No matter how good a company is, isn't it useless if investors don't know your existence?

"It's not Mr. Zhao, you can see for yourself."

The secretary handed the phone to Zhao Tianqi.

"Really, can the sky still fall?"

Zhao Tianqi took the phone impatiently, took a sip of red wine, and then looked at the screen of the phone, but it didn't matter, Zhao Tianqi's face instantly became ugly.

"Check it out for me, where did the news come from?"

Zhao Tianqi said to the secretary.

The original spring breeze on Zhao Tianqi's face has now disappeared, replaced by solemnity.

I saw that the title opened on the phone was.

"Tiansheng International's stock price has risen strongly, but how long can the prosperity under internal and external troubles last?"

"The debt ratio exceeds 90.00%? How much water is Tiansheng International's annual financial report..."

Although this news was not the most popular topic on Weibo, after all, financial news, in places like Weibo and search engines, did not get as much attention compared to some celebrity gossip.

But it is also among the top ten most searched on Weibo.

Now there are a lot of comments, and there are also a lot of related news posts.

This undoubtedly caused a wide range of dissemination.

Zhao Tianqi's face became gloomy. Although he knew that a big tree attracts the wind, reading the most searched headlines in the past two days still gave him a chill down his spine.

Click to take a look.

Zhao Tianqi's expression became even uglier.

Although the news is just some folk news, many data are almost indistinguishable from the real data.

This world is not afraid of rumors, but the more rumors are related to the real situation, the more flustered the Lord is.

After all, these are basically real things.

If this news can be widely disseminated, then the current strong rise of Tiansheng International is likely to come to an abrupt end, and even be backlashed by public opinion.

"Remove the hot search immediately, and then look at the official statement, these are nonsense."

Zhao Tianqi said to the secretary.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now."

The secretary leaves quickly.

But Zhao Tianqi's heart was still beating wildly.

The reason is also very simple. Although hot searches on Weibo are easy to suppress, after all, money is enough.

But Zhao Tianqi also understood that although this matter was only a little problem on Weibo on the surface.

But actually...

Someone behind this is targeting Tiansheng International.

Reminiscent of the small wave of stock price drops this morning, although it seemed normal, it doesn't seem so normal now.

"Could someone be playing tricks behind the scenes?"

Zhao Tianqi had no choice but to think so now.

After all, Tiansheng International is the leading company in the industry, and the competition is very fierce. It is also very normal for some people to look down on Tiansheng International.

But now Zhao Tianqi smelled something dangerous.

He felt that he needed to investigate carefully.

"Tiger, help me find out if anyone has taken actions against Tiansheng International in the stock market recently."

Zhao Tianqi made a phone call, and the other party was someone he trusted very much.

If someone wants to do SkySun International at this juncture, it will be no small matter.

But Zhao Tianqi didn't think anyone had such ability.

After all, Tiansheng International itself is really huge. If you want to short such a behemoth, you need huge funds.

And the risks are far beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

But Zhao Tianqi's heart was still full of uneasiness, and he always felt that this matter was not that simple.

Chapter 99 The End of the Dynasty

There are no absolutes in this world.

Although the good news of Tiansheng International can have a relatively strong boost to Tiansheng International's current stock price, it can also become a reminder for Tiansheng International in the hands of someone with a heart.

In fact, the most fundamental reason is that Tiansheng International is definitely not as good as outsiders know.

Consumers are doomed to be blind, and even investors are largely fooled.

It was this proposal that Ye Xian grasped.

Tiansheng International's debt ratio is now close to 90.00%.

Although many companies are actually doing well under such a high debt ratio, for the vast majority of investors.

They are not professional practitioners in the financial industry, and their understanding of professional knowledge is a priority.

In the traditional concept, it is really difficult for a company with a high debt ratio to survive for a long time.

It is not impossible that the building will topple and the mountains and rivers will be overturned.

At least that's how it looks to most people.

Therefore, in Tiansheng International's annual external financial report, it will beautify its debt ratio, most of which are around 40.00%, and the maximum is no more than 50.00%.

Although this debt ratio is not considered low, it is always within the benign debt ratio. ,

It can explain well both internally and externally, so that investors can always maintain confidence in such a big company.

As long as investors are confident, and without major strategic mistakes, the company will be able to continue to raise funds, and continue to generate money from money to meet its own debt repayment and business expansion needs.

Of course, this is a very idealized state.

We must know that reality is far from being as simple as imagined.

You know, although this kind of ultra-high debt elite seems to have nothing to do, the biggest problem is that it is really difficult for such a company to experience any storms.

Because the debt ratio is too high, almost all the time the most important person in the company is to maintain a balance between the normal operation of the company and debt repayment.

We must know that solving debt repayment is a problem that a company must face during its development.

Once a company fails to repay its debts normally, it will easily cause its own credit crisis. It will not be able to get money from the bank, unable to carry out business normally, and even affect the repayment of other debts.

It can be said that this is a very terrible thing.

Even many companies with high debt ratios do not hesitate to tear down the model of the east wall to pay the west wall in order to prevent themselves from defaulting on their debts.

Notification to a company's financing ability is directly related to the vitality of the company.

After all, the resources that a company can mobilize are very high priority, and the real boss behind these commercial companies will always be the bank.

This is what Tiansheng International is facing now.

Tiansheng International released the latest major benefit today. Although the hotel has indeed been taken down, the water itself is very serious.

Fortunately, the public believed it, which also gave investors greater confidence.

Boosted the share price of Tiansheng International.

This will also allow Tiansheng International to have enough funds to start new businesses after repaying the 35 billion debt that is about to mature in more than a month.

But now...

On the day when the major benefits were announced, someone broke the news on the Internet about the current debt problem of Tiansheng International.

This is blatantly demolishing the stage, a typical one whose heart is to be punished.

The hot search on the Internet was quickly withdrawn, but it had been spread on the Internet for several hours before, and now the news has spread widely.

Coupled with the current operation of tearing down the hot search, it has caused quite a commotion.

Even the shareholders of the company have heard about it.

And it has set off a boom online, especially on Weibo.

Zhao Tianqi clicked on a post.

There are already almost [-] flats below.

"Didn't Tiansheng International perform very well during this period? The stock price is still rising today, and my wife still wants to buy it. Should I buy it now or not?"

"It's obvious that someone is doing something. It's just that the person who is doing it is also a master. I don't know if it's true or not."

"Let me tell you that there are no companies that are not operating in debt. It's just that if Tiansheng International has such a high debt ratio as it is reported on the Internet, it really is a bomb that may explode at any time."

"I don't know. I'll wait and see. I still don't know what's going on with this company."

"After all, Tiansheng International is a leading company in the industry. It is a big tree that attracts the wind. It is normal to be hacked. It will not be as bad as the Internet spread.">

"Attention upstairs, the ancients said that there is no wind without waves."

Although most of the current content is still speculative for the time being, it can be seen now that it is really not a good thing for the current company.

"Who is it?"

Now Zhao Tianqi really wants to know who is the instigator behind this.

Although resources have been used to investigate, in Zhao Tianqi's opinion, if Tiansheng International is humble, it is definitely not enough to find this person.

At most, just spend some money.

But is Zhao Tianqi short of money?

It was Tiansheng International who was short of money, but the Zhao family where Zhao Tianqi belonged was not to say that it was incomparably rich, but at least it could be regarded as a wealthy party.

Even though it was late at night, Zhao Tianqi did not leave the office.

Always looking for the instigator behind the scenes.

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