However, at this moment, eight gigantic and ferocious snake heads popped out from the strange man's neck, and after a loud roar, the eight snake heads directly bit Sanwa.

"Evil! Don't be mad!"


At this time, Siwa arrived in time, swallowed the divine fire from his mouth, turned into eight fire dragons, roared up to the sky, and fought with the eight snake heads.

"Fourth brother, get out of the way!"

Sanwa seized the opportunity, smashed the sharp teeth of the snake's head with one punch, then hugged the snake's head with both hands, shouted angrily, grabbed the snake's head and slammed it, directly throwing the strange man into the sky.


The nine snake heads neighed, and after they were thrown into the air, they showed their ferocity. As the nine heads twisted, they turned into giant beasts of hundreds of feet, covered in black scales, the nine snake heads danced, and their eyes were as red as blood.

And this is the real body of the ghostly man.

The real identity of the Yaoyi man is Xiangliu Ghost King, one of the strongest in the ghost clan. Although he is a rising star of the ghost clan, his prestige among the ghost clan is no less than that of Jiuli Ghost King.

Xiang Liu let out a roar with nine hairs, looking at the third baby and the fourth baby below, a trace of haze wiped from his eyes.

"It's really difficult..."

Xiang Liu shifted his gaze to the halo of the jade pillar, and then jumped into the sky, rushing towards the halo of the jade pillar, wanting to seize the opportunity to seize the treasure.

However, the third baby and the fourth baby were not at all as he wanted, they immediately stepped into the air, stood in front of him, and fought against him.

As for the other gourd babies, they were not idle, and they fought with several people except Hongmao Seven, Tianya, and the holy angel beast.

These people shot just now, but they were completely aimed at everyone except themselves, so Brother Calabash didn't need to think about who to attack, because none of them could escape.

"Go away, my king!!"

The Nine-Tails Demon King was furious, looking at the halo of the jade pillar which was close at hand but could not be touched because of the big baby, he shouted angrily, and the Nine Tails behind him moved together, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, light and darkness, poison, and thunder nine All kinds of power unleashed, constantly bombarding Dawa.

Although he comprehends the profound meaning of Lihuo and Ruijin, he is a nine-tailed demon fox, and each of the nine tails has its own ability. Although other powers are not as good as Lihuo and Ruijin, they are not trivial. Wang Sichong died once.

However, Dawa did not dodge or evade the continuous nine attacks, breaking through all kinds of attacks with one force, no matter what mess he made, he smashed them all with one punch.

And Qiwa is even more insolent, one against two, facing the two gods, the gourd in his hand sometimes shoots purple light that can turn people into pus and blood, and releases a centrifugal spell for a while, so that the two gods have to be distracted to suppress the centrifugal spell Impact.

Although it was a one-versus-two game, Qiwa actually had a slight advantage, which shows how ferocious he is.

Nine tails and the others couldn't get away, but Hongmao Qiren and Tianya's side was calm because no one came to stop them.

"what should we do?"

Doudou scratched his head, looked at the almost crazy gourd brothers, shrank his head, and then asked Hongmao.

Hongmao glanced at the halo of Yuzhu, then at Tianya, and said, "Brother Tianya..."

"Rainbow Cat, needless to say, first take it out and see what it is. If it is more useful to someone, just exchange it for something. We should not create gaps for a treasure in our relationship."

Tianya smiled and offered a suggestion directly.

"it is good!"

Hongmao didn't twitch, and walked directly in front of Yuzhu's halo, and stretched out his hand to grab the halo.

"Dare you!!"

Seeing this scene, Nine Tails and the others stared angrily and went berserk. After blasting the gourd baby who was blocking them, they rushed to stop Hongmao. ap.

However, the gourd baby was not just paper, and before they could rush away, he immediately stood in front of them again.

Judging by the posture, anyway, they just don't let them do what they want.

However, among them, there was still one person who broke through the block of Calabash Baby.

The red-haired man of the demon race opened his big hand, and the sea of ​​blood surged, colliding with the ocean Wu Wa spit out, and then transformed into ten clones, rushing towards Wu Wa.


Seeing the situation, Wu Wa immediately swung the three halberds of Wanchuan Guihai and killed ten red-haired men.


Wu Wa blasted eight red-haired men to pieces in a row, only to find out that none of them were real.

Before he could make another move, the other two red-haired men took advantage of his unpreparedness, skipped Wuwa, and flew towards the halo of the jade pillar below.

"Don't think about it!"

Seeing the two red-haired men flying over, he jumped and waved his sword finger. The blue light sword behind him turned into a rainbow light and flew out. The sword pierced through the last clone of the red-haired man and killed his real body. .


However, what made Tiaotiao frowned was that the moment his blue light sword pierced the red-haired man, the red-haired man suddenly turned into flowing scarlet blood. Hair man inflicts damage.

"The sea of ​​blood is boundless!!"

The next moment, the red-haired man regained his figure, and with a big wave of his hand, a sea of ​​blood filled with coldness and filth bloomed, and a sea of ​​blood gushed out, rushing towards Tiaotiao, Hongmao and others.

"Running to the thunder!"

"Ice and snow!"

"Great blue light!"


Seeing this, Daben, Lantu, Tiaotiao and others immediately moved to block the sea of ​​blood.

But the red-haired man took the opportunity to rush towards Hongmao, stretched out his blood claws and blasted towards Hongmao's back.

"Bright sanctions!"

At the critical moment, Tianya's spear danced wildly, the tip of the spear was like a stream of light, like silver stars flickering while dancing, blasting towards the red-haired man with infinite light and power of judgment.

The red-haired man's face changed drastically under the mask, and he immediately flipped his hands, forming a blood shield to block the spear.


However, Tianya's attack was violent, the red-haired man blocked the attack hastily, and the blood shield burst suddenly.

A huge aftermath blasted out, and the red hair flew hundreds of meters backwards, and his mask was also torn apart.

"You are looking for death..."

After the red-haired man stabilized his figure, a hoarse and cold voice came out of his mouth.

The mask on his face fell off piece by piece, but the aura on his body became more and more frightening. The sea of ​​blood was churning under his feet, as if there were countless ghosts screaming and roaring.


As the last piece of the mask fell off his face, a power that almost surpassed the peerless true king surged out of his body.

And the face of this red-haired man was extremely ugly, with blood-colored patches like clods raised on his face, and his eyes were extremely scarlet, which was extremely frightening.

Moreover, after the mask was completely removed, two hands grew out of the armpits of his hands, and a blood-red eye grew out of each hand. The ferocious eyeballs rolled around, exuding a suffocating smell of blood. .

The red-haired man's red hair grew three feet in an instant, and danced wildly without wind. Every strand of hair was covered with scarlet blood, and slowly fell to the ground.

The strength and appearance of the red-haired man at this time also attracted everyone to stop and look over.

The Nine-Tailed Demon King looked at the red-haired man, his complexion changed drastically, and a trace of solemnity appeared in his eyes.

"Devil King Asura! I didn't expect it to be you!"

Obviously, Kyuubi recognized the red-haired man, and his tone was extremely cautious, full of fear. ...

Chapter 125: The sea of ​​blood will never dry up, and this king will never die! ; Sudden darkness! !

"Asura? The strongest demon, this guy is here..."

Tian Zhu, Kang Long, the men and women of the God Race all changed their expressions and spoke out one after another.

"Asura? 500 years ago, the sudden emergence of an army from the demon clan killed the ruthless man who killed the demon king of the demon clan at that time?"

Tianya was also very surprised, especially the power exuded by Asura, which made his heart sink.

"You broke through?"

Tianya gripped the spear tightly and suddenly made a sound.

At this time, the rest of the people also stared at Asura, with fear and anticipation in their eyes.

What is the next realm of the peerless true king, they can only know after breaking through.

But hundreds of years have passed, and none of Tianxing has made a breakthrough. Now that Asura may have made a breakthrough, it undoubtedly makes them jealous and jealous.

Asura looked at Tianya coldly, and said in a nonchalant voice, "Breakthrough? If this king breaks through, you people are no more than local chickens, and you have already been slapped to death by this king!"

"However, even if this king hasn't made a breakthrough, he is still much stronger than you! Because this king has already found the way back, but you are still going around in circles."

There was a hint of pride on Ashura's face, and it was indeed something to be proud of to find the "road" before everyone else.

After hearing Asura's words, everyone couldn't help showing a look of disappointment.

But at the same time, they couldn't help but rejoice that Ashura didn't break through before them, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!

But Asura's words "have found the way back" made them think...

Nine tails and the others' eyes flickered, staring at Asura, as if ready to move.

"In this case, please enlighten me. I really want to see where the gap you mentioned is!"

Tianya swung his spear horizontally, not talking nonsense, and said without hesitation that he wanted to test Asura's idea, and see the "road" that Asura found.

"Bright sanctions!"

Immediately afterwards, Tianya stepped into the air, dancing the spear, and the unstoppable murderous aura stimulated every cell of Asura.

However, Asura didn't panic at all, instead he showed a ferocious smile, turned his eyes, and said sharply, "This king inherits the ancestor of Minghe, how can you compare with a killing intent?"

As soon as the words fell, the sea of ​​blood spurted under Asura's feet, and a bloody killing aura surged out, turning into a series of blood shadow monsters, rushing towards Tianya.

Patriarch Styx?

Hearing this key word, Tianya's heart froze, but he didn't stop moving at all. The spear danced wildly, and the silver light shone, smashing the bloody monsters one by one.

However, this blood shadow monster is extremely strange, no matter how many times it is smashed, they can be reborn infinitely.

"Hahaha! The sea of ​​blood will never dry up, and this king will never die!"

"It's useless! As long as the sea of ​​blood exists, these blood monsters will be reborn no matter how many times they are killed!"

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