And this galaxy is exactly the Kongyuan Galaxy, which is regarded as the "veteran extraterrestrial demon".

Soon, people from the Void Clan came, and ten battleships traveled through the starry sky. The faces of the people on the battleships changed drastically when they saw Wu Shengtian and Xiong Er.

"Damn! This power..."

"Call Patriarch!"

On the leading battleship, a silver-white Void clan turned pale with shock. This person was the Kongshen Yin who had fought with Chonglou Remnant Soul back then.

At this time, as the God King of Hua Gai, he didn't dare to get close to Wu Shengtian and Wu Shengtian at all, because just looking at each other, he felt an irresistible suffocation.

So Kongshen Yin immediately realized that Wushengtian and Wushengtian were definitely not something he could deal with.

The two Void tribes beside Kongshen Yin waved their arms, drawing a space passage.

"What's the matter?"

In the space channel, a thick and old voice sounded.

Kongshen Yin immediately turned around and said something to the ancestor in the space passage.

A moment later, a figure came out of it, but it was the Supreme Elder of the Void Clan, Kong Zheng, who was beaten away by the Sky Dragon.

After more than [-] years, Kong Zheng still hasn't aged in the slightest, and his whole body has returned to his innocence, like a mortal, but there is infinite pressure in his eyes.

"This is……"

As soon as Kong Zheng stepped out of the space passage, he noticed Wu Shengtian and Xiong Er.

In the blink of an eye, he was no longer calm, his face changed dramatically and he turned around and walked away, walking towards the space passage.

Kongshen Yin was taken aback, and quickly shouted, "Old Ancestor, this is not yet..."


Damn! "

"Do you know what realm they are?"

Kong Zheng stopped in his tracks, with a gloomy face, and shouted coldly to Kongshen.

Kongshen Yin didn't expect Kongzheng to get angry suddenly, so he couldn't help being taken aback.

However, when he saw Kong Zheng's slightly trembling eyes, he quickly thought about what Kong Zheng said. After a while, he seemed to suddenly think of something, his eyes widened suddenly, and for a moment he couldn't stop the chill down his spine.

"Old Ancestor, you said they are..."

"Holy King?"

Kong Shenyin trembled slightly, his voice seemed tense and unsmooth.

And the word "Holy King" in Kongshen Yin's mouth was like a mountain of hundreds of millions of tons, overwhelming everyone present.

"That's right..."

Kong Zheng nodded slightly, although his face was calm, but his heart was already worried, if it wasn't for maintaining the coercion of the ancestor, he would immediately want to escape.

So familiar!

It's so familiar!

Suddenly, an unknown strongman appeared in the galaxy. This "trick" was the same as Yimao 3 years ago. That time, he was almost beaten to the point where his Dao heart collapsed and his cultivation regressed.

Until now, he has not dared to go to the planet where that planet is located, and he has not even dared to go to the billions of miles around the planet...

And now there are two unknown existences, and they also directly showed the strength of the Holy King. Even if he had ten guts, Kong Zheng would not dare to join in!


Chapter 194 The Void Clan Swallowed in One Bite; A Punch That Annihilated the Galaxy!

"Old Ancestor, do we still need to take care of it?"

Kongshen swallowed saliva, and asked hesitantly.

With this sentence, Qi Kongzheng almost gave him a kick.

"Take care? How many lives do you have to take care of?"

"Go! Go now!"

Kong Zheng looked at Kongshen Yin coldly, and immediately asked them to drive the battleship away, otherwise if they offended the other party or were targeted by the other party, it would be over!

Even, Kong Zheng felt that it was not enough to just leave. He planned to move all the Void Race away. After the two holy kings finished fighting, he would bring the Void Race back.

After all, that is the Holy King. After more than [-] years, Kong Zheng is still walking in the eighth heaven, so he does not know how destructive the battle of the Holy King is. He is worried that if he stays in the Kongyuan Galaxy, the entire Galaxy may be destroyed. will be annihilated, and they will only become irrelevant victims.


"Turn on the space jump, and return immediately!"

Kongshen Yin took the order and shouted immediately.

Immediately, all the battleships moved.

However, it is obviously too late for them to run now, because Wushengtian has already noticed them...


Wu Shengtian's eyes lit up, and his heart was filled with excitement.

There is no way, although he has returned to his peak state, Xiong Er is too powerful, every punch has endless destructive power, and every punch has no "oil and water", so he can't absorb a little energy.

Even, the opponent's devouring power is extremely terrifying, he has almost become Xiong Er's food many times, Xiong Er's restraint on him is too strong, making him very helpless for a while.

However, he firmly believes that if he survives to the end, he must win!

Because in this endless starry sky, he can continuously devour energy.

Although this is not enough to make him improve, it can also keep him in the strongest state.

In this way, sooner or later, he will be able to last until Xiong Er is exhausted and weak, and then he will be able to swallow Xiong Er as he wished...

However, Wushengtian now has a better idea.

The energy of Xinghe may not be enough to make him improve, but the energy of a holy creature can!

What's more, Wu Shengtian also discovered that the saint-level creature on the battleship has extremely terrifying energy in his body, and it is likely that he has stayed in the holy-level realm for 10,000+ years.

This kind of holy level failed to break through the holy king, mostly because it was unable to condense the world in the body, but for Wushengtian, such a holy level is a great medicine, which can greatly nourish!

"What luck!"

Wu Shengtian grinned to his ears, but before he could make a move, Xiong Er punched him in the face, causing him to fly thousands of miles away.

However, the stars and meteorites smashed on the way were all swallowed by the blood mouth derived from Wushengtian's body, so it was not a loss.

Although there is no loss, but it hurts, so Wu Shengtian was furious again...

"Big Destruction!"

Wushengtian shouted angrily, and raised his hands high, a black hole dark enough to swallow light condensed, and then he threw the black hole towards Xiong Er with his hands.


Xiong Er roared, and the thunder giant bear behind him was wrapped in pitch-black energy, and instantly turned into a sky-swallowing giant bear.

The giant bear raised its head to the sky and roared loudly. After hitting its chest with a hammer, it bent its knees and jumped out suddenly. It also opened its mouth wide and directly swallowed the black hole thrown by Wu Shengtian, and dragged the endless devouring power to rush forward. To Wushengtian.

The giant bear's whole body is made up of devouring divine power. Wherever it passes, the stars are annihilated, and the sun and the moon are dimmed.


There was a trace of fear in Wu Shengtian's eyes. Xiong Er's devouring power is different from his devouring power. It has a strong force of destruction and traction. It focuses on attack and has extremely strong lethality.

And his devouring power is precisely the power of devouring, everything can be swallowed, but it can't compare with Xiong Er's devouring power at all in terms of lethality, but fortunately, his devouring power can swallow everything Turn it into your own power, and don't need any buffer time.

But the problem is that his devouring power cannot match Xiong Er's devouring power in attack, so he often needs to avoid its edge.

Just like now, he can't carry this thing by force!

Wu Shengtian's figure flickered, although his body was as big as stars, sun and moon, his speed was not slow at all.

And the direction he was going was exactly the direction of those ten warships.

"Not good! Patriarch, he's chasing after me!"

Kongshen Yin noticed Wu Shengtian's figure, and was suddenly in a cold sweat, and said to Kong Zheng quickly.

However, when he turned his head, he found that Kong Zheng's figure had long since disappeared.


Kongshen Yin stared, and fell into darkness in the next second, and then lost all consciousness.

"Huh? What about the holy food?"

Wu Shengtian swallowed ten warships in one gulp, and after devouring and refining them in an instant, he found that the main course was missing.

Immediately, Wushengtian's eyes surged with divine light, sweeping away the galaxy, and soon found the aura of Kong Zheng on the other side of the galaxy.

It turned out that before Wu Shengtian came towards the battleship, Kong Zheng planned to escape, leaving a phantom to confuse the audience, and then tore Kong away.

At this time, he has returned to the void clan and is preparing to move the clan.

"I want to run, hehe..."

Wu Shengtian grinned grimly, glanced at the Devouring Giant Bear and Xiong Er behind him, raised his hand to shrink the infinite space, and disappeared instantly.

"Hey! Don't try to run away! I will beat you to death!"

Xiong Er roared, waved his fists, the Milky Way trembled, and spread out a pair of divine wings covering the sky, which also disappeared instantly, chasing Wushengtian in the endless void.

But within five breaths, the two of them had already appeared above the Void Clan.

Wu Shengtian's heart froze, "I didn't expect this stinky bear to be so fast!"

Without the slightest delay, he immediately opened his mouth wide and landed on a flat surface, intending to completely devour the void group below.

"not good!!"

In the Void Clan, Kong Zheng, who ran back just now, trembled in his heart, he had no time to think, and immediately left the Void Clan.

Compared with his own life, the entire Void Clan can only be destroyed if it is destroyed. He doesn't want to be swallowed by Wu Shengtian and lose tens of thousands of years of cultivation.

At this time, within the Void Clan, a silver-white and slender Void Clan member also changed his face, with a trace of darkness in his eyes.

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