"Whether Ye Shen is real or not, the Hushi Brigade really has 50 Juehou Mountain handicrafts?"

someone asked out loud.

Ye Bai looked at him: "It's absolutely true."

"When will it be?" the man asked again.

"Now." Ye Bai smiled lightly.

Then, under the astonished eyes of everyone, they touched it with their hands, and after a clang, there were a bunch of weapons on the open space below.

Otherwise, the Extraordinary Alloy series makes people want to own it in their dreams. The special luster alone makes people unable to move their eyes away.

Just by taking a closer look, no one doubts the authenticity of these weapons.

Fidelity Monkey Mountain crafts!

Even Sun Ming, who had been prepared for a long time, was so excited when he saw these 50 weapons, but fortunately he was steady.

He stood up and said loudly: "I will give all of these 50 pieces of Monkey Mountain handicrafts to the 50 best teammates!"

The Hohhot brigade is also staffed at the top with 1500 people. On average, only 30 out of 1 people can use it. This ratio is not high, but it is definitely not low!

There were many people who were shocked at the scene.

Of course, there are also some people who are unmoved. They feel that it is not worthwhile to join the Hohhot brigade for the right to use.

With their abilities and backgrounds, they could go to better places.

But immediately, the hearts of these people with good strength and background started beating violently.

Because Ye Bai wiped his hand again, dropping the weapons clangingly, forming another pile next to the original pair of weapons.

Still a lot bigger!

"Here are 100 pieces of Monkey Mountain handicrafts. I will hand them over to Brother Sun for sale. The price is [-]% off the export price. Only members of the Hushi Brigade can buy them."

Ye Bai looked at the fans below with a smile.

Sun Ming, who was standing next to the weapon pile, also showed a smile of "helping the tyrant to do evil". Ye Bai's loyalty really has nothing to say, of course he also understands that Ye Bai puts so much effort into recruiting new people for him, this kind of favor is heavy, He is equivalent to a non-staffed unit of the Guangcheng Brigade.

However, it's not a big problem, because of Ye Bai's kindness for saving him and Hohhot this time, this young man is indeed worth paying.

The scene was quiet for a while.

"May I ask President Sun, ah no, it's Commander Sun, how do I sign up for an interview?"

"Commander Sun made me get a pending evaluation from Ye Shen, so I can join the Hohhot brigade directly without the test?"

"Dream, I can beat you with the dregs that are pending!"


You hammer me?Come on, let's see who beats who! "

Looking at the scene of the quarrel in front of him, Sun Ming only felt that he was 20 years younger and his body was full of energy.

He put away the weapon in a storage bag, then pointed to the lonely automatic number calling machine in the distance: "Call the number, we will start the interview tomorrow!"


The scene suddenly became chaotic.

It can be seen that it is another day of queuing all night.

Ye Bai didn't join in the fun, and went back to sleep with a satisfied smile. The export price of Monkey Mountain handicrafts is definitely not low, and a [-]% discount is too expensive to have no friends. After all, they are fans and family members, making a small profit...

The next day.

Ye Bai woke up early, ready to meet up with Ari.

But coincidentally, as soon as he stepped out of the tent, he bumped into a large group of people head-on.

They are the newly promoted members of the Guangcheng brigade. After getting acquainted with them yesterday, they made an appointment to have an internal discussion and exchange early this morning, and then try to ask Ye Bai to teach them a lesson.

"God Ye, where are you going?" Someone asked.

Ye Bai was stunned for a moment, and asked back, "How do you know where I'm going?"

"God Ye, you washed your face, shaved your beard, did your hair and changed your clothes. Doesn't it make it clear that you are going out?"

Ah, what he said made sense, but I was powerless to refute it.

"God Ye, you haven't said where you're going?"

"Oh, go to the Grassland Country to play." Ye Bai will not hide it when the time comes, for fear that these people will not be so easy to count.

"Ah? I'm going too!"

"I want to go too!"

"God Ye begs to take me to fly!"

The rookie team members were afraid that Ye Bai would run away, so they immediately surrounded him. Many girls simply grabbed Ye Bai's clothes, as if if you dare to fly to the sky, I will dare to buy a free ticket.

Ye Bai rubbed his eyes speechlessly, this is just waking up and his IQ is not online yet, how can he speak the truth casually!

"This trip is very dangerous. I can't guarantee your safety, so you should stay here and don't go."

Ye Bai could only tell the truth.


"We are not afraid of danger, life and death are up to God!"

"Sacrificing one's life to go to the country's calamity, seeing death as home!"

"That is, life and death are determined by fate and wealth!"

"If someone must shed blood and die, why can't it be us, commander, you can take us there!"

The rookies blushed and shouted, those who didn't know thought they had already set foot on the execution ground and were about to be executed soon!

Ye Bai looked at them, and asked again: "I have already reminded those who should be reminded, so if you are determined to go, please raise your hand."

With a swish, one arm was raised high.Chinese website

Ye Bai's eyes were sharp, and after a few glances, he was sure that almost all of them raised their hands. It was obvious that he absolutely trusted his captain.

As expected of the person I chose, dare to wave and not be afraid of death...

Ye Bai was relieved and had a headache, these people were not afraid of death, but as the captain, he couldn't really ignore their lives.

"Okay, I'll take you there."

After thinking for a while, Ye Bai finally decided to take the rookies there.The future world will become more and more dangerous. The real strong must go through the experience of fire and blood. This is indeed a good opportunity.

At worst, if you encounter an uncontrollable danger, just take people away.

So, one person went north, and turned into a brigade going north.

The nature is different, so before leaving, Ye Bai went to Sun Ming and Zheng Feng to talk to each other.

"Is this going to go abroad?" Hearing that Ye Bai was going to bring the entire Guangcheng brigade and the temporary Monkey Mountain regiment into the hinterland of the grassland country, the two leaders suddenly became nervous.

Chapter 159 Global Attention!The Guangcheng brigade marched into the grassland country!

There is no doubt that Ye Bai's strength is really not weak. The strength of him alone and the Monkey Mountain Heavenly Group is enough to make waves in the grassland.

But no one knows the specific situation in the grassland country now, it is always an extremely dangerous place.

"In this way, you bring the communication team with you, and immediately send a message if something happens, and we can support you as soon as possible."

Zheng Feng gave a suggestion.

Sun Ming agreed upon hearing this.

The communication team is the humanoid hot air balloon Hu Xiuzhu, plus Huang Xiaolong and Huang Xiaohu, the twin telekinetics.

The full brigade has brought them all, and it's not bad to bring three more, Ye Bai readily agreed.

Soon, Hu Xiuzhu's trio arrived. When the trio heard that they were going to the hinterland of the grassland country, they excitedly expressed that they were not afraid of death!

At this time, Ye Bai suddenly thought of the public opinion that has been prevalent on the Internet for a long time, saying that the post-90s are the beat generation, and the post-00s are the generation that cannot be supported.

In fact, this is wrong. Under the current global evolutionary trend, young people have better awakening talents and greater growth potential. Most of the world's famous powerful awakeners are under 30 years old.

That is, post-90s and post-00s!

It is no exaggeration to say that these two generations are now the saviors of mankind!Chinese website

Let's not mention the complaints here.

The actions of more than 1400 people naturally cannot be concealed from others. After Ye Shen led the team to disappear into the vast green field, the news that the entire army of the Guangcheng Brigade entered the grassland country quickly spread to Hohhot in the rear, and then spread on the Internet at the speed of light. spread.

This team has become the focus of national attention.

And the response from above was also very fast. First, an order was issued, and the scouts from across the Mobei border entered the grassland. They had only one task, to track the news of the Guangcheng Brigade!

Then Qin Daoxian, the president of the Dragon Kingdom Martial Arts Association and the head of the Great Wall Corps, held an external press conference. Absolutely valid reasons to deal with this at source.

This incident has attracted global attention!

The reason is simple. After the global turmoil, this is the first time that a country directly sends troops to another subjugated country.

That's right, send troops.

The regular army of Guangcheng Brigade!

What will this regular army do when it enters the steppe country? This will become a case worth learning for all countries.

Of course, that is something worthy of vigilance for countries watching the excitement and countries with relevant interests.

So in the afternoon of that day, the Polar Bear Country announced that it would send a regular army of Awakened ones to officially enter the Grassland Country.

I didn't even bother to make up the reason, so I just copied Long Guo's!

Now the spectators are more energetic, the meaning is already obvious, the two big oriental brothers are going to do a few tricks at the next-door neighbor's house!

Ye Bai still doesn't know what's going on outside, he set off in the morning, and at noon he met up with the Monkey Mountain Tiantuan wandering outside, and then the large troop followed the direction directed by Xiao Diao.

When the sky darkened, they crossed the Inner Mongolia grassland and officially stepped into the territory of the grassland country.

The steppe country at night is very dangerous, because this is the time for all kinds of nocturnal birds to forage, Ye Bai decided to find a place to spend the night first.

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