Xintailang raised his eyes and pressed the chip on his chest suddenly.

In an instant, the chip burst into divine light, and regular mechanical lines spread all over General Wolf's body.

"Ultimate chip - a transformation, open!"

Boom! ...

Chapter 145 Winner? ; 'Nulliate all forces' chip

With the sound of Xintailang's domineering voice, a purple-red divine light soared into the sky.


Under the impact of this divine light, cracks appeared in the barrier of the formation. With the sound of cracking, the barrier burst suddenly, and the purple-red divine light shot directly into the sky.

The enchantment was broken, and they immediately returned to their original space, surrounded by the scene of Guya city.


The flesh and blood glutton let out countless inconceivable shouts.

"The great formation of ten thousand blood is a great formation that can block all the five heavens of the true king! I waited until I collected all the blood of all living beings to refine it. How could it be so easily smashed by the core wolf?!"

The flesh and blood glutton was emotional, and countless bloody faces gushed out from all over his body, roaring fiercely.

"kill him!!"

Blood God Son's face twisted, and with a roar, the flesh and blood gluttonous screamed, his legs split open, and a black torrent gushed out from his big mouth, like a black hole, devouring everything in its path.

After the enchantment is broken, the movement here will definitely attract people from the Holy Kingdom, so it must devour the core wolf before then, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted!

Just as the black torrent hit the purple-red divine light, a fist broke through the light and shattered the black torrent with one punch.


The flesh and blood glutton roared, and instantly came to the fist, opened his face and wanted to bite down on the fist.

However, at this moment, another fist blasted out, hitting the Flesh and Flesh Glutton's face directly, and amidst an air explosion, the Flesh and Flesh Glutton soared to the sky at the speed of sound like a cannon.

"This general, it's not something you can eat!"

The purple-red divine light dissipated, revealing Xintailang's current appearance, wearing a battle suit full of sense of technology, with purple-red flaming hair on his head and face, and a wordless domineering rippling in all directions.


Xintailang raised his head, clenched his fists, and the space exploded.

Afterwards, Xin Tailang soared into the sky, and instantly caught up with the flesh and blood glutton that was sent flying into the sky.

The flesh-and-blood gluttonous stared at Xintailang with a ferocious look, opened his mouth wide, and the strange power of devouring erupted again.

Xin Tailang looked calm, and immediately felt countless blood threads smaller than fibers wrapping himself.

He immediately understood that it was these bloodshots that swallowed his strength earlier.

Immediately, Xintailang shook his whole body, and the purple energy heart on his chest erupted with divine light, and terrifying power swept out, swinging in all directions.

Boom boom boom!

Under the terrifying power of Xintailang, the space in all directions is broken, but what makes Xintailang slightly different is that even so, those blood threads are still not broken.

The flesh and blood glutton laughed ferociously, "It's useless! Xin Tailang! No one can resist our devouring power! No force can stop the devouring power!!"

After Xin Tailang heard this, he was not in a hurry, and then let countless blood threads connect to him.

After the flesh and blood glutton realized that the blood thread had been connected to Xin Tailang's body, he was overjoyed and laughed even more wildly.

"Xin Tailang, you have no chance! This time, I will devour you!!"

Numerous bloody faces poured out from the body of the flesh and blood glutton, and they all made hoarse, gloomy voices, and each pair of bloody eyes was full of madness and excitement.

However, at this time, Xin Tailang suddenly spoke.

"Do you know balloons?"

The flesh and blood glutton was taken aback.

Then, he felt a more terrifying force bursting out from Xin Tailang.

"Although it's just a transformation, it's enough to explode you."

Xintailang's tone was calm, and a storm surged above his head, forming a vortex of purple-red divine flames.

Immediately afterwards, a dark purple battleship surged out of the vortex. ap.


Suddenly, the battleship erupted with divine light, and a beam of light containing this terrifying power was cast down, enveloping Xintailang.


"How is it possible?! Aren't you the real king of the fifth heaven?! How could you summon the throne?!"

The flesh and blood glutton turned pale with shock, faintly feeling that things had exceeded his expectations.

"Impossible, impossible! I have investigated every one of you guys who smuggled from the earth and stars. You are obviously only the real king at the fifth level!!"

The flesh and blood glutton let out a roar, unwilling to believe his mistake.

"The fifth heaven of the true king? I never said that. Besides, none of the guys who appeared at the auction is the fifth heaven of the true king! Your news is really wrong and outrageous."

Xin Tailang chuckled coldly, and what he said made the flesh and blood glutton even more irritable, and felt a little panic.

However, the next moment, the flesh and blood glutton couldn't think about it anymore, because it could feel a wave of terrifying power being absorbed by itself.

"Hahahaha! Xin Tailang, so what if you are a god king? Bloody gluttons can absorb all power!"

"You are so stupid, do you really think you can blow me up? Ridiculous! Ridiculous! Hahaha!"

Feeling the increasingly powerful power, enjoyment and excitement appeared on the countless faces of the flesh and blood gluttons, and the blood god son even arrogantly taunted the core wolf loudly.

Xintailang didn't speak, but increased the output of power, and the power of the throne became more intense, which was continuously transmitted into the blood thread connecting Xintailang's body.

Seeing the enjoyment and complacent flesh and blood gluttonous face, Xin Tailang remained calm, moved his fingers slightly, a force wrapped around something and flowed into the flesh and blood gluttonous body along the blood thread.

And as more and more power was absorbed by the flesh and blood glutton, the power of Xin Tailang seemed to be weakening, and the divine light of the energy core on his chest was a little weaker.

On the contrary, the power of the flesh and blood glutton became more and more terrifying, and its size also grew with the growth of power, and it turned into a giant beast hundreds of meters high, with a fierce aura extending thousands of miles across its body.

"Not good! If this continues! General Wolf's power will be completely absorbed!"

"what should I do?!"

Tianyu's eyes showed worry and anxiety, looking at Xin Tailang who was constantly being sucked away from power, he was in chaos.

At this moment, Xintailang Gujing said calmly, "Enough."

"What is enough? It's not enough! Let me tell you, this time I will devour you completely! Not only your strength, but also your flesh and blood and soul! Hahaha!"

The flesh and blood glutton laughed sharply, complacent, and already regarded Xin Tailang as his own.

Xintailang raised his hand, then clenched his fist suddenly. The next moment, the battleship fell and disassembled into several parts, and then landed on Xintailang, and finally turned into a deep purple armor full of technology .


The berserk power swept across the world, and in an instant countless chains gushed out from the battle armor, entangled the flesh and blood gluttonously.

"I want to resist now! It's too late!"

Absolute confidence appeared on the face of the flesh and blood glutton, and then he roared, and the terrifying sea of ​​blood surged, turning into countless sharp tentacles, trying to cut off the chain.

However, what caught the flesh and blood gluttons by surprise was that after touching the chains, the sharp blade tentacles became stiff and brittle like burnt ground, and were directly cracked by the chains the next moment.

"What?! What's going on here?"

The flesh and blood glutton stared, and then unbelievingly released a devouring torrent, trying to smash the chains and devour them.

However, when the devouring torrent touched the chain, it changed like a sharp blade tentacle, suddenly froze, and then exploded directly like an egg hitting a stone, so all the fragments were like stones, scattered everywhere yes.

"What exactly is going on?!"

The flesh and blood glutton panicked, his moves didn't work against Xin Tailang, this problem was serious.

"Are you surprised?"

"Didn't you feel something wrong when you absorbed my power? Your so-called indestructible devouring power is actually vulnerable in front of the God King."

"The general didn't choose to smash those bloodshots, but just wanted to get rid of you more safely. Among the power absorbed by you, I passed in a chip, and its function is to "nullify all power", With it, you can't resist, and you can't escape!"

"But in fact, this chip is easy to be discovered and removed. It's a pity that you, a gulping monster, has no taboos and can absorb everything. Therefore, the chip is absorbed into your body and dissolves in every part of your body. In this way, this book Chips that are extremely easy to remove can no longer be removed..."

Xintailang took his time, grabbed the chain with one hand, and said to the flesh and blood glutton.


The various bloody faces on the flesh and blood glutton reappeared, revealing a ferocious and panicked look.

"By the way, there is still a time limit for this chip, no more, no less, five seconds left, just enough!"

Xintailang suddenly reminded again, and at the same time stretched out his other hand, the mecha on the arm surged and assembled, turning into a mechanical cannon with a caliber of 800mm.

Inside the cannon, purple-red energy surged, and the flesh-and-blood glutton who was aimed at by the cannon immediately felt a strong breath of death, and immediately became irritable.

"Do not!!"

The flesh and blood glutton let out a roar, and the terrifying power surged wildly, threatening to shatter the chains.

However, whenever his power touches the chain, it will be petrified directly, without any destructive power.


Xin Tailang looked calm, and the energy cannon brewing in the mechanical cannon suddenly blasted out.


The space ruptured, the clouds scattered, and the huge energy column instantly enveloped the flesh and blood gluttony. …

Chapter 146 Crush him, Hero One! ;In this world, only one king is needed!


"Great... Blood God! Save your loyal servant!! No!!"

An ear-piercing and extremely unwilling hissing sound resounded through the sky, and in the surging energy column, the fleshy gluttonous body was disintegrated instantly, but in the end, even the particles could not remain, it was so dead that there was not even slag left.

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