Fortunately, knocked out.

Otherwise, the headquarters of the Heroes Association today might be destroyed.

"Huh... almost missed..."

Banggu, Janos, and Nitero let out a heavy breath.


This tornado little loli is really scary when she gets angry!

It feels like their lives are like candles in the wind, which will go out at any time!

"Hey, what are you doing, kid? Why did you put the clothes on her?"

"How did you put it on? I didn't even see clearly..."

After calming down, everyone looked at Su Ran, who was secretly enjoying himself, in surprise.

What is the relationship between these two people?

Could it be boyfriend and girlfriend?

Otherwise, how could I put my own clothes on girls!

Su Ran smiled apologetically, "I've come all the way, so I can't come empty-handed, right? This dress is my gift to Long Juan, so don't take it off casually."

Banggu: "..."

Genos: "..."

Nitro: "..."

Well, the relationship between the two is indeed more complicated than they imagined.

Pushing open the door of the meeting, I contacted several staff members. Banggu told them the address of the Gobi Desert, and then asked someone to airlift the tornado to that place.

Regardless of whether the clothes are taken off or not, this girl will definitely go crazy after waking up.

It would be better to leave her in the Gobi Desert, at least if the place is blown up, there will be no loss.

"Then let's talk about this mission."

In general, the task this time is not complicated, it is to find the stronghold where the Phantom Brigade and the Ax help them collude, and then destroy it.

This is used to disrupt the plan for the weirdo to learn the ability to read.

"What do you think of this action?"

Nitero felt that it was still necessary to ask Su Ran for his opinion. After all, it was the first time he had seen him, and he didn't know what the other party's ability was.

"Hmm... It's really not easy to entrust this task to you. The head of the Phantom Brigade, Kurolo Rousilu, has the ability to steal other people's abilities. A single member of the brigade, or a single Phantom Brigade It’s okay to say, but if other evil organizations are involved, it will be difficult to operate.”

Among the several organizations that Su Ran heard from President Netero, Su Ran was most worried about the Phantom Brigade and the Black Organization.

The Phantom Brigade is a super criminal gang among the full-time hunters. The head of the group, Kurolo Rushiru, and the members Hisoka, Nobunaga, and Feitan are all players with extremely high IQs.

Another organization in black, the biggest villain in Conan, the gin and rum who make trouble, are also very smart...

If these IQs are top-notch, if they join forces with the weirdos and the Ax Gang, the consequences will definitely be very troublesome.

"Although the situation is not very good, it should still be within the controllable range. Let me go and inspect it first."

Su Ran patted Genos on the shoulder: "Are there any heroes with better eloquence?"

"Should be, what do you want?"

"When Tornado wakes up, let him go over and give me some kind words...".

Chapter 28

The night sky is at the head.

In the slightly dilapidated, but brightly lit M country-style streets, uniformed policemen patrolled the bustling commercial district.

However, for this area, the so-called police did not exist for a long time.

These policemen just wear bluffing uniforms and play the role of law enforcement officers during the hours at work, symbolically maintaining law and order.

As soon as it's time to get off work, they go to major nightclubs and entertainment venues.

Either go to spend, or work part-time as a security guard for the gang.

In a word.

In this area of ​​Pig Cage City, there are no serious policemen.

Because the world of kung fu was merged into the world not long ago.

The era of the original kung fu world was in the 20s, which belonged to a world where people's wisdom was not yet developed, and science, technology, and productivity were very backward.

The only ones who can do it are those who practice martial arts, assassins, masters...

After merging into the fusion world, the Ax Gang, the largest gang in the kung fu world, immediately sensed business opportunities and launched a series of activities.

They began to frequently contact gang members from the high-level world, obtain advanced military equipment and technology, increase financial resources and manpower, and win over those masters with martial arts and weird people with superpowers.

Recently, the heroes of the Hero Association have been unable to receive orders, and a large part of the reason is that those weirdos were dug away by the ax gang.

Now members of the Ax Gang seldom use axes to kill people. They carry guns and mobile phones.

They even have their own social accounts.

The second child of the Ax Gang, that sissy man with glasses, is preparing to set up a website, and plans to use online recruitment to attract new members.


In a secluded corner, a black car drove by.

This is a Porsche A, a classic Porsche coupe.

It adopts a light air-cooled engine, low center of gravity, and good durability. Because the engine is placed in the middle, the front nose of the car can be made very low, so the vision is very good.

It's just that this car is considered a classic car in the 21st century.

Except for some people with special feelings, ordinary people will not drive it on the road.

Even if you buy it, you just store it (eat) and store it (ash) at home.

"Can this plan really be realized, boss?"

Vodka, who sat in the driver's seat and concentrated on driving, asked casually.

"Let's go and have a look first. If it's true, as they say, that human beings can be inspired to become superhuman, then things will be fun."

To be honest, although the project planned by the Ax Gang sounds promising, Gin's face is not very good.

The reason is simple, because Gin is tired.

The original gin has been working hard in the distillery for decades, thinking that their great plan is about to be realized.

But he only found out recently, oh shit, the whole winery is run by himself!

Gin is alone, with three soy sauce boys against undercover agents + traitors + FBI + CIA + Japanese police + top Japanese consortia + two high school student detectives and their huge family relationships + Sister Bei who eats inside and outside + Kaido Kidd who occasionally breaks in... …

How does Nima play?

Around me, there are either traitors or undercover agents. The only three subordinates who can be sure are my own. One is the driver next to him. After so many years, his only contribution is driving and lighting cigarettes. To contribute is to kill one's own people.

Gin's hair used to be blond, but it's now white.



"Vodka, stop here."

A sexy big sister's voice came from the back row of the Porsche. It was a long-haired sister with a hot figure.

Her code name is Kuaijiu, and her real name is Belmode. People who know her will call her sister Bei affectionately.

Sister Bei also has a little-known identity. She is the daughter of the black organization boss Renye Karasuma. Only a few people in the entire organization know about this, not even Gin.

After hearing Bei's order, Vodka immediately stepped on the brake obediently, and when the car came to a complete stop, Bei pushed open the rear door with one hand and walked out without looking back.

"what are you going to do?"

Qin Jiu rolled down the car window, stared at Sister Bei's back and asked.

"Get a haircut."



"My hair is a bit split, and I just saw a barber shop nearby. If you don't want to wait, go there first. Anyway, I'm not interested in the ability-seeking project."

Sister Bei went straight into the store after speaking, not paying attention to gin and vodka at all.

In Qin Jiu's heart at this moment, it seemed as if ten thousand muddy horses were galloping past.


Is this woman teasing herself?

Did she take the third in command of her organization seriously?

It's going to be a meeting soon, and you have to get your hair done on the way?

What kind of international joke are you making?

"Big brother..."

Vodka yelled aggrievedly, making Gin want to kill someone!

"Forget it, wait for her."

Suppressing his anger, Gin quietly lit another cigarette.

But for some reason, he always felt that the smoke was very bitter, just like life...

Two hours later...

Under the banner of the Ax Gang, in a magnificently decorated nightclub.

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