Qin Yuzhong's face was solemn, and he recalled the long sword with a big hand, but found that there was a gap in the long sword, and then he seemed to remember something, and immediately asked Lin Gan.

Qin Yuzhong's words also surprised the people outside the arena, and they all started talking about it.

"Physical cultivation? That kind of practice system, wasn't it cut off before the calendar of the gods?"

"That's right! Physical training specializes in the body, which is a path of cultivation that can make the body comparable to magic weapons. Advanced physical training is like a bulldozer in the world, pushing down all enemies in front of you! Therefore, physical training is a very domineering existence."

"However, because only the body is cultivated and the potential of the body is excessively stimulated, the lifespan of the physical body is greatly shortened. With the improvement of the two ways of martial arts and supernatural powers, the physical body is gradually eliminated."

"By the way, I remember that the origin of physical training seems to be an elf!"

"Elves? Who doesn't know that elves are handsome men and women who are delicate, weak, and easy to push down. How could they have anything to do with physical training?"

"I don't know, but I remember that there are rumors that the origin of physical training comes from an elf king of the elves. I heard that the elf king has a divine body that is indestructible by diamonds and invulnerable to water and fire! The subsequent physical training is all because Many people looked up to his demeanor and wanted to have the same powerful physique as that elf king."

"However, is Lin Gan really a physical cultivator? Is there really anyone who is willing to give up their lifespan to practice physical cultivation?"

"I am also very curious!"

"plus one!"


Just when everyone was curious about whether Lin Gan was a physical cultivator, Lin Gan finally gave the answer. ap.

"Yes and no!"

"I don't count as physical training, at least not pure physical training. Because... I know other things!"

As soon as the words were finished, Lin Gan raised his hand to point at Qin Yuzhong, and the light symbol from before reappeared in the palm of his hand.

Qin Yuzhong gritted his teeth, and the moment he showed vigilance, he felt the space around him begin to fold, forming an indestructible space barrier.

"not good!"

Qin Yuzhong's complexion changed drastically, and he immediately raised his sword to slash down, but the space barrier instantly rebounded the power.


Unwilling to give up, Qin Yuzhong continued to swing the sword, and the sword energy danced wildly around him, blasting towards the space barrier.

However, this space barrier is not only hard, but also capable of rebounding force. After several rounds, Qin Yuzhong not only failed to split the space barrier, but got scars all over his body.

At this time, Lin Gan raised his hand again, and the space around Qin Yuzhong suddenly trembled, as if it would collapse in the next second.

However, Lin Gan did not act in a hurry, as if he was waiting for something.

Qin Yuzhong sighed, finally gave a helpless smile, and looked at Lin Gan in amazement, "Brother Lin has a good plan, and he is willing to bow down, so let's admit defeat!"

"Also, thank you Brother Lin for your mercy."

Qin Yuzhong knew that Lin Gan didn't rush to attack because he was waiting for him to admit defeat, and he could also feel that if Lin Gan made the next move, he would be seriously injured.

Therefore, Qin Yuzhong was also grateful to Lin Gan. The other party not only saved his face, but also saved him from being seriously injured.


Lingan shook his head slightly, and then removed the space barrier.


At this time, Pleasant Goat's eyes lit up in the audience, and he spoke suddenly.

Liu Qingqing and Zhuge Liuyun immediately looked at Pleasant Goat, waiting for his next words.

Pleasant Goat glanced at Lin Gan, then looked at the two of them, and said in a firm tone.

"The space power that Lin Gan used just now and the aura of antiquity emanating from his body all come from the divine object called 'Ancestral Talisman'!"

"Ancestral symbol?"

Chapter 161 I'm Not a Thief Cao! ! ; Surprised or not?Is it surprising? !

"That's right!"

"Ancestor Talisman, also known as the Eight Great Ancestor Talismans! It is one of the supreme gods, and the accompanying treasure of the Martial Ancestor."

"The eight great Ancestral Talismans are Space Ancestral Talisman, Primordial Ancestral Talisman, Thunder Ancestral Talisman, Devouring Ancestral Talisman, Dark Ancestral Talisman, Ice Ancestral Talisman, Flame Ancestral Talisman, and Life and Death Ancestral Talisman!"

"I have read information about the eight great ancestral talismans in an ancient book. Each ancestral talisman has unpredictable and unimaginable power."

"Lin Gan should have obtained the Space Ancestral Talisman and the Primordial Ancestor Talisman, so he can still use the space power when his spiritual power is short-circuited!"

"And the existence of the Great Desolate Ancestral Talisman makes Lin Gan's physique not inferior to that of Physical Cultivator, and even more terrifying, so it is difficult for Qin Yuzhong to harm him!"

Pleasant Goat did not dictate it, but explained it to Liu Qingqing and Zhuge Liuyun through sound transmission, just because the matter of the ancestral talisman is of great importance, and if someone with a heart knows it, it may cause great commotion.

"Eight Great Ancestral Talismans... Pleasant Goat, can you be sure that Ling Gan is really from our Heavenly Star?"

Zhuge Liuyun looked complicated, and finally asked Pleasant Goat.

"Yes! Lin Gan doesn't have the aura of the Earth Star. Moreover, the records of the Eight Great Ancestral Talismans in the Earth Star indicate that after the disappearance of the Martial Ancestor, they also disappeared."

"Therefore, Lin Gan is undoubtedly a member of Tianxing. I think he should have obtained the space and the ancestral talisman by accident, and has been reclusive until now."

Pleasant Goat immediately answered Zhuge Liuyun's question, and upon hearing this, the complex look on Zhuge Liuyun's face gradually turned into a smile.

"Hey hey, tell me, are the other ancestral talismans somewhere in the sky?"

"If I find it, will I be able to become stronger immediately?"

"In this way, I can show off in front of my cheap daddy and envy him to death! Hahaha!" ap.

Although there is still no clue at all, Zhuge Liuyun couldn't help fantasizing, and even let out a wretched laugh.

Pleasant Goat, "┐(─__─)┌!!"

Liu Qingqing, "(ー△ー;)!!"

Lazy Yangyang rubbed his eyes sleepily, and said in a daze, "(?-?")~, the game is over? "

Three people, "..."

Soon, the match of True King Erzhongtian also came to an end.

In the end, it was Lin Gan, Cui Bei and Ke Lan who successfully passed the qualifiers, and the result was not surprising.

Afterwards, the number of contestants from the Three Heavens of True Kings appeared on the stage, and the number was much smaller. In addition, there were only seven of Liu Baisu.

The duel in the three heavens ended quickly, not only because of the small number of people, but also because the seven true kings of the law were no longer just fighting, but also had a contest of laws.

The level of progress of the law can basically determine the gap between the two, so it also reduces the time for life and death struggles.

And among the three true kings of the law that entered the national qualifiers, Liu Baisu was impressively among them.

The other two are the ancestor of the Wuyun Sect from the hidden world sect; and a woman named Gu Yulian from a thousand-year-old family. She calls herself Lianyuzi.

After the selection of the Three Heavens, Liu Baisu took the stage again.

He looked around, as if he was looking for something, and after a moment of hesitation, he opened his mouth.

"I don't know, are there any seniors who are true kings at the fourth level and above want to participate in the qualifiers?"

"This qualifier is not only an opportunity for Zhu Xia, but also an opportunity to promote our Qingling Domain! If there are any seniors coming, please come out and meet them."

Liu Baisu cupped his hands, with hope in his eyes.

No way, the ultimate goal of the Tianjiao qualifiers is to select Tianjiao who will represent Zhu Xia.

But before they are selected, it is the battle of the 36 domains of Zhuxia on the surface.

As the master of the Qingling Region, Liu Baisu naturally hopes that more powerful people will appear in the Qingling Region, so that they can show their talents in the national qualifiers, and also take this opportunity to promote the Qingling Region, so that it can be a good name for the Qingling Region. Get more resources.

For this reason, he even went to invite his ancestors, but he was kicked out and scolded.

The cursing content is as follows—

"You son of a bitch!"

"Old man, half of my foot is in the coffin, and I am still fighting for the pride of heaven?! You bastard, I'm afraid you want to make my old ancestor lose face! Get out!"

After receiving the "diligent teaching" from his ancestors, Liu Baisu no longer placed his hopes on his own ancestors, but hoped that some hidden sects and thousand-year-old families in the Qingling Region would be able to live up to their expectations and move out one or two quadruple clans. The strong ones at or above the sky participate in the competition.

However, Liu Baisu's voice fell for a long time, but no one answered.

The hope in Liu Baisu's eyes dissipated, and finally he could only sigh helplessly.

He is very clear that although the Qingling Region cannot get ahead in the 36 regions, there must be the existence of the Real King Sichongtian, and no one has come out, which can only show that the true king Sichongtian in the Qingling Region is the old one. For the first time, I can't save myself and come out to fight for the position of the arrogant of heaven.

In addition, it also shows that in Qingling Region these years, I am afraid that there is no new true king Sichongtian...

"Oh! It's all..."

Liu Baisu sighed, wanting to say that it was all the fault of heaven and earth's oppression, but suddenly thought that if heaven and earth were not closed, perhaps Tianxing would have already fallen into the hands of extraterritorial demons. Thinking of the end, he could only shake his head speechlessly.

But just when Liu Baisu no longer expressed hope and was about to announce the end of the Tianjiao Qualifiers in Qingling Region, a shout suddenly sounded.

"and many more!"

"Wait! There's me too!"

Hearing the slightly familiar voice, Liu Baisu was taken aback for a moment, turned his head to look, and his face turned dark.

"You bastard! I really want to embarrass my old face!"

The person who came was Liu Baisu's son and Liu Qingqing's father Liu Yunhe.

At this time, I saw Liu Yunhe running towards the ring with a bunch of weapons such as swords, guns, swords and halberds, shouting as he ran.

"Old man! Dad! Wait, there's your son!"

Liu Yunhe stretched out his unshaven vicissitudes of life face, with a burst chicken nest head on his head, even making everyone think that this guy is an explosion scientist from somewhere.

Liu Yunhe who was running didn't pay attention to Liu Baisu's darkening face at all.

Just when Liu Yunhe finally ran to the sky above the ring, Liu Baisu slapped his opponent on the head.

"You brat, what are you doing here?"

Liu Baisu looked at the completely unkempt Liu Yunhe with a dark face, and asked angrily.

"Qingqing, is that... your father?"

Zhuge Liuyun blinked, and asked Liu Qingqing beside him.


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