Taoist Hei Ya didn't change his expression, he still waved his black wings.

However, the bitter gourd juice was extremely weird, it was instantly turned into green gas by the black wing, surrounding Taoist Black Crow and Bubble.

"It's so bitter...cough cough, vomit~"

Bubble's eyes widened, his six senses trembled from the bitter smell in the air, and he even wanted to vomit.

Taoist Hei Ya also turned blue, and quickly closed his mouth and nose, feeling that life is so beautiful.

"What kind of attack is this?"

Bubble pinched his nose with a look of disgust.

"Hahaha! You know how powerful my bitter gourd army is!"

"Bitter melon juice, conceived by bitter melon soldiers, is extremely bitter. Once you smell it, you will foam at the mouth, dizzy, and eventually lose all five senses!"

The idiot laughed, very proud, he had already disliked these two guys!

He is actually more handsome than him, it's a shame! ap.

"Soldiers, vomit again!"

When the bitter gourd soldier heard this, he immediately spit out another ball of bitter gourd juice.

And after hearing the fool's words, the faces of Taoist Black Crow and Bubble turned green.

"Conceived in the mouth..."

"You guys actually spit! It's so immoral!"...

Chapter 215 Bitter Melon King, Heaven and Earth Sorrow Together! ;Eye of Death and Destruction

"Drool... ah!"

"You guys are so immoral!"

Bubbles akimbo furiously, with disgust on his face, he severely condemned all the bitter gourd soldiers.

Taoist Hei Ya has a gloomy face. He has cultivated himself for tens of thousands of years. He thinks he is calm and low-key, but today he was spit on by a bunch of bitter melons, which made his mentality explode.

"Hmph, I don't want to embarrass you, but since you are determined to seek death, don't blame me!"

The birth of Wanxian Pavilion does not cause trouble, but if someone commits a crime on purpose, they will draw their swords and knives and kill all enemies in the world!

As the deputy head of the Ten Thousand Immortals Pavilion, the Black Crow Taoist must not lose face to the Ten Thousand Immortals Pavilion.

"Death God's Eye!"

Taoist Hei Ya's eyes rotated, and his black and white pupils instantly turned into black, and the overwhelming breath of death enveloped every bitter melon soldier.

Bang bang bang!

Under this force of death, the bitter gourd soldiers fell to the ground one by one, died in an instant, and even their bodies were turned into the nourishment of the death breath, making the death breath even more terrifying.

"My lord, save me!"

The fool's face changed drastically, and he called for help immediately without the slightest hesitation.

It is just a scientist plus a military adviser, and it can't resist the power of death like a tsunami of death, so calling for help when it encounters danger is completely an instinctive reaction.

"An dare to bully my men!"

A voice came.

In an instant, the world was wrapped in a sense of sorrow.


Taoist Black Crow sank in his heart, and then sighed slightly, after all, he got into trouble.

"It seems that this battle is inevitable."

Taoist Black Crow did not choose to leave.

At this kind of moment, turning around is a flaw, leaving the back to a strong man who doesn't know how deep he is, this is fatal!

In addition, if he didn't leave, it meant that Taoist Hei Ya was very confident, and he didn't think he would be no match for the opponent.

Because Taoist Hei Ya could feel that although the other party was strong, his strength was limited, otherwise he might have fled through the air immediately.


The next moment, a ten-meter-high bitter gourd throne descended, instantly forcing back all the power of death.

"Your Majesty!"

The fool was pleasantly surprised, and quickly bowed his head, very respectful.

The Black Crow Taoist looked at the figure on the Bitter Melon Throne, and said calmly, "Your Excellency is the Bitter Melon King?"

"That's right, it's my lord!"

On the throne, a bitter gourd man wearing a royal robe with a "bitter" character on his face was sitting with a big horse and a golden knife. Although his appearance was strange, his aura was extraordinary, and the aura he exuded even made Taoist Hei Ya feel a little uncomfortable.

Taoist Hei Ya frowned slightly, and looked down. At this time, Bubble's face was full of sorrow, his originally sunny face became cloudy, and his eyes were even more glistening.

At the same time, because of the low mood, Bubble's aura showed signs of weakening.

"What a weird power, it can affect emotions!"

Taoist Black Crow froze in his heart, and then put his palm on Pao Pao's shoulder.

"wake up!"

A soft drink, like the sound of a dragon and an elephant, brought Bubble back to his senses in an instant.

"My heart is like iron, indestructible!"

After Pao Pao was awakened by Taoist Hei Crow, he immediately realized that he was strange, and immediately activated the golden dragon scales to guard his mind.

"Sure enough, it's a dragon scale! Get it for my king!"

After seeing the golden dragon scales on Pao Pao's forehead, King Bitter Gourd was overjoyed immediately, and after a loud drink, four figures rushed out and rushed straight to Pao Pao.


Bubble's eyes were fixed, and he didn't dodge or dodge. As he waved his hands, the golden dragon roared and repelled the four figures.

"Who are you?"

Bubble clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were sharp, and the golden dragon was entrenched behind him, like a god.

"I am the Scary Pumpkin!"

"Invincible Watermelon!"

"Hehe, I'm a beautiful melon!"

"I am Brave Winter Melon!"

"We are Super Melon Team!"

Those four figures landed under the Bitter Melon Throne, they were actually four melon men with very different looks!

"Super Melon Team?"

Bubble scratched his head, and asked sincerely, "Are you really good at it?"


When the Super Melon team heard this, their poses suddenly disappeared, each of them staggered to and fro, and their momentum plummeted.

"You guys are the super invincible melon team! Not the super fool team!"

Invincible Watermelon looked angry, clenched his fists and shouted.

"Oh! What an earthy name."

Bubble nodded thoughtfully, and then honestly said what was in her heart.

Hearing this, Invincible Watermelon's face twitched, and then he opened his eyes suddenly, spitting out watermelon seeds one by one from his mouth.

Boom boom boom!

Although the watermelon seeds are ordinary in appearance, they possess extremely strong explosive power. After Pao Pao directed the golden dragon to fly the watermelon seeds one by one, the watermelon seeds suddenly emitted a huge light and exploded in the air.

"Winter melon, honeydew melon, pumpkin, you all serve me, and take down this little carp!"

When the voice of the Bitter Gourd King came, the other three melons did not dare to hesitate, and immediately attacked Pao Pao. ap.

One fish and four melons soared into the sky, raising the battlefield above the sky.

Taoist Hei Ya didn't stop him, because the enemy he was going to face was King Bitter Gourd.

As for Pao Pao, he believed that the other party had the strength to protect himself.

"Hehe, what about you? Do you want to escape or admit defeat?"

The Bitter Gourd King looked at Taoist Heiya, his tone arrogant and arrogant, and he didn't pay attention to Taoist Heiya at all.

Instead of being angry, Taoist Heiya smiled, raised his hands and stretched out his sleeves, stepped into the air, and faced King Bitter Melon face to face.

"Ben Dao, why do you want to escape?"

"Originally, I just wanted to find friends for Bubble, but I didn't expect to encounter this kind of trouble. Heh, maybe this is what is destined, and it cannot be violated!"

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

"You retreat quickly now, and this king will not make things difficult for you! All I want is the dragon scales on that little carp!"

King Bitter Gourd frowned with the word "bitter" on his face, but he had no intention of directly fighting the Black Crow Taoist.

After sizing it up, it found that the opponent is not simple, and its strength is hard to detect. Therefore, it is not absolutely necessary. The Bitter Melon King does not want to conflict with the opponent.

Taoist Black Crow shook his head, the black wings waved behind him, and countless black feathers shot out.

"you wanna die!"

The bitter gourd king was frightened, and he slapped his big hand. The bitter gourd king stretched out countless mechanical arms under him, holding the sword, gun, sword, halberd and shield in his hands, blocking Hei Yu.

"Hehehe, this is the Bitter Gourd Throne I invented. It has 88 mechanical arms. It is made of blue titanium and heavenly gold. It is indestructible and can withstand all attacks!"

The fool below gave a dark smile and introduced it very proudly.


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