"Take this deity to practice for this ants?! Even if you are holy kings, you shouldn't humiliate me like this!!"

"Go to hell!"

Age Xueyue's face was ferocious and distorted, her nine eyes were scarlet, and she swung her eight saber arms, slashing towards Tian Yu.

Shengwei surged, smashing through the sky!

With the blow of the Holy Lord, the color of the world changed, and Tian Yu's blood flowed backwards, and his pupils locked tightly.


This is the suppression of blood and physique, which cannot be avoided.

The Holy Body, Dripping Blood Falling Star, Tianyu and Ag's Blood Moon are too far apart, the lack of body explosion is all due to the mysterious power of the ax in his hand.

"Little guy, don't be afraid, chop it down with an ax, just like chopping wood!"

The calm voice of the bald head came to Tian Yu's heart, and Tian Yu couldn't help calming down, his eyes gradually became sharper.


Tian Yu shouted loudly, raised his ax and chopped down.

Without any abnormal light and shadow, this ax was ordinary, and it didn't even stir up any waves.


Age Xueyue was still vigilant in his heart. Although he looked down on Tian Yu, the other party was a person whom the Holy King favored, so he was always vigilant in his heart.

But seeing Tian Yu's weak attack now, he immediately felt relieved.

"Ants! Die!"

Age Xueyue's face was ferocious, even if he couldn't escape today, he would let the ants pay for his life.


The blood was soaring, and the sky and the earth were stained with scarlet.

However, this scarlet blood is not Tian Yu's...

"Ah...how is this possible?!"

Aggrex Blood Moon's pupils vibrated, looked down at the crack in his chest, and let out an unbelievable roar.

"I succeeded!"

A smile appeared on Tian Yu's face, just about to share the joy with Bald Qiang, but the next moment his feet went limp, and he fell directly to the ground.

At the critical moment, Bald Qiang falsely raised his right hand to support Tian Yu.

"Little guy, very good."

Bald Qiang smiled slightly. Although Tian Yu was very weak, he showed a child-like happy smile.

"Brother Qiang, I'm still too weak to swing an axe."

Afterwards, Tian Yu couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. After he swung the axe, he lost his strength, as if his whole body was hollowed out, and he couldn't even move his fingers.

The bald man gave a strong smile, "Although this bug is unbearable, it is still a saint. You can swing an ax and injure it. Among your peers, you are already among the best."

"I believe that if your master knows what you are capable of now, he will be very proud and satisfied."

"Yeah...then I'm relieved!"

Tian Yu grinned, his pale complexion was even flushed with excitement.

Bald Qiang turned his head to look at Ag Xueyue and called out a name softly.

"Fat Bo!"


The chubby Feibo jumped out of the grass, his body transformed into a gigantic figure the instant he landed, and when he opened his mouth, he was about to swallow Ageg's blood moon into his mouth.


"Natal supernatural power o eight-arm stripping god!"

Age Blood Moon's face was ferocious, and in fear, he mobilized all his strength, and the divine light of the eight arms spread, and they swung continuously, countless slashes that tore apart the sky and the earth were blasted out.

Behind him, there were eight shadows with [-]-meter saber arms, which shot out like sharp arrows after a golden cry.

Feibo sneered, and bit down with his big mouth. After a cracking sound, the shadow of the knife shattered, and Age Xueyue was also swallowed into his mouth.


"This thing is quite delicious, is there any more?"

The fat cat keeps shrinking in size and eventually becomes normal size.

It chewed a few times in its mouth, and finally took out eight black and gold arms from its mouth, threw them on the ground at random, and asked with an unfinished expression.


Tian Yu's eyes widened, looking at Fei Bo, "A saint was eaten by Fei Bo..."

Tian Yu was shocked, but soon felt normal again. After all, Fei Bo was a bald and strong pet, so it was normal to be a bit strong.

"These eight arms are not bad. Take them back and I will use them to make you a weapon. Before you become a holy king, the weapons made from this thing will be enough for you."

Bald Qiang looked at Tian Yu, pointed at the eight saber arms spat out by Fei Bo and said.

Tian Yu glanced at the drool-filled saber arm, pulled the corner of his mouth, and couldn't do it for a long time.

"Forged weapons are comparable to desolate fetishes."

"Roger that!"

As soon as the bald-headed Qiang finished speaking, Tian Yu sprinted for [-] meters, holding the eight saber arms in his arms, and wiped them with his clothes. He looked extremely precious, and completely lost the disgust he had just now.

Xiong laughed loudly, "Hahaha! This little guy is not bad!"

Xiong Er scratched his head, covered his mouth and smiled, "Yes, yes, he is bald, as funny as you, and he has hair."

Bald Strong,"………"



A few seconds later, Bald Qiang and Xiong Daxiong looked at each other, as if they sensed something, their expressions changed.

"There are so many bugs!"

Xiong Er scratched his head, took out a gleaming golden apple, wiped it casually, and ate it in one bite.

"what happened?"

Tian Yu was a little puzzled, and didn't understand what Xiong Er said.

"A big guy is coming..."

The bald head raised his eyes and said lightly.

Tian Yu was taken aback for a moment, and in the next moment, he saw a wormhole with a length of thousands of miles opening above the sky.

After the wormhole, it was like the abyss of hell, filled with endless darkness. ………

Chapter 222 The Zerg King and the Ancient Ancestor; The Zerg Scourge Sweeping the Star Sea!

Yujing Nine Thousand Islands.

"Little glutinous rice balls, what's the strength of the eight-armed spider clan?"

Jiang Qiyu sat on the high mountain, frowned slightly, and asked the little glutinous rice balls beside him.

At this time, Jiang Qiyu and Xiaotangyuanwanzi are clones, and the main body is still in Tianxu Galaxy.

"The eight-armed god-splitting spider, one of the Zerg tribes, is known as the slaughter god. Its eight arms can cut everything. There is an ancient ancestor and nine kings in its clan. Its nest is located outside the ancient star sea."

"The ancient sea of ​​stars, including the Nine Heavens Galaxy (the galaxy where the stars are located), the Tianxu Galaxy, and the eighteen thousand and six galaxies, is an intermediate-level universe star sea. Beyond the star sea, there is a pale star ring."

"Pale star ring, every place where the star sea and the world are transitioned, is full of galaxy storms and space turbulence. On the one hand, it blocks the star sea, and on the other hand, it also protects the ancient star sea from being invaded. Tens of thousands of years ago, the eight-armed stripping god The spider family "settled" on the periphery of the pale star ring, and has been inspiring to destroy the pale star ring, invade the ancient star sea, and turn it into a nest of insects."

"Thousands of years ago, [-]% of the pale star ring was destroyed by the eight-armed spider family, and up to now, thousands of galaxies have been occupied by the eight-armed spider family. At present, the eight-armed spider The family is eyeing the Tianxu Galaxy and all the surrounding galaxies..."

"Among them, the most powerful Tianxu Xinghe and Shenhuang, who once sealed the God-devouring Clan, are the key care objects of the Eight-armed God-splitting Spider Clan."

The little glutinous rice balls came slowly, not only explaining the internal situation of the eight-armed spider clan, but also expanding the information about Xinghai and Pale Xinghuan for Jiang Qiyu.

At the end, Xiaotangyuanwanzi added another sentence, "For this information, pay 100 million wish points, which have been deducted!"

Jiang Qiyu, "..."

Looking at this ignorant, robot-like little glutinous rice ball beside him, Jiang Qiyu really had the urge to slap it into pieces.

"It's so dark!"

The corner of Jiang Qiyu's mouth twitched, but she could only silently endure the 100 million beating in vain.

Since Xiaotangyuanwanzi is the incarnation of the system and is unique, the differentiated system will not have the same wisdom as Xiaotangyuanwanzi.

However, although this avatar looks a little silly, it has many functions, such as drawing cards and answering questions.

Afterwards, Jiang Qiyu fell into deep thought, but his face remained motionless, but his heart became much heavier.

Because before asking the eight-armed spider family, he had already asked the Zerg for information.

The Zerg race, the race with the largest number of people in the heavens and the universe, has the name of "endless natural disasters".

Cannon fodder insect soldiers, elite warriors, commanders, grand commanders, and insect kings.

Among them, the Zerg King is still the top combat power and existence of the Zerg race.

However, above the insect king, there is also the insect mother who breeds all insects. .

The strength of the insect mother is uncertain, and there are powerful insect mothers who can be comparable to or even surpass the insect king.

But some insect mothers are very weak and need the protection of Zerg soldiers to survive. Apart from giving birth to infinite cubs, they have no other abilities.

So the Worm Mother is singled out and not included in the Zerg tier.

And above the Zerg King, there is naturally a level, otherwise the Zerg would not be crowned with the name of natural disaster.

The "ancient ancestor" mentioned by Xiaotangyuanwanzi is the existence above the Zerg Zerg King.

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