To be honest, Qin Ji's shoulders don't feel comfortable to the touch - his military career and long-term practice have made Qin Ji's body quite strong, and his muscles are relatively firm... He even feels a little nervous when he leans on it.

But for Lingyan, she doesn't need such a soft touch, she just wants to get close to the familiar breath.


"I'm here, why, are you uncomfortable?"

Qin Ji's tone was as calm as ever.

Lingyan didn't say anything, just leaned there, and then showed a smug smile.

It seemed that Qin Ji was still concentrating on looking at the list, his tone was very flat, as if he was an emotional machine.

But upon careful observation, Lingyan could find his red ears...

Hee hee, fun.

Chapter 79 Misunderstanding

Qin Siyue's daily life is very simple.

In this world, there are no games, no digital tablets, and no pornographic pictures to look at.

Therefore, Qin Siyue chose to stay at home and not go out on the grounds that she was suffering from illness and hysteria.After waking up every morning, I just paint. When I am tired of painting, I read books, look at the map of this world, and make up my mind to play a certain 6+ war criminals game in this world.

Over time, after reading many works in this world, she has already accumulated a wealth of knowledge.However, these reserves are only reserves, and in the short term, it may be difficult to use them.

So, Qin Siyue stretched her waist, hugged her own fox, and went straight to Qin Ji's room.

In addition to the above-mentioned entertainment, the rest she can do is to stay next to her brother.Although it is very uncomfortable to come to this terrible world, but to a certain extent, it is fortunate that she came here with her brother, otherwise, she would not even dare to imagine how she would live.

She ran to the brother's room next door, and opened the door without saying a word:

"Brother, you are free now..."

Then she saw Lingyan leaning on Qin Ji's shoulder.


Her brain was running fast for a moment, and Qin Siyue thought of a lot at this moment, thinking of the future where her elder brother abandoned her, thinking of the future of being sent out, thinking of the time when she was so nervous that she could not speak when facing strange people future......

"Ah, Siyue, what's the matter..."

Qin Ji turned his head away, he was very glad that Qin Siyue just came to help him out of this bewildering situation at this time, but when he saw Qin Siyue, he didn't say anything else in a daze.

Qin Siyue just stood there, as if her whole body was frozen, and then slowly hugged her head, shedding two lines of clear tears with horror on her face.

"Hey hey hey hey? What's the matter? I've done nothing!"

Qin Ji was dumbfounded all of a sudden, he didn't know how he had stimulated this little ancestor, and at this moment, Lingyan also turned her head and noticed Qin Siyue's abnormality.

For her, it was really interesting to see Qin Ji in a hurry, but she didn't want to see such a hurry. Besides, to her, Qin Ji and Qin Siyue, brother and sister, were exactly the same as her family. Seeing Qin Siyue like this, Lingyan also panicked.

"Little Miss, what's wrong with you?"

Lingyan quickly ran to Qin Siyue and held her shoulders.

However, at this time, Qin Siyue, who was already overwhelmed by the cruel future she imagined, didn't pay attention to Lingyan's words at all. She just thought of her future life and felt inexplicably afraid.

"Brother...not yet, I'm still young..."

She's still young, Qin Ji shouldn't...don't abandon her to live a shameless two-person life, right? — She thought so.

But this is not the same taste in the ears of others.

Qin Ji was stunned, this is it, why doesn't it feel right?

Lingyan was even more shocked. She turned her head in astonishment, looked at Qin Ji, and then turned her head to look at Qin Siyue.

Wait a minute, these two seem to be brothers and sisters, right?

What did Qin Ji do?This, this, what kind of plot unfolds?

"Master, explain," Lingyan said with a very kind smile, "What exactly did you say and do to Miss?"

"I said I don't know either, do you believe me?"

"......I believe."

"I really didn't lie to you. If you don't believe it, then... hey? Do you believe it?"

Qin Ji was already prepared to spend a lot of time explaining, but only then did he realize that what Lingyan said was "I believe it".

"You said you wouldn't lie to me."

Lingyan sighed, then knelt down and looked at Qin Siyue: "There must be some misunderstanding, young master, why don't you talk to the lady?"


After a few minutes.

Qin Ji made Qin Siyue believe that he would not leave her alone, and Qin Siyue regained his composure.

However, Qin Siyue's misunderstanding made Qin Ji even more embarrassed--Grandma, he really didn't plan to live a two-person world... Ah bah, it's not what Qin Siyue thought at all. An improper relationship!

"I've never seen a lady like this..."

Lingyan was also terrified.

Miss Yao thinks back then, she was full of talent, read poetry and books, she was a perfect talented woman, when did she look like this?Although the current young lady is equally talented and well-read poetry and books, but since suffering from hysteria, this situation has become more and more wrong, as if she has changed.

"It's okay, you know, she can't leave me in this situation."

Qin Ji gave such an explanation for this.

"Lingyan, I won't lie to you, and I'm very glad that you can trust me... To be honest, Siyue doesn't really have any hysteria. Sometimes, she just relies too much on me ...the reasons for this are complex, and I hope you understand."

Qin Ji would not lie to her, but he has the right not to tell the truth. It's not that he doesn't trust Lingyan, but that he doesn't know whether he can tell what happened to their siblings.

Suppose the power that brought them into this world came from some kind of law, and if they told their origin, they were giving away the secret?

Qin Ji still doesn't know who sent him to this world, and what kind of power can send people here. He doesn't know all of this, so he can only hope that Lingyan can understand him.

Some things, for the sake of safety, must think twice before acting.

"I understand, young master, Miss has deep feelings for you. I knew this a long time ago, but I didn't expect it to reach this level..."

Ah, Lingyan, you probably misunderstood, the relationship is indeed very deep, but it hasn't reached this level, she was simply frightened and cried because of excessive social fear, and didn't know what to do after losing her brother... ...

Qin Ji thought so, but he didn't dare to say it out—mainly because Qin Siyue had recovered now, and he was afraid that his sister would scratch him.

"Sorry to scare you... so what were you two doing?"

After recovering, Qin Siyue finally recovered her previous slightly black-bellied personality, so, facing the scene she saw just now, she naturally would not let it go easily, and decisively began to ask what was going on in that scene just now .

"It's just a rest." Lingyan said.

"Rest? Rest on my brother's body?" Qin Siyue looked at the two thoughtfully.

Tsk, what nonsense are you talking about, she is not a child.Who are you lying to?

Take a break and just lean on it?Then if you are sleepy and want to sleep, do you really have to get under the covers?

Chapter 80 Situation Judgment

"Uh, it's really just a rest. She's very tired and just helped me move the desk."

Qin Ji hurriedly explained.

Faced with Qin Ji's explanation, Qin Siyue naturally would not choose to believe it. She looked at the two people suspiciously, and finally sighed: "Okay, okay, then I will pretend I didn't see it. Oh, yes , brother, are you planning to attack Samanjan?"

Qin Siyue asked as if mentioning it casually.

"Huh...huh?!" Qin Ji turned his head and stared at her incredulously, "Did I tell you about this?"

"No, but brother, don't forget, I sometimes have to help you with some trivial matters in military transfers—although you didn't say it, brother, so many ordnances have begun to be transferred to the west, and the west is far away. The capital is far and remote, so you can't just want to store ordnance in another warehouse?" Qin Siyue said.

In addition to reading books and paintings, Qin Siyue will occasionally help Qin Ji share the burden. After all, Qin Ji has a lot of things to do now, and it is impossible to do everything. Relatively confidential, at this time Qin Ji often chooses the person he trusts the most.And my sister is such a person.

Qin Siyue is not only good at strategic and tactical operations, but also good at logistics. She belongs to the type who likes to plan ahead, and paving the way early is her favorite thing to do.

Therefore, she is often responsible for helping Qin Ji with some trivial matters, such as related ordnance mobilization, arming replacement and other matters.

"Then why don't you think I'm going to guard against Atlantis?"

"Laughing, Daxi Kingdom relies on Daxia to live. Why are you beating him when you have nothing to do? Does he have rare resources? Does he have a large area of ​​high-quality arable land? It's just a good location. It's unnecessary to fight there. "

Talking about this with Qin Ji, Qin Siyue instantly felt relieved.She unfolded the map with great interest, and then examined the place of Samanjan.

"Okay, respectable little military advisor, come and give me some advice."

Qin Ji was overjoyed, and decided to let Qin Siyue have a good time too - she was thinking about how to play the map coloring game every day, so let her free her mind.

"Can you give me any advice? Samanjan is the best place for the west to infiltrate Daxia. The transportation is relatively convenient, and its neighboring country, Daxi Kingdom, will not pose an absolute threat in a short period of time. The east can harass and infiltrate Daxia at any time." Xia. And most importantly, this was once a church country in history, with a religious foundation..."

"But in the final analysis, a small country is still a small country, and Da Xia won't have trouble beating him. To put it bluntly, even if he mobilizes the whole country, he may not be able to defeat any of Da Xia's twelve armies..."

"In your eyes, it's that simple?"

Qin Ji couldn't help asking.

"The gap in national power is as simple as that. But..." Qin Siyue pointed to the west of Samanjan, "Brother, you should also know that Samanjan involves the interests of the Holy Bishop's Church." Strictly speaking, this is the bridgehead for the Holy Bishop to infiltrate Daxia—whether they will allow Daxia to launch an attack like this is another matter."

"What do you expect the worst to be?"

"In the worst case, the Hedia Empire, the Iruhelai Kingdom, the Varian Kingdom... a dozen countries headed by them will help Samanjan. Among them, the Hedia Empire is very Maybe he will end up fighting Da Xia himself."

The Hedea Empire is a country located in the east of the Weixi Empire, and it is also one of the big countries in the West. This country is also trying to get rid of the control of the Holy Bishop Church, but at the same time, because the current emperor has not yet completed the weakening of the power of the nobles in the country , The country has not yet reached the golden age of development, so they still obey the orders of the Holy Bishop's Church on the surface.

Qin Ji analyzed what his sister said, and it was indeed very reasonable. Although the Hedea Empire wants to get rid of the church now, if the interests of the church at this time are related to the interests of the Hedea Empire, then Hedea It is very likely that the Asian Empire will end up wrapping up the war alone, and may use this to seek the interests of the so-called "jihadists" from the church.

The core interest of the Hedea Empire is that they are located in the "East" of the West, and they covet the geographical location of Atlantis that extends in all directions.

Once they can take the Onishi Kingdom as their own, then they only need to merge the two small countries, then the Hedea Empire will monopolize the main road connecting the East and the West. The Hedea Empire provides a breakthrough for the country's development.

This is a very good wishful thinking, so the Hedea Empire will be one of the countries most likely to end up doing things.

"So, according to your estimation, what is the combat effectiveness of the Hedia Empire?"

"Brother, you should have a rough estimate in your heart. The Hedia Empire is now one of the two powerful countries in the west. It is true that it is a long journey for them to come to Samanjan, but they may have With the support and help of all the holy bishop countries. And the magic, rune spells, etc. of the Hedia Empire have already been used skillfully on the battlefield...they are a tough bone."

Qin Siyue has never been to these countries, but due to the Qin family's extremely rich collection of books and the daily snowflakes of military, political and other documents, she knows these countries almost perfectly.

She also remembers the history of the Hedea Empire very clearly. This country is powerful and meticulous, and their magic academy spreads all over the country like a dense network...

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