"Mr. Ye, you can't trust us?" Clark said with an unhappy expression.

Ye Bai nodded seriously: "Yes!"


Clark was so angry, but he dared not speak out the harsh words that came to his throat.

After hesitating for a while, he took out an ambilight bead.

"This is the key to projecting the small world from the soul body. With everyone's eyesight, you should be able to identify the authenticity, right?"

Everyone ignored Clark's stinky face and focused on the beads in his hand.

It can be clearly perceived that there is a special space force and a lot of information flow inside.

The so-called key is the certificate of the small world.

Controlling it is equivalent to controlling the whole small world

A person like Ye Bai who already has a small world certificate can confirm at a glance that this is the real thing!

"Give it to me."

Ye Bai stretched out his hand naturally.

Clark was taken aback for a moment, then shouted angrily, "Why!"

"I don't want yours, I just keep it for the time being." Ye Bai said lightly.

"Haha, can I understand that, Mr. Ye, you still don't trust us?"

Clark laughed out of breath.

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to disbelieve you."

Ye Bai, however, looked serious: "I just can't believe it."

Own. "

"I'm afraid I can't help but grab the key, and it's hard to protect it with your strength, so give it to me for safekeeping, so that this bad thing can be avoided."

"Look, now that billions of people around the world are watching, I can't hack it, can I?"

Ye Bai explained after a while, and made everyone dizzy.

In order to prevent me from snatching the key, so give the key to me for safekeeping?

It cannot be said that there is no logic at all, but what is special is the logic of robbers!

"Ye Bai, you are overbearing..."

"Don't force me to beat you now!"

Under the gaze of Ye Bai's death sentence, Anthony obediently closed his mouth.

He believed that Ye Bai would really beat him up, the key was that he couldn't stop him...

Even Anthony didn't dare to say a word, and the others didn't dare to bb. Now Ye Bai has no one to provoke.

Finally, all eyes came to Clark.

Now it depends on whether the organizer will agree to Ye Bai's outrageous request.

"Do I agree?"

Clark took a deep breath, his tone cold.

"Clark, your understanding of Dragon Mandarin needs to be improved..."

Ye Bai shook his head, and immediately put on a natural face: "If you don't keep it for me, of course I will grab it!"

This man is quite upright!

The crowd continued to dare not speak out.

Clark couldn't care less about being angry now, under Ye Bai's unreasonable force, the best way was to give him the key.

But this is an extremely difficult choice.

At present, the number of small worlds discovered and controlled in the world can be counted on one hand, and the temple spent countless manpower and material resources to get such a one.

The risk of giving it to Ye Bai is infinite!

While Clark was suffering, he noticed that someone in the crowd moved his mouth silently.

The spirit suddenly lifted.

"Okay, the championship prize is in your custody!"

When Clark handed the key to Ye Bai, he thought to himself that this is what you said, and I won't take the blame for anything that happened.

"Then it's time to draw lots?"

"Okay, hurry up, I can't wait."


Ye Bai didn't mind Clark's unfriendly tone, played with the key for a while, and put it away contentedly.

The Temple of the God of Samurai wanted to procrastinate, why didn't he!

Therefore, even if Clark was killed without giving the key, he would not object in the end.

This wave, whoring a small world for nothing!

After a brief period of preparation, the drawing ceremony began.

There were more than 100 teams that signed up before departure, but now after changing to the new plan, there are only 59 representatives participating in the lottery.

In other words, only 59 teams participated in the final competition.

According to the 10-minute time limit for each team, nearly 10 hours have to be consumed here.

Team preparation, referee evaluation and other miscellaneous time add up, a few hours is no problem

Calculated in this way, by the time the champion comes out, it will be early in the morning.

In this way, there is still a surplus in the time required for the resurrection ceremony!

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