call out--

Baerhu, who was abusing Su Murong, was caught off guard and hit him in the chest.

The barbarians were shocked, and then they noticed the location of the attackers, drew their swords one by one, and rushed over.

The middle-aged man who shot an arrow knew that he could not escape.

When the gate of the city was broken, he knew that he couldn't escape.

His father is dead, the middle-aged man knows, he can feel that his father has died in the duty of guarding the city gate.

But the city gate was not closed after all.

The conversation that night last week was finally hit by his father, but it was too late.

It's like people who are addicted to drugs. By the time they really react, it's too late.

He has always felt that the old man is old-fashioned, stubborn, and as stubborn as a donkey. There are so many benefits to being a soldier. hooked up.

Is it worth it?

He thinks it's not worth it.

His father has been in the army for so many years and has also made military achievements, but in the end, in his official career, he may not have gone as far as his son.

Anyway, the middle-aged man is also a secretary of the City Lord's Mansion.

So, in this life, what is worth it?With just such a small amount of rations every month, it is not worthwhile to risk your life to get enough food and clothing.

I can't make it...

The barbarians gathered around, the scimitars gleaming coldly, the middle-aged man watched and drew his own sword.

He thought a lot.

The passion when I was young, the compromise when I was growing up, and the helplessness when I was middle-aged.

What was he thinking when he was sitting in the corner of the banquet drinking alone?


He roared and raised his sword to the barbarian.


Scimitars fell one after another, and blood was flying around his body. He roared, feeling his depression swept away.

Happy, happy!

He laughed loudly, and then he was surrounded by barbarians, and his body was chopped into meat paste.

Those wide-eyed eyes were equally unrepentant.

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Chapter 140 Nine: Killing

Without a heroic fight, without a battle where you come and go, just a face-to-face meeting, the middle-aged man died at the hands of the barbarians.

Blood was splashed all over these barbarians, and the assassination of the middle-aged man obviously stimulated them.


There was a voice from over there, and Baerhu was standing there in good order, holding the arrow in his hand, and the arrow had collapsed.

The bronze-colored skin shone with a purple demonic aura, and the wind blew up his clothes, revealing the same marks on his chest as those of the witches and gods.


He snorted coldly, and the evil spirit permeated his hands, shattering the arrow feathers.

He never cared about this kind of useless sneak attack by the weak.

His eyes fell on the bloody figure on the ground again, Baerhu held his bones, and stretched out his hand to Su Murong again.

murderous look.

In the distance, there was a murderous intent.

Balhu squinted his eyes and raised his head. Not far away, there was a figure reflected by the fire, and someone came with a knife behind him.

Several barbarians were the first to notice and rushed towards him with their swords drawn, but the figure disappeared there in the next instant.

The sense of crisis is maximized at this moment.

Baerhu subconsciously drew his saber, and almost instinctively raised his hand to block, only to hear a clang sound, a Guandao fell from the sky and collided with the blade of the scimitar.

The man who wielded the knife was an old man, he glared angrily, shouted loudly, his body burst out with countless vigor, and with a single strike, he actually cut Balhu's scimitar in two.


Blood spattered everywhere, Baalhu's eyes widened, the broken scimitar appeared almost at the same time as the blood on his body, the pain caused him to lose consciousness for a short time, and he retreated subconsciously.

Not surprised by the pain in the body, but surprised that someone can break his skin with ordinary weapons.

Sorcerer gods use evil spirits to cultivate their bodies, just like monks protect their bodies with spiritual energy, and witch gods can also use evil spirits to protect their bodies.As a member of the Sorcerer God, Barhu is not very capable, but he can protect the body with demonic energy.

It's just that he didn't expect that there would be mortals who could break his demonic body protection.

Guan Dao slashed across, Baerhu reacted and narrowly dodged the blow.

At this moment, there was a gap, the old man who attacked was not interested in fighting, but turned around and picked up the bloody Su Murong, turned around and ran away.

He hugged Su Murong with his left hand, and brandished Guan Dao with one hand in his right hand. Several barbarians nearby tried to stop him, but he beheaded them all.

The Canghun's powerful eyes swept around, snorted coldly, performed lightness kung fu, jumped onto the back of an empty horse, and rode away.

"Shoot arrows!!"

Some barbarians shouted angrily, Baalhu was assassinated one after another, and they were also enraged. They all drew their bows and arrows, and shot at the lonely figure. shot.

They didn't know how many shots were shot, they could only see that figure riding away and disappearing into the night.

"Silupi! (Brutal language, meaning fuck)"

The barbarians cursed one after another, and Barhu touched the bloodstain on his chest, his eyes flickering violently.

"A mere old man, an aging weakling, dares to..."

He hadn't finished speaking when suddenly a wind came from the back of his head, and the eagle on his shoulder screamed: "Be careful!!"

There are masters! ?

Startled, he turned his head and saw a boy in civilian clothes coming to kill him with a sword.

The tip of the sword came straight in front of his eyes, and Baerhu's pupils dilated a bit, and he could clearly see that condensed on the tip of the sword——



This time it was the eagle's turn to widen his eyes.

The point of the sword did not pierce between Balhu's eyebrows, but penetrated the eagle's body.

"Why, why..."

The eagle asked tremblingly, but before it finished asking, the condensed spiritual energy exploded in the eagle's body, blowing it to nothing.

Flesh and blood splattered across the face of Baalhu who was next to him. He reacted and punched the attacking boy with his fists gathering demonic aura.

But the boy did not avoid it, and also punched Baerhu in the face.

Spiritual energy, demonic energy, the speed of the two, in the end, the young man was faster.


There was the sound of firm fists touching flesh, and a punch full of spiritual energy knocked Balhu to the ground. Before he could react in time, the fists fell like a storm.

Bang bang bang!

"Okay!" The system in my head said, "Kill him, and the plan will not be able to be implemented. Our target is this eagle. Now that we have succeeded, let's withdraw!"

Yang Pingsheng stood up, the blood dripping from his fist and blade fell on the ground, turning dark red.

His calm eyes scanned the barbarians surrounding him, and he raised his sword, filled with aura again.

"Give me some more time."

"It's useless for you to do this." The system said, "The barbarian army followed closely. All the people of Floating Cloud City are here. How many people can you save? Even if you let them run, they won't be able to escape."

"I know."

A strong killing intent suddenly burst out from those calm eyes.

"I beg you, just treat it as letting me vent my anger. I don't want to leave now."

The system shut up.

Yang Ping has gone through three lifetimes, and his mood fluctuated violently. Although his third lifetime was not very good, considering the plan for the current lifetime, the system is still a little worried.

According to the requirements, it didn't absorb his memory, and if it didn't absorb the memory, it would naturally lead to a more emotional world, and the easier it would affect Yang Pingsheng's emotions. All it could do was to constantly adjust his mental state.

In the current situation, it is really not good to forcefully ask Yang Pingsheng to retreat.

[Forget it, it would be bad to let him collapse, after all, the fourth world...]

Thinking about the plan behind, the system hid itself.

With the blessing of spiritual energy, Yang Pingsheng killed the surrounding barbarians at an extremely fast speed. After the leader was attacked, the barbarians were indeed caught off guard by Yang Pingsheng, but afterward, the witch gods joined the battlefield, but Yang Pingsheng fell. downwind.

The ethereal root does not have attributes attached, and Yang Pingsheng is not an earth immortal now, so he cannot use immortal ultimate moves, so there is really no way to deal with these witch gods, and these witch gods are well-trained, and some of the evil spirits are still above Yang Pingsheng's aura , surged up together, making it difficult for him to resist.

"If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave." The system reminded involuntarily.

Yang Pingsheng pursed his lips, took one last look at the people in the square, and flew away with Yu Jianfei.

The blazing thick smoke rose high in the sky, and the flames turned the black sky red. Yang Pingsheng flew to the field and landed. Suddenly his feet went limp and he almost collapsed to the ground.

He supported the tree next to him and said, "Department, system."

"I'm here, what's wrong with you!?"

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