Subsequently, Wang Duoyu directly bought the Durian Torch Order with [-] million Jinhua coins.

Although the Jinhua coin is not as good as the original gold coin that Lu Xiaoguo took out, it is still a high-quality currency, let alone [-] million Jinhua coins, Pineapple Chuixue couldn't close his mouth with joy.

After all, it was the first time he had seen so much money after growing up so big.

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, he would have wished to swim and roll over the gold coins. ...

Chapter 211 Zombie Godzilla;

Seeing the two happily trading, Ye Shifan's mouth was dry for a while.

So rich!

It's so inhumane!

Thinking that the son of Marquis of Marquis of Martial Arts, the young Marquis of Marquis of Martial Arts, would be so blinded by money that he would come up with the idea of ​​selling the Tianhuo Liaoshen Armor...

Of course, this is just a thought.

With the help of Master Da Luo Tianzun, he finally found the Tianhuo Liaoshen Armor, and it is one of the five great divine mechas.

It was originally the mecha of his master Da Luo Tianzun, but it has the terrifying potential to directly reach the holy one!

As long as he completely controls the mecha, he can possess the power of the Holy One in an instant, but it is obviously a difficult process, and now he can barely control [-]% of the mecha.

However, he believes that he will be able to fully master the mecha in a few years, because he is a genius who has cultivated from the state of being sealed for too long and losing all his power to the second level of the true king in only three years.

Moreover, he still has his master, and now he has the main god space, but he is only controlling a pair of divine mechs, so it must be no problem!

The more Ye Shifan thought about it, the more he felt that the future was promising. Gradually, the [-] million gold coins were no longer in his eyes.

Hmm... As long as you don't look at it, you won't be taken seriously~

"Come back and help!"

"Oh! It's such a big monster, we can't hold it anymore."

Just as Ye Shifan was looking forward to the future, Pineapple Fuxue was kissing the gold coins one by one, and Wang Duoyu was about to summon the Durian War Treasure to have a look, two urgent voices suddenly sounded in the minds of the three of them.


The three of them were startled, and after looking at each other, they immediately turned into streamers and rushed back.

At this time, Garfield's house.

"Ah, what a big monster!"

"What the hell is this? Is it possible that the handsome man is going to die here today?"

Garfield was holding his head, and Jon and Odie were on the sidelines. At this time, their building was in ruins, and they could only hide under a relatively intact wall.

"Wang Wang!"

Odie barked twice, and Garfield was so scared that he gave it a big ear.

"Stupid dog, don't bark! The monster will be brought over in a while!"

After Garfield warned the stupid dog Odie sharply, he poked his head out cautiously and looked up.


At this time, a [-]-meter monster that looked like an upright lizard breathed out a fragrance, and dark green high-energy heat rays shot out from its mouth.

In front of it, two mechas were constantly attacking it, but it was thunderous and rainy, and they couldn't even break the monster's skin.

"Damn it! Why only limit our power, but not this monster's power?"

Cheng Liuxiang in the Fragrant Orange Battle Treasure looked anxious and complained helplessly.

Just because the power of the monster in front of him far surpassed the three realms, and even reached the realm of the true king.

But Cheng Liuxiang and Lu Xiaoguo could only use the power of the three realms, and even whenever Cheng Liuxiang wanted to attack with all his strength, he would stop because of the blood-red reminder of "exceeding power and the world collapsed".

However, fortunately, although they can't use the power beyond the third realm, the strength of their mechas is not what this lizard monster can touch.

"Although this monster can't hurt us, Lu Xiaoguo and I can't kill him either. If this continues, the world will be wiped out by it..."

"Pineapple Fubuki, why haven't they come back!"

Cheng Liuxiang frowned slightly, feeling troubled.

"Chop more jackfruit!"

As the saying goes, when Cao Cao arrived, Cheng Liuxiang had just finished complaining when Pineapple Chuuxue's loud shouts came over.

The giant lizard also heard the sound, and when it turned around just now, it was slashed in the chest by a golden sword light. Although sparks flew everywhere, it did not actually cause substantial damage to the giant lizard.

"I'll go!"

"Why are there monsters at the level of the Real King of the Realm (First Layer Heaven)!"

Pineapple Fuxue drove Pineapple Zhanbao to Xiangcheng Zhanbao, looked at the giant lizard, and couldn't complain.

"Is there really a Godzilla? What a mess!"

Immediately afterwards, Ye Shifan and Wang Duoyu also arrived one after the other.

After Wang Duoyu saw the appearance of the giant lizard, his eyes widened a lot.

Because the appearance of this giant lizard is exactly the appearance of Godzilla, the king of monsters!

Moreover, this Godzilla is not quite right, the black scales on his body are green, his eyes are also green and glowing, his body exudes the breath of death, and there is a green thick liquid in his mouth, completely a zombie Godzilla image of!

"Godzilla? Is this Godzilla?"

Ye Shifan felt novel. The giant lizard in front of him had a complicated structure. It was obviously a living body, but its body was composed of a combination of virus and some kind of energy.

"Uh...forget it! To be precise, it should be Zombie Godzilla!"

Wang Duoyu hesitated for a moment, then nodded. Although the Godzilla in front of him was a little different, it was indeed a Godzilla.

"This Godzilla should have come out of a blood egg!"

"I thought the things in the blood eggs hadn't hatched yet, but they've grown to such a large size. This is to accelerate the growth of this Godzilla!"

Pineapple Fuxue is speechless, the main god space is playing with them!

"What should we do now? We can't use the power beyond the three realms, but Zombie Godzilla has the power of the true king of the domain. Our attack is totally useless!"

Wang Duoyu tried to attack Godzilla with a lot of money, but because of insufficient strength, he didn't even reach the level of scraping.

Pineapple Fubuki lay flat, anyway, he is not interested in the main god space, if the mission fails, it will fail~

【drop!drop! 】

【warn!warn!Please don't be passive and sabotage, once the task fails, kill it!obliterate!Erase??]

"I'll go! **(Lord God Space) you cheat!"

As soon as the warning sounded, Pineapple Fuxue was startled instantly, wanting to be angry with the Lord God Space, but the word "Lord God Space" became an encrypted language, and he couldn't scold him at all.

"What should we do now?"

Xiaoguo Zhanbao scratched his head and asked several people.

"How to do?"

"Of course I did!"

"Look at my jackfruit cut more! Jackfruit cut more! Jackfruit cut more!"

The task was linked to his life, so Pineapple Fubuki became active all of a sudden, jumped up, and immediately fired three bursts.

The sword light is all over the sky, powerful and powerful, and it is as fierce as a tiger, but the actual damage is [-], which is useless except for adding some sparks to the zombie Godzilla.

Zombie Godzilla scratched his stomach, as if asking where the mosquitoes came from.

Suddenly, Zombie Godzilla noticed the pineapple war treasure, and after a roar, he shot the pineapple war treasure away with an anti-aircraft gun.

"Ahhh! It's too hateful!"

The Pineapple War Treasure was not just paper. After being hit by Zombie Godzilla, it only flew back five or six meters.

But Pineapple Chuuxue felt extremely uncomfortable, after all, it was really irritating to be timid.

"Don't be impulsive! Once you use super power, the world will be gone, and so will we."

Cheng Liuxiang drives Xiangcheng Zhanbao to Pineapple Fuxue, and reminds them, fearing that Pineapple Chuuxue will be impulsive, and directly drive a large pot of them.

"However, going on like this is not an option..."

Orange Liuxiang pondered, glanced at Garfield, Odie, and Jon hiding under the ruins, and then looked at the zombie Godzilla, his eyes moved slightly.

"With the power of the three realms, it is absolutely impossible to suppress Zombie Godzilla..."

"Then you can only take advantage of the loophole!"

"What do you mean?"

Hearing the sound of pineapple blowing snow, Cheng Liuxiang recovered from her contemplation and turned to ask.

"Brother Fuxue probably intends to let one of us go all out to kill the zombie Godzilla, and the others will try their best to support the world and prevent it from collapsing!"

Ye Shifan came driving the Tianhuoliaoshenjia, guessing what Pineapple Chuuxue was thinking.

Pineapple Chuuxue nodded, reached out and patted Ye Shifan on the shoulder, and said, "Hahaha! Not bad, brother Ye who knows me!"

"Can you do it?"

Cheng Liuxiang's eyes flickered, a little worried.

"I can only try it!"

"The chances of success are very high. With the combined efforts of the few of us, it should be enough to support this miniature world."

After Ye Shifan pondered for a while, he felt that the chance of success was very high.

However, he is not stupid enough to guarantee 100% guarantee, because nothing has a 100% success rate.

But in this situation, if they don't take a gamble, they have no chance of winning at all.

"Hey! Have you discussed it? I'm so tired!"

At this time, Wang Duoyu's voice came.

During the conversation between Ye Shifan and the others, he and Lu Xiaoguo kept wandering around. In order to attract the attention of the zombie Godzilla, their buttocks were burned and holes were burned in their pants.

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