If there is a fight outside, it means that the confrontation between General Bai and the troops outside has been broken. Whether the troops outside can successfully overthrow General Bai basically means the end of this battle.

However, the ministers present knew well that General Bai had only those troops in his hands, and now, the private soldiers outside plus the troops gathered by General Du and others were almost double that of General Bai.There is a huge disparity in strength between the two sides, so there shouldn't be any mistakes.

"I don't know, I only know that they came from outside the city! Now General Bai seems to have started to fight outside the city, and the outside is already in chaos!"

There was a lot of noise in the hall, and everyone was a little surprised by this development. After all, after General Bai confronted the troops outside, basically there was no communication between the inside and outside of Tai'an City.It's hard for them to judge what happened outside.

Xia Yuxiao didn't speak any more, but sat quietly in her seat, and the other ministers didn't continue to argue with Xia Yuxiao—at the moment of the fight, success or failure was about to be decided.


Just as everyone was waiting anxiously, another soldier rushed in from the hall—he was a member of the Dragon Guard.


This time it was Xia Yuxiao who gave the order.

Sui Longwei looked around, then showed a disdainful sneer:

"Your Majesty, An Guogong Qin Ji is waiting outside the palace gate, asking to see you."

"Invite him in."

Xia Yuxiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Ji's coming showed that at least she didn't need to worry about those ministers blackmailing her with the so-called besieged army.

However, she also has to be careful.

"Where's General Bai?"

"General Bai came with the Taiwei. The battle outside the city is now done by General Wei."

There was a rare smile from the heart on her face.

If it was just Qin Ji who came here by himself, then she was a little bit worried, because the ghost knew whether this guy secretly dispatched troops to save her after he agreed to her on the surface, or killed herself in the name of saving him.

However, if General Bai and Qin Ji came together, the possibility of this would be very slim.Although General Bai is Qin Ji's subordinate, he is loyal to Daxia. Therefore, if Qin Ji wants to rebel, General Bai will not go with him.

Including Zuo and Wang, the faces of many people became extremely ugly.

And just as they were thinking about the next way for themselves, there was the sound of armor colliding outside the hall.

The sound of metal and heavy footsteps came from outside the hall. Two men walked into the hall—one was a middle-aged man with a little white hair, tall and tall, and the scary scar on his face made him He was not angry and majestic; the other was a strong young man in full armor, holding a spear in his hand, the armor was covered with blood, and the military commander's armor carved with exquisite patterns had already had several knife marks.

"Your Majesty, my minister Qin Ji has returned with his troops and is waiting for His Majesty's order."

Qin Ji looked around, ignored the courtiers, stood up straight and said.

Chapter 41 Turning the Tide

In fact, Qin Ji's troop deployment process did not have much twists and turns.

Although the court ministers and those princes transferred some soldiers, and even brought out their own private soldiers, but after all, he was the Taiwei, Qin Ji.

In fact, many generals in the Great Xia army only recognized the transfer orders of His Majesty and the Taiwei, not those of the princes.It is not difficult for Qin Ji to deploy troops.

Moreover, the most important thing is that most of the main battalions near Daxia were mobilized by Xia Yuxiao.It's just that before Xia Yuxiao came back, the ministers of the court and the princes and princesses transferred their troops, and Xia Yuxiao was not in the country yet, so others had no right to transfer these troops.

In fact, Qin Ji couldn't move. If it wasn't for the fact that these troops had mutinied, he would have simply dragged Xia Yuxiao over to mobilize the troops.But considering the safety issue, he still chose to adjust it by himself.

Fortunately, the big seal he left at home was only the big seal of the Taiwei. As for the "fake jade seal", he kept it with him all the time. Facing this kind of "imperial franchise", these generals finally chose to follow Qin Ji to Tai'an City Go to the rescue.

In addition, Qin Ji also went to the satellite and ordered the satellite to transfer most of the soldiers from a large battalion under his command to defend the emperor.

The process of entering Tai'an City is very simple.Even Qin Ji didn't encounter much resistance—the so-called "rebels" in the periphery were actually ordered by General Du, thinking that it was a task of "maintaining stability" sent by the top, so from the very beginning I never thought of fighting.

To put it bluntly, the group of "rebels" on the periphery were actually tricked into coming here.After all, they didn't order them to fight. They just went out to guard a place, and the relevant officers didn't investigate carefully whether the order came from the central government.

When Qin Ji arrived in person and issued a new order, facing the Taiwei holding the jade seal, the surrounding troops undoubtedly defected and obeyed Qin Ji's command.And without the peripheral troops, the real rebels surrounding Tai'an City became a soft-shelled turtle.

Thousands of imperial cavalrymen stormed the camps of the rebels almost in an instant, and seeing the flag flying with the flag of Qin Ji flying, General Bai knew that the time had come, so he opened the city gate without hesitation, Let the troops who had been holding back for a long time in the city rush out and attack from both sides, but surrounded these rebels.

Therefore, the whole process was not too thrilling, and besides, they were all their own people, and the rebels didn't even think about fighting to the death.

Of course, Qin Ji just broke through the main gate of Tai'an City, and the siege of the other gates has not been lifted. When Qin Ji entered the main hall, the fighting was still going on outside, but it was almost over.

After entering the main hall, he first reported to Xia Yuxiao, then looked around and looked at the people around him.

Sure enough, in the entire hall, there were almost no real people of our own.

But anyone can see that the expressions on the faces of these people present are very uncomfortable.

"Qing came in a timely manner. I am discussing with you about establishing a crown prince. Oh, and there is also Qing's matter."

"my business?"

Qin Ji was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then turned his head to look at the ministers behind him in feigned surprise: "I don't know what opinions you have on me? You can raise it now, and I will definitely change my past."

No one spoke.

In other words, no one dared to speak.

The main reason is that Qin Ji is now covered in blood (he just stabbed to death a few imperial guards who dragged him in at the gate of the palace), carrying a spear and wearing armor. No one dares to speak up with the posture of stabbing dozens of people and driving them away from the other courtyard.

"I have seen your highnesses and princesses. I wonder what your highnesses are here today? If we are talking about the establishment of the crown prince, it should not be such a big battle."

Qin Ji didn't salute or bow, he just stood there with a spear in his hand and asked straight up.

"Duke Ango thought about it a lot. This is just because he was worried that His Majesty would leave the court and there would be problems in Tai'an City, so he made the transfer in advance. It has nothing to do with Li Chu."

At this time, General Du was the first to react and explained hastily.

"General Du, I'm not talking to you. I'll ask you about your matter afterwards." Qin Ji glanced at him, then said lightly.

"No, Duke An..."

"My surname is Du, I am Taiwei, the top military and political leader of the empire, your immediate superior," Qin Ji turned his head, his tone was extremely severe, "and you, and the generals who cooperate with you and the ministers and princes this time , are all my subordinates. Without my order or His Majesty's order, you stepped over us and mobilized troops without authorization, what is your intention?"

In fact, Qin Ji knew what the other party was up to, and also knew why the other party dared to step over him to mobilize the army.

Because this guy has the secret support of these princes and ministers behind him.

However, secret support is always secret. Once this "secret" is turned to the bright side, and his own strength far exceeds theirs...he can have countless ways to make the other party reasonably compliant be put to death.

General Du's expression froze.

Qin Ji's words were already very serious.

According to Daxia's military laws, those who transfer troops without permission can be directly punished as treason.Great Xia has maintained an extremely strict military system for thousands of years, and it is precisely because of these military systems that the military power of Great Xia has been maintained at a fairly strong level for a long time.

But now, General Du has obviously reached the bottom line of Da Xia.

"Now I don't want to talk to you. You can wait. No matter what the outcome of this discussion is, I don't want to see you in the army again."

After Qin Ji finished speaking, he waved his hands, and several heavily armed soldiers rushed in from outside the hall, and set up the general.

"Master Taiwei, Lord Taiwei! This is a misunderstanding! This is a misunderstanding! You can't just wrong people!"

General Du hurriedly shouted when he saw these soldiers dragging himself out forcefully.

He knew exactly where Qin Ji was going to take him.Daxia's army has its own legal system, which is separate from the Tingwei Mansion, and the treatment of people like him in the army may not be much better than Daxia's current laws.If he really enters the military law camp inside the army, I'm afraid he won't be able to get out.

At this juncture, he couldn't care about anything anymore, and yelled directly at King Jinshan:

"My lord, please say something!"

A vein popped out of King Jinshan's forehead.

He felt that these people in the imperial court were all suffocating to kill him today. He had tried to keep a low profile and was basically fishing for fish throughout the whole process. Are they really staring at him?

Looking at Qin Ji's stern eyes, he smiled:

"Master Taiwei, I didn't know that these troops were transferred here without permission..."

"With your words, it's easy to say."

Qin Ji also laughed.

King Jinshan is just a follower of profit, even if he is killed, he is not killed now, but this man surnamed Du is doing things inside the army. He can just use this reason to get rid of this officer who represents many old-fashioned officers.

Therefore, as long as Jinshan King does not support the other party, he will not find fault with him first-of course, it may not be necessary to free up his hands in the future.

Chapter 42 Closing

After solving Du Yue's matter, Qin Ji looked at Zuo and Wang, and then confirmed the status of Prime Minister Long.

Prime Minister Long is a prime minister after all, Qin Ji doesn't want such a capable old minister to have an accident like this, otherwise, it will be very difficult to find such a conscientious prime minister in the future.

"Qin Ji, just now, all the lovers said that they hope that I can establish a crown prince. I don't know what you think?"

Seeing Qin Ji here, Xia Yuxiao felt more confident. After all, Qin Ji had a large army in his hands at the moment, and now in the main hall, there were probably few who could beat him.

"The minister believes that His Majesty should establish a reserve now."

Qin Ji said.

After saying this, the surrounding ministers all looked shocked.

They were surprised that Qin Ji actually agreed to His Majesty's appointment as a reserve...

You know, if Xia Yuxiao has no heirs if the crown prince is established now, she can only give the position of crown prince to her relatives or children of the same generation.This is not a good thing for Qin Ji.

"An Guogong, do you really agree with Li Chu?"

Xia Yuxiao's face darkened, and she asked.

Come on, why are you turning your back on me? Li Chu is not good for you, is it?Didn't you just send it away? !

"I agree with the establishment of a crown prince," Qin Ji said firmly, "however, I do not agree with your Majesty appointing other people as the crown prince. In my opinion, if you want to establish a crown prince, you must choose a wise emperor. But now I am not able to do so for the time being in Daxia." Candidates for the crown prince are satisfied. Therefore, I suggest that Your Majesty, let the candidates for the crown prince gather together to test their ability to govern the country. Those with the best ability should be given a certain amount of time to practice. For the crown prince."

Qin Ji gave his own answer.

"Taiwei, how can the crown prince be called an 'alternative'? The crown prince is an 'alternative'. In this way, wouldn't he become an 'alternative alternative'? It is really useless."

Ting Wei finally stood up at this time and retorted.

"Ting Wei is too worried. I don't want to establish a few 'alternative princes', but just to help His Majesty choose the most suitable candidate for the prince. Great Xia has been in power for thousands of years, although the position of prince depends to a certain extent on bloodliness However, that is not the decisive factor after all. Your Majesty is not the first emperor’s daughter, yet he is still entrusted with a great job by the late emperor. Why is that? It is precisely because the late emperor did not value closeness of blood.”

He said, and bowed to Xia Yuxiao: "Therefore, I believe that your majesty can choose the candidate for the crown prince, and whether to become the crown prince should be based on his ability. If you have achieved something after practicing outside, then what's wrong? With such a talent, being crown prince can also make you feel at ease."

"good idea."

Xia Yuxiao nodded slightly, agreeing with him.

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