiao secretly kicked Qin Ji under the coffee table—this grandson secretly kicked her calf just now, and she must take revenge, "Both those who believe and those who don't believe are just lacking. It’s just understanding. However, whether you understand it or not, both have their own reasons, so I think it’s important to respect each other.”

Hearing this, the pope's smile slowly disappeared: "What you said is, but since it is to understand each other, as a means of enhancing understanding, guiding others to understand our sect is also a very important part. Only in this way, we In order to avoid conflicts with each other as much as possible.”

"I agree with your opinion, but this kind of work is not easy to do. It's like trying to make devout believers not believe in the Holy Lord. Ideals are often good, but reality often deviates."

"Your Majesty, the people of your country seem to have their own beliefs, right? This is a good thing. It is very sad for people to have no beliefs."

"This is the truth, but I still want to explain that there are still many beliefs in Daxia. Generally speaking, what we believe in is our ancestors. We respect the Holy Lord, but the Holy Lord is really a bit ethereal to us."

"So that's the case, but, the glory of the Holy Lord..."

"The brilliance of the Holy Lord is too heavy for our Great Xia, and we are unable to support the grace of the Holy Lord." Xia Yuxiao finally smiled happily, "You see, the Holy Lord has left almost all the holy relics with you , we don’t have any at all, maybe the Holy Lord never thought of giving us favors.”

"In our Great Xia, there is a saying called 'God's will cannot be violated', which means that God's will cannot be easily disobeyed. Since the Holy Lord is not willing to give us favors, then we can't force it."


PS: Today's third update!

Chapter 11 Leave

Qin Ji finally understood.

Good guy, these two are on the bar.

Daxia has a suppressive attitude towards the Holy Bishop, because for a country like Daxia, no denomination should be above secular power.

It is not that there have been things similar to religion in China, but they are basically marginalized in political struggles and do not have the ability to threaten secular power at all.

Therefore, when the highest holder of secular power faces the highest holder of religious power, it is normal for these two people to speak with a sense of gunpowder.

The Holy Bishop has always hoped to be able to open up the market in Daxia, but Daxia hardly accepts them from top to bottom, so the pope is obviously dissatisfied with Xia Yuxiao's attitude.

Although he looks kind on the outside, as long as the Pope can achieve the qualities in the so-called "Holy Lord's Words" (it is not certain whether the words in this book are spoken by the Holy Lord himself), the Holy Bishop will not To the point where it is more secular than secular power.

In this world, the Pope's wealth cannot be described in words. The entire Holy Church belongs to him, the religious buildings in various places belong to him, and all interests related to religion belong to him and the church.

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