Kisame Pike grinned, and the terrifying force forced Yuge to fall from the starry sky, and kept falling.

Moreover, under the collision with the mad dog Sharkia, Yuge's eight indestructible arms broke one by one, and was finally slashed on the shoulder by the Mad Dog Sharkia.


Yu Ge let out a roar, looking at the mad dog O Sharkis on his shoulder, his eyes could not hide his panic.

"This thing is sucking my flesh and strength! Brother, save me!"

Yu Ge was terrified, and immediately yelled for help.

Then, a figure suddenly appeared behind Guishui Pike, and without hesitation raised his hand and blasted at Guisame Pike.


Kisame Pike revealed a strange expression, he pulled back his shark muscles without hesitation, turned around and swung the knife.


The terrifying aftermath unleashed, shattering the galaxy for tens of thousands of miles, even breaking the indestructible pale star ring.

The figure withdrew his hand, then stretched out his hand to lift the Jaeger, and immediately distanced himself from Guixier Pike, as if he was very afraid of Guixier Pike. ...

Chapter 238 Uchiha Taifei's rebellious body; the Scourge Legion and the three war puppets!

"who are you?"

Kisame Pike looked at the person in front of him and asked with interest.

"Ju Tianya, the Great Heavenly King of the Eight-armed God Stripping Spider!"

The person who came was the head of the nine kings of the eight-armed spider clan, the Great Heavenly King Prison Tianya.

At the same time, he is also the only perfect holy king among the eight-armed spider clan.

"Your Excellency, you should have no enmity with my Eight-Armed God Stripping Spider Clan. I'm afraid it's a misunderstanding to make such a heavy hand!"

Prison Tianya did not appear as the real body of the eight-armed spider clan, but appeared in the ghost shark Pike in the form of an eight-armed humanoid creature.

His face was cold, but there was a trace of deep solemnity in his eyes.

As the perfect holy king, he can naturally see the strength of Kisame Pike, Uchiha Taify, and Didara Buchi.

All are perfect holy kings!

It was precisely because of this that he was extremely horrified at the moment.

He couldn't figure out the origins of these three perfect holy kings, and he couldn't even figure out why the other party wanted to attack the eight-armed spider clan.


Just when Guishui Pike was about to speak, a sound of footsteps sounded, which directly made Guisame Pike shut his mouth.

"Submit, or die?"


Prison Tianya was astonished, thinking that he had heard wrongly, he looked at the person who was slowly walking forward, his gaze fixed.

"Submit, or die?"

Uchiha Taifei's face was indifferent, and he was even more condescending, looking down at the prison sky, and there was no discussion in his words.

Hearing this, Ye Shifan and others were taken aback.

They remember, didn't senior Uchiha Tom only ask Uchiha Taifei and the others to warn the eight-armed spider clan?

How did it become subdued now?

The anti-bone is huge!

However, seeing Uchiha Taifei's eyes that regard everything as garbage, they did not speak sincerely.

They are just here to watch the show, just keep your mouth shut~~

"You are too arrogant!"

And after confirming Uchiha Taifei's words, Qian Tianya's complexion suddenly darkened.

"Life is precious, it's a pity you don't cherish it..."

"kill him."

Uchiha Taifei was not in the mood to communicate with Yu Tianya, and even wanted to kill Yu Tianya without hesitation, his tone was flat, as if he was saying that he wanted to crush an ant to death.

"you wanna die!"

Prison Tianya's face was as gloomy as water. On his territory, the other party dared to be so arrogant.

With a big wave of his hand, Qian Tianya slashed at Uchiha Taifei with a slash of the sword.


"Your opponent is me!"

Kisame Pike stood in front of Uchiha Taifei, and with a wave of his shark muscles, he counteracted Jisame Pike's attack.

"Hmph, this is the territory of the eight-armed spider clan. Even if you are the perfect holy kings, if you dare to be so arrogant, don't even think about leaving today!"

Prison Tianya didn't act rashly, the other party had three perfect saint kings, so naturally he wouldn't be so stupid as to fight three with one.

And even though he is the only one among the bug kings of the Eight-armed God-striping Spider Clan who is the perfect holy king, that doesn't mean that the Eight-armed God-skinned Spider clan has no other means...

"Today, let you be buried here!"

"The Scourge, kill me!"

Prison Tianya showed a cold smile, and after a loud drink, the entire pale star ring began to shake.


Suddenly, the ear-piercing sound of flapping wings resounded through the galaxy.

Pale insect shadows covered the sky and covered the sky, surrounding Kisame Pike and others.

These pale Zergs have six wings and huge mouthparts, like a pair of scissors that break gold and crack rocks. A pair of compound eyes are scarlet, forming a huge contrast with the pale body.

And after the overwhelming pale insect shadows appeared, three more figures with different images appeared.

It was cold and dead silent, but it also exuded a powerful holy power!

"The bloodthirsty insect has a pair of indestructible mouthparts, and it can suck the flesh and blood of living beings to strengthen itself. If it is bitten by it, even a god king will be sucked dry in an instant!"

"The Scourge has [-] million bloodthirsty insects, even if you are the Holy King, you can't please!"

"Moreover, there are three holy king war puppets refined by the ancient ancestors. Today, I will let you come and go!"

Prison Tianya's face was cold, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

The impact of the battle of Shenhuang was too great, and the ancient ancestor could not retreat after returning.

In the current situation, he must use thunder to suppress foreign enemies and maintain the prestige of the eight-armed spider clan.

If not, the situation will be difficult to control once those guys notice the decline of the Eight-armed God Stripping Spider Clan...

"Kill them for me!"

Prison Tianya gave the order without hesitation, and the [-] million bloodthirsty insects vibrated their six wings and flew towards Guixier Pike and the others.

The Lord of Heaven and the others were terrified, and at this moment they finally realized how ridiculous they were.

He actually wanted to take revenge on the eight-armed spider clan.

If it weren't for the Uchiha Taifei and the others, they wouldn't even have the qualifications to know the eight-armed spider clan [Scourge].

"Master, what should we do?"

Ye Shifan was also in a panic now, and his palms couldn't stop sweating.

With such a number of bloodthirsty insects, with his strength, it was not enough to fit between his teeth.

Da Luo Tianzun's face twitched, no one thought that the eight-armed spider clan would have such a terrifying [scourge army]!

Such a terrifying legion, probably even the Canglan Starfield where he died could not stop it, only to be destroyed.

Thinking of this, Da Luo Tianzun couldn't help feeling bitter.

Weird!So weird!

In an intermediate-level star sea that doesn’t even have a star field, not only the eight-armed god stripping spiders are peeping, one after another holy kings with mysterious origins are emerging one after another, and there are even more terrifying figures than the holy kings...

You said this is an intermediate Xinghai?

This riding horse is a high-level Xinghai, the Supreme Xinghai is wearing the skin of an intermediate Xinghai, and the disguise is almost the same!

"I died once, and I died once, but Xiao Yezi shouldn't die just like that, no matter if it's luck or talent!"

Da Luo Tianzun's eyes gradually became firm.

In any case, Ye Shifan cannot die!

Even if he fights this broken body, he still has to find a way out for Ye Shifan!

However, Da Luo Tianzun obviously worried too early.

"The Scourge Army?"

"I don't know how many times I can bear the blooming of my art!"

Deidara Butch grinned and soared into the air.

In a blink of an eye, countless clay birds gushed out of Didarabuchi's robe.

"I am the Azure Dragon of Dawn, the most beautiful art..."

"It's an explosion!!"

Boom boom boom!

Terrifying explosions continued, and those clay birds flew in front of the bloodthirsty insects one by one.

As soon as the bloodthirsty worm opened its mouthpiece to clamp the clay bird, the next moment the clay bird exploded. In this unexpected explosion, the bloodthirsty worm was directly torn apart.

The bloodthirsty insect can suck the flesh and blood of living beings and strengthen itself, but the clay bird is not a living being, and the only power in its body is explosion.

Therefore, the clay bird is simply heavenly against the bloodthirsty worm!

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