"Then, please teach me the formula of Qi and Blood Pill." Su Murong said.

The voice firmly illuminates the dark pharmacy.

His cloudy eyes flickered a little, and Mr. Qian smoked the dry cigarette again, making a rattling sound.

After a while, he said, "You want to use your own blood?"

"I'm not worried about others."

"Refining is extremely complicated. You are a novice. Even if I guide you, the probability of failure is still very high. The most important thing is that if you fail once, you have to start all over again, which is very exhausting."

"As long as there is time before my mother dies, I will do it all over again!"

"If you have to refine Qi and Blood Pill every year, and use your Qi and blood, then you won't be able to die."

"Do not worry about me."

"very hard."

"I'm not afraid."


"I want my mother."



He exhaled deeply and put down the bong.

"it is good."

The gray hair was dyed with frost and snow, and it swayed into his heart.

That year, the baby girl smiled and waved to him. Now, the baby girl has grown up and stands firmly in front of him.

She doesn't want her life, she wants her mother.

Well, that's great, the old man thought to himself, more responsible than her father.

"Cough cough..."

There was a coughing sound at the door.

The three turned their heads and found that Su Rouxue was standing leaning against the door, her face was rosy, the white gauze had been taken off, and she was looking at them with a smile.


Su Murong spoke out first, followed by a huge surprise: "You can see it!!"

"Well, I don't know why I can see it."

Su Rouxue smiled, her ruddy face turned pale again because of the frost and snow: "It seems that you are not here, and it happens that you haven't left for a long time, so you came out, looking for you."

Her eyes lingered on the three of them, and finally fell on Yang Pingsheng. She approached and smiled: "You are Yang Pingsheng, my daughter's friend."

"That, I..."

Yang Pingsheng was about to say something when Su Rouxue held his hand.

"It's really troublesome to entrust you to take care of my daughter."

This beautiful person who was still sick spoke softly, as if in a dream.

"If you can, help me take good care of her in the future. My daughter is stupid, so I don't worry about her."

"Mom!" Su Murong ran over and took Su Rouxue's hand, "I'm not stupid at all, I'm much stupider than me in my life!"

The snow-white hand pulled away.

Yang Pingsheng was in a daze, almost staying there, without moving his hands.

The old man sat down again, without saying a word, and smoked again.

Su Rouxue took her daughter's hand and said with a smile: "Xiao Rong, don't disturb grandpa and elder brother's work, and don't delay them because of mother's business."

"But, mother."

"I haven't left in Floating Cloud City for a long time, you can walk with me, okay?"

"it is good!"

Su Murong yelled to the old man to come back and learn from you, and then he took Su Rouxue's hand and left.

In the silent pharmacy, there are only two people, master and apprentice.


"Let's work first."



That winter.

The baby girl was born.

No vision, no aura, just like thousands of ordinary babies, a baby girl was born.

Because of dystocia, when she gave birth to her, from day to night, the wind and snow outside whizzed by, the thatched house could not cover the wind and cold, and the cold air danced in the house wantonly.

The man said he was going to find his father, leaving behind the woman who had finally given birth, and left alone.

Once he left, he never came back.

The woman was kidnapped and trafficked. The huge Floating Cloud City and the cold northern region were another world to her.

Here, she has no relatives, no friends, men are her everything.

Now, all of her is gone, only her fragments remain.

"Wow ah ah ah!!"

The baby girl's cry sounded, turning into the first loud and clear cry of life.

She regained her spirits, hugged her, and shook her.

She is a veritable eldest lady, she does not touch the spring water at home, she can recite poems, and she is also proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but the problem is that these borders in the north are nothing.

There is no piano, no chess, and no books and paintings. The style of the northern border is not like that of the Central Plains. Poetry here is not as good as the vernacular. The woman holds the child and thinks of the future, but can only see a gloomy one.

However, when she looked down, she saw the baby who was already asleep.

Breathing steadily, the cold did not affect the baby girl at all.

She hugged her tightly again, as if holding on to her hope for the future.

Hope is to dispel the cold fire and illuminate the dark light.

It's all right, nothing.

But from a girl to a mother.

Chapter 140: Mother6000 words

The snow fell intermittently, and the mother and daughter held hands and walked through the streets and alleys of Floating Cloud City.

The flying snow in the sky was like catkins, Su Rouxue raised her head and reached out to catch it.


There is snow in her name, and there is snow in the stories her mother told her before, but she has never seen snow until she came to the north.

Snow, cool snow, cold snow, when she saw snow, it was the beginning of her suffering.


Next to her, her daughter's voice sounded, she looked over and smiled.


Not only the suffering, Xue also brought her hope, the hope that belonged to her.

"Mom, where are we going?"

"It's good to walk around. It feels like a long time since I was blind, and now I want to take a good look around again. Let Xiao Rong accompany your mother for a walk."

"it is good!"

The two of them walked like this, stepping on the snow, leaving traces.



"It's too cold, can your body still hold it?"

"Don't worry about me, thanks to sir, it's much better now."

"Mom, I can take care of you by myself in the future."

"That's right, Xiaorong is really amazing."

There is a cold wind blowing away, carrying the past with it.

Su Rouxue's eyebrows were covered by the wind and snow, recalling an unknown past.

Some, little things.


That winter, a baby girl was born.

The child was born without a father, and the mother and daughter depended on each other for life, living in a thatched hut that could not shelter from the wind.


There was a movement in the thatch, and the baby girl came out of it.

Bai Nen's child yawned in the cold wind, the woman looked at her, her heart melted, and she hugged her up.

"Yeah Yiyi—"

The baby girl made an inexplicable sound, and stretched out her chubby little hands to grab the mother's braid.

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