While the interrogation was still going on, in terms of military affairs, Qin Ji had already begun to consider the issue of foreign wars.

Regarding the issue of grain and grass, it had entered the transit stage long before the cleansing of Tai'an City. In order to support the upcoming war, Qin Ji asked Advisor Cheng to direct the grain collection work in various places to raise military rations.

These military rations are not urgently needed. The first wave of rations mobilized in Daxia is enough to last for several months.

What Qin Ji is afraid of is fighting a protracted war. If Samanjiang really offends many countries, it will inevitably lead to a stalemate-even though Qin Ji believes that he and the soldiers of Daxia have the ability to fight quickly, But in this matter, it is still necessary to prepare for the worst.

This time Xia Yuxiao handed over the Red Yuan Army to herself, which is enough to prove that her trust in herself has grown.After all, the Chiyuan Army is a relatively good army in Xia Yuxiao's hands. She is willing to hand over this army to herself, which shows that she is no longer afraid of herself like before.

However, Qin Ji would not do such a thing as impatiently and immediately control the Red Yuan Army.

The Red Yuan Army is loyal to the emperor, and most of its internal officers are old officers, while most of the young officers were not promoted by him, so they don't have much contact with him.

These old officers were the ones who followed the late emperor to fight everywhere. They don't recognize you as a lieutenant or not. They are still willing to go to the battlefield at this age, purely to "repay the kindness of the late emperor".

Well, it's similar to those Shu Han soldiers who were loyal to Adou during the Three Kingdoms period.After all, although the first emperor left a lot of mess in his later years, he still captured the loyalty of many courtiers when he fought in all directions.

Facing such a red kite army, there is no rush.And now that he is going to swallow the Chiyuan army, the risk factor is too great for Qin Ji, so he just swallowed it like this, let alone whether the Chiyuan army will listen to him, I am afraid that he has just swallowed it with his front foot, and Xia Yuxiao may be on the back foot knew.

Yes, Strictly speaking, Gray Scale is directly in charge of him now, and he also has some of his own people in Suilongwei, but the imperial power of Daxia is not some imperial power in his world, the orthodox imperial power of Daxia is almost the subjects of Daxia The "thought seal" in the heart is basically difficult to shake.

That's why Qin Ji recruited and promoted those young officers, because young people are relatively easy to be changed.And if he is eager for success now and wants to completely control the Chiyuan Army, he might have to tear his skin apart by then.

The final result is likely to be that he died, and then Daxia was severely injured.

Guigui, he is not stupid, who would do such a thing that is of no benefit to anyone.

Therefore, the matter of the Chiyuan Army still needs to be discussed in a long-term manner. Besides, Xia Yuxiao is not a fool. When she rescued him, she had already thought that she had thoughts about the Chiyuan Army, and she must have left a lot of regrets in it. hand.Anyway, he didn't need his own troops for this expedition, and Qin Ji was not in a hurry.

Military affairs must be dealt with, but the most important thing now is to read the edict sent to him by His Majesty.

"Qinggui is the king of An, and he has made great contributions to the country and is kind to me, so I am always grateful for the reuse. I am quite confident that you will lead the army. The soldiers of the Red Yuan Army should listen to your orders on the front line. If there is any dissatisfaction, you can order this decree to the army."

"As for the wedding that you mentioned before, I don't intend to shirk it, but the chaos outside the border is still undecided, and you need to go all out in this battle. The sage said that those who use soldiers for the country should put aside the worries of their families. Therefore, we will not discuss the matter of marriage for the time being. Qing If you win, it will be double happiness; if you don’t win, it’s God’s will if you can’t win with your talents and the might of the Great Xia Iron Army. I hope you will save your life, don’t act on your will.”

This edict contains a lot of information.

To put it simply, Xia Yuxiao basically handed over the command of the Red Yuan Army on the front line to him.This is normal. After all, he is on the front line. If he is a lieutenant who can't command the troops, then the battle will be impossible.

However, what Qin Ji couldn't understand was the second part.

When did I mention marriage?

Qin Ji expressed that he was puzzled.Although he is indeed in a "trial period" with Xia Yuxiao now, he doesn't need to worry at all. After all, for him, the marriage still depends on the wishes of both parties.Xia Yuxiao didn't force herself to make a decision as soon as possible.

But why did she suddenly mention this matter in the decree?

From what this means, it seems that after winning the battle and returning home, he is ready to get married?And even if he was defeated, Xia Yuxiao still hoped that he would come back with his life saved, and he didn't intend to hold him accountable?

God, when did I have such a good boss?The frontline command is given to you. If you lose, don’t blame you and let you come back with your life.

Qin Ji was very confused about this, and he didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Xia Yuxiao's gourd.Suddenly mentioning the matter of marriage, is this expressing trust in myself... But expressing trust doesn't mean sending yourself away...

Qin Ji couldn't figure it out, and wanted to ask someone, but after taking a look, she realized that there must be no spiritual beauty around her, and she probably couldn't understand the meaning of the decree.And it seemed that she sometimes resisted mentioning Xia Yuxiao to herself.

Qin Siyue?Laughing to death, what do you expect a social fear without his brother to study the emperor's decree?If she had that ability, she wouldn't be afraid of society long ago.

In the end, he made a decision that went against his ancestors.

This decree is to find someone who is under his nose, extremely difficult to leak information, and at the same time has a good relationship with him and can be trusted.And this person must have a lot of brains.

At the same time, this person has to hold some handles in his hands.

So, with this edict, he secretly went to meet the person who fully met the above requirements.

"So, you chose to come to me?"

Wuheya looked at the edict dumbfounded.

"There is no way, emergency is like putting out a fire. You are also a woman. Help me analyze what my majesty means. I really can't fix her this time."

Qin Ji begged very solemnly.

"...Okay, let's say it first, I'm only in charge of giving you advice, don't look for me if anything happens."

"Don't worry, absolutely not."

Chapter 91 Friends Meet

Wuheya carefully read the decree, and then pondered for a while.

"Isn't this just telling you to let go of the fight, and then mention the marriage by the way? What's wrong? Nothing strange?"

Wuheya felt very strange.

It is true that the emperor generally likes tricksters, but Xia Yuxiao's decree is actually just admonishing Qin Ji, and she doesn't think there is any problem.

"No, the problem is that I haven't mentioned the matter of marriage? Haven't we said anything about it yet?"

Qin Ji expressed doubts about this.

"You don't have nothing to do to chat with others about marriage, do you?" Wuheya looked at him suspiciously.

Qin Ji is good in everything, but there is one thing. When this guy thinks about things too seriously, he doesn't care much about other things.

For example, if he jokes with you while working, he will forget the joke when he turns his head.

So Wuheya's first reaction was whether this grandson had already talked about marriage with the emperor, but he didn't remember it at all.

"Impossible? It's impossible for me not to remember something as big as marriage." Qin Ji believed in his memory very much.

"In short, regardless of whether you have mentioned marriage with others or not, the words of Emperor Daxia are actually telling you that there is a possibility for your marriage with her. Since she has said so, it doesn't matter whether you have When you talk about marriage with someone, you have to face them as if you are about to get married—either make it clear that you don’t want to marry, or choose to get married directly. Anyway, after you have finished fighting, you have to give a clear s answer."

Wu Heya said.

In fact, if the other party was an ordinary girl, then she would suggest that Qin Ji use the drag-and-drop formula, delay for a while to see if the other party's attitude is sincere, and then make a decision.

But obviously, such behavior does not apply to the emperor.

Good guy, you hang on to the emperor and don't give an answer, do you want to die or want to "leave your name in history"?

Considering Qin Ji's power status, Wuheya felt that he could have another way - that is, to explicitly reject this marriage.After all, even if he refused, Xia Yuxiao couldn't do anything to him, as long as he didn't refuse Xia Yuxiao in front of all the court officials so that Xia Yuxiao couldn't get down.

But in short, when the battle is over, you can't delay, and you must give an answer as soon as possible.

On the other hand, this is also for the sake of emotion.The longer the ambiguous relationship drags on, once it breaks down, the more it will hurt each other.Fortunately, Xia Yuxiao also gave Qin Ji enough time to think, and the time on the battlefield was enough for him to come up with an answer.

"Is this really feasible? You know, His Majesty is very good at digging pits and fishing for law enforcement..."

"What is fishing law enforcement?"

"Ah... You can understand it as deliberately luring you into committing a crime and then convicting you." Qin Ji said.

He didn't dare to be unscrupulous, Qin Ji knew exactly what kind of person Xia Yuxiao was.Although she still can't move herself at the moment, no matter how you think about such a sudden movement, it makes people suspicious.

"Tsk, to a certain extent, you understand the emperor quite well," Wuheya glanced at him, and then continued, "It's a pity, you don't understand women very well, or you don't understand women like Your Majesty. .”

"I always feel like you're mocking me."

"Be confident and remove the 'I always feel'." Wuheya waved her hand, "She is the emperor, and she is willing to take the initiative to issue such an edict to you, which shows that she is ready. The emperor is an emperor, but in The status and power of the two parties are still at the same level, such an edict is tantamount to asking you to prepare as soon as possible. You can reject her, you can accept her, but you can't drag her."

"Whether it is in terms of feelings or future, Qin Ji, I suggest that you give her an answer as soon as possible after the war. Otherwise, it will not do you much good. As a friend, the advice I can give is only That's all."

After saying this, Wuheya took a sip of the slightly hot milk tea: "I've said what I have to say, it's up to you to decide. Here, do you want some drink? I just let someone cook it."

"Come on."

Qin Ji was also a little greedy.He remembered that Wuheya liked to drink milk tea very much. In her hometown, this kind of milk tea was almost a necessity for them to drink with meals every day.

Wuheya picked up the jug next to him, and poured him a full cup. The milk tea was still steaming, and the aroma of milk spread in the air.

Qin Ji blew a little, then drank it in one gulp.

Immediately afterwards, the rich aroma of milk and tea accompanied by a strong smell of mutton, this wonderful feeling made him frown.But this is not the most outrageous, the most outrageous is...

How is this salty! ?

"Not used to drinking it? This is the taste of my hometown," Wuheya said proudly, "We all drink this in our hometown."

"No, I remember when I went there, your milk tea didn't taste like this?!" Qin Ji was puzzled.

In his memory, when he went there, the milk tea he drank was slightly sweet or pure milk tea without sugar.When did this salty milk tea come out?

"You are from Daxia, of course we have to take care of your taste. You must not be used to drinking our own milk tea at that time, so I changed it for you with sweeter ones," Wuheya said, spreading her hands , "The salty one is a good thing on our side, but it is quite unacceptable to most of you in Daxia. So, what you are drinking now is the original Saar milk tea."

"Hiss, the smell is too weird."

"Is there? If I don't drink it, I will feel tired." Wu Heya drank the remaining milk tea in the bowl, and then leaned forward slightly, "Tell me about the battle in Samanjan. How much is Daxia planning to pay?"

She is in a hurry every day, and she often has to find something for herself to do.Daxia is preparing for war against Samanjan, she has already heard about it.After all, it is impossible for her to not be aware of such a big war preparation.Coupled with today's decree, the matter of Daxia's attack on Samanjan has already been crucified.

This is not a military secret. After all, she still doesn't know the details at all, and she doesn't want to know.

"It depends on the strength of the country. It depends on how much the Great Xia can bear."

Qin Ji said it, but didn't say it again.

"It's so secret... don't you want to reveal it to me? I'm bored, why don't you give me something to relieve my boredom."

"After the battle is over, there will be plenty of time to entertain you. I can't reveal any information to you, even if it's not confidential." At this time, Qin Ji still insisted on his own opinion.

Wuheya has a very good relationship with him, but this is a personal relationship. Yu Gong, she is the proton of the Saar dynasty, so she cannot tell foreigners about military matters.

"Then change the question." Seeing him not letting go, Wuheya didn't bother anymore, "Now, our Highness King An, do you have any idea of ​​replacing him? This is asking you as a friend."


Qin Ji quickly looked around and found that there was no one around, so he breathed a sigh of relief: "What do you mean?"

"Literally. Now that you've grown your power to this extent, don't you ever think about replacing it? Don't tell me you've given up. You're not that kind of person."

Chapter 92 help?

For Wu Heya, Qin Ji has great personal charm, but it is a dangerous charm.

While most people were still playing, he had already planned for his future, and even thought about the outcome of his own failure—this guy had a very strong purpose, although he didn't say it, but at that time Wuheya was almost certain that this guy's goal was the emperor's throne.

But now Qin Ji seemed to have lost that danger.In other words, it seldom shows such danger.

In Wuheya's understanding, it is impossible for Qin Ji to be willing to continue sitting here with his current power.His desire for power is far beyond that of ordinary people, but now, he seems calm, as if his fanatical pursuit of power was nothing but a dream.

"Replace it..." Qin Ji smiled bitterly, then shook his head: "Wuheya, do you know that I am getting closer and closer to the throne, but the closer I am, the more I feel the importance of this position?" heavy."

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