Chaos and boundless dark space.

At the deepest level of consciousness, Yang Pingsheng's consciousness is immersed in it. Opposite him is the consciousness of Xu Anlu and Xu Anyin.

Nothing is a better chatting environment than here, and Xu Anlu dragged Yang Pingsheng here so that no one would be disturbed.

It was pitch black, stepping on an invisible void, Yang Pingsheng looked at Xu Anlu and asked, "Have you stayed here all this time?"

Xu Anlu pursed her lips and nodded.

The red-haired Xu Anyin looked at her worriedly, and took the initiative to put his hand on her shoulder.

"Sorry, sister."

"It's nothing, it's all over."

She shook her head, her eyes were still looking at Yang Pingsheng.

As long as she sees him, her blood will boil, as if turning into the hottest sunlight, and even her heart will become hot.

Even if it is the young Yang Pingsheng now, he is also the Taifu, her favorite Taifu.


She threw herself into Yang Pingsheng's arms, greedily inhaling his scent.

All the madness, longing, and regrets were all turned into actions by her, wanton demands, strong consciousness invaded, and even Yang Pingsheng's consciousness was a little unstable.

Yang Pingsheng hugged her, thinking of more things, he held her hand slightly, and asked softly, "Xiaolu, have you reconciled with Xiaoyin?"

Tears fell into the darkness, Xu Anlu buried her face in his arms, and nodded vigorously.

"Are you still practicing martial arts?"

Keep nodding.

"Yeah, that's great."

The third world, so long ago.

For a long time, Yang Ping was a little indifferent all his life.

It was a plan arranged systematically throughout the whole process, and he didn't have any subjective ideas, not even before the end of the world.

In his opinion, there is nothing to regret in that world, and he has done his best.

However, I didn't expect...

[Xu Anlu, Xu Anyin...why would they admit their mistake?]

The system made an oolong, but in the end it was he who made up for it.Xu Anyin looked normal, but Xu Anlu looked quite poisoned.

She was poisoned by a poison called Taifu.

"Xiaolu, do you still want to make me a human puppet?"

Xu Anlu nodded, even now, she still wanted to.

Yang Pingsheng has become her inner demon, and the scene of passing away in the white snow made her stomach acid rise and she wanted to vomit.

Passing away...

No, the Tai Tuo passed away...

I want to be with Taifu forever.

She likes Tai Fu.

Even if it's a false liking.

Yang Pingsheng looked at Xu Anyin, who was silent beside him, and then looked back. He reached out and wiped away the tears on Xu Anlu's face: "Xiao Lu, do you still remember what I told you before playing chess?"

Xu Anlu shook her head, and Yang Pingsheng said, "It's God, God told me to go there."

Yang Pingsheng was tired and didn't want to hide it.

He explained everything to the two sisters, and he explained to Tiandao, the greatest instigator behind him.

Xu Anyin's eyes widened in disbelief: "Teacher, what you're telling me is humane."

"I lied to you."


Xu Anyin wanted to say something, so she glanced at her sister, muttered a few words, and fell silent.

Yang Pingsheng stroked Xu Anlu's head, looked at her and said, "So, Xiaolu, your love for me is false."

"Everything is just God's plan."

Do not……

A strong sense of fear gripped Xu Anlu's heart, and the idea of ​​making the Tai Tuo a puppet became more violent.

It's not like that, Maestro.

What plans, what falsehoods, I already know.

I, I fell like this voluntarily.

Already, there is no going back.

There's no... no going back.

"Teacher, Tutor..." Xu Anlu held Yang Pingsheng's hand tightly, stuttered, and shook her head desperately.


I can't live without you anymore.

"Little Lu." Yang Pingsheng patted to comfort Xu Anlu's nervousness, and said softly, "You have to understand that you and I have no feelings. Everything, everything we got along with at that time, was a plan from the beginning."

"Don't be sad for someone like me."

"Don't worry about people like me."

"Little Lu, you have a more exciting life, which is your original life."

"Let go of everything, let go of the past, and look at the new future."

"This is... growing up."

This is growth.

What cruel words.

"don't want……"

"Teacher...don't do this...please...don't do this."

The violent turmoil in the dark space was caused by Xu Anlu's unstable consciousness. She lowered her head, tears fell like crystals, and sank into the darkness of the void.


She doesn't want to do this.

She has already, already admitted defeat, has admitted that she has fallen, why should she do this to her?

She just wanted to go back to that small courtyard with Taifu, who was lying on the rocking chair, she ran with Little Er and Xiaobao, Taifu squinted at her, and called her from time to time.

All she wanted was to walk along the snack street with Taifu, she would eat this and that as before, Taifu would tease her a few words, and then buy her everything she wanted again.

She just wanted to stand under the fireworks with Taifu, watch the fireworks fleetingly, explode at the most beautiful moment, and then she would firmly remember the best side of the people around her.

she just wants to...

She just wants, Taifu.

The awareness of making the Tai Tuo a human puppet and the joy of seeing the Tai Tuo have all disappeared, Xu Anlu took a few steps back, gritted her teeth, and the sound of sobbing came from between her lips and teeth.

Don't, don't cry.

It's just that Tai Tu doesn't like her.

Nothing to cry about.

Grow up, she's done growing up.

She has, across...

"What is this!!"

Furious reprimands suddenly erupted from the side.

She was slightly stunned, and looked up, only to see Xu Anyin next to her yelling violently: "Yang Pingsheng, you bastard, I don't care whether you are behind the law of humanity or heaven, my sister will become like this, you brought it!!"

"It's all because of you!" She took a step forward, clenched her fist, and looked at Yang Pingsheng angrily, "You are the one who messed up the future of our sisters. If this is the case, you have to take responsibility!!"

"I'm too lazy to think about it. I don't care what kind of fake love or broken plan you have. I only know that my sister wants to be with you. I just need to know this!"

She looked at it stubbornly, with fire burning in her eyes: "For this, I can give everything for her!"

They will always be together.

As long as they are together, they are invincible.

From that time on, from the birth of a pair of twins in the Yan Dynasty, from the appearance of the two names Xu Anlu and Xu Anyin, they are one.

Only the two of them are worthy of the [Double-faced Emperor].

"My sister has already made up her mind. As long as it is something she wants to do, I will give my life to help her do it!"

"That's why we were reincarnated. Yang Pingsheng. If my sister can't keep up, I will make up for her."

"I will, make you a puppet."

In the space of consciousness, there is silence.

Yang Pingsheng lowered his eyes, and after a long time, he opened his mouth slowly.

"Little Lu."

"Teacher..." Xu Anlu raised her head slowly, her face was full of tears, and she no longer had the strong appearance before. In front of Yang Pingsheng and Xu Anyin, she exposed her most vulnerable side.

"You know how I recognized you in the end?"

"No, I don't know..."

"It's because of chess."

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