
"Who killed the king's subordinates?"

Jilian jumped up from the throne, his face was full of anger, and immediately went to the palace of Jishe.

"Jail She, come out to me!"

Prison shouted angrily, and a terrifying force swept through Prison's palace.

In the palace, a group of commanders and grand commanders looked terrified, and quickly looked at the gloomy Jail She on the throne.

Prison She glanced at everyone, and then moved outside the palace in an instant.

"You have passed the prison!"

"Your subordinate is dead, and my three generals are also dead. I don't have time to mess around with you now!"

"The four saints will die in an instant, and only the existence above the holy level can do it. Now there are two possibilities..."

"One, the God Devouring Clan has regained its power; two, there is a holy king in that world! But no matter which one it is, it will be a very bad result, and we must report it to the ancient ancestors as soon as possible!"

Prison luxury had no intention of arguing with Prison, but said a lot of words directly.

And after hearing Yu She's words, Yu Lian's face became gloomy and uncertain.

"Okay! Then report to the ancient ancestor!"

After a while, Jillian snorted coldly and agreed to Jail She's proposal.

Soon, they entered the ancestral land of the eight-armed spider clan and explained the matter to the ancient ancestors.

After the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider found out about this, he was furious after a burst of thunder, and immediately gave orders.

Let Prison She and Prison go to Shenhuang to solve or bring back the guy who killed Ke Jia and others.

In addition, apart from Prison Extravagance and Prison Refinement, the Eight-Armed God Stripping Spider Ancient Ancestor also asked Erwang Yuye and Wuwang Yuge, who had nothing to do now, to go together to avoid accidents.

"This king wants to see who dares to kill this king's subordinates!"

Jillian's face was cold, and after leaving a word, he brought three holy-level eight-armed spiders and ten thousand elite soldiers into the wormhole.

Jail She was silent, but the murderous intent in his eyes had already betrayed his emotions.

Losing four holy generals at once, no one can be calm.

Not only did he want to kill the guy who killed his general, but he also wanted to destroy that world and that galaxy, so as to relieve his hatred!

As for success...


When the four holy kings are dispatched, even the entire ancient star sea is only qualified to tremble!

After all, in his opinion, it is already a miracle that a holy king can exist in an intermediate star sea.

Moreover, the so-called Holy King is very likely to be the God Devouring Beast...

After crossing the wormhole, prison she and others soon came to Tianxing. .

"Is this the place where the locust died?"

Jillian stared and asked.


Prison She nodded, but there was a strange look in his eyes.

"What a big world, interesting, isn't it just a small world?"

"Big and boundless, even almost one-third the size of a Great Thousand World."

Er Wang prison night looked around the world with great interest, and then spoke.

"This world is weird. Not only is it comparable to the galaxy, but the spiritual power in the air is also very rich and pure. There must be a lot of treasures in heaven and earth. It seems normal to have a holy king..."

"Hehe, it looks like we have found a treasure! Ninth Brother, I think you can't handle such a big world by yourself."

Surprised eyes appeared in the eyes of Wuwang Yuge, and he turned his head and said to Yushe.

He knew that this world and the surrounding areas were all in charge of Prison She, but seeing such a vast and extraordinary world, he naturally couldn't remain indifferent.

Jail She looked gloomy.

"Damn guy! The trouble has not been resolved, and he is thinking of sharing the benefits..."


Chapter 225 The division of the holy king; the guess of the prison night, the secret of the true god? !

Facing Yuge's greed, although Jail She was upset, he didn't say anything.

On the one hand, he still needs the help of Yuge to solve the mysterious holy king; A holy king, but the other party is already a great holy king, and he is only a small holy king.

Although there is no specific small realm for the realm of the holy king, in order to better distinguish the strength of the holy king, the world divides the levels of the holy king according to the strength of the inner world.

Ordinary saint kings, the inner world has just formed, the foundation is unstable, and it has suffered a huge blow, and the risk of the inner world collapsing is extremely high.

Little Chengsheng King, the world in his body is completely stable, and the four elements of earth, water, wind and fire are reincarnated into one, the world is unbreakable, and he has the power to suppress the galaxy and the world.

Dacheng Shengwang, the world in his body is like a galaxy, vast and boundless, reincarnated day and night, perfect.

The perfect holy king, the world in his body evolves into the universe, and the avenue begins to condense, casting the "sacred way". Once the "door" at the end of the divine way is blasted, he can become a god.

Of course, this god is only a demigod.

Although there seems to be little difference between the small Chengsheng King and the Dacheng Shengwang, if they fight, Jail She will definitely fall into a disadvantage, unable to match Ji Ge.

Therefore, prison extravagance is not willing to conflict with prison Ge for the sake of a world.

Seeing that Prison She didn't object, Ji Ge immediately smiled.

Jilian and Jiye on the side were silent, but they also had the idea of ​​this world in their hearts.

Jail She seemed to sense their thoughts, and his face darkened once again.


"How this world is distributed is also a matter after solving the mysterious holy king."

"Don't go too far!"

These three guys are not doing business, but want to carve up his territory, which makes Jail She very upset.

"Hahaha! Brother Jiu is right, let's find that guy first, and talk about other things later!"

Yu Ge laughed loudly, and then said following the words of Yu She.

Neither Jilian nor Jiye had any objection, and nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Prison She didn't care about it any more.

"Let me see where the guy who killed my subordinates is!"

Hell's nine eyes turned, and a compass appeared in front of him.

The compass is called "Nine Turntables for Spiritual Search", and it is a peerless divine weapon of the barren rank.

"When that guy killed Locust Jue, he must have left Locust Jue's aura on him. Turn the Spirit-seeking Nine Dial, open!"

Guilian sneered, and confidently activated the Spirit-seeking Nine Turntable.

However, three seconds later, the Spirit-seeking Nine dial did not move at all.

"how can that be?"

Jillian's face changed, and he looked at the unresponsive Spirit-seeking Nine Turntable, with a look of doubt and incomprehension on his face.

"Why is there no response, is it possible that that guy is no longer in this world?"

Jillian's first reaction was that the other party had already escaped and was not in this world.

Seeing this, the other three also frowned slightly.

"someone is coming!"

At this time, Er Wang Prison Ye moved his nine eyes, as if sensing something, turned his head to look in one direction, and opened his mouth to remind.

Hearing this, the other three immediately turned their heads away.

A few tens of meters in front of them, one person and two bears suddenly appeared, standing in the sky, and their eyes fell on them.

"These three guys..."

At this moment, Prison She felt a shock in his heart, and already felt something was wrong.

"Three holy kings!"

The other three were also shocked, and Yuge found that he couldn't detect the strength of the two bears on the opposite side, his face darkened immediately, and he spoke in a dignified tone.

"Weird...so weird!"

"One world, one intermediate star sea, how can there be three holy kings?"

"No matter how vast this world is and how rich its resources are, it should be impossible for the three holy kings to stay!"

The four insect kings looked at each other, and they all saw the doubt in each other's eyes.

In the realm of the holy king, the galaxy is covered with one hand, and the blood drips into the blue sky.

While possessing great power, it also needs more resources and treasures of heaven and earth.

If the holy king stays in one world all the time, with every breath, the spiritual power of one world will be exhausted and it will directly go to perish.

Even if it is a galaxy, it will not be able to sustain the cultivation of the holy king once. It will only take a few months at most, and the energy of a galaxy will be completely exhausted.

Therefore, after reaching the realm of the holy king, the holy king will basically choose to go to the high-level star sea or the supreme star sea with star fields.

Because only there can support the cultivation of the Holy King.

However, that was the choice of most holy kings, not the choice of the Zerg.

At least, not all Zerg options.

For example, their eight-armed spider clan, although they also want to settle in the high-level star sea or the supreme star sea, but that kind of place is not a "public area". .

Today's high-level star seas and supreme star seas are all controlled by powerful existences or forces.

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