Qian Qiu protected the candied haws, then looked up at the crowd running wildly, with a look of curiosity on his face.

"What happened here?"

Yin Tianqi didn't need to ask, he knew the cause of the matter with a thought.

Afterwards, Yin Tianqi couldn't help showing a strange look in his eyes, and then glanced in the direction of the crowd.

"Someone can't hold back, let's go and have a look."


Qianqiu's eyes flashed, and he responded directly.

The two didn't choose to teleport, but they took a long step, so they came to the place where the crowd gathered in an instant. .

In the center of the crowd stood a stone pillar ten feet high and three feet thick.

Under the stone pillar, the ground collapsed, and the soil on the ground was very new. Obviously, the stone pillar fell here not long ago.

Moreover, with such a violent landing, it is obvious that the comer is not good.

And on the stone pillar, a thin figure was sitting with one foot on his back, in a casual posture.

"That person... looks familiar."

Qian Qiu stared at that figure, with a pensive look on his face, as if he was thinking about the other party's identity.

Yin Tianqi raised his eyes, understood clearly, and said directly, "Sun Wuqi, the current arrogance of the supremely powerful Sun family, known as the Little Sage King."

"This "Holy King" does not refer to the realm, but the name of Sun Jiuyou, the God of War of the Sun family. He is called the "Holy King of Fighting" by the world, and he is an immortal who has shocked the eternal star sea."

"And this Sun Wuqi is said to have the same divine body [Dou Zhan Sheng Physique] as the Holy King Dou Zhan, and at the same time he is aggressive and aggressive, so he is called the Little Holy King."

Yin Tianqi is like a complete book of hundreds of treasures, he seems to know all the arrogance in the world.

Whether it was Di San before or Sun Wuqi now, Yin Tianqi could tell something about them.

"Little Saint King... I don't know what he wants to do. If he makes such a big commotion, is it possible that he is provoking someone?"

Qian Qiu nodded, and couldn't help guessing.

Yin Tianqi's face was calm, "Little Sage King is here, I'm afraid it's because of Hunyuanzhu..."

"Then he is here to trouble Nezha and Ao Bing? Is he so confident that he can beat Nezha and them?"

As Xian Daole said, the Vientiane Building is everywhere.

The old man had no intention of erasing the traces of the Hunyuan Pearl, so he was naturally found by the Vientiane Building, which was like a fly biting an egg.

Wanxianglou didn't know what background they had. Even if they knew that there was a father behind Nezha and Ao Bing, or even a deeper background, Wanxianglou didn't care, and spread the news of Hunyuanzhu without a trace of fear.

And after the ability of Hunyuanzhu was spread by Vientiane Tower, it immediately caused a great sensation.

Everyone knows the horror of the five decays of heaven and man, so the ability of this Hunyuan Pearl is enough to make many people afraid.

This Sun Wuqi probably came here for the Hunyuan Pearl.

On the stone pillar, Sun Wuqi suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes fell on the crowd of people below.

"Yin Tianqi, Xian Qianqiu... they really came!"

"It's a pity, I have other things to do this time, my young master, otherwise I will definitely ask this Yin Tianqi for advice!"

Sun Wuqi withdrew his fiery gaze.

Feeling that the timing was right, Sun Wuqi stood up and looked down, with a gleam in his unruly eyes.

"My grandpa, Sun Wuqi, is here today to pay a visit to the Third Prince of Nezha and Ao Bing, the Third Prince of the Dragon Clan. Please come out and meet us!"

After finishing speaking, Sun Wuqi stepped on it directly.

The power of terror spread along the stone pillars on the earth.

In an instant, if an earthquake came, the violent shaking caused a commotion on the scene, and panic and angry voices sounded from all around.

"Where did Sun Wuqi come to pay a visit? It's obvious that he came here to make trouble!"

The ground cracked, smoke and dust rose everywhere, almost staining Qianqiu's candied haws.

Immediately, Qianqiu's impression of Sun Wuqi fell to the bottom.

"The Sun family has the blood of the Chaos Demon Ape, and they are arrogant and domineering by nature. It is normal to behave like this."

Yin Tianqi is familiar with the forces of various races, and he has a deep impression on the Sun family, because this Sun family has a mixed blood of human race and monster race besides a fighting saint king.

Therefore, the Sun family has always maintained a neutral position among the two races of humans and demons, and they do have the strength to be neutral.

"Eldest brother, why don't you go and clean him up? This guy looks so annoying!"

Qian Qiu shook Yin Tianqi's arm and said.

Yin Tianqi shook his head slightly, "The Sun family has never had any grievances with my Taoist sect. If he didn't come to look for me, I couldn't do anything at will."

"Of course, neither can you!"

"But don't worry, the water in this desolation is not shallow. Sun Wuqi's move must have caused dissatisfaction among some people."

"At that time, it depends on whether the egg hits the rock or the rock hits the drill bit!"

Yin Tianqi smiled slightly, although he didn't want to do anything, but he really wanted to watch the show.

"Want to see Nezha? Then you should go to Chentangguan! What are you doing outside my Tang residence?"

Sure enough, a short while after Sun Wuqi made a noise, someone stood up.

Sun Wuqi narrowed his eyes slightly and turned his head to look.

I saw a young man in a Chinese robe approaching.

Wherever he went, everyone around him gave way one after another, looking at him in awe and joy, as if a bullied child had found his parents.

"I've seen Tang Zodiac!"

Everyone saluted one after another, and their attitude towards Mr. Huapao was very friendly.

"You are welcome!"

The young master also smiled back, and then looked at Sun Wuqi.

"You are not Nezha, who are you?"

Sun Wuqi frowned and asked arrogantly.

"My Tang Yin, the tiger of the twelve zodiac signs, is ordered by the Lord to guard this place."

"If you want to find Nezha, you should go to Chentangguan instead of causing trouble here!"

Tang Yin retracted the folding fan in his hand, with an unruly smile on the corner of his mouth, he reminded Sun Wuqi lightly. ………

Chapter 302 Fighting Saint Stick, Overlord Spear; I can't rank in the fight!

Shenhuang was initially determined, and Jiang Qiyu knew that there would inevitably be people from all walks of life entering Shenhuang.

Therefore, in order to protect the basic safety and order of the creatures in the wilderness, Jiang Qiyu created twelve zodiac signs to protect all parties in the wilderness.

Besides, Sheriff Black Cat, Captain Dragonfly, Qiyu, Zhao Feng, and their subordinates were also dispatched by Jiang Qiyu to avoid shortage.

And Tang Yin is the tiger of the twelve zodiac signs!

Tang Bohu, of course it has to be a tiger~~

"Oh? That's it...then how should I go to Chentang Pass?"

But after hearing Tang Yin's words, Sun Wuqi scratched his head, and actually asked about the location of Chen Tangguan.

"All the way to the east, the land along the coast is Chentang Pass!"

Tang Yin also directly guided Sun Wuqi.

Sun Wuqi grinned, "Okay! Nezha, I'll come to you right now!"

Immediately afterwards, Sun Wuqi really planned to leave.

Seeing this scene, Yin Tianqi couldn't help being astonished.

Leaving aside whether Nezha is really in Chentangguan, this Sun Wuqi actually believes what others say, isn't he afraid that Tang Yin is lying to him?

"As expected of a member of the Sun family, he really has a brain...kindness!"

"and many more!"

But just when Sun Wuqi wanted to leave, Tang Yin suddenly stopped him.

Sun Wuqi turned his head, his eyes moved slightly, "Is there anything else?"

Tang Yin smiled slightly, then pointed to the ground, looked at the surrounding buildings that were destroyed by Sun Wuqi's kick, and then looked up at Sun Wuqi.

"You destroyed the item for no reason, why don't you give me an explanation?"


Sun Wuqi couldn't help laughing, and looked at Tang Yin with great interest, "What do you want to explain?"

Tang Yin smiled, "Well, I'll give you a month to restore this place to its original state."

"Of course, if you can complete the task ahead of schedule, it's also possible."

Sun Wuqi showed a look of astonishment, and picked out his ears, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

"You want me to build roads and houses?"

"Is there a problem?"

Tang Yin shrugged his shoulders, his tone was flat.

There was a trace of coldness in Sun Wuqi's eyes, "What if I don't?"

Tang Yin spread out his folding fan, with a smile on his lips, "Then..."



As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere instantly dropped to freezing point.


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