"This guy is...".

Chapter 17

"God on behalf of the world?!"

Su Ran recognized the identity of the purple-haired lady in front of her at a glance.

God Dai Lishi, S-class ghoul, has huge greed, is called a big ghoul by CCG, nicknamed "Gluttony".

This guy often pretends to be a gentle and elegant intellectual senior, haunts various small shops, coffee shops, and libraries, and specializes in hooking up little fresh meat like Kaneki Ken.

Once hooked up, Shendai Lishi will ask them out for a tryst.

Most of the locations are selected in remote suburbs, construction sites and other inaccessible or noisy places.

Most of the time is at night.

outdoors, night...

As long as those little fresh meats are asked out, there will be only one end, they will be gnawed and killed by God Dai Lishi, and become the dessert in his stomach!

"Oh, I didn't expect to be discovered by you."

Shendai Lishi stuck out his tongue playfully and hammered his forehead.

Such a cute move was performed by such an elegant sister Yu, and some men with weak resistance probably couldn't hold it anymore.

"What's the matter with you?"

Su Ran is naturally not those silly white sweets.

What is the identity of Shendai Lishi, he even knows better than the other party himself!

But he didn't want to reveal it face to face, so he just... Biaoxi!

He wants to see how this woman will act!

"It's nothing, I just saw your cooking performance in the store and thought you are a great person, so I want to know more about you... Do you have time? How about going for a coffee?"

It's started!Yujie's classic routine of fishing for fresh meat!

In the middle of the night, I was invited to a coffee shop by a sister Yu with excellent looks and temperament, even a man would be a jerk.

Su Ran smiled faintly: "Okay, let's go."

Shendai Lishi was secretly delighted, and led Su Ran to a nearby coffee shop.

Of course, it is not a coffee shop [An Ding District] dedicated to ghouls. If you go to that place, something bad will happen.

Coffee shop corner.

Against the background of dim lights, elegant and out-of-key jazz is played lightly, giving people a feeling of relaxing physically and mentally.

Goddai Lishi and Su Ran had a very high chat, sometimes covering their mouths with sweet smiles, sometimes looking out of the window melancholy, and from time to time, they would meet with Su Ran's eyes and blush...

It gives people a sense of mystery and seduction.

Of course, all these performances were all pretended by God on behalf of Lishi.

I am a student of a nearby university, majoring in literature. I like photography, traveling, and baking. I often go to small shops on the side of the road to find delicious food. My dream is to open a coffee shop like this...

It's all nonsense.

To be honest, even if Su Ran didn't know Shendai Lishi beforehand, he would probably be suspicious when he heard her words.

This is a proper routine of female Wenqing in the circle of friends!

With a monthly salary of 3000, I like baking/photography/travelling/reading/watching movies/, and my dream is to open a flower shop/coffee shop/homestay. I must go to West Z once in my lifetime, and I must take the Sichuan Z line. My favorite sentence is: 'Life is not only about the present, but also poetry and the distance'...

Su Ran silently took a sip of coffee, he was afraid that God Dai Lishi would start chatting with him about the Strawberry Music Festival in the next second...

at this time……

"Ding! It is detected that God Dai Lishi is playing tricks on you, please make a choice."

Hearing the sudden sound from the system, Su Ran almost sprayed Kamdai Rishi's face with a mouthful of coffee!

It's coming, it's coming!

I knew that this dog system was indispensable!

Putting down the coffee cup, Su Ran's eyes immediately scanned the options.

"1. Continue to be tricked by her, and then be brutally eaten by her on the construction site, and rewarded with a pair of Sharingan."

"2. Debunk her routine on the spot and tell her: I know you are a ghoul, don't pretend to be so special, let's go to war! Reward a pair of S-level feathers."

"3. Continue to be tricked by her, and then reverse the trick! Through my own operation, invite her to the hotel, and reward Linhe, Lishi, and Banhe with 8 centipede tentacles."

What the hell!

Is it so exciting!

Su Ran saw the word [hotel] in the third option at a glance.

Especially dazzling!

Has Gou Ri's system finally become serious?

What is there to hesitate, definitely choose 3!


Suddenly, Su Ran smashed the coffee cup onto the plate.

Jindai Lishi was imagining the scene of eating Su Ran's fans back in his mind, drooling secretly, but was interrupted by this abnormal noise, and was a little startled.

"You, what's wrong with you?"

Shendai Lishi's heart was pounding, and she was a little nervous.

When drinking coffee just now, Su Ran maintained a gentleman's posture the whole time, why did he suddenly smash the cup?

Could it be... that he saw through his disguise?

"Stop pretending."

Su Ran put down three words indifferently.

Shendai Lishi's heart shrank to the extreme in an instant!

Could it be that he really saw through him?

"You, what are you talking about? I, I didn't understand..."

Shendai Lishi's voice was trembling, she had never been so nervous in front of her prey!

"I told you to stop pretending and ask me out for coffee? Don't you just want to make a coffee date with me? Can you stop doing so many routines? Can't we be straightforward?"


Su Ran cleverly grasped Shendai Lishi's heart.

Now, in order to eat him up, the woman in front of him would agree no matter what excessive demands she made.

as predicted!

Under Su Ran's severe reprimand, Kamdai Lishi was stunned for a moment, then frowned, blushed for a while, and then pretended to be shy and said: "Actually, in fact, I wanted to cultivate more feelings, who told me to meet I just fell in love with you..."

Well, she is indeed a bad woman, and she has a set of acting skills!

If it were a simple coquettish young man like Kaneki Ken, he might have been fooled!

Su Ran straightened her neckline, looked upright, and began to show off her acting skills!

"Then let's not waste time, let's go to Homeinn to fight!".

Chapter 18

A few minutes later... Su Ran brought Shendai Lishi to a nearby black hotel.

As for why it is a black hotel instead of Home Inn, of course it is because neither of them has an ID card...

"I haven't asked you yet, what's your name..."

They have already stepped into the gate of the hotel, and Kamdai Lishi still did not forget to ask a question.

This sentence is not acting.

She wanted to know Su Ran's name from the bottom of her heart.

Because, she has never met such a straightforward man!

The men I hooked up with in the past were as cowardly as idiots, and they didn't know how to flirt with girls, so I guided them all the way.

Occasionally there are a few courageous ones, whose behavior is no different from criminals, and they will pounce on them when they are in the wild.

That kind of person died the worst with her. Basically, only the heart was dug out and eaten, and the other stumps were thrown to the grass to feed the wild dogs.

"A name..."

The corners of Su Ran's mouth slowly curled up, making a dignified look, and said sternly: "Don't ask for the name, just enter the body, not life."

Goddale: "..."

After entering the room, God Dai Lishi locked the door smoothly.

Then close the windows, draw the shades, turn on the TV, and turn the music to maximum.

At this point, there is no need to pretend any more, Shendai Lishi's eyes were fixed, two black and red eyes burst open, his elegant and beautiful face became extremely distorted, and the smile on the corner of his mouth looked crazy and terrifying.

"The moment I've been waiting for is finally here."

Drooling dripped from the corner of Kamdai Lishi's mouth.

The man in front of her was very suitable for her taste from every angle.

If it weren't for the fact that she was so hungry today, she really wanted to keep this man in captivity and get along well with him.

"Food, ghoul! You are a ghoul!"

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