Next, is to engage in information.

Facing Samanjiang, which was eroding his own country all the time, Qin Ji believed that Daxi Kingdom would be very happy to assist Daxia in investigating the details of Samanjiang.

Thinking of this, Qin Ji quickly wrote the relevant documents, handed them over to his subordinates, and asked them to send them to His Majesty, and then applied to His Majesty for funding support...

He could already imagine Xia Yuxiao's expression when he saw the funding request.It is true that Daxia’s life is a little tight now, but let’s take it easy, this life is still going on, and we can’t just let the holy bishops in the west win over and transform Daxia’s neighboring countries one by one because of the tightness.

Once it is really completely laissez-faire, who will guard the sparsely populated western border of Great Xia?What about trade routes?Is it true that the caravan will go half way?

Qin Ji made the stakes very clear in it, and he was sure that Xia Yuxiao would agree to the funding.

In addition, he also began to order the gray scale of Daxia to start to act.

The purpose of the action is not to go to Daxi Kingdom, but to let them first monitor the church organizations and those who believe in the church in Tai'an City, and deal with what needs to be dealt with.

In order to avoid that when I issue an order on my side, someone will go to the other side to report the news.Huilin has received professional training from Lingyan, and has been taught by many people in the world, and now it has begun to take shape. The current job happens to be a very good "novice task".

Lingyan, who received the order, immediately obeyed the order and organized Huilin to pull a net to catch fish in Tai'an City.

Chapter 68 Loyalty!sincerity!

In the study, Xia Yuxiao looked at the map that Qin Ji had just brought over, and hesitated for a moment.

"Is the information from the Holy Bishop true?"

she raised her head and asked.

"Your Majesty can ask the envoys. In fact, the envoys of Daxi Kingdom have been here for the past few days. According to their envoys, Daxi Kingdom may be in danger at any time now, so he has to keep preparing in Tai'an City."

To be honest, the envoy of Daxi Kingdom in Tai'an City is really good at it. In order to let Daxia know the latest information, this envoy specially got griffins from the western country...

This thing is worth a lot.

Although in the letter, Onishi Kingdom's intelligence notification to Daxia was more polite and natural, but it was just a routine etiquette. From the intelligence point of view, the internal situation in Onishi Kingdom was already quite serious.

"I have a general understanding. The money you want is reasonable and there is no problem. But I have learned about the current funds in our treasury with Ji Auchishi before..."

"Not much money, is it?"

Qin Ji's words to Xia Yuxiao's ears were already calloused.

Every time she asks for money, she will say that there are not many funds in the treasury, and I hope he can be considerate, etc., and then sometimes Qin Ji will spend a lot of effort to convince her and prove that his plan can really succeed, and sometimes, simply Change to a less expensive method or a method that can be replaced with a small benefit in front of you.

However, after going through this a few times, he realized that something was wrong.

Every time he asks for money, the national treasury is in short supply. He can understand this. After all, the current situation in Daxia is here. Xia Yuxiao wants to open the canal. Changes and innovations in the field - During the first emperor period, most of the Great Xia's army mainly fought in close combat, but now, some troops have begun to try to equip each soldier with a small crossbow.

This kind of small crossbow is not very powerful, not as far as the range of a professional crossbowman's crossbow, but it has an excellent effect at medium and short distances, and it is easy to carry, just around the waist.Daxia's army has conducted drills, and the effect is not bad. Before the mid-range and short-distance combat with the enemy, a round of small crossbow salvos by the soldiers can instantly weaken the enemy's offensive. Fighting at close quarters with a weapon.

Of course, there is also a downside, which is... money.

To add this to tens of thousands of soldiers requires a lot of military spending.

Therefore, Daxia's finances will not be loose.

But now, Qin Ji discovered that it seemed that the treasury still had enough money left to pay.The treasury is not as empty as Xia Yuxiao often said.The most intuitive thing is to build King An's Mansion. This time Xia Yuxiao allocated a lot of money, even considered extravagant.If the finances were tight, she would not make such a move.

"Let me tell you the truth, Qin Ji, there is still a lot of money in the national treasury, at least it is enough to support the temporary expenses of Daxia." Xia Yuxiao showed a smile, "But, if I take a bite everywhere Promise, the people below are not allowed to use the national treasury as wool? Therefore, it is inconvenient for me to agree to many things directly. Daxia’s treasury is not endless. It is the hard-earned money of countless people. This money must benefit the people of Daxia Just do it."

"So, His Majesty has agreed to give the money, or should he not?"

Qin Ji understood what Xia Yuxiao meant, but asked anyway.

"I can agree, but you have to promise me one condition."

"Your Majesty, this is going too far," Qin Ji sneered, "I am thinking about Daxia's country, and the suggestion I am giving now is also based on Daxia's security needs. This money is not from you. The request was made to satisfy my selfishness, but for the future of Great Xia. Now that I am doing my best for the country, Your Majesty wants to put conditions on me instead. Is it a bit..."

"Don't worry, it has nothing to do with your interests."

Xia Yuxiao waved her hand and said.

Although she is an emperor, she is not a tyrant who doesn't behave like a human being. Qin Ji's suggestion is indeed for Daxia, and she doesn't ask for money, so she doesn't intend to let Qin Ji lose anything.

"Your Majesty, please speak."

"It's actually very simple. It's about the princess of the Saar Dynasty. According to our diplomatic etiquette, she will come to Daxia with her entourage in a few days. By then, I hope you can get in touch with her more. You don't need to do anything, you just need to find out her attitude, I want to know if she can be used by Daxia." Xia Yuxiao said.

"Oh, this matter, it's easy to handle, I will find out if I have a chance to chat with her." Qin Ji heaved a sigh of relief, if it was just to test Wuheya's attitude, it would be very simple.

"As for the money issue, you don't need to worry about it for the time being. Although there is not much money in the treasury, it is still barely enough to support a medium-scale war. Since you really want to solve the problem for Daxia, then I will try my best Let you go and do it."

After Xia Yuxiao finished speaking, she wrote a few lines on a handbook, then stamped her jade seal, and handed it to Qin Ji.

This is an order to withdraw money from Zhi Su Nei Shi, so it is considered to have been approved.

Tsk, among other things, it is still a bit of an advantage in a situation where the emperor centralizes power like Daxia. He only needs to convince His Majesty, and then His Majesty can give money with a swipe of a pen. It is really happy.

"Then, I will take my leave first."

Qin Ji said, ready to walk out of His Majesty's study.

"and many more."

Xia Yuxiao suddenly stopped him.

"Is there anything else, Your Majesty?"

"There is a servant named Cheng Cheng in the court, have you met him?" Xia Yuxiao asked, staring into his eyes.

Qin Ji was taken aback by this question.

What's happening here?Suddenly ask yourself this?

"Uh, we met once...what's the matter?"

It was unnecessary for Qin Ji not to mention the conflict he had with his advisor Cheng in the hall at that time.

"I'm going to promote the consultant Cheng, let him take up the post of Yilang first, and then I'm going to give him a practical job to do."

It seemed that Xia Yuxiao really just brought up this matter casually, but Qin Ji didn't believe it. After all, there was no need to tell herself about promotion, right?

"It is a good thing that His Majesty is willing to promote people who are underappreciated."

"No, I have to tell you. The consultant Cheng, I met him during the Chinese exams before. He is a talent, but he is too upright, and sometimes he is a little out of touch with reality. He can talk high-spirited, but he still lacks experience in governing the country and the world. With What you mean is, I hope you can bring him with you and practice with you a little bit."

"Your Majesty... Adviser Cheng is upright and treats everyone equally. Under my command..."

What Qin Ji meant was that if he was under the hands of labor and capital, would he be considered a clean person?Your Majesty, do you really dare to use it in the future?

"If the consultant Cheng is only following you because of your experience, then I don't need to use this person. Talent, I don't have no talent here, what I want is someone who is strong enough. What's more..." Xia Yu Xiao looked at him thoughtfully, "Chaozhong said he was Qingliu, but in fact Qingliu said that he was loyal to me and the country. So, you are also Qingliu, right?"

"I understand."

Qin Ji nodded in agreement.

That's right, he is also Qingliu, he only has one majesty in his long as this majesty does not harm him.

Chapter 69

Tai'an City.

The Old Fulun Chamber of Commerce, as the largest foreign chamber of commerce in the entire Great Xia, has countless merchants entering and leaving here every day.This place has become the docking place for a large part of Daxia's foreign trade.

The building of the Old Flon Chamber of Commerce is naturally the most unique in Tai'an City. The whole building combines Eastern and Western cultures to create a very interesting "four different" style. Although it looks a bit funny, it actually reflects the old Flon Freedom and Inclusion at the London Chamber of Commerce.

Today's Old Fulun Chamber of Commerce is still full of people. Inside, foreign merchants and Daxia merchants gather to discuss their respective businesses. At the same time, there is a special hall to introduce the market prices of various daily necessities. , so that merchants can trade and measure investment at any time.

However, just today, a group of uninvited guests ushered in here.

A group of people in gray clothes.

The gray clothes on them gave people a very simple feeling, the kind that no one would pay attention to even entering the street.If they hadn't come to the counter and asked to see the person in charge of the chamber of commerce, perhaps no one would have taken them seriously.

At first, the teller at the front desk didn't take them seriously, but told them euphemistically that the person in charge was busy and couldn't meet the guests.

Then, a sign was quietly placed on the counter.

The short-haired girl in the lead whispered:

"At Huilin, investigate the case in the name of Taiwei, take us to see your person in charge, we need to clarify some things."

The teller froze, but she didn't froze for long when she saw the girl stretch her hand to her waist—it was a beautifully decorated knife.

"Please...please come with me."

Seeing the posture of this group of people, the teller's sanity completely disappeared - she didn't want to be put on the neck with that knife.

The group followed the teller up to the second floor.It's just that none of those high-spirited merchants noticed that a group of people jumped out of several carriages that had been parked around the Old Fren Chamber of Commerce, and they silently guarded all the doors and windows of the Old Flon Chamber of Commerce. You have to die.

And in the lobby inside, when the teller led these "guests" upstairs, those businessmen dragging heavy suitcases slowly squatted at the door.

The act of the teller leading these people upstairs did not attract anyone's attention. Here, rich and powerful guests are not uncommon, and it is quite normal for some people to meet with the senior chamber of commerce upstairs.

But just a few minutes later, the sound of killing from upstairs made the hall suddenly silent.

"What are you doing!? I am a Gentile, you can't do this!"

Upstairs, people's shouts and heavy footsteps could be faintly heard.

Everyone was stunned, and no one knew what happened upstairs. However, what was unexpected was that after hearing a loud noise, the "businessmen" in the hall seemed to have received some orders , quickly opened the suitcases in their hands.

Inside are extremely fine crossbows and shields.

They picked up their shields and rushed upstairs with big strides. At the same time, they stringed their crossbows. Leading by the "merchant" holding a shield, they went straight to the second floor!

Obviously, they came at the right time. The battle upstairs had just reached its climax, and the guards hired by the old Fren Chamber of Commerce with a lot of money had almost no chance of responding to such a surprise attack.

Or, for the first time, they encountered an opponent who did not give them a chance to react.

If any of them can survive, they will definitely have a psychological shadow on the person wearing gray embroidered black stripes for the rest of their lives——

From their perspective, what they saw was that a group of "businessmen" drew their swords and pressed them on the ground after going up to the second floor to see their president. The moment the weapon was opened, it was shot by the hand crossbow that these merchants took out from nowhere.

Then, a group of people in gray clothes rushed up from downstairs. They were tall and burly, using shields as a cover, kicked open every door quickly, and repeated the warning that "abandoned soldiers will not be killed" , the thick shields blocked almost all the attacks of the guards, while the crossbowmen in the rear shot and killed those who attacked them with great precision.

The girl who led the team was even more terrifying.

She was not protected by men in gray with shields around her, but she was also one of the first to attack. Before the weapons in the guards' hands were raised, she had already arrived in front of them, raising the knife and dropping it, almost in the blink of an eye. , the two of them were chopped down and unable to move.

Throughout the whole process, these gray-clothed men cooperated tacitly, were fully equipped, and hardly made the guards here make any decent resistance. Except for warnings, their operations were almost silent, with a clear division of labor, and each room was carefully controlled. Enter and attack decisively.The whole process took only a little more than a minute, and the entire chamber of commerce's defense forces were wiped out.


Binding the president of the chamber of commerce under his feet firmly, Lingyan asked without turning his head.

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