What Sui Yang Mi said now is just Ye Xian's guess.

It's just that this kind of speculation is very likely.

But in general, many things are basically a combination of various possibilities.

What Ye Xian needs to do most now is to be able to eliminate those interferences and clarify his purpose.

So as to strive for the greatest benefit for oneself.

Just get this done.

The rest of the matter is naturally much simpler.

And Xu Haoyang brought news to Ye Xian much faster than Ye Xian imagined.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Yang Mi had already gone to bed.

Ye Xian had just finished taking a shower and was about to go to bed.

His living habits have always been good, and he never stays up late unless necessary.

So the body is very healthy all the time, and it helps to keep yourself healthy and positive.

Ye Xian himself is quite right about this point.

In fact, I have to thank Yang Mi for having such a habit. Ye Xian also liked to stay up late when he was in college, but after being educated by Yang Mi a few times, he was forced to develop the current good work and rest habits.

Just about to go to bed and sleep with my daughter-in-law.

Xu Haoyang's phone call came directly.


Ye Xian said to Xu Haoyang, it can be said that he was not polite at all.

"I found out what you want to know. Our previous deduction was wrong. It's not that someone wants to donate money to run away when the stock price is too high, nor is it that someone is maliciously shorting it. It's Zhao Tianqi."

Xu Haoyang said to Ye Xian.

"Zhao Tianqi?"

Ye Xian was puzzled: "What did he do?"

"What else can it be? Let the left hand turn the right hand. First, I like to play with the stock price of Tiansheng International, and then sell some of my stocks to cash out for cash."

Xu Haoyang went on to say: "And now he is still going to continue to raise."

Ye Xian was delighted.

This is really too much.

But it's normal, businessmen are like this, although such behavior seems somewhat shameless, it can be considered normal behavior.

It's just that whether it's Zhao Tianqi's personal behavior or the behavior of the entire group, Ye Xian doesn't know.

But now it is a normal behavior to cash out for yourself at this high point, although it is disgusting.

What's more, such behavior can also give the company's stock price an illusion of relative stability.

Although it was just an illusion, it was enough for Tiansheng International to do something. "

At least the Fudge Bank is absolutely in control.

I have to say that this abacus is quite brilliant.

It's just that Zhao Tianqi probably never dreamed that Ye Xian was staring at him behind this.

Not only Ye Xian, but also competitors like Dade Huitong.

Not afraid of thieves stealing, but afraid of thieves thinking.

Dade Huitong and Tiansheng International have competed for so many years, and their understanding of Tiansheng International is far beyond what Ye Xian can compare.

As the saying goes, the person who knows you best is always your enemy.

Dade Huitong is now really practicing this sentence.

"Since this is the case, then we can't let Zhao Tianqi get his wish."

Ye Xian said to Xu Haoyang: "I have also calculated here. The funds that Tiansheng International can use to save the stock price will definitely not exceed one billion yuan, so..."

"You mean to suppress the share price of Tiansheng International in the shortest possible time?"

Xu Haoyang asked Ye Xian.


Ye Xian said: "I will start here first. Tomorrow, I will throw 800 million a day to test the water and see how much Tiansheng International can take. Of course, there is not only one Tiansheng International. Those brokers in the secondary market are also ours. enemy."

"Eight million a day, are you crazy, are you not afraid that someone will find you out?" Z.br>

Xu Haoyang's boldness towards Ye Xian was somewhat difficult to order.

You must know that malicious shorting, once such a thing is verified, it is suspected of manipulating stocks and securities, which may lead to prison.

Ye Xian wanted Shuo Ha to spend 800 million yuan a day in one breath, which seemed like a heavy blow.

But it is easy to be noticed that someone is maliciously shorting behind this.

If the relevant departments are drawn to the end, then it is likely to cause a series of impacts, mainly because Ye Xian is a little too courageous, right?

"It's okay, they won't be able to find me, but you have to be careful on your side. My suggestion to you is to throw up to 300 million per day."

Ye Xian said: "In this way, with 100 million shares per day, we can maintain a safe state and achieve our goal of shorting."

"Okay, I understand, but you still have to be careful. After all, we are grasshoppers on the same rope. If something happens to you, we will be so big that Huitong will have a hard time."

"I see."

Ye Xian said with a smile.

The stock price of Tiansheng International is now around 87 yuan.

Tomorrow, 100 million shares will be sold in one day. If you want to buy all these stocks, you will need at least [-] to [-] million funds.

Of course, it may be less, but conservatively it will not be less than [-] million.

With these funds, Tiansheng International may be able to last a day or two.

But on the third day, neither Tiansheng International nor the brokers in the secondary market could withstand the next offensive.

What's more, Ye Xian's real ultimate move is not these stocks in his own hands.

These stocks are nothing more than ammunition thrown out by Ye Xian.

Hang up the phone with Xu Haoyang.

Ye Xian went to bed and took Yang Mi into his arms.

"Why did you come up?"

Yang Mi asked Ye Xian with sleepy eyes.

"Just now I made a phone call with Xu Haoyang, go to bed quickly, I will be busy tomorrow."

Ye Xian said to Yang Mi.

"OK, good night."

Yang Mi said softly to Ye Xian.

Ye Xian found that his wife's personality was becoming more and more gentle now, and he didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, which made Ye Xian feel completely unaccustomed to it.

You must know that Yang Mi was very strong in the past.

Ye Xian has long been used to Yang Mi's strength.

Silent all night.

When Ye Xian opened his eyes the next day, it was already 08:30.

The market opens on time at nine o'clock.

Ye Xian is now fully prepared.

Today's Tiansheng International is peeling off even if it is not dead.

Yang Mi was still sleeping.

I don't know why Yang Mi has been a little lethargic recently, and he wanted to take Yang Mi to check his body, but Yang Mi refused to die, which made Ye Xian very helpless.

The market opens at nine o'clock.

Ye Xian was not in a hurry, he was waiting.

Waiting for Zhao Tianqi's left-handed and right-handed trick to be staged again.

After all, after the stock price rises, if Ye Xian sells a large amount, then Ye Xian can also get more benefits.

Ye Xian and Zhao Tianqi are in agreement on this point.

Chapter 1: Two Lines Going Ahead

Man is an animal with a short memory.

As long as there is a little bit of sweetness, even if there is an abyss behind it, I will jump into it without hesitation.

Zhao Tianqi's behavior of constantly cashing out his left hand and right hand in the stock market is actually not the past.

In their words, it is left handed and right handed.

And if the upper line is a little bit higher, this is an act of manipulating stocks and securities.

As long as Ye Xian can collect enough evidence, submit it to the relevant department or directly choose to report the case.

Then Zhao Tianqi will not be imprisoned for several years, or banned from entering the securities market for several years.

Of course, the reason why Zhao Tianqi dared to do this was to prove that he must have swept his own tail very clean, and would not leave any evidence behind.

After all, they are all professionals, and the probability of such an unprofessional thing happening is very small.

Half an hour later, Tiansheng International's stock price began to rise. Although the range was not very large, the rise continued.

an hour later.

Tiansheng International's share price has reached 90 yuan.

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