"Why don't you go out and fight him! We also have a lot of awakened talents, so many people are afraid of a lobster!"

"Forget it, didn't you see the video posted in the group last night? That mutated wild boar is so fierce that bullets can't even pierce its skin. How can we fight?"

All of a sudden, the entire banquet hall was in chaos.

"Everyone, don't panic. Stand back and don't get close to the gate. I've already called for help." At this moment, Lin Qingwan, who had already fought mutant creatures, stood up and said.

She had notified her third uncle Lin Shichang just now, as long as the third uncle brought people over, plus the people from the Liu family, it shouldn't be a big problem to deal with a mutated lobster.

Under her organization, a group of students finally calmed down a bit, and retreated to the corner of the banquet hall one by one.

Lin Qingwan herself stood at the front with a few people with fighting talents. If the mutated lobster came in, they would delay the time.

"Brother Ye, aren't mutant creatures very powerful? Do you think my iron fist can deal with it?" Although Mo Yuan has awakened his talent, he still looks panicked because he has no actual combat experience after all.

"Calm down, I, Xiao Qingwan, will hold you back." Ye Baiyi said boldly, seemingly quite relaxed.

After practicing Xiaoleiyin's breathing method during this period of time, plus possessing an extraordinary alloy knife, subtle movements, and powerful bull magic fist, even if he doesn't need the Xiaoleiyin bow, he feels that he should have no problem dealing with ordinary low-level mutant creatures. .

With the help of Lin Qingwan, a first-class talent, she is absolutely sure.

"Hiss... Brother Ye is amazing, you can still be so calm at this time! Is this the style of a general? You are right to follow me, Brother Ye!" Seeing Ye Bai's reaction like this, Mo Yuan also stabilized a little.

As for Lin Qingwan in front, she seemed to have heard Ye Bai's words, and looked back, as if she didn't expect Ye Bai to behave like this at this time.

Ye Bai took the opportunity to wink at the other party.

"Be careful, don't be aggressive if you fight." Lin Qingwan whispered.

"Don't worry, it's not a big problem." Ye Bai just smiled calmly.

"Fuck, Brother Ye is awesome, the school belle cares about you so much, you really took advantage of it!" Mo Yuan on the side felt envious, everyone stood together, why the school belle didn't tell him to be careful.

"Basic exercises don't 6." Ye Baiyun was calm.


At this moment, the door of the already quiet banquet hall was suddenly opened.

Everyone was terrified, as if they were facing an enemy.

However, it was soon discovered that it was Liu Jinghui who had just left who came in. He probably also realized the danger outside and chose to return here.

"Mr. Liu, what's going on outside?" Some students asked quickly.

"There are more than one mutated creature, and there are two mutated lobsters, which have already killed dozens of people." Liu Jinghui said with a grim expression as he closed the door while feeling lingering fear.

Said: "One of them was temporarily dragged by our people, but the other one is missing."

"There are still two!" As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

The appearance of a mutated creature was already scary, but now that two came together, the level of terror increased tenfold.Everyone was also glad that they didn't run out. If they had run out just now, the chance of dying would be even higher.

Even Lin Qingwan's expression changed a little. She has personally dealt with mutant creatures, and she knows how difficult it is for humans to deal with a mutant creature at this stage.

The two mutated creatures, even if all the armed forces of her Lin family were mobilized, it would not be easy to deal with them.

Now that two mutated lobsters appeared in this crowded hotel, when people from her Lin family arrived, hundreds of people might die.Once they rush to the downtown, the consequences will be even more unimaginable.

"Ah! There's a mutated lobster outside!" Just as everyone was panicking, a classmate suddenly exclaimed.

"Hiss..." Everyone followed the voice, and all of them gasped, their hairs standing on end.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling glass on the side of the banquet hall, a big lobster with a length of seven or eight meters and a height of two or three meters, wearing black and red iron armor, was slowly approaching the glass with two large pincers.

It seems that it also saw the humans inside through the glass!

However, this mutated lobster seems to be a little unfamiliar with glass.

"Gack, blah, blah..." It first raised its lobster pincers and placed them on the floor-to-ceiling glass window to test it, making a piercing sound as if it was scraping the glass with a knife.

The lantern-like triangular eyes were also attached to the glass, looking sharply inside.

"Everyone, keep quiet." Lin Qingwan whispered.

Everyone covered their mouths, held their breath, and remained motionless.The shouting outside was very loud, which contrasted with the extremely quietness in the banquet hall, like a dead thing.

Everyone is praying that this big guy will not come in and leave early.

After doing this for a while, the mutated lobster slowly backed away, as if it felt that the people inside were not moving. Coupled with the barrier of the floor-to-ceiling glass, it couldn't figure it out, so it wanted to leave.

Everyone watched the lobster's movements fixedly.

Seeing that his figure was about to disappear around the corner, he let out a long sigh of relief.


At this moment, without knowing who or where, a glass was suddenly touched, fell to the ground and shattered, and the sound resounded throughout the banquet hall.

That mutated lobster that was about to leave.

Suddenly, as if awakened by a start, the backward figure suddenly returned, and accelerated forward, directly hitting the floor-to-ceiling glass windows of the banquet hall.


The sound of shattering the floor-to-ceiling glass windows came, and a mutated lobster with a hideous physique, like a terrifying demon, raised its giant pincers and rushed towards the crowd.

Chapter 17 Brother Ye is Awesome

"Ah! It's coming in!" Seeing the mutated lobster rushing in, everyone turned pale with fright.

This is like having a barbecue on the side of the road, and suddenly a murderer with a knife comes and chops everywhere. For ordinary people, there will definitely be a kind of panic from the bottom of their hearts.

What's more, this mutated lobster is ten thousand times more terrifying than a murderer with a knife!

A murderer might not be able to kill you with a single blow, but as long as this mutated lobster swings its iron pincers casually, the human body is as fragile as tofu in front of it!

It can even be seen that red blood is still flowing on the iron tongs at this time, which obviously belonged to other human beings who were killed.

"What should I do..." Panic spread among the crowd, and everyone's hearts were filled with unease.

"Hmm..." This mutated lobster had a killing instinct after it mutated, and when it saw this group of fresh humans, it suddenly became violent.

There was a low growl, and it was seen rushing forward at a fast speed.

"Students who are not talented in fighting, spread out to both sides, and students with fighting talent, stand behind me." Lin Qingwan spoke at this time, and as soon as the voice fell, the banquet hall was like winter, and the temperature dropped suddenly.

And the ground where the mutated lobster was advancing was instantly frozen.

This made the lobster slip under its feet, and its speed slowed down significantly.

The other students also took this opportunity to disperse to both sides in panic.

There was only one classmate left, standing behind Lin Qingwan, among them were Liu Jinghui, Mo Yuan, Ye Bai, and a few classmates who had performed fighting talents before.

One is stronger than ordinary people, one's teeth and nails can become sharp, and the other has strong skin that can withstand knife stabs without bleeding.

But it seemed that apart from Lin Qingwan and Ye Bai, everyone including Liu Jinghui was obviously very nervous.

"Brother Ye, do you think we can stand it?" Mo Yuan swallowed a mouthful of saliva and panicked even more.

"What are you afraid of? With your talent, you will be overwhelmed." Ye Bai said with a meaningful smile.

Mo Yuan: ...

While the two were talking, Lin Qingwan tried her best to mobilize her talents. As the temperature in the banquet hall dropped sharply again, even Ye Bai already felt a little cold.

Those students in the distance who didn't have fighting talent shivered from the cold.

When hunting mutant lizards in the valley before, because Ye Bai was relatively far away, he didn't feel that strongly. Only now did he really feel the horror of Lin Qingwan's talent.

And he had a faint feeling that Lin Qingwan's talent seemed to have stronger control than when he was in the valley.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that the pair of iron tongs of the mutated lobster were directly frozen on the ground by ice cubes.

The mutated lobster wanted to pull it out angrily, but failed.

Ye Bai remembered that Lin Qingwan used a lot of energy to freeze the mutated lizard's feet before, and even felt weak. Now Lin Qingwan doesn't seem to have this feeling, and seems to be able to handle it with ease.

"Could it be that the awakened talent can continue to be improved?" He speculated secretly, because it was still the beginning of a great change, and a lot of news hadn't spread, especially for someone like him who had no money or power and basically had no channels to obtain secrets.

"I won't be able to freeze it for a long time. Take action and see if you can seriously injure it." Lin Qingwan said aloud.

Hearing this, Mo Yuan glanced at Ye Bai.

"What are you looking at, do it!" Ye Bai angrily kicked Mo Yuan out.

"I'm fighting with you!" Mo Yuan staggered and almost fell, and after standing still, he took a breath and rushed towards the mutated lobster.


Before and after rushing to the big lobster, he concentrated all his strength into one punch, and ruthlessly blasted towards the body of this mutated lobster.When the two collided, they made a sound like a symphony of gold and iron.

Then everyone discovered that a piece of the mutated lobster's hard shell had been dented.

It can be seen that the hardness of Mo Yuan's punch is still very strong, but the shell of this mutated lobster is even more ridiculously hard, which does not cause any damage at all.

"Damn it! Is it a lobster or

Turtle, why is the shell so hard! "Mo Yuan cried out annoyed, but fortunately the lobster was still frozen by Lin Qingwan, so he punched again and continued to bombard.

"Let's do it too! Kill it!" Liu Jinghui didn't want to lose face in front of Lin Qingwan and so many classmates, so he shouted bravely at this time, and rushed over with several other classmates.

Only Ye Bai was still standing where he was, and he was not in a hurry to make a move.

After Mo Yuan's probing just now, he already knew that the shell defense of this mutated lobster was probably stronger than that of that mutated lizard.It may be very difficult for Mo Yuan and the others to break open with their fists.

Moreover, the mouth of this mutated lobster will not open casually to spray poison, and there is no chance of attacking the throat.

Bang bang bang bang!

On the other side, Liu Jinghui made his first move, and he used all his strength to hit the mutated lobster's shell with dozens of punches in a second. The power it caused was much stronger than that of Mo Yuan.

It's a pity that it only smashed the mutated lobster's shell, which can be regarded as causing a little damage. There was blue blood from the lobster, but it was not enough to seriously injure it.

The performance of the other students was not as good as that of Mo Yuan.

"Abdomen." After looking at it for a while, Ye Bai suddenly narrowed his eyes.

But this mutated lobster was fixed on the ground by Lin Qingwan, which just happened to hide the weak point of its abdomen.

"It's about to break free, be careful." Lin Qingwan, who was not far away, heard it and understood it. Seeing that the mutated lobster was about to come out of her frozen control, she hesitated for a while, and did not continue to control it. .

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