The caravan stationed outside the city was directly swallowed by the torrent of cavalry.Before the soldiers at the city gate could react, they just stared at the torrent rushing blankly.

However, one person reacted.

"Close the gate!"

The veteran who had been sitting at the gate of the city jumped up suddenly, raised his head to the sky and screamed loudly, the coaxing sound containing the energy of his dantian woke everyone up.

In an instant, everyone knew what their responsibilities were.

"Close the city gate, hurry up, close the city gate!"

"What the hell are you doing standing there, get over here and close the city gate!"

"It's just a savage, isn't it just here to rob? Just let them rob."

Someone else made such a sound, the old man was as fierce as a tiger, grabbed the man's clothes, pulled it over, and roared: "Shut up, go and close the city gate!"

The man trembled with fright, and hurriedly ran up the steps.

Now, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the barbarians are serious this time.

After the huge torrent of cavalry rushed into the caravan, the guards immediately collapsed.Scimitars, bows and arrows, blood, rolling heads, everyone who is stimulated, there is no chance of luck.

Close at hand, the old man who witnessed all this suddenly understood everything.

Barbarians are here to kill people.

This time, they really want to take the city.

Chapter 140: The Little People's Resistance


"The barbarians are coming, the barbarians are coming!"

"Run, run!"

Despair began to spread.

There are also soldiers with a fluke mentality. After seeing the barbarians really start killing people, the first reaction is not to resist, but to run away.

Before the barbarian cavalry reached the front, they just smashed the caravan guards in the outskirts, and the soldiers at the gate collapsed.

They just broke down.

Lost their weapons and armor, one by one, just want to run to a safe place.

The recruiting system implemented by the Yan State was originally in charge of the standing army officers. Because Liuyun City belongs to the Northern Border Mansion and belongs to Wang Tiande, it stands to reason that he should be in charge.

But because most of the soldiers' salaries were stolen, Wang Tiande simply gave it to the city lord of Liuyun City, and the city lord was greedy for part of the soldiers' salaries. Rations may not be available.

When Su Murong saw the recruitment notice, the rewards were actually not that much at all, and only a little was actually handed out.

The daily expenses are not enough, let alone the military equipment and daily training expenses. The military equipment in Floating Cloud City has been short of training for a long time. Now that the other party is serious, everyone is scared.

How sad that the country of Yan, which was established by force, is now afraid of the opponent's sword.

The old man took out his spear and shouted loudly, trying to prevent the soldiers from collapsing: "Don't run away!"

But no one listened to him, and there was chaos at the city gate.

The manager is not here, I went to the mansion to attend a banquet today.


The old man cursed angrily, untied the bag, and took out three pills from it.

Strength Pill, Endurance Pill, Explosive Qi Pill.

After taking the three elixirs, his aging body suddenly glowed with a different kind of brilliance.

Red qi and blood floated on his body, and his muscles and blood vessels exploded. He raised his spear by himself, and stood in front of the city gate in a stance.

At the gate of the city where the wind was blowing at night, the dark army pressed down like a tide, and the only one standing in front of them was the old man.

The Yan character flag on the city gate trembled, but it still stood stubbornly.

Finally, a barbarian rushed forward on a horse, and the old man exploded with strength, thrusting out the long spear in his hand in a straight line.


The air wave erupted, kicking up dust.

The horse was so startled that it raised its legs and refused to move forward.

The red-tasseled spear came towards him with anger, the barbarian raised his knife to block, but he felt the blade tremble, and the scimitar in his hand was stabbed flying.

Before he could react, the old man swept across with the tip of his spear, drawing a streak of blood in the air.

The barbarian's eyes widened in disbelief, blood spurted out, and he fell to the ground.


The old man shouted angrily, the sound resounded through the night, the horse screamed in shock, his liver and gallbladder burst.

However, the barbarians' charge did not stop.

Dozens of barbarian cavalry rushed up, targeting the old man.

The old man yelled angrily, his body burst out again, the spear spit out letters like a white snake, swaying from side to side, countless horse legs were broken, and many barbarians were thrown off their horses.

The point of the gun is left and right, the movement is simple and unpretentious, just a few simple strokes, but it can kill or injure the barbarians who approach.

A shaman riding a horse and holding a scimitar rushed towards the old man.

There were strange scars on his body. Under the moonlight, the scars glowed with purple light, and it looked a little weird.

The horse under his feet neighed, and he quickly approached, raising his knife and slashing at the old man.


The old man raised his gun to block, but he didn't expect the red-tasseled gun to break in two.

"The barbarian takes his life!"

The old man's eyes were full of blood, he picked up the half of the gun point, raised the gun and threw it at the exposed back of the witch god.


However, the opponent's back was like fine steel, and the spear point pierced it, but it had no effect. Instead, it made a crisp sound and fell to the ground.


The old man was almost stunned, and at this moment, two more cavalrymen killed him, one on each side, and lowered their swords at the same time.

War horses roared past, and the cold wind chased.

The next moment, the old man's head was chopped off.

Turning his gaze upside down, the last thing he saw was the city gate.

The city gate hadn't been closed yet.

He glared angrily, dying with regret.

Without obstruction, the cavalry charged like locusts crossing the border, crushing his body and crushing his unwillingness.

The Yan character flag waving in the wind on the city gate was finally broken.

When the barbarian cavalry entered the city, their cries and shouts were finally drowned out by the sound of killing.

They no longer went straight to the outer slums as before, but rushed straight in from the street, targeting the houses of major merchants and the city lord's mansion.

The patrolling soldiers on the street were overwhelmed, and the merchant's defense army was not as useless as the soldiers at the city gate, but the sudden incident, coupled with the cover of night, they had no way of judging how many barbarian cavalry there were.

They tried to stand up and resist, but they were defeated by the collective charge of the witch gods.

Balhu rode forward on his horse, and the barbarians had already completely surrounded the city lord's mansion, and they did not let anyone go.

He drew out his knife and said loudly in barbaric language: "Kill!!!"


Shocking shouts resounded throughout Floating Cloud City, and the witches and gods emitted demonic light, forcibly broke open the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, and rushed in.

Balhu looked up, looked at the plaque of the City Lord's Mansion, and said to the eagle on his shoulder: "This place is not very good."

Xiongying said: "Indeed, but I'm afraid that some kind of master will suddenly appear in this city."

"Are you a crow's mouth?"

"I'm a fucking eagle."


Violent noises erupted inside, those witch gods and the elite of the city lord's mansion killed together, and for a while, the killing sound shook the sky.

Logically speaking, the City Lord's Mansion should be the safest place, but firstly, when the night attacked, the opponent didn't know how many barbarians had come; secondly, the fall of the city severely damaged their self-confidence; People are stronger, even the veterans who have taken the pill can't beat them, let alone them.

Baerhu's judgment was quite correct. After entering the city, he divided his troops into three groups, one to attack the houses of various merchants and the other to attack the armory. He personally led the main force to attack the city lord's mansion.

Today was originally a banquet, and many business owners were at the banquet. Now that Barhu led troops to attack, they were all caught.

The elite guards of the City Lord's Mansion are indeed extraordinary, and they can resist for a while under the fierce attack of the witch god, but only for a while.

The killing shouts inside were almost over, and Barhu got off his horse and walked in with the eagle.

In the yard, there were quite a few figures kneeling there, crying and crying. Balhu glanced over and found that most of them were female relatives.

These witches and gods are his absolute elite soldiers, everyone is silent, standing there with bloody knives, no one releases lust to these female relatives.

If Balhu didn't say anything, they wouldn't move.

The wailing of the wounded was mixed with the smell of blood in the air. Some people sensed that the person who came in was the leader of these barbarians, so they watched him secretly. Barhu didn't care. For these people who had already failed, these small thoughts , of no use.

Outside the door, someone rushed to report to Balhu, saying that the other two roads were also going well, and that the arsenal had been fully taken over by them.

Smooth, too smooth, so smooth that it even makes people feel in a trance.

The level of disarmament on the border of Yan State is jaw-dropping. The cavalry led by Balhu is only about 2000, while the garrison in Floating Cloud City is more than 1. It's impossible to go so smoothly.

But tonight, it happened to be so smooth.

The State of Yan is very strong, but it is like an old tiger, old and can no longer show its fangs.

After listening to the reports from his subordinates, he signaled that he understood, then raised his legs and walked towards the main hall of the inner court.

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