These things should serve ideals, but I don't! ?

You Lan's remnant soul saw what was wrong with Xu Anlu, and quickly cast aura to cover him.

"You... don't tell me..."


On a sunny day, suddenly there was a thunderclap.

Above the nine heavens, ten thousand thunders descended, split the mountain, and hit the remnant soul and the tombstone so forcefully.

Before You Lan's remnant soul could say anything more, it was wiped out in the thunder calamity.


The rocks trembled, but Xu Anlu didn't have time to worry about it. She only felt pain, headache, heartache, pain everywhere in her body.

"You can't be affected, you can't!"

The trace of the Dao appeared, and Shan Shi automatically avoided her.With red eyes, Xu Anlu called out the Overlord Spear with a murderous look on her face.

"I'm going to kill him!!"

When I turned my head to look, I realized that even the gun was given by the other party.


She screamed in horror and wanted to shake it off, but it seemed that some mysterious force stuck to her hand, and she couldn't shake it off no matter what.

No, it's not that you can't get rid of it.

It's her, she doesn't want to.

"Who are you!?"

She roared in despair, everything was ruined, and before she knew it, she had fallen in love with Yang Pingsheng and could not escape.

Compared with Wen Shihan and Luo Benmo, she saw a deeper level, that is, the so-called [love].

Her "love" for Yang Pingsheng was inexplicable and unreasonable, and she couldn't do without him as if she had lost her wits.

She asked the other party what liking is, and the other party said that liking means wanting, and wanting to be together means liking.Such an answer was obviously extremely stupid, but she herself believed it.

She actually believed it! ! ! ! !

Not only did he believe it, but all his actions revolved around this point of view, playing Xu Anyin, mastering the scars of the Dao, imprisoning, killing people, and so on.

How could I become like this! ?

Kill him, must kill him, must kill him! !

Regardless of whether what Xu Anyin said was true or not, no matter whether the guy was really humane or not, she had to kill him.

Only by killing him with my own hands can I completely eliminate the influence, otherwise, my life will be ruined!

All the traces of the Great Dao came out, and the traces of the Great Dao that had been condensed over the years were called out at once by her, for no other reason than to confirm Yang Pingsheng's position.

"No matter where you hide, I will find you out, and you will never leave this world!"


Thunder rolling in the sky represents the wrath of the sky.

Xu Anlu closed her eyes, and opened them suddenly after a while.

"found it!"

Half of the traces of the Great Dao disappeared and merged back into the world, but it also helped Xu Anlu confirm the location of Yang Pingsheng.

It's near Yong'an City, in the small courtyard back then.


The sky was even more angry, and for a while, thunder, blizzard, fog, and countless disasters came together, just to stop Xu Anlu.

However, Xu Anlu was not afraid, and a red-haired soul appeared behind her, helping her resist thousands of disasters.

Finally, Xu Anlu was out of breath, dragging her body covered in frost, snow and exhaustion, and came to the gate of the small courtyard.

With all her strength, she kicked open the courtyard door.

"Yang Pingsheng, you fucking did to me..."

Her words stopped.

In the center of the small courtyard, on the familiar rocking chair, Yang Pingsheng was lying there with a peaceful expression. Bai Xue spread a quilt for him, and a sparrow fell in his arms. His body was stiff and had been dead for a long time.

Nothing can be said.

She was stunned, her throat rolled, and she subconsciously said:


Tears fall like rain, dripping water turns into ice.


Chapter 98: Bow to the world


The gun in his hand fell.

There are a few tears and blood on the snowy ground.



Unconsciously chanting this name, the wind and snow in this world seemed to stop.

Countless pictures flashed before his eyes.

In the courtyard where everything is alive, the flowers are swaying in the wind, the little ones are chattering, and the little ears are bouncing. The Taifu is lying there, and the years are quiet.

The fleeting fireworks, the crowd surging, the Taifu raised his head, revealing a little melancholy.

Unbearable to part, when he turned his head to look, the Tai Tuo was standing at the door, his head was stained white with snow.

very many.

He said, "Xiaolu, let's practice boxing."

He said, "Does Xiao Lu want to eat anything else?"

He said, "Little Lu, when will you grow up?"


In the small courtyard covered by snow, everything is lonely, just like when we parted that year.

So this is ah.

Xu Anlu walked over in a daze.

I can no longer escape.


"Teacher..." she whispered softly, kneeling beside her, tears streaming down her face.

He stretched out his hand and gently swept the snow on his body.

"Teacher, I'm sorry, I'm late."

She smiled and lay on Yang Pingsheng's lap.

"I'm sorry, it's all Xiaolu's fault, I'm too entangled in other things."

She is late.

Taifu has gone, he has left this world.

It's all her fault, she should have made the Tai Tuo a puppet earlier and let him stay forever.

She lay on her side looking at Yang Pingsheng's peaceful face, and reached out to touch his stiff face.

"Little Lu."

A familiar voice suddenly sounded in my ear.

She opened her eyes suddenly, and found that she was standing in the small courtyard, the spring was just right, and Yang Pingsheng was standing at the door, looking at her:

"time to eat."

"Come on!"

She was ecstatic and stepped forward, but in a blink of an eye, there was snow, and everything changed again.

In the center of the courtyard, Yang Pingsheng leaned weakly on the recliner, holding a bamboo board in his hand, writing something.

"at last……"

He sighed, "I still can't worry about you."

The heavy snow fell, he closed his eyes, and the bamboo board fell to the ground and was buried by the snow.

The scene is broken.

Xu Anlu opened her eyes suddenly, she was covered with snow, she got up, and frantically scraped the snow on the ground, looking for something.

She found it.

A painting by Tai Fu.

Xu Anlu practicing boxing, Xu Anlu playing with guns, and Xu Anlu standing upright.

Happy Xu Anlu, sad Xu Anlu, lively Xu Anlu.

All kinds of her.

Cold and sadness engulfed her body from the inside out.

The first meeting that night, the face under the fireworks, the stubborn confession, the sentimentality of parting.

Can't get rid of it.

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