Jiang Qiyu shook his head, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, his eyes flicked across to the Tianxu Galaxy and the Great Heaven Empire.


In the eastern border of the Datian Empire, Ye Shifan danced his spear, and the blue flames roared like a phoenix, sweeping away thousands of blood bee demon insects.

"Too much! Too much! Brother Ye, I can't hold on!"

A nimble fat man came to Ye Shifan's side with nimble steps, held a [-]-ton black hammer in his hand, and said to Ye Shifan sweating.

The flexible fat man's name is Li Qingfeng, the only son of King Huxiao of the Great Heaven Empire, and brothers who wear the same pair of underpants with Ye Shifan.

It's just that Ye Shifan disappeared because of the incident of "Marquis Shenwu colluding with the Zerg" and separated the two brothers for thousands of years.

And just three days ago, when Ye Shifan came out of the mission world, he ran into Li Qingfeng who was being hunted down by the Zerg.

After saving him, Li Qingfeng clung to Ye Shifan with snot and tears at once...

Ye Shifan was silent, holding the spear tightly in his hand, looking at the endless blood bee monsters in all directions, his heart was also heavy. ...

Chapter 232 Buddha's Wrath Fire Lotus!Different fire list! ; Unparalleled combat power!

Ye Shifan looked into the distance and found an eight-armed spider sitting on a high seat thousands of miles away.

The other party seemed to notice Ye Shifan's gaze, showing a playful look.

Obviously, the eight-armed god stripping spider was playing with Ye Shifan and Li Qingfeng as trapped beasts, and wanted to see the two of them be consumed little by little, and finally become food for the blood bee monster.

"Have to kill him!"

Ye Shifan's eyes flickered coldly, and then he looked at Li Qingfeng. qs

"Fatty, open the way for me, I'll kill that guy!"

Li Qingfeng turned his head to look at it, and then said worriedly, "Can it work?"

"The other party is at the commanding level. A canopy god king, just the two of us, is not enough for him to eat!"

The corner of Ye Shifan's mouth raised slightly, and he pointed his spear at the ground.

"You're wrong, it's not us, it's me!"

"open circuit!"

Hearing what Ye Shifan said, Li Qingfeng no longer worried.

"Okay! Look at my cloak and hammer Dafa!"

Li Qingfeng stared at the big Kazhilan eyes, swung the [-]-ton black hammer in his hand, and finally smashed it to the ground.

In an instant, the ground cracked, and countless sharp stone blades sprung up from the ground like mushrooms after rain.


The blood bee demon kept neighing, and thousands of blood bee demons were split into two.

Don't look at Li Qingfeng's round appearance, but he is truly a peerless true king!

In the Datian Empire, there is even the name of the four sons of the empire, who are the first-class arrogance.

Li Qingfeng hammered wildly all the way, Ye Shifan followed closely behind, just waiting for an opportunity...

"Heh, do you want to attack this commander?"

Looking at Ye Shifan and the two who kept approaching him, the leader of the eight-armed spider sneered coldly, with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

Two peerless true kings, dare to act presumptuously in front of him?

"Black One, Black Two, get rid of them."

"You don't need to be beaten to death, just cripple your limbs. It's been a long time since the commander gave me a tooth sacrifice!"

The leader of the eight-armed god stripping spider didn't count as making a move himself, but ordered the two subordinates beside him.


The two took orders, and immediately rose from the ground, heading straight for Li Qingfeng and Ye Shifan.

"not good!"

Li Qingfeng's face changed, and he swung the sledgehammer quickly, and two hundred-meter-high stone peaks condensed, killing towards Hei Yi Hei Er.

However, the two smashed Shi Feng with just a wave of their hands.

Seeing this, Li Qingfeng was startled, "The real king, sixth heaven! Can't beat him! Brother Ye!"

Li Qingfeng had a very clear understanding of himself. Knowing that he had no chance of winning, he immediately called out to Ye Shifan.

And Ye Shifan didn't need Li Qingfeng to shout, he jumped up when he saw the black one and the two coming again.

"Buddha's Furious Fire Lotus!"

With a low shout, the divine flames surged into the sky.

When the spear danced out, the cold light pointed to the dragon, and a two-color divine fire lotus burst out from the tip of the spear.


Hei [-] and Hei [-] were shocked, they didn't expect that a mere peerless true king could erupt with such terrifying power.

After hastily resisting, he was entangled in divine flames and retreated thousands of miles, burning up ten thousand blood bee demon insects on the way.

"It's worthy of the magical skill obtained by the main god space!"

Seeing this, Ye Shifan couldn't help but smile.

This is the first time he has used this trick.

The Buddha's Wrath Fire Lotus is a magical skill that he exchanged in the main god store after he experienced the third mission world.

It is said that it is a move created by the supreme and powerful man named "Emperor Yan" from the Great Thousand World when he was young.

Moreover, it is said that the strange fire also came from that supreme powerhouse.

However, the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire he got was a child fire, not a mother fire.

Of course, the strange fire is extraordinary, and if it is nourished with spirit, one day it will be comparable to the mother fire!

And Ye Shifan also knows this sentence well, because whether it is the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire he got first, or the Xuanhuangyan rewarded after the latest mission, they are all growing.

"The 23th and [-]rd of the different fire list are so powerful, I don't know how powerful the top and number one is!"

Ye Shifan looked at the two balls of strange fire jumping in his hands, his heart was full of longing and anticipation.

Qinglian Dixinhuo and Xuanhuangyan are ranked behind the list of different fires, but the power of fusion can make Ye Shifan repel the two kings of the throne.

If it is blended with the top ten different fires on the list of different fires, its "Buddha's Wrath Fire Lotus" may be able to kill the king of the throne in an instant!

"It's really extraordinary. Although these two strange fires are not comparable to my Jiuyou Tianhuo, they have full potential, and they are only sub-fires, and they are only ranked at the bottom of the strange fire list. From this point of view, the strange fire list is at the top. Those strange fires, not only may be able to match the Jiuyou Tianhuo, but may even exceed it!"

"Although the Lord God Space is full of dangers, it is also full of countless opportunities. Xiao Yezi, you have to seize the opportunity, this may be an opportunity to change your future!"

Da Luo Tianzun in the ring sighed, feeling that this disciple of his family has endless opportunities, and he deserves to be the one chosen by him.

"I will!"

"However, the most urgent delay now is to repel the Zerg, otherwise the Great Heaven Empire, and even the Tianxu Galaxy will cease to exist!"

Ye Shifan nodded, feeling very urgent at the same time.

His father died at the hands of the Zergs back then, and now the Zergs are committing crimes again. Although Ye Shifan has all sorts of resentments towards the Great Heaven Empire, he does not want to watch the Great Heaven Empire that his father saved through bloody battles be destroyed...

For his father's enmity, he will ask the Datian Empire for an explanation!

And the Great Heaven Empire cannot be destroyed!

"Little Ye Zi, I advise you not to be too persistent."

"The Zerg that invaded the Tianxu Galaxy this time is called the Eight-Armed Stripper, and it is several times stronger than the Zerg that your father faced back then. With your current strength, you are struggling to protect yourself. Don't do anything foolish!"

Da Luo Tianzun said in a low tone, admonishing Ye Shifan.


Ye Shifan was silent, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Will you dare to lose your mind after a fight with me?"

Suddenly, two violent voices sounded.

Ye Shifan raised his head, only to see that Hei Yi Hei Er had already extinguished the strange fire on his body, waving his blade and eight arms to kill.

The faces of the two were gloomy, with shame and anger in their eyes.

The two of them are the kings of the throne, and they were confused and even injured by a mere peerless true king.

To them, this was a great shame and humiliation, especially when they saw that Ye Shifan not only failed to pursue them, but instead lost his mind on his own, they were even more furious, and they were about to tear Ye Shifan into pieces.

"Send you back to the West!"

Ye Shifan snorted coldly, and danced for a long time, drawing a flame queen, and the armor on his body made a mechanical sound.

"Heavenly Flame Burns the Divine Armor!"

"One shot to raise the dragon!"

The ten-meter-high Tianhuo Liaoshen Armor wrapped Ye Shifan, and the golden dragon gun in his hand also turned into a mechanical gun more than ten meters high.

I saw three completely different divine flames lingering around the body of Tianhuo Liaoshen, and finally turned into a three-color long dragon, gathering on the spear.

Ye Shifan stabbed forward with his long spear, the dragon chanted and the gun fired, and the three-color dragon swam out from the tip of the spear, heading straight for black one and black two.


Hei [-] and Hei [-]'s complexion changed drastically again, and even their bodies trembled uncontrollably.

Just because before the three-color dragon, they felt a life-and-death crisis.


The two of them waved their eight arms, and for a while, the knife light continued, weaving into an airtight knife net.

However, before the three-color dragon, the sword net that even split the space, was directly incinerated without blocking it for a second.


The three-color dragon roared, and suddenly turned into a [-]-meter-long dragon, swallowing Hei Hei Er in one gulp.

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