"Damn it! There's even information about Tianxing, the story of the sky and the sky, the history of encounters between the granddaughters of Zhu Xiabai and Lan Yangyang, and... the battle of the Primordial God of War, the Primordial King of the Underworld, the gods and the strange coffin... "

"Look, there is also "The Incident in the Ancient Times: The King's Advent" and its companion article "The Incident in the Ancient Times: The Ax to Set the Mountains and Rivers"..."

Among the information posted by Bai Xiaosheng, someone also discovered that there was information about Tianxing on it, and many of them were related to matters related to the ancient times and the calendars of the gods.

And these news quickly attracted the attention of various forces, and they are already preparing treasures and buying them...

"My friends, the battle has begun."

At this time, Bai Xiaosheng's friendship reminder sounded.

Everyone who was constantly browsing the link immediately turned their attention.

At this time, Sora Ichimaru Gin and Asura had already started fighting, and the three of the Holy Lord of Light had already stayed away, watching the battle from the sidelines.


Asura's face was gloomy, and the six-armed Asura above the sky and in the sea of ​​blood crazily blasted his fists, hitting Shimaru Gin with such a speed that it seemed like a thunderbolt.

However, such a terrifying bombardment speed has never been able to hit Ichimaru Gin.

Asura's face became more and more gloomy, and his aura became more terrifying.

"La la, your speed is very good."

"However, I was hailed as a genius by the Seireitei. I have practiced to a relatively advanced level, so it is very difficult for you to hit me."

While dodging, Ichimaru Gin still had time to explain to Asura.

However, Ichimaru Gin's words, coupled with the smile on his face, were full of irony in Asura's eyes.

"The sea of ​​blood is boundless!"

Asura drank violently, the sea of ​​blood above the sky roared, turned into an endless tsunami, and submerged towards Shimaru Gin.

"Well, what a terrifying ability."

Ichimaru Gin raised his head, opened his eyes slightly, and raised his hand at the same time.

"58o Tianlan of Breaking the Way!"


A violent whirlwind swept away, blowing away the falling blood sea, unable to touch Ichimaru Gin.


Asura shouted angrily, the six-armed Asura suddenly struck out, the six palms closed together, and with a bang, directly drowned Ichimaru Gin's figure.


Asura's eyes brightened slightly, and he just showed a little joy, but the next moment, he seemed to feel something, and his face changed suddenly.

At this moment, a cold whisper sounded...

"Solution, God kills the gun!"


The silver light shines in the sky, penetrating thousands of meters, directly piercing the six-armed Shura's head.


The six-armed Shura roared, but it was not so easy to be annihilated. Six palms opened, and a torrent of blood spit out from his mouth, blasting towards Ichimaru Gin.

"I don't have time to fight with you anymore..."

Ichimaru Gin's complexion was completely icy, his eyes were completely opened, and the light blue pupils were filled with cold light.

"No steps and even blades!"...

Chapter 155 The real power of the god-killing gun; friendly price, no bargaining!

No tread even blade!

A cold whisper sounded, and a terrifying spiritual pressure gushed out from Ichimaru Gin's body, sweeping across the world in an instant.

At the same time, the god-killing gun in Ichimaru Gin's hand erupted with divine light, expanding and contracting at a speed of a thousand times in an instant, dazzling people.

[Without steps and even blades: the god-killing gun can be continuously retracted at extremely high speed, stabbing the opponent into pieces in an instant]

Therefore, in just an instant, the six-armed Shura's whole body was pierced by the god-killing gun, leaving holes one by one.

And there were so many holes, but not even a little blood flowed out, and every hole was smooth and clean.

The reason is that under Ichimaru Gin's extreme attack speed, the six-armed Shura's body has no time to react, and the blood has no time to ooze out.


And the appearance of tens of thousands of holes also made it impossible for the six-armed Shura's body to maintain itself. In an instant, countless cracks appeared, and finally Baizhang's body exploded, turning into bloody spots that floated into the sky.


Asura's face was full of fierceness, although he didn't expect Ichimaru Gin's power to be so strong that he instantly knocked out his six-armed Shura, but he immediately reacted and killed Ichimaru Gin.

Although the current Asura is the seventh heaven of the true king and has condensed the canopy, this does not mean that the throne is useless.

The crown canopy can make oneself invincible and timeless. In contrast, the throne is not only a symbol of status, but also the manifestation of one's own strength, and can also be used as a weapon.

Ichimaru Gin's ability to smash his throne means that the opponent's strength will never be weaker than his own. The throne alone is absolutely unable to deal with the opponent, and he must do it himself!

Therefore, Asura did not hesitate at all, taking advantage of the gap where the opponent smashed the six-armed Asura, he rushed forward quickly.

Because he knew that only in close combat with him can he suppress the opponent's advantage and prevent the opponent from using his god-killing gun!

However, Gin Ichimaru naturally wouldn't let him do what he wanted, the moment he raised his eyes, he launched the Wudao Lianblade again.

The blade is like the wind, covering every place. Under the extremely sharp and airtight blade net, Asura can't get close at all.

Asura refused to give up, the sea of ​​blood came out, and with a wave of his hands, the sea of ​​blood turned into countless giant pythons, trying to bite the blade into pieces.

However, Wu Tread's speed was too fast, and instead of biting the blade, the blood sea python was poked with holes all over his body.


Suddenly, Ichimaru Gin used Shunpo to come behind Asura and stabbed his neck with a knife.

Asura reacted in time, his hands turned into giant claws, one hand blocked the god-killing gun, and the other hand slammed towards the other side's door.

"Thirty of Binding Dao, mouth flashes three times!"

Ichimaru Gin grinned at the corner of his mouth, and spit out a few words quickly.

sulfone sulfone!

Suddenly, three huge beak-shaped light beams sealed Asura's other hand, preventing him from moving.


Asura's eyes were fixed, and he secretly thought that he was stupid, and he forgot that the other party was a god of death, with a bunch of weird moves.

"La la, Mr. Asura, it seems that it's over!"

"Thundering chariot, gap in the spinning wheel, this thing has clusters of light and divides into six!"

"The 61o six-stick light prison that binds the Tao!"

Ichimaru Gin smiled again, used six sticks of light to block Ashura's body, and then pointed the god-killing gun at Ashura's chest.

"Shoot him, God Killing Gun!"

Ichimaru Gin spit out a few words softly, so softly that even Asura couldn't hear clearly.

However, at the next moment, the God Killing Spear extended thousands of meters in an instant, piercing his body in an instant.

Moreover, at the moment when his body was penetrated, Asura found that he couldn't even move his fingers.

"This feeling……"

Asura's whole body was shaken, and his strength seemed to be depressed and weak. He seemed to feel something, and immediately looked down at his chest.

"What kind of power is this?!"

Asura's pupils shrank suddenly, looking at the hole in his chest that was bigger than his head, his expression changed immediately.

The big hole in the chest was rotten and expanding, as if it had been corroded by sulfuric acid.

And this is the true ability of God Killing Gun Swastika!

When Ichimaru Gin chanted "Shoot him, God kills the gun!", the poison left by the blade in the enemy's body would immediately explode, dissolving the enemy's body instantly.

This kind of poison is almost unsolvable!

It is impossible for anyone to be able to stop this poison until it reaches the level of non-invasion!


"This power..."

Jin Xing stood up, looking at Asura's body that was melting little by little, his pupils trembled.

"Ichimaru Gin... Sure enough, this is his real power!"

Xintailang was also shocked, and it was the first time he saw Ichimaru Gin make this move.

"So strong! Asura's body was actually dissolved! That's the former king of the demon clan!"

The Holy Pope screamed, his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Reaper...Zanpakuto...Swastika...What a terrifying power..."

The Holy Lord of Light focused his eyes slightly, his eyelids drooped, and there was a trace of strangeness in his pupils.

"However, this is also good, Ichimaru Gin is so strong, and the Aizen-sama who can make Ichimaru Gin follow must be stronger."

"Zhuxia has reached an alliance with Biqibao, and even Guangying Yangcun has a close relationship with Zhuxia. If the Holy Kingdom doesn't take action, I'm afraid it will really fall behind."

"Next, as long as we reach a cooperation with Ichimaru Gin's forces, the Holy Nation will not only have a strong alliance, but I will also be able to go to the Earth Star with confidence to find opportunities for breakthroughs!"

The Lord of Light looked closely at the figure of Gin Ichimaru, with a hint of anticipation in his heart.

Today the stars are limited, if you want to break through, besides breaking the restrictions of the rules of the stars, the only way is to go to the stars!

However, the strength gap between the two stars of heaven and earth is too great.

At first, the Holy Lord of Light thought that the strength of the earth star would not exceed that of the sky star, but now, the strength of the two is not on the same line at all, and the gap is like a natural moat.

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