These two days of hesitation caused the whole situation to get out of hand.

At this time, it is already difficult for Qin Siyue to continue to act, because at this time, a large number of ministers are collectively making troubles. If Lingyan kills the people here at this time, it will make the situation even more chaotic and difficult. control.

So she did the most effective way to stop the loss: she gave the troop transfer order with the big seal to General Bai, and asked General Bai to mobilize troops from the surrounding areas as soon as possible, and at the same time take charge of the troops in Tai'an City.

Of course, Qin Siyue didn't make a complete move, she kept a large part of the military power that Qin Ji gave him for self-protection, and she ordered the rest to support General Bai.It is precisely because of this that these ministers did not dare to completely fall out.

However, this situation will not last long.

Sooner or later, these guys will mobilize all the power they can mobilize and come to Tai'an City to force the palace. If His Majesty and Brother don't come back...

"Sister Lingyan, you are tired too, sit down and rest."

Looking at Lingyan who has not rested for a long time, she said.

"Miss, I'm fine." Lingyan took off her blood-stained clothes and changed into clean black clothes.

She was fine. Although she was stabbed by a cunning assassin just now to protect Qin Siyue, it was only a flesh wound and did not affect her.

However, if the young master still doesn't come back, then she can't solve this matter by force.Fortunately, before the incident reached the point where they had to fight openly, they also engaged in assassination.


The griffin landed in the woods outside Tai'an City.

It didn't take much trouble to get these griffins from Emperor Fei Te, anyway, Qin Ji said before, they just borrowed them for use first.Emperor Fate, who had just reached a cooperation agreement, naturally didn't care about such trivial matters. He decisively approved a group of griffins as their mounts, and arranged for a griffin rider to help control them very thoughtfully.

"This is not far from Tai'an City, let's get off here." Xia Yuxiao said, jumping off the griffin, and the accompanying dragon guards also got off the griffin one after another.

This time, they didn't wear the light clothes they bought in the Weixi Empire, but they all put on their armor and held their weapons.

From here to the palace of Tai'an City, there is only less than [-] miles away. However, during this [-] miles journey, many dangers are likely to occur. Therefore, Chief Envoy Song also put on her armor and followed closely By Xia Yuxiao's side.

"Okay, Your Majesty must be careful, I will be back soon."

Qin Ji exhorted on the griffin.

Xia Yuxiao looked at Qin Ji.

She didn't know which side Qin Ji was on, and she didn't know whether it was reliable for him to leave her to go to the surrounding area to personally deploy troops.But what can be done now?

She had to go back to Tai'an City, whether it was Qin Ji or the followers around her, they all suggested so.Because after all, Tai'an City is still relatively safe now. If you go to deploy troops with Qin Ji, let alone whether Qin Ji might use this as an excuse to trick her into following him, even if Qin Ji really wholeheartedly assists her, Once you encounter someone with two hearts on the way to transfer troops, you will be in great danger.

As for Tai'an City, no matter what, there will be no blood on the face in a short time.

"Qin Ji."

Xia Yuxiao looked at Qin Ji who was about to fly away, and called out.

"The minister is here."

"...don't let me down."

She originally wanted to say something else, but now, she found that this sentence was the simplest and most useful.

Thinking of this, she gave a wry smile.

Originally, he thought that he would create a strong and stable empire that would be praised by all generations, but the few stages he had just ascended to the throne had been extremely difficult.

But so what?

From being an ordinary princess to enthroning, she has accomplished such difficult things. If she falls on this today, it will make people laugh out loud.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I will live up to your Majesty's instructions. Chief Envoy Song, the rest will depend on you."

"Don't worry, Taiwei, I will protect His Majesty at all costs."

"That's good."

After saying this, Qin Ji patted the knight driving the griffin in front of him, and the latter nodded. The griffin raised its head and let out a scream, then flapped its wings and flew into the sky.


In the palace, in front of the main hall, the ministers were arguing fiercely.

Among them, there are several princes.

Sitting under the dragon chair, the censor and the prime minister looked tired.

These two people have been fighting for several days. In the past few days, these ministers demanded to go to court every day, and they clamored to establish a crown prince every day.The results of it?

As a result, His Majesty has not returned yet, and they have already prepared the candidate for the Crown Prince.

Prime Minister Long is an old bone, and he has to waste his saliva with these people.

"Li Chu has existed since ancient times! If there is an accident in the future and there is no Li Chu, wouldn't everyone be in a mess?"

"Nonsense! Even if the crown prince is established, it should be His Majesty who has an heir before establishing the crown prince! How can he establish the crown right now! Who should be established?"

Watching the quarrel among the ministers below, Prime Minister Long let out a long sigh.

Your Majesty, if you don't come back, one or two days will be fine. If it's four or five days, I'm afraid the old minister won't be able to hold back...

Chapter 36 The Controversy of Standing Reserves

"Let me tell you, princes and princesses, it's useless for you to argue in this hall. Your Majesty has not returned yet. Whether and how to establish a reserve will be decided upon your Majesty's return."

Being quarreled by the people below was really unbearable, Long Chengxiang knocked on the armrest of his chair, and said.

However, his behavior not only failed to restrain those princes, but also met with their yin and yang:

"Prime Minister Long, you are the elder of the three dynasties, and we respect you as a person. However, this is definitely not a child's play. His Majesty has now succeeded to the throne. It stands to reason that His Majesty has also reached an adult age. A dignified emperor of a country cannot live without someone who will carry on the family line." Right? As a patriarch, you have always ignored His Majesty, and now we want His Majesty to establish a crown prince, and you disagree..."

"My lords, I think that even if this matter is urgent, it doesn't necessarily have to be resolved in a few days, right? This is a matter of long-term consideration. Now His Majesty should have returned from the trip, so why don't you just wait a few more days? "

"Senior Long, let's leave the conversation here today. Everyone is here today not to insist on His Majesty's return, but to discuss a plan with everyone in the court, and see how we can raise this matter with His Majesty when the time comes." Speaking of this, Zuo and Wang Xia Jiuzheng looked around, "Otherwise, after Your Majesty returns, we will quarrel in front of her, which is not in accordance with etiquette."

"That's right, besides, even if Her Majesty is here, we still have to say what should be said. Besides, His Majesty is also our sister now, and this is also a private matter of the royal family!"

Everyone present did not really pay attention to Prime Minister Long.

In the eyes of some Daxia clan members, Prime Minister Long is certainly worthy of respect, but for things like Li Chu, how can an outsider interfere with him?

"Since you all feel that this is a family matter within the royal family, why not go to Zongzheng's mansion? Xia Zongzheng is the one who manages the royal family's affairs."

Prime Minister Long looked at each other coldly and said.

For a moment, many people, including Xia Jiuzheng, were speechless.

Xia Zongzheng?That is the older generation of the Xia family. Although there are a prince and two princesses among the people present, they are still of the junior generation. An old man going to make trouble?

In other words, it doesn't make any sense to make a fuss, Xia Zongzheng will never agree with their idea of ​​establishing a reserve.

Otherwise, why would they bring this matter up to the court?

"Prime Minister Long, you have to be clear that we have no choice but to persuade His Majesty to establish a crown prince. We are also for the sake of the country. Among the royal family, there are already several suitable juniors who can establish a crown prince. If it is not possible, His Majesty can also choose her trustworthy Brothers and sisters of the Xia family—there are so many princes and princesses in the Xia family, there is always a suitable one..."

"Oh? Then who is suitable for the position of the emperor?"

A cold voice came from the entrance of the main hall.

The door of the main hall opened, and Xia Yuxiao walked in unhurriedly.

In an instant, the originally "hustle and bustle" atmosphere of the hall suddenly became silent.

Song Jingqing looked at the civil and military men of the Manchu Dynasty who seemed to have been petrified, and then asked in a very calm tone:

"What? Are you all dumb?"

"Sir, see Your Majesty!"

After being reminded by her, the people present saluted one after another.

Xia Yuxiao glanced at the princes, and then saw two girls among them.

Or, a woman, a girl.

"Princess Mu Ze, I heard that you went to Jiaoqing County and traveled with your children. I don't know how you feel during the past month of traveling?"

"Thanks to His Majesty's care," said Princess Mu Ze Xia Qi, "everything is fine."

"It's all good, that's good," Xia Yuxiao smiled and sat on her jade seat, "However, before that, I didn't know that Princess Mu Ze cared so much about state affairs. She came here to discuss state affairs just after she came back. Diligence, everyone here should study hard."

"Your Majesty has given a prize."

Xia Qi said humbly.

"Let's talk about it. Just after I came back from the Weixi Empire, I heard that all of you present were discussing important matters—why, all the gentlemen are not interesting now, so why don't you bring me when you talk about national affairs?" Xia Yuxiao joked. asked.

"Where are you, how can I forget your majesty," Qingze Wang Xia Yutu hurriedly added, "It's just to discuss the strategy of state affairs. I originally wanted to discuss with you, and I have a general idea. After the decision is made, I will invite His Majesty."

"Having someone like Qing here really saves me a lot of heart. But since I'm here, let's... discuss it together?"

"The ministers have exactly this intention."

"I heard that it's about the establishment of the reserve, right?" She seemed to have heard a big joke, and made a smile, "I said, you are also ministers of the court after all, the matter of the establishment of the reserve, Why are you all confused? I'm not married yet, let alone have any children, so how can I establish a crown prince? Besides, I'm in good health, and it's not time to set up a crown prince yet."

Such an explanation is simple and clear, and Xia Yuxiao deliberately pretended to have heard the joke.I just hope that big things can be turned into small things, and if they end here, everything can be discussed...

"I don't think so."

King Qingze said suddenly.

"Oh? Let's hear it."

"Your Majesty, the first emperor came to the throne at the age of 21. Before he took the throne, he had a son, and later we had brothers and sisters. But now that His Majesty is on the throne, not only does he not have a son or a daughter, but he has not even arranged for a marriage. After hearing this, Your Majesty There was a dangerous conspiracy, and this matter also forced the ministers to consider the matter of setting up a crown prince—it is not that the ministers are cursing His Majesty, if there is an accident, and His Majesty has no crown prince, then who will be in charge in the court? Who will manage the government?"

Qingze Wang Yizheng spoke his own truth.

"Well, what King Qingze said makes sense, do you think so too?"

Xia Yuxiao did not refute the other party, but agreed with the other party's reasoning, and she turned to ask other people.

Those ministers who were still arguing fiercely are now silent.However, there are still stunned people.

"Your Majesty, I agree with King Qingze. It is better to say that it is a great plan for His Majesty to establish a crown prince first. If the crown prince is established, then the ministers in the court will naturally not feel uneasy. I will have a better idea when I wait."

General Du stood up and said.

"Okay, then I will establish a crown prince," Xia Yuxiao said, "When I came, I had already thought about it on the way, and what you said is not unreasonable. This crown prince will be established sooner or later. But Considering that I have no heirs, I have decided that my Xia Guozong, Zheng Xia Siguo, will be the agent for all political affairs, and the three publics will jointly decide the candidate for the new monarch."

"So, how is it?"

Her relaxed tone made the hearts of many courtiers feel cold.

Bad, His Majesty would rather pass on the matter of the crown prince to outsiders than pass on the throne himself!

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