"Holy King!"

"The insect king has made a move! Little Yezi, run!"

Da Luo Tianzun's face changed instantly.

With the Holy King's attack, the Datian Empire will have no chance of survival.

You know, even in his peak state, he has only half stepped into the realm of the Holy King, and there is still a gap between him and the real Holy King.

Now that a holy king makes a move, even if the Datian Empire has four holy-level combat powers, there is absolutely no possibility of winning.

"Is there really no chance..."

Ye Shifan gritted his teeth tightly, holding the golden dragon gun tightly with five fingers, even turning pale.

He looked at the figure like a god, and his heart was filled with unwillingness.

There is no way out, the Datian Empire is his parents, and it is the place his father desperately protects...



Suddenly, Ye Shifan felt a burning heat between his brows.

"Little Ye Zi, between your eyebrows..."

Da Luo Tianzun beside him was also taken aback, noticing the golden lines that suddenly appeared on the center of Ye Shifan's eyebrows.

Ye Shifan raised his hand to touch the center of his eyebrows, but the next moment his consciousness appeared in a golden world.

Ye Shifan was startled, looking around, his body tensed up, very vigilant.

"Boy, don't be nervous, it's me."

Suddenly, a figure appeared quietly.

Ye Shifan turned around quickly, but when he saw the appearance of this figure, he was taken aback for a moment.

Orange, round and lazy...


Ye Shifan was stunned, he didn't expect to see the "protagonist" in his first mission world here.

Suddenly, Ye Shifan came to his senses and touched the center of his brow.

After recalling the moment before he came out of the Garfield world, the streamer that turned between his eyebrows, and the "Garfield's gaze" in the reward of the first mission world, he suddenly understood...

It turned out that he had been "targeted" a long time ago!

"Don't be nervous, I mean no harm."

"Instead, I'm here to help you."

Garfield spread his hands, showing a lazy smile, and said slowly.

"help me?"

Ye Shifan's eyes flickered slightly, "Why?"

"No reason, I think you are pleasing to the eye, that's all."

Casually, casually, even casually.

Ye Shifan was confused by this answer and didn't know what to say for a while.

"Don't hesitate, accept it? Accept Ben Meow's help, Ben Meow can solve any problem for you."

Garfield grinned and looked at Ye Shifan with burning eyes.

Ye Shifan was silent for a moment.

"How are you going to help me?"

Although I don't know what Garfield's purpose is, but now, Garfield may be the only hope to save the Great Sky Empire!

Therefore, Ye Shifan could not give up.

Hearing this, Garfield smiled again, "It's very simple!"

As he said that, Garfield raised his right hand, and a ruby ​​with a cat's head suddenly appeared on the empty palm.

On top of the cat's head ruby, there is also a red auspicious cloud. Although they are all red, Ye Shifan can clearly see the appearance of the auspicious cloud.

"A friend of mine gave it to me. With a drop of blood, everything can be solved."

Garfield handed the cat's head ruby ​​to Ye Shifan and said flatly.

Ye Shifan took it, looking suspiciously at the cat's head ruby ​​in his hand.

"Don't doubt, this thing is enough to solve the little trouble you have encountered."

"In addition, if I am not doing missions in the mission world right now, I can help you solve your troubles."

Garfield seemed to see Ye Shifan's disbelief in the cat's head ruby, so he assured him with confidence in his tone.

"Mission world? Are you also a member of the main god's space?"

Although he had guessed, Ye Shifan was still surprised.

After all, Garfield is the "protagonist" of his first mission world, but will there be members of the main god space in the mission world?

If this is the case, will the Tianxu Galaxy and the Great Sky Empire where he is located also be one of the mission worlds of the Lord God Space?

If it is, then doesn’t it mean that other people from the Lord God’s Dimension can also come to the Great Heaven Empire and perform certain tasks...

Thinking of this, Ye Shifan couldn't help feeling chills all over his body. ...

Chapter 234 Death of the Empire, Promise! ;misfortune!A real-life slap in the face? !

The more he understands the main god's space, the more Ye Shifan can realize the horror of the main god's space.

Although he has performed four mission worlds, he is considered a newcomer to the main god space, but his level is only C level.

And in the main god space, above the C-level members, there are also B-level, A-level, S-level members...

If those existences come to the Great Heaven Empire, I am afraid that even some inadvertent actions will be extremely fatal to the Great Heaven Empire...

Ye Shifan dare not imagine that the mission of the Lord God Space cannot be disobeyed, because those who disobey can only die!

What if he also gets a task that needs to be performed in Tianxu Galaxy?

"Boy, I am indeed a member of the main god's space, and even the first batch of old people in the main god's space."

"You don't have to pay too much attention to the main god's space, because it is never the one that is powerful, but the person who created it! But with your current strength, the main god's space is still a great help to you."

"Also, don't worry too much, I will help you with some things."

Garfield seemed to see through Ye Shifan's thoughts, smiled faintly, waved his hands lazily, and comforted Ye Shifan.

Ye Shifan was taken aback for a moment, and at the same time was shocked.

The main god space was actually created? !

Such a terrifying existence was actually created, Ye Shifan once again opened his eyes.

Of course, these are too far away from him.

At this time, he wanted to get rid of the eight-armed spider clan outside and save the Great Heaven Empire.

Ye Shifan tightly held the cat's head ruby ​​in his hand, and then stared at Garfield.

"Thank you!"

"Although I don't know why you help me so much, I also know that there is no such thing as a free lunch in this world. When the crisis of the Great Heaven Empire is resolved, I will definitely find an opportunity to repay you!"


Ye Shifan's tone was firm, his eyes full of seriousness and sincerity.

The help that came for no reason made him hesitate, but also made him happy, but at the same time, he also deeply remembered the words "knowledge of kindness and repayment".

No matter what the reason is for Garfield's help to him, since Ye Shifan has accepted this favor, he should show it.

Garfield couldn't help laughing when he heard Ye Shifan's words.

"Just ask your current strength, can you give me anything in return."

"Try to be strong! We will meet again soon!"

When Garfield's voice fell, Ye Shifan felt a blur in front of his eyes.

When his sight was restored, Ye Shifan had already returned to the present world.

"Little Ye Zi, what happened to you just now?"

Da Luo Tianzun was full of worry, and Li Qingfeng on the side also looked anxious, for fear that something might happen to Ye Shifan.

Ye Shifan's pupils focused, and then quickly looked at his hands.

The cat's head ruby ​​is still there.

Ye Shifan showed joy, and then quickly said, "Master, it's too late to solve it, let's go, fat man will follow!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Shifan immediately jumped up and flew to the center of Datian Empire.

"Little Leaf!"

Da Luo Tianzun's expression changed, and he hurriedly followed. After Li Qingfeng lifted his body, he also hurriedly followed.

Soon, the three of them arrived at the royal city of the Great Heaven Empire.

But in the center of the royal city, three figures stood in the sky, but they looked very miserable.

And these three people are the ruler of the Great Heaven Empire, Dou Yan, and Xing Lao. They are all in extremely bad condition at this time, their battle armor is shattered, and they are covered in blood.

The worst one was Xing Lao, half of his head had been cut off, and his breath was as faint as a candle in the wind.

However, apart from the three of them, the last mecha owner of the divine mecha seems to be absent, and I don't know if he died in battle or escaped...

Seeing this scene, although Ye Shifan couldn't help shrinking his pupils, he was also glad that he came in time.

If it is later, the three pillars of the Datian Empire may fall.

In that case, even if the eight-armed stripping spider clan retreats, the Great Heaven Empire may not be able to escape the shattering trend of mountains and rivers!

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