"Forget it, Marshal Dou, after returning, he ordered to strictly guard the [-] miles around this planet, prohibiting anyone from approaching, so as not to provoke it!"

The young king nodded, and then said to Dou Yan with a solemn expression.

With serious eyes, Dou Yan clasped his hands and said, "Please rest assured, Your Majesty!"

"Well, well, let's go! After today's incident, Xinghe is destined not to be peaceful."

"In addition, on the other side of the Kongyuan Galaxy, it should be caught in a whirlwind of storms, God's wildness... It's a troubled time!"

The young king sighed helplessly, then tore apart the starry sky with Dou Yan and Xing Lao, and escaped into the void.

Chapter 140 Is This a Butterfly Effect? ; Watching at a high speed, returning to the present world

And the young Lord's guess was indeed correct. After this incident, whether it was the battle between An Lan and Ah Cha, or what Sky Dragon said to Kong Zheng, all of them were spread, causing huge disturbances in the galaxy.

Tianxu Xinghe and other Xinghe took this opportunity to jointly put pressure on Kongyuan Xinghe.

Ask them to tell what Kongyuan Xinghe was involved in before the era, as well as related news about Shenhuang, and they need to compensate for various losses, saying that it was because of the battle between Ah Cha and An Lan that caused turmoil in various galaxies and countless deaths and injuries.

However, in fact, the only one that was really affected was the Tianxu Galaxy, which was exploded for hundreds of millions of miles. I don't know how many stars were shattered, and there was nothing left of the star mine resources inside.

However, this does not affect each galaxy to put pressure on Kongyuan Galaxy and demand compensation.

Kongyuan Xinghe naturally refused, but under the alliance of various galaxies, they could only succumb in the end. All the top forces in the galaxy were furious and searched everywhere for things before the era, trying to find relevant records of Shenhuang.

But after the various tribes in the empty galaxy turned the galaxy over and over several times, they couldn't find a fart.

But other galaxies don't believe it!

Especially Tianxu Xinghe, who killed Kongyuan Xinghe must have hidden something, asked to send troops to garrison Kongyuan Xinghe, and obtained a search warrant to search the entire Xinghe.

Naturally, Kongyuan Xinghe didn't want to, and this just happened to follow Tianxu Xinghe's wish, don't you agree?Then hit!

So, Kongyuan Xinghe fought with Tianxu Xinghe in a daze.

Although there are many top forces in Kongyuan Galaxy, they are not unified. When the war broke out, the hearts of all ethnic groups were not in harmony. They were not the opponents of Tianxu Galaxy. Compensation is the end of the matter.

After Tianxu Xinghe received compensation from Kongyuan Xinghe, its power expanded again, and it seemed to faintly overwhelm other Xinghe.

But even so, they didn't dare to touch the sky dragon. Instead, they took even more precautions against sticking to the ten thousand miles of the planet where the sky dragon was located to ensure that no one would disturb the sky dragon.

Although this anticlimactic farce ended hastily, the aftermath caused by Ah Cha, An Lan and Sky Dragon did not dissipate, and instead intensified.

In the end, they set their sights on the barren galaxy, which is the galaxy where Tianxing is located.

Because, there are rumors that the sky dragon is seen flying out of there...

in the endless void,

Jiang Qiyu fell silent.

"Is this...the Butterfly Effect?"

Jiang Qiyu's expression was weird. His purpose of leading this battle was to leave behind the shadow of Shenhuang, and at the same time earn a little wish power, so that the various galaxies could keep guessing, which would be the best way to transform.

It's just that he didn't expect that the final spearhead would be directed at Tianxing again.

The little glutinous rice balls flew around, shook their tails, and said leisurely, "Well, this is not the butterfly effect, but the correction of time and space. Whether you arrange this scene, these guys will all stare at the stars, it's just The reasons change."

"Furthermore, after your play, these people have not only increased their sense of detection, but also increased their fear and suspicion, and they will not easily attack Tianxing. At least, as long as the Sky Dragon is still alive, they will not dare to invade Tianxing. At most, I only dare to send one or two unremarkable people into Tianxing to find out the situation..."

"In this way, the outer trajectory of the star remains the same and has not been changed, so it is not a butterfly effect."

The little glutinous rice balls saw it very thoroughly, and they were not worried at all, but they talked about things in Tian Xing again.

"Boy Jiang, it's more troublesome than these careless bastards. The bunch of things you made in Tianxing are the most prone to problems."

"Not to mention anything else, the Seven Rainbow Cats, the Seven Calabash Babies, and the two Digimons must not be recorded in future generations. Of course, I'm talking about extremely obvious records, at least not everyone knows about them."

Xiaotangyuanwanzi's tone became serious. As a "connected with fate" grasshopper, it felt that it had to remind the host who had gone crazy.

Jiang Qiyu waved his hand and said lightly, "Don't worry, it's fine, everything is under control."

"For the rest, just pull the timeline to see!"

Jiang Qiyu was no longer ready to go off in person, he raised his hand, and the long river of time appeared, and there were carps of various colors jumping in the river from time to time.

Naturally, these carp are not real fish, but derivatives of luck that can affect the general situation of the stars. These people may die eventually, but their derivatives of luck will exist forever in the long river of time.

If Jiang Qiyu is willing to expend the power of the world, he can revive these existences that affect the general trend of the stars, but resurrection is against the law of heaven, so if these people are forcibly resurrected, it will not only consume a lot of power in the world, but also cause world turmoil and time disorder .

Of course, Jiang Qiyu's point of pulling out the long river of time is not these luck derivatives. He moved his eyes and moved his fingers on the long river of time.

In an instant, the long river of time surged, and the flow speed increased with the naked eye.

In the long river of time, a hundred years is an instant.

In the long time, Jiang Qiyu saw Suiwu, Tianya, Jiuwei and others break through the god king, and the peak of Tianxing's strength was raised again.

"The time to break through to the God King is earlier than the original time, and I don't want to remind you specially."

Jiang Qiyu nodded slightly. When he transformed into Ah Cha, he specifically reminded Tianya and the others, just to see if they could speed up their breakthrough.

In the limited [-]-plus years of Tianxing, the strongest existence was no more than the seventh heaven of the true king, and he almost died in the repeated internal friction. Those who survived were also half-disabled, so they could only proclaim themselves in the dark. in the space.

Therefore, Jiang Qiyu wanted to see if anyone would be able to break through to the Supreme Holy Level (Eighth Heaven of the True King) after letting them break through to the Sixth Heaven of the True King sooner...

Although the chances are not high, after all, the further back the sky star is, the stronger the Heavenly Dao's suppression of monks will be.

Jiang Qiyu pulls the timeline again. In the blink of a millennium, besides the six major clans, there are also the Celestial Clan who know misfortune and fortune, and the Heavenly Clan, the indomitable Giant Clan, and the Yun Clan born in the clouds. Together with the six major clans, they are called the ancient nine clans. .

At the end of the ancient times, a great war suddenly broke out among the various tribes. The terrifying hostility and strong killing intent enveloped the stars, and countless lives were wiped out. From the first casualties under the king's realm, to the final death of even the god kings, the war even spread to the world. To the existence of the Seventh Heaven...

"Heart Demon..."

Jiang Qiyu looked at each other coldly, but narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Boy Jiang, Tianxing is really not that simple. These guys are obviously completely caught up in the killing, but they don't know it at all. They even forget about the extraterrestrial demons and only focus on the present. Even the human race can't avoid it."

Xiaotangyuanwanzi saw something strange and wagged her tail.

Jiang Qiyu nodded, "Tianxing lives in a barren galaxy. The timeline before the ancient calendar was extremely chaotic. It should have experienced a devastating blow. It is not an exaggeration to say that the current Tianxing is a restarted world."

Said, Jiang Qiyu directly stepped into the long river of time, followed the trend, and watched the things behind at a very high speed.

According to the calendar of the gods, the war continued, and even the first Nine Ancient Clans that were wiped out appeared, and then all the clans became weaker and weaker, and countless strong members of the clan fell.

Finally, someone noticed something was wrong.When the gourd brothers and the seven rainbow cats fought against the gods and demons, the ground was cracked and thousands of miles underground were exposed, and a strange half-red and half-black coffin appeared.

On the coffin, countless grievances and blood have gathered, even since the war, all the blood sinus has been gathered here.

At this moment, all the clans of the Tianxing finally realized that something was wrong, and wanted to suspend the war, but it was too late. There were countless casualties among the clans, and the deep feud was irreversible.

Just as the disputes between the various clans continued, a corner of the coffin was suddenly opened, and only one corner was exposed, but the color of the stars changed, and the whole sky was covered in a strange blood color.

Human race, monster race and ghost race were the first to react and asked to suspend the war to deal with the strange coffin, but it was ineffective.

Helpless, the three clans could only send some people to join forces with the gourd brothers and Hongmao to seal the coffin.

However, the black and red coffin was extremely horrifying, as if some kind of terrifying creature was sealed inside, and everyone fought with it, resulting in countless casualties.

In the end, the gourd brothers turned into Zhenmo Mountain, and the seven Hongmao sacrificed their bodies to evolve into a large formation. Under the double seal, the coffin was finally resealed and suppressed.

And because of this, the Gourd Brothers and the Rainbow Cat Seven lost their traces, and the Elf Clan and Seven Sword Mountain were also hit hard. In the end, they could only choose to retire, search for a secret place, and seal the mountain...

Not only that, because of that battle, the human race, monster race, and ghost race suffered heavy losses. The god race, demon race, and spirit race took the opportunity to launch a war.

The human race is not much better, and they are regarded as the key "care" objects. On the same day, Suiwu and Tianya, who were injured because of dealing with the strange coffin, were attacked by two Huagai god kings, and a tragic battle broke out. The horror war shook the world , The blood of the gods sprinkled the blue sky.

At the last moment, Yagumon and Badamon finally ushered in their final evolution.

Battle Greymon and Seraphmon are alive.

As for the ultimate body, they did not disappoint everyone's expectations, and their strength was completely comparable to that of the real king Qizhongtian, and even faintly surpassed it.

In the end, the assailant was blown to pieces and shattered the throne, so he could only flee with his life.

Although both Suiwu and Tianya managed to survive, their condition was extremely bad and they were on the verge of death. Even the throne and the canopy were shattered in half. .

Faced with this situation, Blazing Angel Beast had no choice but to hold Tianya in his arms and disappear...

After the human race was attacked by their own Martial Ancestor and Tianzu, and the Tianzu disappeared, they no longer cared about other things, and directly declared war on the three tribes of gods, demons and spirits. Thousands of years of great war...

In the end, the three tribes of gods, demons and spirits were wiped out, but the ancestor of the human race, Suiwu and the fighting tyrannosaur, the first generation of human emperors and the second generation of human emperors died in battle one after another, and the ancestor of human emperor Yin also disappeared. .

At this point, the battle of the gods finally came to an end, and the human race, led by Xuanyuan Zhanxian, the three-generation human emperor who had resurrected his life, quickly cleaned up the mess.

Only three of the ancient nine clans remained, but Xuanyuan Zhanxian did not exterminate the two clans of demons and ghosts, but drove them into the endless sea.

In addition, although Xuanyuan Zhanxian was reborn, his memory was lost.The reason is also very simple, the sliver of spirit left behind by him is incomplete, so even if he is reborn, he will lose a lot of things after all.

There are many things lost in Xuanyuan Zhanxian's memory, including the specific information of extraterrestrial demons, earth stars, Martial Ancestors and Celestial Ancestors...

Everything seemed to be destined, those who knew the inside story almost died, and those who survived hid, so that Tianxing was still on the "correct track".

Seeing this, Jiang Qiyu walked out of the long river of time.

Jiang Qiyu's eyes moved slightly, she was silent for a few seconds, and then murmured, "That coffin..."

Suddenly, Jiang Qiyu called out the time machine, and after starting it, he jumped to the time before the ancient times.

However, when it came to the beginning of the ancient times, the road ahead was cut off, and even the time machine could no longer move forward.

Looking at the chaotic scene in front of him, Jiang Qiyu frowned slightly.

"Before the ancient times, the galaxy where Tianxing is located should have experienced a devastating blow. Everything restarted, and even the time before the ancient times no longer existed. And if time does not exist, the time machine will naturally not be able to move forward..."

Jiang Qiyu rubbed his chin, his eyes flickered slightly, "That coffin did not come from the outside world, but was buried under the stars since the beginning of ancient times, so it should be something from before ancient times."

"**** annoying..."

"Not only can it block the power of heaven, but it also doesn't seem like a good thing. The Star Wars was only triggered to absorb resentment and blood. If it weren't for the appearance of Hongmao and the others, I am afraid that according to the original trajectory, this thing will have to be hidden until no one is alive. Discover……"

Jiang Qiyu is one head and two big, and the matter of the extraterrestrial demons has not been resolved, and it turns out that there is a giant time bomb hidden in the sky.

Being able to carry over from the ancient times means that the thing in this weird coffin must be a big murderer! !Peerless evil!

"That's all! Although the coffin was born for a while, it was sealed anyway, which happened to let the Calabash Brothers and Hongmao and the others temporarily end..."

"Besides, it's better to know than to know nothing. That weird coffin has to be solved, so we can plan again..."

Jiang Qiyu looked thoughtful, touched the small glutinous rice balls in his arms, and then drove the time machine towards the present world.

"I've done everything I need to do, and I know what I need to know. It's time to return to the present world and continue to lay my body... No, let's continue the layout!"

Jiang Qiyu's eyes gradually became deeper, and his mind was full of thoughts. ………

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