Uchiha Taifei blocked the attack with a knife, and suddenly appeared behind the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider at the next moment, and stabbed the ten-fist sword towards the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider.

The ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider swung all his strength, blasted away the ten-fist sword, then turned around and swung the knife, splitting Uchiha Taifei's body in two with one knife.

However, the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider couldn't help shrinking his pupils.

Only because Uchiha Taifei, who was cut in half, turned into black smoke and dissipated.Very weird.

There is no doubt that this Uchiha Taifei is not the real body!

Just when the ancient ancestor of the Eight-armed God Stripping Spider felt something was wrong, a cloud of smoke came out from in front of him.

At the same time, a long knife protruded from the smoke.

Stab it!

With this knife, Uchiha Taifei exhausted all his strength, terrifying power surged at the tip of the knife, and the power condensed into one point exuded extreme darkness and terror.

The ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider showed shock on his face, looking at the knife that pierced his chest, his eyes showed horror.

"The holy king can also kill gods!"

Uchiha Taifei slowly raised his head, revealing a face stained with the blood of the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider, and the scarlet eyes exuded extreme madness.

Today, he must break through!

"you wanna die!"

The ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider turned gloomy, with murderous intent in his eyes, and then he raised his hand to grab the blade, and a force that made Uchiha Taifei's soul tremble gushed out.

"Broken Avenue, suppress!"

The ancient ancestor of the eight-armed stripping god spider no longer kept his hand, and the guy he regarded as an ant pierced through his body, which made him feel ashamed.

Thinking of the two bears in Shenhuang before, the anger in his heart couldn't be restrained even more.

The Broken Dao in the sea of ​​gods swept out, and the ancestor of the eight-armed stripping spider suddenly crushed the long knife with a sudden force, and slapped Uchiha Taifei with his palm, knocking him into the air.


Uchiha Taifei vomited blood, and there were cracks like ceramics on his body and even on his face.

From a distance, the whole person looks like a porcelain figure, as if it will be broken in a second.

"Mr. Taffey!"

Seeing this scene, Kisame Pike's face changed drastically.

"do not come!"

Uchiha Taifei shouted suddenly, preventing Kisame Pike from coming forward.

Kisame Parker stopped, and Ye Shifan and others on the other side also looked over.

"The situation is not good..."

Ye Shifan looked at Uchiha Taifei's appearance, and his heart froze. ...

Chapter 241 Bleeding Kaleidoscope Sharingan, Infinite Amaterasu

"Senior Tai Fei is too selfish..."

"Demigod! How can a holy king challenge him!"

Lord Daiten shook his head, feeling that Uchiha Taifei was too arrogant, but he didn't dare to say more.

Dou Yan, Xing Lao, Da Luo Tianzun, and Li Qingfeng all agreed with the words of the Great Heavenly Lord.

Demigod... the word "God" already represents too much.

"Is it really not an opponent?"

There was a trace of strangeness in Ye Shifan's eyes.

Although he doesn't know Uchiha Taifei, in his opinion, the other party should not be arrogant.

Otherwise, senior Tom Uchiha would not be entrusted with important tasks.

Well... Although Uchiha Taifei has changed the mission without authorization...

But for now, Ye Shifan didn't know why, and felt that Uchiha Taifei might not have the possibility of winning!

"Hey, Tai Fei is really stubborn!"

Didarabuchi threw a large piece of clay bird and bombarded the bloodthirsty insect while paying attention to Uchiha Taifei.

He shook his head, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and a strange color flashed in his eyes, "There are many ways to cast the divine way, but this guy chooses the most dangerous way..."

"Hehe, he really is a guy who refuses to admit defeat!"

Didarabuch didn't look back, because he knew that the next step was the main event...


"Little ghost, if you are willing to kneel down and surrender to this ancestor, and hand over your Susanoo methods to this ancestor, this ancestor can consider letting you go!"

The ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider sneered, and said coldly with a haughty posture.

Although Uchiha Taifei is a holy king, he pierced his chest with a knife.

If you want to attribute credit, Uchiha Taifei's Susano almost definitely accounts for more than half of the credit.

If Susano hadn't strengthened Uchiha Taifei's strength, how could he pierce his demigod body!

Therefore, the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider is very interested in Uchiha Taifei's secret method.

"Also, this kid's eyes are also extraordinary, if he can swallow them, he might be able to realize some supernatural powers..."

The ancient ancestor of the eight-armed stripping spider narrowed his eyes slightly, and noticed Uchiha Taifei's miraculous eyes, and there was a trace of greed in his eyes.

These days, it's hard to find treasures, they are all "famous flowers have their own owners", and now that he meets something that makes him tempted, the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider naturally thought about it.

However, Uchiha Taifei has no intention of surrendering at all.

Uchiha Taifei raised his hand and slapped his chest fiercely, countless purple silk threads gushed out from his palm.

These silk threads are transformed by the power of Uchiha Taifei, and are used to wrap the whole body to prevent the holy body from being broken.

He also wanted to repair his physical body, but found that there was a terrifying force pervading the cracks in his body, preventing and continuously breaking his physical body.

Uchiha Taifei knew that this was caused by the power of Taoism.

The power of the Tao is the power stripped from the Dao, even if there is only a trace, it cannot be erased with Uchiha Taifei's current strength, only suppression.

He even had to be thankful that the shattering path of the ancient ancestor of the Eight-armed God Stripping Spider was rare and weak, otherwise, his physical body might be directly shattered, and he would not be able to keep his soul.

Now, he can only suppress the broken Dao principle on his body. .five


Seeing the killing intent in Uchiha Taifei's eyes, the face of the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed stripping god spider turned cold instantly.


I saw the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider waved his big hand, and the long river formed by the broken road spread under his feet, and spread to Uchiha Taifei's feet in an instant.

Uchiha Taifei's pupils shrank, and he stepped into the air quickly.

However, just three inches away from the broken river, countless blades gushed out from the river and shot at Uchiha Taifei.

Uchiha Taifei didn't dare to neglect, and immediately swung the long knife, trying to chop all the blades into pieces.

But this is the blade condensed from the Broken River, lingering with the power of the Broken Dao, Uchiha Taifei couldn't cut it into pieces at all, but was beaten up continuously, with more and more scars on his body.

"I still want to run away!"

The ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider snorted coldly, Uchiha Taifei was as difficult to deal with as a loach, he was so majestic and demigod that he couldn't take him down for a long time.

After reading this, the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider immediately dropped his palm.

In an instant, a giant hand covering the sky appeared from above Uchiha Taifei's head, pressing down on Uchiha Taifei.

Uchiha Taifei shouted loudly, throwing the Ten Fist Sword in his hand suddenly, turning into thousands of blades, part of it fell and collided with the shattered blade, and part of it pierced through the air like an arrow, shooting towards the giant hand covering the sky.

Clang clang!

Uchiha Taifei ignored the sound of the golden ge in the sky and the earth, but rushed directly to the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider.

【Monthly Reading】!

Once again, Uchiha Taifei activated the power of Tsukuyomi, scarlet blood flowed from his eyes.

The face of the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed stripping god spider changed slightly, and he quickly blocked his sight.


But Uchiha Taifei didn't show surprise, instead he reacted instantly and activated Amaterasu.

"Is it out of proportion to useless actions again and again?"

The ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider sneered, although the flame of Amaterasu is weird, it is useless to demigods, and under the principles of Tao, such power is nothing more than a rootless duckweed.

"Let me send you the last ride!"

The ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider raised his hand, and the blade in his hand burst into broken light.

With this knife, Uchiha Taifei must die!

"Ah! Unlimited Amaterasu!"

Uchiha Taifei, who was shrouded by the shattered light, the blood all over his body has stopped flowing, and the cracks in his body are getting more and more, making him look hideous and terrifying.

However, even at this point, Uchiha Taifei still did not give up.

Amaterasu is useless because it is suppressed by Taoism.

That being the case, then he will make Amaterasu unable to be suppressed!

Uchiha Taifei's face was ferocious, and blood gushed out of his eyes like spring water.

And under Uchiha Taifei's overloaded use of Amaterasu, an inextinguishable black flame was ignited within a radius of ten miles centered on the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed stripping spider.

The complexion of the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed stripping god spider changed slightly, and he immediately activated the Shattering Dao Principle, trying to annihilate Amaterasu.

However, Uchiha Taifei will naturally not let the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider succeed easily.

He kept Amaterasu turned on in an overloaded state, maintaining the flame of Amaterasu, and at the same time the other eye was shocked.

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