
Jiang Qiyu didn't say much, just slapped it out with a palm.

Suddenly, an incalculable terrifying force swept across the Nine Heavens Galaxy.

Under Jiang Qiyu's palm, the dark river under the feet of the Eight-Armed God Stripping Spider Ancient Ancestor was instantly shattered, and his body was even shattered by this palm, and the dark starry sky was dyed scarlet with divine blood.

"The Dao of Power! Demigod?!"


The pupils of the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed stripping god spider shook, blood was crying from his mouth, and he quickly repaired his body.

Although his physical body recovered in an instant, the horror on his face was still hard to dissipate.

"How can there be a demigod in a mere world, and a demigod who comprehends the Dao of Power..."

At this moment, the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider was afraid.

The shattered avenues in his body are rare, and just after using one strand, it was smashed by this mysterious demigod, which can be described as a heavy loss.

The ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god-splitting spider twitched. After weighing it over and over again, he couldn't even say a cruel word, so he ran away.

"It ran away?"

Jiang Qiyu frowned, silently put down his hand, and withdrew the move he hadn't made yet.

The ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider escaped so decisively that he didn't even expect it.

After all, the other party is also a demigod anyway.

He thought that the other party would turn into a rage after being slapped by him, and fight him.

In the end, he used the strongest move to directly destroy the opponent's Dao Ze and let him flee...

"Well, the process is a little simpler, but the result is the same!"

Jiang Qiyu stopped thinking about it, and then turned to look at Shenhuang.

At this time, all living beings in the wilderness were in an uproar and excited.

"I am the Lord of the Earth Star Realm, and also the Lord of the Desolate God Realm."

"Everyone don't have to worry, I will send someone to deal with the eight-armed god stripping spider family."

After Jiang Qiyu left these few words, he disappeared instantly.

And after hearing Jiang Qiyu's words, the whole godland boiled.

"The Lord of the World?! I finally saw the Lord of the World!"

"Strong! Too strong! Incomprehensibly powerful! That monster, which is bigger than the stars, the sun, and the moon, was beaten away by the world master!"

"It's more than just running away? It's just blowing up!"

"Hahahaha! So we Shenhuang are so strong! That's great!"

"Shenhuang? Aren't we from Tianxing?"

"Hey! The pattern is opened, and the stars of the sky and the stars of the earth are all part of Shenhuang. Now that the two stars of heaven and earth are fused, we are all one family, so what is the difference between you and me!"

"That's the way it is...so that's why you found a jelly as your girlfriend?"


The appearance of Jiang Qiyu made the whole Shenhuang, especially the creatures headed by Tianxing extremely excited.

Since the two stars of heaven and earth merged, they had various worries.

But now, with Jiang Qiyu's attack, their worries have completely disappeared, and what is left is the joy of the rest of their lives and the excitement of sharing weal and woe...

"Worthy of being a world lord, it is simply neat."

"However, why didn't the world lord just smash to death the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider?"

Xiong Er waved his fist, very excited, and then asked Xiong Da and Bald Qiang with a little puzzlement.

"You ask me, how do I know?"

Xiong Da folded his arms around his chest and shook his head.

"Maybe it has other meanings. In addition, if we solve the ancient ancestor of the Eight-armed God Stripping Spider here, it is likely to cause the opponent's death counterattack and affect Shenhuang..."

Bald Qiang thought for a while, and then expressed his guess.

"Oh, no matter, I'm hungry, go home and eat honey!"

Xiong Er's head does not allow him to think too many complicated things.

Seeing that he was all right now, Xiong Er didn't stay any longer, waved his hand, and flew back to Gou Xiong Ridge.

"Hey! Xiong Er, wait for me!"

"You two, how do you know how to eat? Also, you have been working in the Holy King for so long, you should be ready to break through! You can't let Brother Qiang protect you every time!"

"I know, I know, let's eat first!"

"Hehehe, take a nap after eating. You can live 99 if you walk after a meal, and you can live [-] if you lie down after a meal!"


The ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider fled in the wilderness, and the hearts of all the gods and gods who ascended to the sky finally fell down.

However, the popularity of the World Lord has skyrocketed.

"Shock!In heaven and earth, I am the only one!The power of the world lord, hold the sky with one palm! "

"Demi god?God?What is the realm of the world master? "

"The ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider who fled from the wilderness, the great victory of the gods!The prelude to marching into the heavens! "

"Shock Your Eyeballs!The world lord is bathed in light, is he the creator of the world? ! "

In less than 10 minutes, Dou Le, People.com, Baixiaosheng headlines... All kinds of information are overwhelming, and the word "jiezhu" is inseparable between the lines.

"The imagination of people nowadays is really amazing, and they almost guessed it."

Jiang Qiyu's gaze paused for a moment on the words "The Creator of the World", and he couldn't help laughing.

Then, he looked at the few golden cards in his hand.

【Millennium Building Blocks】【Millennium Key】

And [Seven Artifact Slabs]

"Coupled with the [Millennium Eye] as a gift, I don't know how far the strength of the sky dragon can be restored..."

Jiang Qiyu was full of anticipation, and after putting away the card, he traveled across time and space and came to Tianxu Galaxy in an instant.

At this time, the Tianxu galaxy was in chaos, and various mech warships shuttled through the starry sky.

But even if the sky is full of artillery fire and blood, it can't destroy the endless Zerg.

However, perhaps because of the so-called arrogance of the strong, the Insect King did not directly attack Tianxu Galaxy, but only sent six great commanders to lead his troops to invade Tianxu Galaxy.

The Tianxu Galaxy can be said to be the strongest galaxy in the entire ancient sea of ​​stars, with a total of three holy ranks.

Of course, the strongest naturally has to get rid of Shenhuang. q?

And because the flames of war spread more and more widely in Tianxu Galaxy, the mecha owner of the last set of divine mechas among the five great mechas was forced out, and the opponent was also a saint.

Although this person is not a member of the Great Heaven Empire, but the eight-armed god-striping spider clan's battle is aimed at everyone in the ancient star sea, so he can only resist the eight-armed god-striping spider clan together with Dou Yan and others.

Therefore, Tianxu Xinghe currently has four holy-level combat powers. Although it is still two less than the holy-level combat powers sent by the Eight-armed God Stripping Spider Clan, it can barely deal with it.

Although Tianxu Galaxy is currently in a bitter battle, it has not yet completely fallen.

"The Tianxu Galaxy is the source of Ye Shifan's luck, it cannot be destroyed..."

After thinking for a while, Jiang Qiyu went directly to the world created by Osiris Sky Dragon.

In the lush and wooded forest, a red dragon hovering above a towering ancient tree.

Suddenly, it seemed to sense Jiang Qiyu's arrival, and its body shrank instantly, turning into a [-]-meter dragon, and flew in front of Jiang Qiyu.

"I have seen my lord!"

As a character created by Jiang Qiyu, Sky Dragon is naturally based on Jiang Qiyu.

It should be said that all the characters created by Jiang Qiyu are based on Jiang Qiyu as their father.

However, Jiang Qiyu doesn't like being called the Lord and Father by a bunch of people, so he basically won't appear in front of them.

Even if it did appear, they would only regard Jiang Qiyu as the "Lord of the World", not the "Lord of the Creator".

Unless Jiang Qiyu takes the initiative to expose, like now.

After all, the setting of Sky Dragon is not to rebuild the gods, but to be the strongest warrior and pet under the gods of the gods in the first place.

Therefore, it is not appropriate to use the identity of "world master".

"Don't call me my lord, just call me boss, my lord sounds too weird."

Jiang Qiyu waved his hand and said to Sky Dragon.

"Okay, boss!"

Naturally, Tianlong can accept it, and it's not too good to be able to call Jiang Qiyu brothers and sisters.

"How is your current strength recovery?"

Jiang Qiyu looked at Sky Dragon and asked.

Although the strength of the sky dragon is blocked, the main thing that is blocked is the power of its true god.

So logically speaking, Sky Dragon's strength under True God should be able to recover some.

After 3 years, Jiang Qiyu also wanted to know to what extent Sky Dragon's current strength had recovered.

Sky Dragon showed a look of embarrassment, and immediately replied.

"Boss, I'm a bit weak right now, I only have the strength of a demigod."

"It's been so long since I became a god, this is the first time I've been so weak."

Jiang Qiyu, "..."...

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