Zhao Tianqi's complexion was also very bad.

After all, he is mainly in charge of Tiansheng Group's business in the financial sector.

If there were any serious consequences in the past few days, then Zhao Tianqi, as the person in charge, must be to blame.

This will cast a shadow over the future determination of the heir within the family.

It's just that there are many things that even Zhao Tianqi himself can't figure out, who is messing with Tiansheng International.

"Dad, in fact, what we were doing was very smooth, because yesterday's closing price was very high, so we raised the stock price to a high point today without much money. Originally, we were already sure of winning, but they didn't buy it before the market closed. The last two hours started a massive sell-off."

Xia Qi said: "It was at the highest point that our people couldn't react at all, and the amount of the other party's throwing was very large. With the funds left in our hands at the time, it was completely impossible to take all these goods. A drop in the bucket."


Zhao Da frowned.

Zhao Da was one of the first batch of college students in the 80s, and he wasn't a big bastard.

Being able to save this family business is not only luck but also the result of his very strong ability. Although he doesn't know much about capital circles, he is not a layman.

"How much volume can make you overwhelmed?"

Zhao Da asked sharply.

"According to our calculations, the number of throws by the other party is conservatively estimated to be at least 300 million shares."

Zhao Tian said truthfully: "In the future, we will need at least 2000 to [-] million in funds, but we only had [-] million in hand at the time."

"How is it possible, 300 million shares suddenly appeared, which is almost equivalent to half a month's trading volume of our company's stock."

Zhao Hu, the second son of the Zhao family who did not speak, said, "Fifth, are you looking for reasons for your failure?"

"of course not."

Zhao Tianqi sneered: "Second brother, you only know how to fight and kill, and you don't understand these financial matters at all. The sudden appearance of so many stocks can only show one thing, that is, someone is behind and is Maliciously shorting us?"

"Malicious shorting?"

Zhao Long, the boss of the Zhao family, sneered: "If you want to short our Tiansheng International, the amount of funds required is very huge. If it is true, the power behind this person is definitely not small."

"Brother is right. If someone is really maliciously shorting, then we really need to be more careful. Now the company is in troubled times, and the company's capital chain must not have any problems."

They all understand that there is still a period of time before the 35 billion loan from Tiansheng International and the bank will expire.

This is a hurdle for Tiansheng International.

A hurdle that must be passed.

You must know that the 35 billion funds have been postponed for almost a year, and the interest alone includes [-] million.

If the delay continues, the financing channels of the entire Tiansheng International will be further narrowed.

For a company with a debt ratio exceeding 90.00%, the collapse of financing channels is definitely a fatal blow.

"Are there any clues as to who is behind it?"

Zhao Da only asked Zhao Tianqi at this moment.

"Zhao Tianqi shook his head: "No, our people conducted an investigation immediately. "

"So it looks like nothing was found out?"

Zhao Long asked.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Zhao Tianqi still nodded his head: "It's so bad that we did it right away, and even found a relationship. The other party uses a virtual account, and the tail is very clean. Even the flow of funds is not clear. It was through the bank's special channel, and we couldn't find it at all."

Zhao Tianqi said: "Our opponents are definitely not ordinary people.

There is no need for Zhao Tianqi to say this sentence at all, he understands that the other party is not an ordinary person.

"Related stocks are operated simultaneously through 170 eight virtual accounts."

Zhao Tianqi's face was ugly.

"170 eight?"

Even Zhao Da, an old man who has been in battle for a long time, has an ugly expression on his face.

170 eight virtual accounts, it is not a question of how many.

Instead, it specifically disclosed a message that the other party was a large team with 170 and eight virtual accounts, and the throwing operation was carried out within two hours.

This level of cooperation is definitely not something that can be done by just one or two people.

And the value represented by these more than 1000 million shares is also very huge.

That's a lot of money.

Zhao Da's expression was ugly, but after all, he had experienced many battles, and he knew that many things should not be rushed now.

"Let's wait and see what the stock price will look like tomorrow. If the other party continues to sell a lot tomorrow, then we will concentrate all our efforts to stabilize the stock price. Compared with financial resources, we Tiansheng International can still compare."

Zhao Da snorted coldly: "Try your best to search for this person, let him know, if you dare to mess with us, you will have nothing to eat!"

"I understand Dad."

Zhao Tianqi nodded heavily.

1 chapters down across the board

Ye Xian is full of confidence in defeating Tiansheng International.

It was just a small test today, and the stock price of Tiansheng International has been suppressed for a short time.

As for the latter, Ye Xian has already made up his mind that he will never try again, which basically means giving the enemy time to breathe.

What Ye Xian needs now is to achieve his goal in the shortest possible time.

As for what the future will bring.

That is not what Ye Xian is concerned about now.

Ye Xian sat in front of the computer early the next morning.

The day before, Tiansheng International's stock had dropped to around 82 yuan.

Today, Ye Xian's goal is 75 yuan.

The system has already reminded Ye Xian that someone is currently investigating, and the person behind this is shorting.

Ye Xian is naturally not worried, after all, all these are handled by the system.

Wanting to find out your own existence in the things that the system handles is basically no different from wishful thinking.

What really worried Ye Xian was the situation at Dade Huitong.

Dade Huitong does not have a system.

Many of their things require many people to operate, once some people leak the news.

Then it might bring troubles to Ye Xian, but the good thing is that there is still a system watching over everything, so Ye Xian himself has nothing to worry about.

After all, Ye Xian has never appeared in any influential meeting of Dade Huitong.

There has never been a time to show up in person.

There is no video evidence of the interview with Xu Haoyang.

In addition, there is a system to sweep the tail.

So Ye Xian has nothing to worry about.

What he really has to face now is Tiansheng International's counterattack.

After all, the situation Tiansheng International is facing now is still very dangerous.

They need a stable stock price to face the next financing.

And if you want to raise funds successfully, the stock price must be stable, and Ye Xian wants to suppress the stock price.

Then there is a tug of war.

Ye Xian must attack, and Tiansheng International must save the stock price.

This is extremely head-to-head.

Fortunately, Ye Xian not only has enough ammunition, but also has foreign aid outside the field.

At nine o'clock, the stock market opens.

In just a few minutes, Tiansheng International's share price began to rise.

It rose by 3 cents in [-] minutes, which shows that someone behind this is absorbing a lot of goods.

This drives up the stock price.

Of course, it is impossible for Ye Xian to let the other party get what they want.

Five minutes later, Ye Xian directly sold 5 million shares.

These 100 million shares are worth 8000 million, according to the current market value.

Ye Xian was waiting for the other party's reaction.

What Ye Xian didn't expect was that the 100 million shares were all emptied within a few minutes.

"Let's analyze it, what is the situation of the other party now?"

Ye Xian asked the system.

The calculation speed of the system is very fast, and within three to five minutes, all the information has been summarized in Ye Xian's mind.

"According to the current situation of the system, the other party is relying on [-] accounts to start absorbing stocks at the same time, thereby raising the stock price of Tiansheng International. At present, the other party's funds are relatively sufficient. In this tug-of-war, it is still difficult for the host to want fire rope. "

The system told Ye Xian the truth.

Ye Xian actually likes the truth-telling character of the system very much.

"Then what should I do now, today I must suppress the share price of Tiansheng International to around 75 yuan."

Ye Xian said.

That's his bottom line today, he's running out of time.

You must know that although Tiansheng International still has some time to repay its debts, preparations for debts must be made in advance.

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