"How? Brother Sun, do you want to continue?"

"Of course! Young master, I haven't even shown half of my strength yet."

Sun Wuqi nodded immediately, and as soon as the words fell, a terrifying evil spirit gushed out from his body, forming the shadow of a hundred-foot-high demon ape behind him.

He wasn't boasting.

Now he neither used the fighting holy body, nor stimulated the blood of the Chaos Demon Ape.

To say that he used half of his strength is because he is self-effacing.

Hearing this, Tang Yin was not moved in the slightest, but smiled calmly.

"Coincidentally, I didn't show my full strength, at most... [-]%!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Yin turned his gun around, and a silver dragon appeared from behind him, competing against the devil ape formed by the evil spirit.

The two looked at each other and smiled, feeling a little sympathetic to each other.

But just when the two were about to make a move, a figure suddenly flew up.

"Brother, you two stop fighting, the demons are coming! And it seems that the coming is not good!"

The person who came was a child about ten years old, from the edges and corners, he was somewhat similar to Sun Wuqi, but this child was rounder and much softer than Sun Wuqi.

The child's name is Sun Wudao, and he is Sun Wuqi's younger brother.


Hearing Sun Wudao's words, Sun Wuqi's complexion suddenly sank.

In the crowd, Yin Tianqi frowned slightly, and there was a trace of strangeness in his eyes.


"Could it be that they are here to make trouble again? Oh, business is busy!"

Tang Yin shook his head helplessly, then cupped his fists at Sun Wuqi.

"Brother Sun, I'm sorry, it seems that our sparring has to be postponed for a while."

Sun Wuqi waved his hand, "No problem! The matter of the demon clan is important!"

"Hmph, the Cangyuan Region is a region of the human race, and the Dao Sect is here. The demons dare to come here... It's interesting. I want to see which demons are so bold!"

Sun Wuqi's face was cold, obviously he had a bad sense of the demons.

Three thousand star domains and three thousand large domains can be roughly divided into ten directions.

One side is a demon, and most of the large domains are mountains, rivers and forests, with big rivers flowing through them.

One side is a demon, the purple moon rises into the sky, the blood sun is in the same sky, and ten thousand demons occupy it.

One side is an area of ​​chaos, islands, mountains, and canyons are all areas that are easy to defend and difficult to attack, and there are mostly starry sky pirates and sea beasts entrenched.

One side is a human being, and because of the legacy of the Human Emperor, coupled with the deep heritage of the human race itself, one side monopolizes the seven hundred domains.

There are also five parties, each of which has tens of thousands of ethnic groups, and the forces are intertwined, with different strengths and weaknesses, so I won't go into details one by one.

And the last party is located among the nine parties.

Although it is one side, there is only one domain, called the Eternal Sea, which is surrounded by clouds and mists all the year round and full of crises. It is the largest restricted area of ​​the Three Thousand Stars Domain.

Although the division of various parties is relatively clear, it is also possible for various ethnic groups to live together, and it is very common. :

It's just that because of the existence of Dao Sect in the Cangyuan Region, alien creatures will basically not come here.

Even if there is, it will only be a mountain monster, not worth mentioning.

A demon god like the Nine Headed Clam who dared to settle outside the Dao Sect was considered audacious. It thought that if it didn't provoke the Dao Sect, it could use the power of the Dao Sect to get rid of some troubles it caused.

But this Demon Race is different.

Spiritual beasts can be demons, but demons are demons, and they cannot be derived from mountain spirits.

Therefore, the possibility of the demons appearing in the Cangyuan domain is basically zero.

If it happened, either the An family was here, or they came here on purpose.

Obviously, the demons that appeared in the wilderness must have come to him on purpose!

Because under Daozong's nose, even the Tianmo Temple, Anzu who dare not swagger is here.

"Brother Tang, why don't I go with you."

Sun Wuqi had a natural dislike for the demons, and he knew that Tang Yin would definitely find the demons, so he couldn't help but mention it.

"of course can."

Tang Yin readily accepted.

Sun Wuqi put away the fighting stick, then teleported to Sun Wudao's side, and reached out to lift Sun Wudao's collar.

Sun Wudao's suppressed little face flushed, and he danced and protested, "Brother, let me go!"

Sun Wuqi was expressionless, and said indifferently, "You kid, aren't you in confinement? You dare to run out, not afraid of your father spanking your ass?"

Sun Wuqi shook his head, then brought up Sun Wudao and came to Tang Yin's side.

"Brother Tang laughed."

"Nothing, let's go!"

Tang Yin smiled.

Sun Wuqi nodded, then carried Sun Wudao in one hand, and left through the air with Tang Yin.

"Let's go see too."

Yin Tianqi pulled Qianqiu up, and also left immediately.

The Cangyuan domain is under the jurisdiction of Daozong, and the demons come. As the sixth son of Daozong, he naturally cannot ignore it.

At the same time, many figures in the crowd disappeared instantly. ...

On the other side, the green grassland.

In the sky above Guangying Yangcun, hundreds of demons with double horns on their heads and wearing green armor stood standing.

In the front, between the two ten-foot-long double-horned demons, there is a hideous-looking bronze chariot, which is pulled by three tiger-spotted monsters.

"Your Highness, this is Yangcun!"

A two-horned demon in white clothes with a white face walked up to the carriage and spoke respectfully into the carriage.


While driving the car, there was a faint reply.

The white-pink double-horned demon smiled obsequiously, then turned around, his expression instantly turned arrogant and cold.

At this moment, several figures came through the air, attracting the attention of the demon soldiers, and they were on alert.

"Green Armored Demon Soldier? It's from An Dongyin's family..."

A voice sounded, and the shocked tone showed that the demons were not simple.

"An Dongyin's family?"

"I didn't expect that the one who came was the Qingyin Demon from the 54th family of the Demon Race!"

Sun Wuqi frowned slightly, a trace of coldness flashed across his eyes.

"54 Demons? What is that?"

Tang Yin took a new folding fan, patted it on his hand twice, and couldn't help muttering a question.

Sun Wuqi said, "Brother Tang doesn't know something, the demon race is respected by blood, and the upper and lower classes are all strict and orderly."

"This An Dongyin family is one of the 54 royal families of the Demon Clan. Its blood is inherited from the ancient Qingyin Demon God, and it has the power borrowed from the other side of Huangquan. It is very strange."

Tang Yin nodded thoughtfully, and then asked again, "How does the 54 Demon Clans compare to the Supreme Power?"

Sun Wuqi shook his head, showing a look of disdain, "It's like the gap between a stubborn stone and a precious jade!"

"Brother Tang, you are new to the Eternal Star Sea, and there are many things you don't know, so let me tell you a few words."

"Supreme power is not called casually, nor is it something that cats and dogs can point to."

"I heard that when Tian Zhou came to the Eternal Star Sea with Shen Huang on his back, he passed through the Sea of ​​Wonderful Stars, and that the Heavenly Lords of Wonders and the Courts of Wonders were all suppressed by a senior named Big Monster from Shenhuang?"


Tang Yin nodded.

He looked at Sun Wuqi in front of him, and couldn't help sighing in his heart that the Sun family is indeed a supreme force, and in a short period of time, they have clearly investigated what happened when they were in the Sea of ​​Wonderful Stars.

Sun Wuqi didn't know Tang Yin's inner thoughts, he nodded slightly, and continued to talk.

"The All Wonderful Courts is the only supreme power in the All Wonderful Star Sea. However, the All Wonderful Courts are far inferior to the supreme power of the Eternal Star Sea."

"This kind of gap is like the difference between the strongest in a ten-mile town and the strongest in a thousand-mile city!"

"Even those wonderful courts may not be as good as the 54 families of the Demon Clan. For example, the An Dongyin Clan has two Eternal True Gods, one of which is famous among the Demon Clan."

"But even so, the so-called 54 Demon Clans are completely inferior to the supreme power. Not to mention far away, but with the Dao Sect, the 54 Demon Clans can be easily wiped out!"

Sun Wuqi squinted at An Dongyin's family chasing the car, his tone was arrogant, and his voice was undisguised, enough for An Dongyin's family to hear.

However, after the opponent found out that it was Sun Wuqi, he didn't move. Even the white pink double-horned demon cupped his hands at Sun Wuqi with a humble expression on his face.

And this is the confidence of being a member of the supremely powerful Sun family!

Tang Yin was not surprised.

In the final analysis, there is a difference between strong and weak in this world, you can let yourself be strong, anyway, there is always someone stronger than you.

When you meet someone who is stronger than you and refuses to accept softness, do you really think you are a boss?

"Since that's the case, why does this member of An Dongyin's family dare to appear in the Cangyuan Domain?"

Tang Yin was a little puzzled.

If, as Sun Wuqi said, An Dongyin's family came to the Cangyuan Region, did they deliberately seek death?

Although the relationship between the human race and the demon race is not incompatible, they both adhere to the rule of "If you are not my race, your heart must be different".

This member of An Dongyin's family swaggered into Daozong's realm, wouldn't he be afraid that Daozong's entire army would be wiped out if he didn't like it?

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