The palm is dozens of times the size of the fist, but when the fist and palm meet, the fist forcibly holds the power of the palm.

After a few seconds of stalemate, the mutated bear king roared and pressed his whole body, Ye Bai was directly knocked into the air, flying tens of meters before he stabilized.


The dust rises from the earth,

"*** strength is really great!"

Seeing the cute bear paw shaped pit on the ground, Ye Bai curled his lips, feeling a bit miscalculated.

If I knew it earlier, I would fight remotely...

What responded to him was a huge shadow. Although the mutated brown bear king was large in size, his movements were extremely nimble, and he jumped more than ten meters high!

Ye Bai is definitely a real man, if he said he was straight, he was straight, Ye Bai threw another punch without saying a word, he couldn't beat the ordinary punch, so try this punch.

Vigorous Bull Demon Fist!

The phantom of the bull demon appeared and collided with the giant bear fiercely.


The violent power scattered, flying sand and stones.

A figure flew out tens of meters and hit the ground directly.

This time I couldn't even hold my body steady.

Ye Bai was really annoyed, jumped up and shouted angrily: "Beast transformation!"


The three-meter-high demon ape appeared in front of the mutant brown bear king.

"Come on, let's continue!"

Chapter 99 Guess what else I have?

And seeing a two-legged beast suddenly turn into an ape, this really stunned the mutant brown bear king for a long time.

After reacting, a voice came out of his mouth, as if he was roaring: "Dead Monkey, this is not your Monkey Mountain, this is my territory, go to hell!"

Running wildly on all fours, he pounced on the enemy again.

However, at this time Ye Bai's whole person, oh, the whole ape was also stunned.

Bear talking?No, I can listen to bears!

Damn, it turns out that I can understand animals after I transform into a magic ape?

Without time to do more research, Leaf Demon Ape bared his teeth and let out a strange yelp without retreating. Although his size is still one size smaller than the Mutant Brown Bear King, he won't lose too much on the scene.

Speaking of men, there is an inexplicable pursuit of big things, and...


After transforming into a demon ape, he immediately forgot about his fine-grained body skills, collided with his opponent, pulled the opponent and output a fistful of punches.

Feeling that the strength is not enough, it was then that I thought of playing the Great Bull Demon Fist, and at the same time, I didn't forget to stack the Tiger Roaring Golden Bell Cover BUFF.

After a few rounds of experience, I am very satisfied and can stabilize the situation

bang bang bang! ! !

hoo hoo hoo! ! !

quack quack! ! !

After dozens of rounds of face-to-face confrontation, Leaf Demon Ape and Mutant Brown Bear King simply rolled on the ground and scuffled, punching and kicking their mouths, spitting and opening their mouths to bite...

Do everything possible!

Those mutated bears had never seen such a brutal scene before, they backed away in fright, trembling.

It didn't take long for the two behemoths to separate before the two figures separated.

They were lying on the ground, but they didn't even have the strength to get up.

"Haha, you're out of strength!" The mutant brown bear king laughed excitedly.

"You don't have any strength anymore!" Ye Moyuan was also laughing.

"I'm exhausted, but I still have a little brother, why are you still standing there, come and kill this black monkey!" The Mutant Brown Bear King shouted at the little brother who was peeping from a distance!

Ye Moyuan took a look at the black crowd coming this way, but his smile was even more exaggerated: "Guess what else I have?"

Without the answer from the mutated brown bear king, there were two more bowls in the palm of his hand, which were naturally filled with royal jelly, a smell that could make the hearts of all bears thump, and instantly wafted across the entire summit.

The mutated brown bear king's bear eyes widened, and a bad premonition welled up in his heart.

"Go away!"

Ye Moyuan suddenly tossed it hard, and the two bowls flew across the blackness and flew into the distance.


Without any hesitation, the black mass turned around and rushed towards the two bowls.

Ye Moyuan took out another bowl and drank it by himself. The mutated brown bear king swallowed wildly. If he hadn't really lost his strength, he would have rushed over by now.

After regaining some strength, Ye Moyuan stood up and smiled at the mutated brown bear king who stood up wobbly: "Guess what else I have?"

"What else do you have?" The mutated brown bear king foolishly cooperated.

"I still have a stick!"

As soon as the words fell, Ye Moyuan had a golden stick in his hand, and with a flick of the stick, he rushed towards the mutant brown bear king.

The strong sense of crisis made the mutated brown bear king turn around and run without hesitation, but at this moment, it was exhausted, how could it outrun the leaf demon ape.


The sound of breaking air came.

In just a few rounds, the extraordinary alloy rod hit the mutated brown bear king's forehead heavily, and then heard the sound of "click" bones breaking, and the mutated brown bear king fell heavily to the ground, rolling dozens of times before barely stopping.

Hitting the bear with the stick, Ye Bai didn't let go of the opportunity, went straight up and hit it again.

"Kill a king-level mutated brown bear, and get the nine volumes of the heavenly book (one), which has been stored in the storage space."

Until the notification sounded, it also indicated that Ye Bai had killed another king-level mutant creature, and it was a large king-level mutant animal!

But at this time Ye Bai was not too happy, I endured the humiliation, and knocked down the Mutated Brown Bear King to death, but only one thing exploded?

Putting away the animal transformation and returning to human form, Ye Bai silently took out a set of clothes and put them on, and then took out the clothes he had already worn.

The badly damaged extraordinary alloy knife walked towards the corpse of the mutated brown bear king down the hillside.

Just as he was about to start, he saw a 5-minute countdown on the corpse of the mutant brown bear king. Only then did Ye Bai realize that he has gathering skills!

5 minute later.

"A king-level mutated brown bear awakening crystal nucleus has been obtained, and it has been stored in the storage space."

"Obtain a complete fur of the king-level mutant brown bear king, which has been stored in the storage space."

"Obtained 42 teeth of the king-level mutant brown bear king..."

Looking at the mutated brown bear king who disappeared out of thin air, Ye Bai could only call him a good guy, he didn't let it go at all!

Thinking of something, I quickly checked the storage space.

Heavenly Book Nine Volumes ([-]), the first volume of the Heavenly Book’s nine volumes of practice exercises, requires practitioners to master a basic practice method (already met), and take an awakened crystal core of a king-level mutant plant (not taken)

"Huh? There seems to be something?"

Only then did Ye Bai's eyes lighten up slightly. Although only one item exploded this time, it seemed that the item was pretty good.

Da Leiyin's breathing method has only reached a bottleneck in his practice, and then a new method burst out, which is seamlessly connected...

This damn character!

"You have to eat the awakened crystal nucleus of a king-level mutant plant to cultivate? This is a bit demanding..." Ye Bai suddenly thought of the giant mutant root-piercing vine he encountered when he first came in.

This thing is probably king class!

The next stop is to find a king-level mutant creature. After all, if you can't find it here, it will be even more difficult to find it outside.

Ye Bai walked back, but he hadn't forgotten the corpses of the mutated black bears that were "killed by mistake". According to Wang Ran's group of four, even if the large mutated creatures are not king-level, there is a very small chance of their skills awakening Crystal nucleus, he felt that with his character, he should be able to get one.

In the end, Ye Bai didn't get what he wanted because he didn't have any skills.

This made Ye Bai a little annoyed. He wanted to talk to the group of boys who had mutated into the brown bear king, but he looked around in a daze. Good guy, he ran really clean.

No, there is only one more.

A mutated American black bear shook its head and crawled out of the pit, cursing non-stop, grabbing royal jelly, grabbing royal jelly, what a good bear it is to trample him unconscious!

Just as I was about to find a place to lie down, my eyes blurred, and there was a big black monkey in front of me...

"Monkey King, please spare me!"

The mutated American black bear knelt down without a word.

"Answer my question, and spare your life." Ye Moyuan said solemnly.

The mutated American black bear was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "I will answer your question sincerely, my lord. I like walking around the most, and I know it is much more than other bears!"

"Then let me ask you, is the isolation zone that you gnawed out, is it an anti-mutation plant?" Ye Bai has already identified that there are two types of mutant plants, one is the mutant vine that he met before, and the other is the panacea .

"The king monkey has bright eyes. We want to prevent the mutated plants from stealing our spiritual flowers and grasses. Those mutated plants are very hateful. They often steal things and even hunt and kill our own kind!"

"Then do you know where there are more mutated plants?"

"Your Majesty, did you lose your brain in the battle just now? Of course you have the most mutated plants." This bear's words are a bit harsh.

"Monkey Mountain?"


"I'm on your head, eat me!"

Chapter 100 The White Tiger Garden Destroyed by the Regiment

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