"Drag away!"

The chief envoy almost recklessly took down the enemy in front of him, and rushed in front of Qin Ji.

She sat on Qin Ji's body, making sure that her protection could cover both of them, and then read a sentence:


The golden light blocked the three of them in an instant, and with the roaring sound, the magic and the dagger hit the golden light almost at the same time, but it only dimmed the golden light a little.

However, it was Qin Ji who suffered the most. Before he recovered, he was sat down on the porcelain by the chief envoy, and he almost couldn't catch his breath—if he hadn't deliberately propped up a little to avoid being directly pressed On Xia Yuxiao's body, the emperor might have been crushed by the strength of the two and passed out.

"Taiwei, take Your Majesty away!"


Qin Ji didn't get entangled in this matter, and dragged Xia Yuxiao straight to the back.

It is also impossible for him to be entangled. The job of Sui Longwei is to protect Xia Yuxiao, but as a captain, it is not his job to protect His Majesty at all. Professional matters should be left to professional people.

The soldiers also understood what had happened, and those soldiers in holy armor strode towards the people in black robes.

They were almost crushing in number, but when they approached, those men in black threw out their daggers and hit the core of the holy armor precisely.

There was no sound of cracking or piercing the armor, but those holy armors couldn't move like this, and many of the surrounding holy armor soldiers couldn't move at all—without the buff of the holy armor, they couldn't move at all with their own strength alone. Don't move such a heavy bulk.

But those men in black did not hesitate at all. Their purpose was very clear. Apart from assassinating the target, they ignored everything else. After confirming that there was no chance of continuing to attack, they quickly evacuated the scene.

Facing their escape, the dragon guards did not dare to pursue them deeply. They were short of manpower, and protecting His Majesty and An Guogong is the top priority. Don't be caught by the time, and His Majesty will be stabbed a few times. That is a profession. Shame on.

The general took a deep breath.

"Check your body and see who is injured!"

She neatly touched her body from top to bottom to confirm that there were no wounds that she hadn't noticed, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

The movements of these assassins are so fast that people can't react at all.

Chapter 21 Sincerity

"Your Majesty, are you alright?"

Qin Ji covered his chest, that guy's kick was really hard just now, so he didn't kick the thread of his clothes.

Xia Yuxiao was fine, and in this assassination, even though the danger was close at hand, she acted very calm.

Qin Ji saw with her own eyes that when the assassin almost succeeded, Xia Yuxiao fully demonstrated what it meant to be fearless in the face of danger—she did not yell like many people who faced danger, nor did she turn her head and run away, but watched calmly. Looking at everything in front of her, she would do whatever the person protecting her told her to do, without any panic at all.

"Your Majesty is not afraid in the face of danger, and he is a model for our courtiers."

A follower of the dragon guard praised.

As the emperor's "bodyguards", the dragon guards are actually not afraid of any danger. What they fear most is that the emperor himself will act arbitrarily. If you tell her to go east, she will fight against you. No matter how strict the protection is, she can't help protecting the target Kill yourself.

Obviously, Xia Yuxiao was not this type of person, and her calmness gave many people reassurance, which made everyone's protection relatively orderly.

However, what Qin Ji may not know is that Xia Yuxiao was so frightened that her heart almost stopped beating...

"I'm super, I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die" - this is the real activity in her heart when the dagger is only a few feet away from her.

She is not a martial artist like Qin Ji who has survived the battlefield, and she is actually afraid in her heart.

From the perspective of personal safety alone, it is king to turn around and flee for your life in this situation, but after all, your identity is there, let alone whether you will cause trouble to the people who protect you if you are in a mess, just say that on this occasion, countless soldiers below And the people are watching what's happening on stage.

If this allowed them to see the majestic Emperor of Da Xia being frightened by the assassins, no matter whether it was reasonable to escape like this, they would probably leave a bad impression on Da Xia in the future.

Therefore, you have to hold on even if you are afraid, stand firm even if your legs are weak, and trust the people around you—this is what she was able to do just now.

"Aren't you all injured?" Xia Yuxiao asked calmly.

Fear is nothing but fear, and she doesn't think these assassins can really kill herself.

Although there were not many people she brought to the reviewing stand this time, they were all elites from the Dragon Guards.It always makes me the peak level of ordinary human beings, with both physical and legal skills, it is more than enough to protect her.Beside him stood a Qin Ji who had been honed on the battlefield.

With this lineup, most threats can be dealt with, unless those threats are not from humans.

"Someone was injured, but don't worry, Your Majesty, there is no serious problem."

While talking, the chief envoy asked the other dragon guards to help the injured dragon guard treat the wound.As for Qin Ji, the kick he received was nothing at all, but the assassin who was knocked away by him is more worthy of worry--Gong An is a hard worker, if he confronts head-on, the assassin will most likely not fall behind. benefit.

At this time, Emperor Fei Te also stood up.

He was also thrown down by his guards. After all, those assassins had great throwing skills—the daggers in their hands were even embedded in the ground, which was enough to show the strength of the throwing.

His face was very ugly.

This time to welcome Xia Yuxiao, he planned it carefully for a long time. In order to establish a sufficient relationship with Xia Guo, he spent a lot of thought on it.

Originally, this exchange with Emperor Daxia would be a very good opportunity. Through such an opportunity, it might be possible to make some deals with Daxia, so as to obtain some unconventional technologies and technologies urgently needed by the Weixi Empire to deal with the church. Tactical.

As a result, when he was showing his muscles, these assassins completely disrupted all his arrangements.

Moreover, the guest he invited was assassinated on the home court of his army. The Weixi Empire didn't know how much he would be ridiculed when this matter was revealed.

"Are my guests all right?"

"There were injuries, but nothing major."

Qin Ji replied.

Although what the gang of assassins did this time was really scary, but for Qin Ji, it wasn't necessarily all bad things.

Thanks to this assassination, I am afraid that there are some things that the other party has to give if they don't want to.

"I am deeply sorry for this accident, please believe that we absolutely do not want to see such a thing happen."

"I would like to believe in you, honorable Emperor Fei Te," Xia Yuxiao looked directly into Emperor Fei Te's eyes, and then said unhurriedly, "However, I never thought that your country would have an assassin at this juncture." , In terms of military selection, maybe your country should be more strict."

The presence of multiple assassins in the inspection team shows that the internal discipline and selection of the Weixi Empire is far from being as terrible as rumors from other countries. After all, the appearance of assassins is enough to prove the chaos of the Weixi Empire's military system.

"Please rest assured that we will investigate thoroughly and arrest those people thoroughly."

Emperor Fei Te said seriously.

Xia Yuxiao was silent for a few seconds, she looked at the seriousness of Emperor Fei Te, and then smiled: "You don't have to blame yourself so much, this matter is essentially an attempt by some people to obstruct the relationship between our two countries At this time, if we blame each other, I am afraid that we are in the hands of those people."

"You are right."

Having said all this, Emperor Fei Te didn't say anything. He thought for a moment, and then looked at Qin Ji thoughtfully.

"Your Excellency An Guogong, later, the emperors of our two countries will talk about some things, which may be related to the field you are in charge of. Would you like to come and discuss together?"

"It is my honor."

Qin Ji said respectfully.

Good job, this assassination was not in vain, good things are coming soon.

It is really a disgrace to the Weixi Empire that the distinguished guests I invited were almost killed in front of me, and this assassination can also demonstrate the determination of the man behind the scenes—he, or they, is determined To push the relationship between the two countries into the abyss.

The assassination was both a warning and a means of actually contributing to a deterioration in relations between the two countries.If Xia Yuxiao and Emperor Fei Te really started to accuse them, it would be in the hands of the other party.

However, the method Xia Yuxiao chose was to fully express her understanding and trust in the other party, and at the same time lead the topic to the aspect of strengthening the relationship between the two countries.

The enemy does not want our two countries to strengthen the relationship, so the relationship between us will be better.So, how can it be better?

I, Great Xia, have already done what I should do. As for what to do next, you, the Weixi Empire, should be clear, right?

It's okay not to show some sincerity at this time, you don't want that "enemy" to deal with you like this in the future, do you?

After all, you are going to be on the opposite side of the church.

Chapter 22 Inspection

The identity of these assassins is actually not difficult to guess.

Although to most people, these assassins seemed a little mysterious, fast and elusive, as if unpredictable, but to Qin Ji, their characteristics were very obvious.


Or, "Battle Priest".

These are a group of combat units dedicated to serving the church. Unlike those elite paladins, executioners are of a higher level than paladins, and their combat effectiveness is stronger.

Almost all of these guys are extremely devout believers. After being carefully selected by the church, they have undergone rigorous training and tests of faith before they finally stand out as humanoid monsters.Every part of their body has been "baptized" to a certain extent, making their bodies almost as strong as physical armor.These people are also considered by the Church to be "the sword of the Lord".

In fact, strictly speaking, the original intention of the Executioners was good. Their original intention was to obliterate all alien species that threatened the survival of human beings—such as blood races and elves with malicious intentions, etc., and they were also responsible for ensuring the purity of faith within the church. .However, their absolute loyalty to the church and the Holy Lord also makes them often become killing machines for the church to seek external benefits.

This time, it was probably such an existence.

Qin Ji had dealt with this kind of people before, and they had almost nothing else in their eyes except their own beliefs, and their bodies that had been tempered to the extreme allowed them to suppress even those alien species with great advantages.It is indeed a very difficult opponent.

However, fortunately, Da Xia is not in charge of protecting Xia Yuxiao this time, and Sui Longwei is also the pinnacle of Da Xia's regular power. Otherwise, if it is replaced by ordinary people, even three teams will not be enough for this gang Killed.

The "reward" brought by this assassination must be very rich.But this assassination should never have happened.

The review finally came to an end. In this unexpected situation, the original plan had been completely disrupted. Therefore, the two sides could only hastily and impromptuly delivered speeches on the relationship between the two countries, and the maintenance staff in charge of the security work The General of the Western Empire apologized to all members of Daxia.

Xia Yuxiao who returned to Triya Palace did not rest at all, she immediately called Qin Taiwei and Chief Envoy Song to her side.

"Your Majesty, I believe that since the other party has decided to provide us with something we need, we might as well explain our respective needs clearly. The next meeting will be between you and Emperor Fei Te This kind of occasion is a suitable occasion for us to compete for the initiative."

Qin Ji gave his own suggestion.Since it is a private conversation, there are not so many diplomatic rhetoric, and it is enough to directly explain the needs of oneself and the other party.

"Don't be in a hurry, Captain." Xia Yuxiao expressed her calmness, "We can't be too urgent. At this time, we should properly blur our request and see what price the other party will give us. , and then we will consider whether to continue to fight with the other party."

"As for the security issue," Xia Yuxiao turned to Chief Envoy Song, "After the other party attacked once, I'm afraid they won't strike again in a short time, but they are likely to send people to watch our movements. Well, they will try to attack again. You must strengthen the surrounding defenses, if it is not your arrangement today, I am afraid those assassins will really succeed, after returning, I will give you a reward."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

After President Song received the order, he immediately stepped down to handle his own work.

"Okay, Qin Ji, you should also change your clothes and prepare for the meeting."

"As ordered."

Qin Ji turned to leave, and just as he was about to walk out of Xia Yuxiao's room, Xia Yuxiao's voice came from behind him:

"Qin Ji, you have saved me twice, what reward do you want?"


Just as Qin Ji was about to refuse, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Award?To be honest, Qin Ji knew that his promotion was basically over.In the imperial court, he was Taiwei, one of the highest-ranking people in the entire empire except the emperor.In terms of title, he is also the Duke of An.

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