Yu Ge asked the three of them with a gloomy expression.


Ji Lian was timid, he was only a small Chengsheng King, he would never be Xiong Er's opponent, he didn't want to die here.

"Run? Are you kidding me!"

Er Wang Prison Night's face darkened. Although he was extremely afraid, but as the insect king of the eight-armed spider clan, the pride in his heart would never allow him to be an ant who would retreat without a fight!

"Call the ancient ancestor! We have no chance to escape, haven't you noticed that we are now trapped in the inner world of the other party!"

Jail She's eyes were serious, and he reminded the three of them in a deep voice.


Hearing this, the three of them were startled immediately, and quickly reached out their consciousness.

Sure enough, although the surrounding environment has not changed, it has already changed.

They are now like people in a deep quagmire. Even if they don't make any movements, their whole body is imprisoned by the power of the world, the power in their bodies is suppressed, and it is very difficult to even move their fingers.


Yuge roared, unable to calm down.

"Shut up! Don't panic! Even if it's a perfect holy king, even if there is a gap, we are still in the same realm as him!"

"Juge, Yulian, you and this king are blocking each other together, and you should take this opportunity to call on the ancient ancestor, and ask the ancient ancestor's shadow to descend. Remember, don't let the elder brother come! I suspect that the other two are also..."

"Perfect Holy King!"

Prison night scolded Qu Ge in a low voice, and then quickly instructed Prison She.

And his last words made the other three turn pale with shock.

"it is good!"

But in such a situation, they didn't have time to think about it, and agreed immediately.


Prison night took the lead, spread out its eight arms, and the god of cutting the sky gushed out, and a gray world appeared behind him.

The world manifests!

When you reach the Little Sage King, you can use the inner world to suppress the enemy; and when you reach the Great Sage King, you can use the world to suppress the world!


The prison night drank loudly, the world behind him surged, and a black sea of ​​swords gushed out, heading straight for Xiong Er.


"Look at my iron fist of justice!"

Xiong Er let out his nose, curled his lips in disdain, and then punched out in a bland manner.

In an instant, the sea of ​​swords shattered, and the thunder turned into a dragon.

"Eight Arms Stripping God!"

Prison night sternly shouted, eight arms slashed, and eight swords flew out with the power of "cutting everything" rules, and slashed towards the thunder dragon.

The giant dragon surged, and the endless thunder thundered, cutting and wrapping the eight swords.

"Separation of heaven and earth!"

"Suppress me!"

Then, Jilian and Jige came from the sky around Xiong Er, and the power of the world blessed his whole body, making the strongest blow.

And Prison Yeye took the opportunity to close the distance with Xiong Er, the water, wind and fire surged in the world behind him, and the original power turned into a black blade.

Black Blade Jin Ming surged with the power of Heaven Splitting and Slashing God.

In an instant, the space seemed to be still, only a black blade shuttled through.

Facing the attack from three sides, Xiong Er smiled contemptuously and raised his head proudly.

"Look at me, I can break all laws with one force!"

At this moment, Xiong Er once again super-evolved.

The invincible Hercules Bear reappears!

With a punch, every inch of space between the sky and the earth exploded, and the sun and the moon sank.

Jilian and Jige's expressions changed drastically, and their bodies were broken.

The black blade shuttled back and forth, and was forced to stop by an incalculable force. It shattered and burst apart while vibrating and crackling. ...

Chapter 227 Ultimate Power, Absolute Purification; Punching a Demigod, Blood Stains the Sky


"How can you be so strong?!"

Prison Night's pupils constricted and he roared uncontrollably.

Xiong Er punched directly at him.

Although the black blade helped him block most of the power, the remaining power could still make him die here!

"World Suppression!!!"

Prison Ye naturally didn't want to wait for death directly.

He tried his best, stretched out his eight arms, and put the world inside his body in front of him.

He wants to resist this punch with the world inside his body!

"Hold this king!"

Prison Night mobilized all its power, and was completely buried in the ultimate white light amidst a bang.

Too much power will bring destruction, but extreme power will bring absolute purification!

Undoubtedly, under Xiong Er's repeated punches, Prison Ye was absolutely purified.

"Xiong Er, you are too hard."

Bald Qiang raised his head and supported his forehead helplessly, looked at Xiong Er and said.

"Sorry, I can't hold back."

"But I didn't destroy the gods, I'm covered by my inner world, so it's fine."

Xiong Er smiled embarrassedly, and then said again hastily.

Bald Qiang nodded, as long as Shenhuang was not affected by Xiong Er's terrifying power.

"Bald Qiang, Xiong Er, those four guys are not dead yet!"

At this time, Xiong Da suddenly spoke.

Hearing this, the two immediately looked over.

The dazzling white light slowly dissipated.

High above the sky, drops of blood that could crush mountains, rivers and stars fell.

And the person who shed this holy blood is Prison Night.

At this time, the holy body of Prison Night was broken, his right arm was broken, half of his face was missing, and there was a huge gap in his body, and drops of holy blood dripped from his body.

"My king's world..."

Prison Ye raised his dim and cloudy eyes, feeling the dilapidated and desolate inner world inside him, his pupils trembled, and a mouthful of reversed blood spewed out of his mouth in an instant.

"Second brother..."

Not far away, the situation of Prison Ge and Prison is much better. Although the body was broken once, but fortunately the world inside the body was not damaged, and the original power was still there. Although some power was consumed to repair the body, compared to Prison Night, the situation Simply not too good.

And when they saw the horror of Prison Night, they couldn't help but turn pale with fright, and then looked at Xiong Er with horror on their faces.

"Too strong! We are definitely not opponents!"

"What should we do now?"


Yu Ge and Yu Lian lost their sense of proportion, like ants on a hot pot, flustered and at a loss.

"You guys are quite powerful, you can actually withstand a punch from me."

"Since that's the case, let's punch again! Don't worry, it will be soon, and it won't hurt!"

Xiong Er grinned, and the words he said with a simple and honest face made Guilian and Guige feel like they were facing an abyss, and they felt chills all over their bodies.

And Prison Night has already collapsed, sluggish in place, without any movement. .

The world inside his body was shattered, and if there were no accidents, his path in this life would have come to an end.

Such a heavy blow caused Prison Ye to instantly lose all fighting spirit and sink into the endless abyss...

"Prison luxury!"

There was a heart-piercing shout.

At this moment, Yulian and Yuge finally remembered the prisoner who called the ancient ancestor from behind the scene.

The two of them had already been terrified, knowing that they alone would never be able to resist Xiong Er.

What's more, they don't want the world in their bodies to be shattered, and their hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation to be reduced to smoke like in Prison Night!

Therefore, they dare not resist Xiong Er's attack, and can only pin all their hopes on Jail She.


At this moment, the whole godland began to tremble.

Even, even Xiong Er's inner world was forced back.


"Not good, there are alien gods coming to the gods!

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