The person in charge of the factory was quite unhappy.

"Ye Xian, you are wrong. Since there are so many customers willing to pay for us, then we should receive more products."

"We can make a lot of money when the popularity is rising at this time. If you stop taking orders at this time, there is no reason why others will not accept the money when they come to your door."

Ye Xian sighed lightly, pointing to the thick list of completed mountains.

"Do you think, with so many workers and energy, we can produce so many commodities? If we continue to produce so frantically, we will go bankrupt sooner or later."

The person in charge of the factory showed disbelief.

"Impossible! We have so many fans and customers, how could we go bankrupt?"

Ye Xian sighed.

"We can take so many orders, but we can't deliver them on time. If compensation is involved, can you pay such a large sum of money?"

"You can also say that we can use outsourcing, or increase workers, and add a few more assembly lines, but as I said before, an increase in assembly lines also means an increase in scale."

"However, the large number of fans now is an accidental phenomenon. It does not mean that our brand has been recognized by most fans, and there will be a downward trend in the future."

Ye Xian stared at the person in charge of the factory seriously.

"We can't focus on the immediate benefits and ignore the huge risks in the future. Once we do what you said, our normal survival may have problems."

"Listen to my advice, don't do too many other things, take all the products off the shelves now, and take orders normally after half a month."

"During this half a month, when the workers have as much rest time as possible, they will be paid overtime to produce things."

Ye Xian is the general manager, so the factory manager naturally dare not disobey his words.

The person in charge of the factory, Wang Guan, could only nod helplessly, and agreed with his heart full of dissatisfaction.

After settling the matter here, Ye Xian quickly focused on his two variety shows.

Facts have proved that he has a good vision, and the two variety shows have achieved considerable results, almost making him a lot of money.

So with a large sum of money in hand, Ye Xian's heart came alive again.

"Since the investment in variety shows is relatively successful, this is indeed a good way to make money. Don't think about whether to shoot new variety shows and make more money."

Ye Xian inspected the market.

The recent variety shows are quite popular. Parent-child programs, gender-related programs, and break-through entertainment programs are all flourishing in their respective fields.

The most special thing is the crosstalk variety show he shoots. At this time, the eye occupies a whole world, and many channels follow this enthusiasm and start shooting corresponding variety shows.

"The market for variety shows is relatively saturated, and we can't find new gaps and entry points for now. It seems that we have to think of other ways to make money."

Ye Xian quickly set his sights on Xianxia drama.

"The filming of Xianxia drama is relatively easy, especially the initial investment, and the reduction in the cost of special effects. If a big IP can be filmed, it may also bring a wave of popularity."

With this decision, Ye Xian immediately contacted his agent, looking for a good IP book, and preparing to shoot a fairy tale drama.

Most of the directors and producers sent over their good books one after another, hoping that Ye Xian would like it.

Ye Xian has been picking for a long time, but he still can't find a notebook that suits his heart.

"The contents of these books are good, but it's a pity that none of these books are too popular, although many of them were photographed in the previous life."

"But most of them don't occupy any market, and the popularity is mediocre. They can't make a lot of money, and it's a waste of time to shoot them."

Ye Xian looked at these notebooks and sighed.

If he still can't find a suitable IP, he is going to focus on movies again.

Just when Ye Xian was hesitating, two people approached the door.

Shen Teng and Jia Lin found Ye Xian and asked to meet him.

Ye Xian slapped his forehead immediately.

"I'll go, how can I forget the two of them?"

The variety show has been over for a while, and this variety show has indeed made him a lot of money.

At that time, he signed an agreement with both Shen Teng and Jia Lin. If the variety show is successfully filmed this time, then he will invest in the two of them and help them film movies.

However, he was too busy during this time, and he kept his eyes on the Xianxia drama, so he forgot about these two.

Ye Xian immediately invited the two of them to the meeting room.

Jia Lin's face showed a bit of embarrassment, she rubbed her hands and looked at Ye Xian with some embarrassment.

"Ye Xian, we came this time to ask you something, I don't know..."

Jia Lin's emotional intelligence is not low, but at this time she is still relatively reserved, not as slick as she was when she grew up.

So when it comes to this, it is a bit difficult to say.

Instead, Shen Teng on the side helped to continue the topic.

He took out the contract, put it on the table and pushed it to Ye Xian.

"When you signed the contract with us, you said that after the variety show, you would give us the opportunity to make a movie, and you would increase our investment. Does your sentence still count?"

The two raised their heads and stared at Ye Xian closely, as if they were afraid that he would go back on his word.

Chapter 348 Finding a New Script

Ye Xian smiled and handed the contract back.

"Of course it counts, but I'm really busy for a while, so I forgot about your place. If you two don't come to the door, I really forgot about the investment."

With that said, Ye Xian took out two cards and handed them to Shen Teng and Jia Lin respectively.

"This is my initial investment. Each of you will receive an investment of 5000 million to shoot and produce your films."

"Of course, if the investment funds for post-production are not enough, you can also come to me again, and I can continue to help you make more."

Ye Xian took out the contract prepared in advance and handed it to the two of them.

"But I'm not being taken advantage of, so I hope that you will take a good look at this contract. If you agree to the terms of the income distribution above, then you can sign your names."

"In addition, I will also write down the amount of investment, and we will have a certificate for both of us later."

Shen Teng and Jia Lin picked up the contract and looked at it from beginning to end. The way of distribution is quite reasonable.

Each side takes half.

Shen Teng and Jia Lin made a decision on the spot, agreed to the content of the contract, and signed and added their names.

Ye Xian nodded, and then pointed to the name in the work column and said to the two of them.

"Then, please write the titles of your early works here."

After the two looked at each other, Shen Teng took the lead in writing "Charlotte's Trouble"!

After thinking for a moment, Jia Lin followed her and wrote a line of "Hello, Mom"!

Looking at the titles of these two films, Ye Xian's eyes lit up.

You must know that this is the famous work of the two of them, and the box office of this liar is not low. As long as he can go online, he will definitely get a large percentage of the harvest.

But of course he won't show this on his face now, Ye Xian coughed lightly, and took back the contract.

"Okay, then I will accept this contract. You can carry out follow-up filming. If you need help contacting actors or other support, you can come to my agent."

"There is still a need for additional investment, and you also need to list the purpose of the previous investment into a form and bring it to me. As long as I think it is appropriate, I will definitely add it, and I won't embarrass you two."

Speaking of which, Ye Xian led the two of them to the bank to check the deposit in the card.

"5000 million, no more, no less. You can transfer it now, and remember to report your shooting progress to me on time."

"In addition, I hope that the films shot by the two of you can be released on a staggered basis, do you understand what I mean?"

Jia Lin and Shen Teng nodded immediately.

Of course they know that if the films made by the two of them are shown at the same time, they will only compete for each other's traffic.

Only if they are released separately, can each have traffic support and support from fans.

After thanking Ye Xian, the two left happily, and kept thanking Ye Xian for his support and help on the way.

Ye Xian shook his head, smiled and agreed.

As far as he knows, he is the one who takes advantage, and once the two films are released, he will benefit the most.

Part of the money has been spent, but there are still a large amount of deposits in his account, which have not been moved.

"I spent [-] million just like this, but there are so many zeros in this card, it would be a waste if they were not invested."

Just when Ye Xian was thinking about investing in a few more variety shows with small production costs, casting a wide net to catch more fish, and seeing if he could get a small amount of money in exchange.

The agent sent him a bunch of notebooks.

"Recently, some screenwriters sent me these scripts. Before, these screenwriters wrote their own scripts. Now there are some manga and novel adaptations in these."

"You can also see if there are any of these that you think of. These novels and comics are inherently popular. If they can be filmed and reproduced successfully, they will definitely attract a lot of fans."

Ye Xian took a breath.

"It is indeed a direction to adapt comics and novels, but there is a problem here, whether we can shoot the original flavor."

"If we can't shoot it, no matter how big the IP is in our hands, it will be for nothing."

Ye Xian often reads some novels and comics, but when they are changed to TV series, basically all of them are magic changes.

No one could stand the fight at all.

So he didn't like these adaptations at all. If they really went online, it might ruin their reputation instead.

Ye Xian also didn't want to reject the agent directly without even looking at it, which would be too disrespectful to them.

So Ye Xian was bored flipping through the novels and comics that his agent gave him, and was about to read them casually before sending them back to his agent.

However, when flipping through the pages, Ye Xian's eyes suddenly fell on the title of one of the novels.

"Tomb Raider's Notes?! I'll go, why did this book get delivered to me?"

Ye Xian never expected that this novel was already read by someone, and they were planning to film it and make it into a TV series.

"This is a big IP, it's just that TV series..."

I think of the promotional posters back then, and the iron bangs welded on the head of the protagonist Yang Chao.

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