Chapter 189 Iron Sea Dragon Beast: I admit that I am too proud! ;eat you……

At this time, even though the Evil Big Wolf is entangled by Nine Dragons and turned upside down, he is still suppressed by Wu Shengtian.

Under Wushengtian's extreme speed beyond the speed of light, the others couldn't even make a move, because they couldn't hit at all.

It turned out that although Wu Shengtian was smashed to pieces and his body was killed by the attack of Evil Gray Wolf just now, it also affected the barrier propped up by the Nine Tails and Ten People.

Although the three of Jin Shining, Ruffian Beard, and Lao Crocodile took over in time to set up a barrier to isolate the world, they still gave Wu Shengtian an opportunity to absorb a lot of energy.

Moreover, Wushengtian also swallowed the free power after the attack of the evil gray wolf, so the strength has been further restored.

The Wushengtian who ascended again became even more terrifying.

Just the speed shown has made it impossible for Ichimaru Gin, Thor, Kaneki and others to keep up. They can only dodge far away to ensure that they will not be eaten by Wu Shengtian and avoid letting him recover again.

Therefore, the only one who can contend against Wu Shengtian is the Evil Gray Wolf, but it is barely able to stop it.

Under Wu Shengtian's extreme speed and terrifying power, Evil Gray Wolf was also struggling very hard, so he could only shout for help.

Otherwise, Evil Big Big Wolf would have directly blown the heads of Old Master and Good Big Big Wolf.

Is this a place for you guys to chat?play? !

The old master and the good gray wolf reacted, and immediately stepped away, launching an offensive and blasting towards Wushengtian.

However, after Wu Shengtian glanced at them, he smiled coldly and disappeared instantly.

"not good!"

"He wants to devour the steel sea dragon!".

The old master looked at the direction Wu Shengtian left, and immediately realized the other party's purpose.

Immediately, the three-foot green sharp edge was swung out, and the endless sword intent was condensed. Although all the sharpness was hidden, everyone present felt terrified.

Even though, the point of the three-foot Qingfeng sword was never directed towards them.

"Nine Dragons Sacred Fist!"

At the same time, the good and evil Big Big Wolf delivered the strongest blow at the same time, the two giant dragons covering the sky roared, and the endless flames burned the sky and the earth.

When the Good and Evil Big Big Wolf swung its fist, the twin dragons entangled and turned into a holy fist of flames that filled the sky, cooked the sea, and extinguished the world, and fell towards the Wushengtian.


Wushengtian doesn't have any fancy moves, the emphasis is on the word "swallow".

Even in the face of the three-foot Qingfeng who has the power to cut the sky, and the Nine Dragon Sacred Fist of the Good and Evil Big Big Wolf, Wushengtian still chooses to devour them.

I saw two bloody mouths appearing like space cracks, biting towards the three-foot Qingfeng and the Nine Dragon Sacred Fist respectively.


The huge sound spread throughout the world, and the sky was constantly turbulent due to the collision of the three parties, and the sky was filled with divine light, dividing the sky into three equal parts.


The old master moved his sword, the three-foot Qingfeng trembled all over his body, the sword screamed to the sky, and as a more terrifying sword intent condensed, his bloody mouth was finally cut to pieces.

On the other side, the good and evil Big Big Wolf merged into one, and the power of the Nine Dragons Holy Fist became stronger, and it also wiped out the bloody mouth.

However, after they settled the matter, Wu Shengtian had already captured the Iron Sea Dragon Beast.

I saw two slender arms growing on both sides of Wu Shengtian's body, which were several thousand meters long, and the palms were so big that they could hold the steel sea dragon beast's ten thousand zhang body tightly.

"Let go of me!"

The steel sea dragon panicked, it admitted that it was too early to provoke hatred, and now it was too late to regret it.

Tun Tun Tun —

There are countless suction cups on the hands holding the steel sea dragon, constantly devouring the energy of the steel sea dragon.

There was a look of enjoyment on Wu Shengtian's face. Big guys like the Iron Sea Dragon Beast were his favorite. They were full of energy, flesh and blood, and they were full!


Seeing this, the old master and the others immediately flashed behind Wu Shengtian and "backstabbed" him.

However, Wushengtian seemed to have eyes on his back, and countless heads popped out, opening their jagged bloody mouths and biting at the old master and the others.

The old master and the others had no choice but to be forced to resist, so they were held back, unable to rescue the Iron Sea Dragon Beast.

"Steel sea dragon beast, hold on!"

Hui Tailang waved his hands, punched out the dragon follower, and shouted at the steel sea dragon beast.

At this moment, the Iron Sea Dragon Beast's body has shrunk to a thousand feet, and its eyes also showed panic.


What can I support? !

If you keep on going, this king will have to change into a dragon!

"Hahaha! No one can save you!"

"When the deity devours you, they won't be able to escape either!"

Wu Shengtian laughed wildly, looking at the steel sea dragon with cold eyes.

"Speaking of which, I would like to thank you..."

"If you weren't stupid enough to launch an energy cannon on me, I really wouldn't be able to swallow energy!"

"So, in order to thank you, this deity can guarantee to swallow you in one bite, so that you will have no pain!"

Wu Shengtian grinned grinningly, looking at the steel sea dragon beast, his saliva almost flowed out.

The Iron Sea Dragon Beast stared, cursing in its heart.

I am riding a horse, thank you so much!

Let me have no pain, you are really "merciful"!


"Let me go! Otherwise, my elder brother won't let you go!"

The Iron Sea Dragon Beast twisted its body and let out a roar, threatening Wushengtian.

"Your brother?"

"Who is your elder brother? When the deity is fully recovered, it will be a matter of whoever comes!"

Wu Sheng Tian stared at him disdainfully, and he was not frightened, so how could he be frightened by an unknown person in the mouth of the steel sea dragon beast.


Suddenly, Wu Shengtian's pupils shrank slightly, and he suddenly realized that part of his flesh and blood was missing, and the familiar sound of devouring made him even more surprised.

"Let him go..."

A deep and cold voice sounded, Wu Shengtian turned his head to look, his eyes froze for a moment.

At this time, the Steel Sea Dragon Beast followed Wu Shengtian's gaze and was startled.

"Golden wood?!"

"Let him go..."

Kaneki lowered his head, and whispered in his mouth, his cold tone made people feel as if he was in an ice cave, and his whole body shivered.

At this time, Jin Mu, who was originally friendly and friendly, was already covered in blood, and he was holding a head in his hand, which was one of the heads derived from the body of the inanimate celestial body.

Jin Mu slowly raised his head, his mouth was full of blood, and there was still flesh and blood hanging around his mouth.

And his blood hole with white pupils has turned into a blood hole with black pupils, and the scarlet blood threads are entrenched on the black pupils like branches, looking extremely hideous.

Moreover, Kaneki's black hair also gradually turned white, and finally turned into pale hair completely. A maddening despair gushed out of his body, which even affected everyone's emotions.

Even Wushengtian had an illusion that his death was approaching, and he felt a chill in his heart.

"eat you…"

Kaneki dropped the head in his hand, raised his right hand, pressed his thumb on the index finger and moved it hard, even making the finger crack like a broken bone.

At this moment, the scarlet and violent eyes in Jinmu's eyes became more terrifying.


In the next second, Jinmu rushed out, like a sharp sword, splitting the air and breaking the sea.

"court death!"

Wu Shengtian quickly regained his senses, and in a rage, countless bloody hands spawned and grabbed Jin Mu.

However, facing these bloody hands, Jin Mu waved his big hand, grabbed them all, and then opened his mouth directly, biting fiercely.


One mouthful after another, there was no trace of tenderness in Jinmu, only extreme madness, and greed and violence in his eyes.

And after devouring Wushengtian's flesh and blood, Jin Mu's shoulder blades instantly broke open and the flesh gushed out, turning into a pair of scarlet and black sky-shrouding dragon wings.


Wu Shengtian was shocked, he had always devoured others, and it was the first time someone dared to devour him!

Uncle can bear it, but aunt can't bear it!

Wu Shengtian directly threw down the steel sea dragon beast, let out a long roar, and rushed towards Jin Muyan.

Not to be outdone, Jin Mu waved the wings of the sky-shrouding dragon, and instantly came to Wushengtian.

Countless heads gushed out from Wu Shengtian's body, opened their mouths and bit Jin Muyan.

While dodging, Kaneki Ken bit off the flesh and blood connected to the head, and after swallowing it, Kaneki Ken's aura became stronger again.


Wushengtian was furious, and countless heads struck out at a speed exceeding the speed of light.

Kaneki Ken grinned, his left eye flashed scarlet, and countless feathers shot out from the wings of the shrouding dragon.

Clang clang!

The two fought, constantly colliding in the sky, and their fighting methods were very similar, devouring and attacking with "weapons" derived from their bodies. For a while, it was difficult to distinguish between them.

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